Volunteer Field Assistant Required: Amphibian

Volunteer Field Assistant Required:
Amphibian Disease Ecology in the Pyrenees – August 2015
Between the 8th and 29th of August 2015 the Fisher lab (Imperial College London,
https://chytridcrisis.wordpress.com/) in association with the Institute of Zoology (Zoological
Society of London) seeks a volunteer field assistant to work on a study investigating the
spread of an emerging infectious disease, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) in
amphibian populations. The assistant will travel as part of a team to different mountain
lakes in the Pyrenees of France and Spain where various amphibian species will be
collected and swabbed to detect the pathogen. Other work may include collecting samples
for subsequent microbiome sequencing and zooplankton sampling. The applicant must be
physically fit and be willing to hike for several hours each day. Applicants should be
undertaking or have completed a biological sciences related degree. A working knowledge
of French and clean driving license is preferable. This position offers an excellent
opportunity to gain valuable field experience that will enhance any application to graduate
Travel to and from France along with accommodation and food will be covered by Imperial
College. To apply for this position, please contact Kieran Bates at
k.bates14@imperial.ac.uk with a covering letter, CV and contact details of 2 references.
Informal enquiries are also welcome.