SPEAKING - The Science Factory

5th Annual
Thursday, April 23, 2015
5:30 p.m.
Hilton Eugene
Proceeds benefit children’s programs at:
5th Annual
Tariq Malik
Tariq Malik is Managing Editor at
Space.com, a 15-year-old news site
Master of Ceremonies
owned by Purch that celebrates space
Bulbus Slimebledore, 2014 – 2015 S.L.U.G. Queen &
by delivering daily content and analysis
of space science discoveries, spaceflight,
Haley Sharp, Science Factory Planetarium Director
and the technology behind it. He has journalism degrees from the
University of Southern California and New York University, and started
The Old Lost Neuron Ramblers
his career as a staff reporter for The Los Angeles Times. In 2001 he
had the opportunity to join the Space.com team as an intern and staff
5:30 p.m.
Social Hour. Registration and silent auction begin;
Cash bars are open.
6:30 p.m.
Dinner served
Beautiful World, A Musical Performance by the Slug Queen and
his planetary guests
writer, covering human spaceflight, exploration and space science
news. Mr. Malik became Managing Editor at Space.com in 2009.
Mr. Malik has been thinking about space since his childhood. As
an Eagle Scout he earned his Space Exploration badge, and as a
7:25 p.m. Silent auction ends
teenager went to Space Camp four times… plus a fifth time for the
7:30 p.m. Oral auction & Beneficiary presentation
adult version! Tonight he’ll be sharing his passion, experiences and
perspective on space flight with us.
8:10 p.m. Mr. Tariq Malik, Space.com Managing Editor
8:40 p.m. Questions & Answers
9:00 p.m. A few words of thanks
Thank you all for coming!
We hope you enjoy this celebration.
Auction Donors
We thank the following donors who provided items for the auctions:
16 Tons Café
AAA Oregon
William Balsom
Don and Linda Brown
Burley Design
Ron Bush
Monica Careaga-Houck
Jenny Crayne
Chris Crosthwaite
The Dancing Weasel Toy Store
Noelle Dass
Dutch Bros. Coffee
Cenya Eichengreen
Eugene Astronomical Society
John Flinn / Celestial Scenics
Sherry Gerstein / PaperGirl
Alicia Rebbert Gore
Sue Ellen Hains
C. Esther Hampton
Matthew Harris
Heritage Dry Goods
The Houston Museum of Natural
Ray Hull
Megan Hutchinson / Willow Hair
William and Kate James
Alden and Marian Jayes
Jerry’s Home Improvement Center
The John G. Shedd Institute for the Arts
K Ridley Technology
Kesey Enterprises
Bob Koeling
Tish Larsen
Richard Loescher/AKA Ricardo the
Don and Hyde Lown
John Lyngdal
Lynn Brunelle Productions
Heather Marr
Lallie McKenzie
Jon Miller
Deb and John Murray
Robert B. Murray
Nearby Nature
Janice Olson
Passionflower Design
Jeff Phillips
Carolyn Rebbert
Red Robin
Science Factory
Seven Feathers Casino Resort
Nick Spicher
Surftides Resort
Sweet Cheeks Winery
Sweet Life Pâtisserie
Three Rivers Casino & Hotel
Shanna Trumbly/Trumbly Designs
Uncommon Scents
UO Slide Rule Club
Vernier Software & Technology
The Washburne Café
Oral Auction Packages
100. Build it, Fly it – Group Rocketry Session
Twelve aspiring engineers, adults or children ages 10 and older, construct
and fly their own personal model rocket. The Build It session occurs at
the Science Factory at a mutually agreed upon day and time. Then Fly It
another day near Fern Ridge Reservoir. Both sessions led and organized
by a National Association of Rocketry Trustee.
Donated by John Lyngdal.
200. Lincoln City Getaway
You’ll stay two nights in a superior ocean view room with your choice
of a single King or double Queen beds. Enjoy dinner for two in the
MIST restaurant which offers award-winning regional cuisine in an
oceanfront setting.
Donated by Surftides Resort.
300. Dinner for Six
Enjoy a tailored four-course menu, including tasting wine pairings, catered
in your home for you and 5 guests. The experience includes a short
presentation of the science behind the creation of each of the dishes and
the wine pairings. There’s also time for Q&A to satiate your curiosity and
taste buds!
500. A Week at Whispering Woods
Enjoy proximity to Mt. Hood and 36 holes of golf for 7 nights at Whispering
Woods Resort. Six people can sleep in this 2-bedroom, 2-bath condo.
Reserved for August 14 – 21, 2015, you can exchange it for a different
week for $120.
Donated by Don and Linda Brown.
Donated by Chef Chris Crosthwaite, of the Omnivore’s Kitchen, and
Dr. William Balsom, a Science Factory Board member.
400. Exploring the Human Heart…and Lungs, and Muscles
The LabQuest 2 Human Physiology Deluxe Package is the perfect
complement to explorations by your child’s biology class or museum
program. Students use the EKG sensor, hand dynamometer and other
sensors to conduct experiments and analyze the data.
Donated by Vernier Software & Technology.
600. Aurora Photograph
Science and art meet in this print of the northern lights over the Three
Sisters volcanoes. A unique gift, the 30” x 20” print will add a calm, ethereal
quality to home or office.
Donated by John Flinn / Celestial Scenics.
Auction Rules & Liability
Anyone attending the event and assigned a bid number is eligible to bid. The bid
number is your account number during the auction. Successful bidders must close
their account and pay the cashier before leaving the auction. Visa, MasterCard, cash
and check are acceptable forms of payment.
All sales are final. Trips and accommodations must be arranged with the donor
unless otherwise specified. All goods and services are sold “as is.” The Science
Factory, Inc. is not liable or responsible in any way for loss, injury or damage to any
person or property.
700. Houston, the Oregonians Have Landed
Enjoy a Houston space and science adventure! This trip includes round-trip
airfare for four, 8 admissions for the Houston Museum of Natural Science
and 4 admissions to the Johnson Space Center.
Donated by William and Kate James, the Houston Museum of Natural Science,
and the Science Factory.
dome show
in Fall 2015!
Item values indicated are estimates only and are not warranted by the Science
Factory for tax or other purposes. Donations to the Science Factory, Inc., Tax ID
# 93-0688763, are deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax
purposes to the extent allowed by law.
Auctions & Appeal
To bid on a silent auction item, write your name and bid number on the bid sheet.
Silent bids must meet the minimum bid requirement and each increase of the bid
must equal or exceed the minimum raise stated on the bid sheet. You may bid on
each item as often as you wish. At the close of the auction, the last and highest
valid bid will be the successful bid.
To bid on an oral auction item, raise your bid number, located on the back of the
program. The auctioneer will determine the winning bidder.
The auctioneer will also conduct the appeal, soliciting donations to support
children’s science, technology and nature programs. To participate in the appeal,
raise your bid card at the level you wish to give. All raised bid cards are accepted.
Sponsors & Supporters:
Thank you to the following who organized this celebration:
Science Factory Gala Committee
Ed Park (chair), Jenny Crayne, Stacey Davis, Terry Hall, Ray Hull,
Kate James, Patrick Logan, Lallie McKenzie, Beth Stein, Shea Turner
Science Factory Board of Directors
Our event would not have been possible without the generous support of our
sponsors and donors.
Engage – Silent Auction Sponsor:
Inspire Sponsors:
Specializing In:
Catherine Rainwater (chair), William R. Balsom, Monica Careaga-Houck,
Jenny Crayne, Jonathan Gunther, Spencer Gwartney, Kate James,
Qing Lu, Ed Park, Brent Stone
Community Volunteers
K Ridley Technology
• Pain Management
• Sinus Infections
• Lung Infections
• Skin Infections
• Oral Infections
• Ear Infections
www. broadwayapothecary. com
1515 Oak Street, eugene, Or • 541-684-9352
Media Sponsor:
Eugene Active 20-30 Club: Emily Gray, Josh Kinsley,
Meghan McMahon, Emily Schaffner, Laura Schultz
The Old Lost Neuron Ramblers: Cliff Kentros, Charles Kimmel,
Seth Kimmel, Shawn Lockery, Jeremy Wegner, Monte Westerfield
Daniel Borson, EWEB Application Developer & S.L.U.G. Queen and his
planetary guests: Christine Anne, Jeannine Emery, Mike Hennes, Geena Knapp,
Rafael Sapon-Borson, Tovi Sapon-Borson, Jake Short, Victor Wray
Photographer: Wenhui Oui
Voorhees & Associates
Science Factory Staff & Volunteers
Stephanie Barber, Frank Gornto, LeeAnn Hansen, Cianna Kim,
Heather Marr, Thea Michalek, Kim Miller, Carolyn Rebbert,
Haley Sharp, Emily Shelton, Nick Spicher
Performance Notes
Beautiful World is based on Beautiful Girls with words and music by Arthur Freed and
Nacio Brown. Lyrics are by Daniel Borson, and arrangement by Pacific Winds Music.
Beverage Sponsors:
Debra Blaker
Daniel Borson, EWEB Application
Developer & S.L.U.G. Queen
Monica Careaga-Houck
Sarah Cheesman
Judith Eisen
Eugene Active 20-30 Club
Hilton Eugene
Wenhui Oui
Pacific Winds Music
The Old Lost Neuron Ramblers
Sid & Hank Voorhees and their team
Sarah & James Weston
Willamette Valley Company
Appeal Challenge Pledges: Jenny Crayne, Monica Careaga-Houck,
Ray and Sharon Hull, Carolyn Rebbert
The University of Oregon’s Science
Outreach Programs provide support for
graduate students from the chemistry
and physics departments to serve as
resources for teaching hands-on physical
science and mathematics in Oregon
elementary and middle schools.
For more information,
Specializing In:
• Pain Management
• Sinus Infections
• Lung Infections
• Skin Infections
• Oral Infections
• Ear Infections
www. broadwayapothecary. com
1515 Oak Street, eugene, Or • 541-684-9352
Banner Bank
loves the
Science Factory!
providing strategic research and consulting to advance
innovation in nanoscience and green chemistry
Lallie C. McKenzie, Ph.D., president • chem.eleven@gmail.com • 541-520-5532
Bulbus Slimebledore,
the 2014 – 2015 S.L.U.G. Queen
T H A N K Y O U fo r h e l p i n g u s p r o v i d e
e n g a g i n g s c i e n c e a d v e ntu r e s fo r th e
c h i l d r e n an d fa m i l i e s of Lan e County .
T hank s fo r h e l p i n g N e a r b y
N atu r e g e t k i d s an d fa m i l i e s
out s i d e to d i s c o v e r , l e a r n , an d
g r o w i n natu r e n e a r b y .
T hank you fo r h e l p i n g u s
p r o v i d e fun an d c r e at i v e
e x p e r i e n c e s fo r youth i n
c o m p ut e r s c i e n c e .