RiPetERò Ricerca Petrologica (e non solo) in Emilia Romagna 10 aprile 2015, ore 10 Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche Geologiche e Ambientali Via Zamboni 67 (ex plesso Geologia) AULA G1 Info @: 1 Programma Scientifico 10:00 Daniele Brunelli (unimore) RiPetERò – Ricerca Petrologica in Emilia Romagna Il senso di questa giornata 10:10 Pierpaolo Giacomoni (unife) RECONSTRUCTION OF MAGMATIC CONDITIONS DRIVING ERUPTIONS AT MT. ETNA During the recent activity of Mount Etna eruptions are triggered by magma mixing or by decompression of shallow (6-4 km b.s.l.) magma batches. In such a type of feeding system, mixing occurs between magmas with similar geochemical features but that underwent to different fractionation histories, constrained by the intensive physical parameters of the magmatic system: pressure (P), temperature (T), oxygen fugacity (fO2) and volatiles content (XH2O-CO2). In this contribution, we face up different aspects of the crystallization history of Etnean magmas from the mantle source to the surface, focusing on textural and compositional variations of clinopyroxene and plagioclase as a tool to record changes in the physical and chemical parameters of the magmatic system. Crystal-melt equilibrium equations and thermodynamic modeling were applied to determine the chemical and physical constraints of the magmatic system. The overall picture highlights that Mt. Etna feeding system is a vertically extended and continuous without any extended long-lived magma chambers. Crystallization occurs under polybaric conditions which at least two magma ponding levels between 10-8 km b.s.l. and 6-4 km b.s.l. At these depths, basic magmas with different water content frequently mix some months before eruptions. 10:30 Daniele Redi (unibo) SOMMA-VESUVIUS’S ACTIVITY OVER THE LAST 33 kA YEARS: A MINERAL CHEMISTRY PROSPECTIVE The composition of pristine mineral phases within volcanic products can provide useful information to better understand volcanoes' behaviour. A detailed study of clinopyroxenes and olivines led to indicate magma residence times and magma supply rate as the likely main factors controlling eruption style at Somma-Vesuvius 10:50 Emiliano Barbieri (unimore) INTERAZIONE TRA UN PUNTO CALDO E UN RIFT EVOLUTO: IL RUOLO E L’EVOLUZIONE CHIMICA DEL PLUME AFAR Il Plume Afar è da sempre considerato come uno degli attori principali, coinvolti nelle dinamiche di rifting che interessano la regione orientale della placca africana, ma la sua persistenza attuale al di sotto della Depressione Dancala è ancora causa di dibattito. Il confronto tra i basalti moderni e quelli più antichi, legati all'impatto della testa del punto caldo, è fondamentale per identificare le sorgenti magmatiche alla base del moderno magmatismo Afar, nonché per modellarne gli apporti e la loro evoluzione nel tempo. I dati geochimici ottenuti in questo lavoro, hanno permesso di caratterizzare con precisione i moderni basalti eruttati nell'Afar settentrionale e nella regione di Asal, delineando una zonazione del segnale del plume e la sua decrescita allontanandosi dall'Erta Ale Range, probabilmente corrispondente all’attuale localizzazione del punto caldo. I rilevanti arricchimenti in elementi in tracce e i rapporti isotopici testimoniano che, nonostante l'instaurarsi di un setting geologico prossimo all’oceanizzazione, l'apporto principale di fusi è legato ancora a processi relativamente profondi (> 80 km). Ciò che si può osservare è un graduale mutamento dei contributi dei diversi domini del mantello 2 coinvolti, conseguente all’eterogenetià interna del Plume Afar e alla crescente importanza assunta dall’astenosfera, come sorgente magmatica, a scapito del mantello litosferico, soggetto, nel tempo, a importanti processi di erosione termomeccanica. 11:10 Claudio Natali (unife) PICRITES ASSOCIATED TO NORTHERN ETHIOPIAN-YEMENI CFB AND THEIR RELEVANCE TO MANTLE PLUME PROCESSES Geochemical and petrological data indicate that the 30 Ma Northern Ethiopian continental flood basalts and picrites were generated in connection with the “Afar plume”. Previous studies [1] show that: a) Basaltic lavas appear zonally arranged with Low-Ti tholeiites (LT) in the west, High-Ti tholeiites (HT1) to the east and very High-Ti transitional basalts and picrites (HT2,TiO2 4-6.5 wt%) closer to the Afar triple junction; b) the P-T conditions of magma generation increased from 1.3 GPa/1200 °C to 3.0 GPa/1500 °C from west to east; that is, from the outer zones (LT) to the core of the plume head where HT2 ultratitaniferous picrites were generated. Further sampling has been carried out in the inferred plume axial zone (Lalibela area) focusing on picrite rocks, as well in the Yemeni counterpart where analogous HT2 products (including picrites) are recorded in the Manakhah section. New isotopic data integrated with those available in the literature [2] show correlations between TiO2 (and other incompatible elements) and Sr-Nd-PbHe isotopic data, thus defining the isotopic fingerprint of the plume-related metasomatic agents. The comparison of isotopic signatures between bulk rock and clinopyroxene phenocrysts highlight the petrogenetic complexity of the HT2 basalt-picrite suite that could be ascribed to: 1) wide PT range of magma formation; 2) dynamic partial melting and lithosphere interaction during uprising and 3) magma mixing during crystallization. Phase equilibria constraints and melt inclusion data, as well as trace element distribution indicate that, despite the occurrence of olivine cumulus processes, many picrite-basalt lavas represent true near primary magmas. Petrological modeling indicates that the resulting metasomatized mantle sources were characterized by hydrous, iron-titanium-alkali rich exotic parageneses including amphibole, phlogopite and Ti-bearing minerals. (L. Beccaluva1, G. Bianchini1, R. Ellam2, A. Savo1, F. Siena1, F. Stuart2) 2 Scottish Universities Environmental Research Center, East Kilbride, Glasgow (UK) [1] Beccaluva et al. (2009). J. Petrol. 50, 1377-1403. [2] Pik et al. (1999). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 63, 2263-2279. 11:30 Claudia Gori (unipr) PIROSSENI SINTETICI PER APPLICAZIONI CERAMICHE Progetto giovani, linea Materiali avanzati (in particolare ceramici) per applicazioni strutturali L’obiettivo dell’attività di dottorato è definire la composizione, le caratteristiche strutturali, le proprietà fisiche, colorimetriche ed elettromagnetiche di pirosseni sintetici e delle loro soluzioni solide. La struttura del pirosseno, resistente alle alte temperature e alla lisciviazione, è considerata un potenziale candidato per la produzione di pigmenti ceramici. Per studiare e caratterizzare il comportamento dei pirosseni in campo ceramico e definire la resa del colore dovuta all’introduzione di elementi coloranti (di transizione) nei siti cationici della struttura, si studiano pirosseni a Zn2+, Co2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, etc., ottenuti con tecniche di sintesi in condizioni di alta pressione e alta temperatura (presso i laboratori dell’Istituto IMEM di Parma). I campioni sintetici ottenuti vengono analizzati con diverse tecniche: diffrazione da raggi X su polveri (XRD) e da cristallo singolo, per ottenere 3 informazioni sulla struttura cristallina e sulla distribuzione degli ioni cromofori nei siti cristallografici; microscopia elettronica a scansione (SEM) con annessa microanalisi EDS, per ottenere informazioni chimico-composizionali dei campioni; spettroscopia (FT-IR, micro-Raman, Mössbauer, EXAFS-XANES) e colorimetria, per ottenere informazioni sulla struttura locale all’intorno dei cromofori e sulle cause del colore. L’insieme dei dati può portare ad applicazioni di tipo tecnologico nell’ambito dell’industria ceramica. Si prevedono anche possibili studi e implicazioni nella geochimica degli elementi minori nei pirosseni del mantello terrestre. 11:50 Jasmine Petriglieri (unipr) PRELIMINARY STUDY ON POLYMORPHS OF SERPENTINE OF THE KONIAMBO MASSIF (NEW CALEDONIA) Serpentinites are rocks formed mostly by serpentine group minerals: chrysotile, antigorite, lizardite and polygonal serpentine. They are formed by hydration of ultramafic rocks rich in olivine and contain up to 13 wt% H2O. They play an essential role in numerous geological settings and control the rheology of the lithosphere where aqueous fluids interact with ultramafic rocks [1]. The fibrous type (e.g. chrysotile) of serpentine group minerals, along with several amphibole varieties (e.g. actinolite, tremolite), are the major components of asbestos family. Unfortunately, the breathing of fine fibrous asbestos powder is linked to diseases such as pleural mesothelioma and asbestosis. The identification of the main varieties of the serpentine group, laminated or fibrous, requires some attention due to public health problems and for the safety of the operators. There are many studies in the literature about the characterization of the minerals of this family, but a complete methodology, able to distinguish the different polymorphs of the group, is still lacking. This work introduces an innovative analytical strategy that allows to recognize these polymorphs, involving Raman spectroscopy. The Koniambo massif is part of a mountain chain located along the west coast of Grande Terre island, the main island of New Caledonia archipelago. It is composed of three major lithological assemblages of mantle and crustal origin: a strongly serpentinized harzburgite-dunite sequence at the base, followed by a spinel dunite sequence and at the top a succession of layers of harzburgite and minor dunite, which changes to harzburgite on the summit. These associations overlap the Poya Unit, a portion of the upper part of the oceanic crust containing basalts, gabbros and dolerites. All these sequences represent portions of obducted oceanic plate as a result of compressive tectonics [2]. Samples, coming from the basal and middle sequences of the massif, were studied by means of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with Xray microanalysis (SEM-EDS) and Raman spectroscopy. The main contribution provided by optical microscopy and SEM analysis is the observation of textural relationships and morphological features of the different phases. Moreover, Raman spectroscopy is essential during the identification of the polymorphs of serpentine group. Raman peaks observed in the highfrequency spectral range 3550-3850 cm-1 associated with OH stretching vibrations, allow the identification of chrysotile, lizardite, antigorite and polygonal serpentine varieties [3]. However, spot analyses alone are not fully adequate for the study of the relationship between the different varieties of serpentine in complex samples, such as in natural ophiolites. This limit was overcome by performing two-dimensional Raman maps. The main advantage is to recognize the serpentine polymorphs directly on the sample, within their textural environment at the micrometer scale. Raman maps were obtained on a square or rectangular matrix of point: typical size was 25x25 point, with a step between 1 and 2 micrometers. The acquisition time for each point was about 60 seconds. The false color images were obtained by associating the intensities of the different colors to the area of the OH stretching bands characteristic of the different polymorphs. The areas were determined by fitting of the Raman spectra using gauss-lorentzian functions, after a proper background removal. All the measurements were carefully calibrated using spectral lamps. The experimental method developed in this work allowed the full characterization of the serpentinization process of the studied samples. 4 This strategy is very effective in the study of mineralogical-petrologic samples, but it can be extended to other fields of investigation, such as the characterization of building materials or the analysis of lung tissue biologicalhistological samples of patients suffering from asbestosis or pleural mesothelioma. [1] Guillot S. and Hattori K. (2013) Elements, 9, 95-98. [2] Ulrich M. et al (2010). Lithos, 115, 223-236. [3] Auzende A. L. and Daniel I. (2004) Phys Chem Minerals, 31, 269-277. 12:10 Claudia Stangarone (unipr) UNRAVELLING THERMAL EMISSIVITY SPECTRA OF THE MAIN MINERALS ON MERCURY’S SURFACE BY MEANS OF EXPERIMENTAL AND AB INITIO CALCULATED IR-HT VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES Tribaudino, M.1, Prencipe, M.2 1 Università degli Studi di Parma, DiFeST, “Macedonio Melloni” 2 Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra My PhD is articulated on two parallel lines: a first one, theoretical, based on the calculation of IR vibrational frequencies at different environmental conditions (high temperature) of minerals that are considered to be the major constituents of Mercury’s surface (pyroxenes and feldspar); on the other hand, an experimental investigation, based on the collection and interpretation of experimental data (thermal emissivity spectra, IR reflectance measurements). The project involves several steps. First one: to simulate spectroscopic properties of the candidate phases at room conditions, with the least possible number of empirical a priori information. To do so, calculations are performed using CRYSTAL14, a quantum chemistry program for ab initio methods. The calculations are being carried out at the University of Parma, where the program CRYSTAL14 runs on the available computing resources. The studied phases are some clino and orthopyroxenes, namely diopside and enstatite, and albite feldspar. The room temperature IR and Raman experimental spectra were simulated, including peak positions and intensities. Second step involves the calculation of HT/IR vibrational frequencies, in cooperation with the Dipartimento di Scienze della terra of Turin University. At present the simulation of the IR frequencies at higher temperature of enstatite is in progress. A third step will be the experimental collection and processing of HT/IR spectra of the considered minerals (pyroxenes and feldspars), which is forseen to be carried out at the Institute of Planetary Research (BerlinAdlershof, DLR), collaborating with IR spectroscopy laboratory/Planetary Emissivity Laboratory (PEL). The goal is to test and simulate the environmental conditions of the inner planets of Solar System, creating models to interpret planetary spectral signatures of the above mineralogical families. The aspected results will provide also an experimental background to develop and to understand data that will be collected by MERTIS, a spectrometer developed by DLR, that will be on board of the next ESA spacecraft, BepiColombo, whose launch is scheduled for July 2016. References Helbert, J., and Maturilli, A. (2009) The emissivity of a fine-grained labradorite sample at typical Mercury dayside temperatures. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 285, 347–354. Dovesi R., Saunders V. R., Roetti C., Orlando R., Zicovich-Wilson C. M., Pascale F., Civalleri B., Doll K., Harrison N. M., Bush I. J., D’Arco P., Llunell M., Causà M. & Noël Y. 2014. CRYSTAL14 User's Manual. University of Torino. Donaldson H, Cheek L. C., Pieters C. M., Mustard J. F., Greenhagen B.T., Thomas I. R. and. Bowles E., 2014. Global assessment of pure crystalline 5 plagioclase across the Moon and implications for the evolution of the primary crust J. Geoph Research: Planets Volume 119, Issue 7, pages 1516–1545 12:30 Deborah Lo Pò (unibo) QUANTIFYING FERRIC IRON CONTENT IN HEMATITE-RICH METASEDIMENTS: A THERMODYNAMIC MODELLING APPROACH No more lengthy titration procedure or painful assumption on stoichiometry of minerals. Just go perplex and calculate an effective ferric iron amount for your metapelite 12:50 Pausa tarallucci e vino 14:00 Valentina Brombin (unife) PETROLOGICAL STUDY OF THE LITHOSPHERIC SEGMENT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TERTIARY SUDALPINE MAGMATIC PROVINCE The Tertiary Magmatic Province of Veneto (VTMP) in the North-East of Italy represents the most important magmatic province of the Adria Plate and is composed of five districts: Val d’Adige, Marosticano, Lessini Hills, Berici Hills and Euganei Hills. In these areas basaltic lithotypes-from tholeiitic to nephelinitic in composition- are found. Lessinean and Marostican nephelinites and basanites rocks carry mantle xenoliths (mainly lherzolites and hazburgites). This large range of basic magmas was erupted due to extensional tectonics in the Southern Alps intraplate domain during the Paleogene. From 70s up to now, extensive, but fragmented, geochemical and petrological studies of mantle xenoliths have characterized the VTMP lithospheric domain. The new challenge is now to enrich the sampling of the district (basaltic rocks and mantle inclusions) in order to determine (1) spatial and time variations of basalts and xenoliths’ major, minor chemical elements and isotopic signatures; (2) volumetric and effusion ratios of Tertiary Sudalpine Magmatic Province lavas; (3) the amount of issued volatiles during the effusion of Tertiary Sudalpine Magmatic Province lavas. In this presentation I’ll summarize the petrological state of art of Tertiary Magmatic Province of Veneto, highlighting the lack of crucial geochemical information in this well-known magmatic district. 14:20 Bibiana Förster (unibo) A HAND SAMPLE VIEW ON THE THE ULTEN ZONE The Ulten Zone is thought to be a bunch of amphibole-rich peridotites with garnet. Right, but there’s more than that 14:40 Beatrice Pelorosso (unife) PETROLOGICAL STUDY OF GREENE POINT MANTLE XENOLITHS, NORTHERN VICTORIA LAND, ANTARCTICA A petrological study of mantle, anhydrous spinel-bearing lherzolites and harzburgites from Greene Point (GP) (Northern Victoria Land, NVL), have been carried out, with the aim to characterize the lithospheric mantle beneath NVL. Based on mineral major and trace element models, this mantle domain is supposed to represent a residuum after 10 and 20% of partial melting. Moreover, melting models and isotopic results evidence the large contribution of tholeiitic melts percolating through peridotites in producing the geochemistry of GP mantle xenolith suite. At fixed P of 15 kbar, T and fO2 (950°C; Δlog fO2 (QFM) -1.70 to -0.38) values, calculated on the basis of Ballhaus et al., 1991 geothermometer, confirm the tendency for anhydrous GP xenolith population 6 to have higher equilibration T and comparable redox condition with respect to the nearby hydrous Baker Rocks peridotites. 15:00 Arianna Secchiari (unipr) GEOCHEMISTRY AND TECTONIC SIGNIFICANCE OF ULTRADEPLETED PERIDOTITES OF NEW CALEDONIA In spite of pervasive serpentinisation and prominent weathering, New Caledonia hosts one of the largest supra-subduction mantle section worldwide and hence provides an unique opportunity to study upper mantle processes along convergent margins. The New Caledonia Peridotitic Nappe consist of an “atypical” ophiolitic sequence, dominated by harzburgitic rocks with minor spinel and plagioclase lherzolites. Cumulitic mafic-ultramafic rocks are also present at the top of the sequence in the Massif du Sud, while basalts are completely absent. Although these ophiolites have been studied for almost 30 years, their age, origin and geodynamic evolution still remain unclear. Previous geochemical studies revealed that harzburgites are ultradepleted rocks, making their geochemical characterization an analytical challenge. Lherzolites, on the other hand, are still poorly known and their geodynamic affinity is uncertain. In this presentation we will focus on the petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical chracterization of a new set of peridotites from New Caledonia. We will also show the first Sr-Nd isotope data obtained for these rocks. Our results are consistent with a multi-stage history of melting, deformation, recrystallization and melt-rock interaction. Radiogenic isotope analyses (Sr, Nd, Pb) on a new batch of samples (in progress) will provide unique informations about the isotopic composition of depleted mantle domains preserved in supra-subduction ophiolites. In addition, Sm-Nd geochronology on separated cpx-plagioclase pairs from gabbroic rocks is expected to provide time constraints on the magmatic event that originated the New Caledonia intrusive sequence and on the the geodynamic evolution of the South Pacific zone. 7
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