Invitation Speedo MEETING

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Organisation: PSV Eichstätt; Swimming section
further Infos: / International Altmühltal MEETING
COMP 01 / 02
50 Butterfly f / m timed finals AC 07 – 01
COMP 03 / 04
100 Butterfly f / m prelims AC 00 and older
15 Min. break for warm up
I. Competitionpart
COMP 05 / 06
50 Breaststroke f / m timed finals AC 07 – 01
Opening time: 08:00 a.m.
Beginning: 09:30 a.m.
Teamleaders- and
Officialsmeeting: 09:00 a.m.
COMP 07 / 08
100 Breaststroke f / m prelims AC 00 and older
5 Min. break for warm up
6 x 50 Freestyle Youthtrophy mixed (min. 3. Fem.)
COMP 103 / 104
50 Butterfly f/ m finals (from COMP 3 / 4) open rating
COMP 107 / 108
50 Breaststroke f / m finals (from COMP 7 / 8) o. r.
5 Minutes Team Pursuit relay
COMP 11 / 12
50 Backstroke f / m timed finals AC 07 – 01
COMP 13 / 14
100 Backstroke f / m prelims AC 00 and older
15 Min. break for warm up
COMP 15 / 16
50 Freestyle f / m timed finals AC 07 – 01
COMP 17 / 18
100 Freestyle f / m prelims AC 00 and older
5 Min. break for warm up
COMP 201 / 202
200 ind. Medley f / m finals open rating
COMP 113 / 114
50 Backstroke f / m finals (from COMP 13 / 14) o. r.
COMP 117 / 118
50 Freestyle f / m finals (from COMP 17 / 18) o. r.
II. Competitionpart
Break 45 Minutes
General: The meet will be staged in accordance with the rules of the German Swimming Federation (DSV) as well as the Anti-Doping-Rules. Please notice
the regulation of the DSV according to the Youth Reglementation! There will be one start reglementation! During the competition pictures of the Athlets
will be token and be published on the competition homapege. The meet is approved by the German swimming federation, Bavaria (BSV).
All swimmers from a.c. 2007 and older of clubs and teams belonging to the FINA through membership in their own federation have the right to compete.
You also have to confirm the sport health for all announced swimmers according to FINA and the swimming association of the organisator.
Adress of the competitionpool: Pirkheimerstrasse 3, 85072 Eichstätt / Bavaria (GER)
The competitionpool has 5 lanes, is 25 m long, 12,50 m wide and has a depth of 1,80m to 3,80m. The temperature will be arround 26°C. The lanes are
seperated with dividing lines.
Electronic Timekeeping! Starting plattforms with SO5 Trackstart Support and Reactiontiming.
Registrationadress: Polizei SV Eichstätt, Abteilung Schwimmen; E-Mail:
Thomas Neumüller, Pirkheimerstraße 3, 85072 Eichstätt / Germany; Telefon: +49 170 5288100, Fax: +49 (8421) 8350
Registration is accepted electronically according to the standard of the German Swimming Federation (DSV-Standard), according to the LENEX standard,
or manually by List.
REGISTRATION is possible until thursday, 29/10/2015, 10 p. m.. Each registration will be confirmed by e – Mail.
An info homepage is instructed under and, called „Altmühltal Meeting“. On these pages you
can find the Entry List, all Results and Lists for download.
Each club gets an Entry List before the beginning of the Meeting via e – Mail. The Result Lists will be distributed via e – Mail after the competition.
The registration fee is € 4,50—for single Start and € 7,50 -- for relay.
The registration fee could be paid by money transfere to: PSV Eichstätt, Code: "Atmühl Meeting 2015", Sparkasse Eichstätt IBAN:
DE77721513400000005652 BIC: BYLADEM1EIS as well as by cheque or in cash just before the competition.
Rating: In the women’s and men’s age groups in the ac. 2007 to 1998 in each ageclass, from ac. 1997 there will be open rating, as well as in the finals
and relay heats. The setting follows according to the entry times without heed of the Ageclass!
50m Finals: The 5 fastest participants of the 100m prelims of each stroke are qualified fort he 50m finals.
6 x 50m Freestyle relay: Only for Ageclasses 07 bis 01. The competition will be rated in the open class. At least 3 girls have to swim in each team!
Team pursuit relay: For this competition all participants, beginning from ac. 2000 are authorized to start. There must be 2 male and 2 female starters in
each team, who are swimming after each other in a fixed order, until 5 Minutes are over. The team with the highest distance after the 5 Minutes will win.
When the time is over and a swimmer is still in the water, the 50m track will be finished. The time, which will be needed until the finish after the 5 Minutes
are over, will be used for the rating. Two teams per club are authorized to start in this competition. The stroke is freestyle.
10. Speedo Fastskin LZR Racer Medley Challenge: The 5 fastest participants (f / m) in addition of the 50 m tracks are qualified for the 200 ind. Medley
Finalrace (COMP 200 / 201; open class; from ageclass 2006 to 2001); Therefore all four 50m races must be swum, to be authorized for participating.
11. Youth Cup of ac. 2007: All reached times oft he 50m tracks will be summerized. Therefore all four 50m races must be swum.
12. Awards:
a. Diploms: The first 5 in each event, in each age group and in the relays, will get a diplom.
b. Medalls: The first 3 in each event and in each age group will get a diplom. (excepted the Finals and relays).
c. Cups:
The first 3 of the Youth Cup of ac. 2007
The first 3 of the 6 x 50m Freestyle relay (Youth cup of Eichstätt)
The first 3 of the finals
The first 3 of the Team pursuit relay
The first 5 teams in addition of all reached points (FINA)
d. Non cash prices:
For a new absolut Meeting Record (50m tracks ac. 2007 to 2001).
The fastest participants (1. Place) of the ind. Medley finals (COMP 201 / 202) will win a SPEEDO Fastskin LZR2 Racer suit at SPORT NEUMÜLLER.
Rank 2 to 5 will get non cash prices with the worth of arround 40 / 30 / 20 / 10 €.
For the best result according to points (FINA) female and male in the open class will get a non cash price with the worth of 50 €.
e. Price money:
Rank 1 of the 50m Finalraces female and male: 50 €
Rank 1 in the Team pursuit relay: 100 €
The first 3 teams in addition of all reached points (FINA) willget 150 € (1.) / 100 € (2.) / 50 € (3.)
There will be reducing of price money in case of less then 800 starts!!
Dividing of the price money in case of same time or points!!
Victory ceremonies are part oft he competition! Not fetched medals, diploms and prices won’t be handed out after missing the ceremony, as
well as the price money!
13. On Friday, 6. November 2015 a free warm up from 5:30 to 8 p.m. is possible..
14. During the competition breaks the competition pool could be used for warming up. Therefore no victory ceremonies will take place during the breaks!
15. The organizer is not responsible for any losses or damages!! There will be a sale of sportarticles by Sport Neumueller and a drinking and food sale! Free
parking opportunity will be next tot he competition pool at P + R „Volksfestplatz“. The entry of the competition pool with shoes is forbidden.
We reserve the right to change beginning times and breaks as well to refuse entries.
Polizei Sportverein Eichstätt is wishing each club and participant a good trip and good luck!!
Sincerely Jörg Neumüller - Leader swimming branch PSV Eichstätt