Application for ODS quota for 2016 - CIRCABC

Directorate C — Mainstreaming Adaptation and Low Carbon Technology
CLIMA.C.2 — Transport and Ozone
Application for ODS quota for 2016
Version 1
May 2015
INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................... 2
1.1. Allocation of quotas to producers and importers .............................................. 2
REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 3
QUOTA APPLICATION PERIOD ............................................................................ 3
PROCEDURE FOR APPLYING FOR QUOTA ........................................................ 4
PROCESSING OF THE FORMS ............................................................................... 6
CONTACT INFORMATION ..................................................................................... 6
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË — Tel. +32 22991111
This document provides information on quota applications for ozone-depleting
substances (ODS) for 2016 and should be read in conjunction with chapter 5 of the
Manual for undertakings (Part III),1 which gives instructions on how to apply for ODS
The information is for companies in the European Union (EU) that intend in 2016 to
produce ODS or import ODS from outside the EU for any of the uses indicated below
(section 1.1).
1.1. Allocation of quotas to producers and importers
There are four use categories for which the import of ODS is limited and one for which
production is limited. Pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009, quota is allocated
annually for the import and production of ODS for these uses.
Quota is required for the following activities relating to ODS trade:
1) Production and import for laboratory and analytical uses;
2) Import for free circulation in the EU of halons for critical uses;2
3) Import for free circulation in the EU for feedstock uses; and
4) Import for free circulation in the EU for process agent uses.
1; also available on the
CIRCABC online forum — go to the ‘Library’ tab and the ‘1. Manuals’ folder.
This use category does NOT include the import of halon-based fire extinguishers and aircraft with
such extinguishers on board. Products containing or relying on halon for critical uses (including
halon-based fire extinguishers) fall into the category of products and equipment.
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Each year, the European Commission (the Commission3) publishes a notice to importers,
exporters and producers of ODS in the Official Journal of the European Union. The
notice for 2016, published in the Official Journal on 14 February 2015 (2015/C 55/11),4
reminds undertakings that they must submit applications for ODS quota for 2016 for any
of the above four use categories by 18 June 2015.
As quota applications should be submitted in the ODS Licensing System5, undertakings
wishing to apply must be registered in the system. If your undertaking is not yet
registered, you must submit a registration form6 by 18 May 2015.
The quota application period for 2016 is from 18 May to 18 June 2015, as announced in
the Official Journal and on the ODS message board7.
Only quota applications submitted error-free by 18 June will be considered for quota
allocation. You are therefore advised to submit your application as soon as possible and
sufficiently ahead of the deadline to allow for any corrections to be made.
The Commission cannot evaluate whether your application reflects your business needs.
It is your responsibility to ensure that it is completed correctly and appropriately. We
strive to inform undertakings about possible errors detected during the evaluation
process, but we accept no liability if errors are detected at a later stage.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Climate Action, Unit C.2;
See Registration Manual (Part I):; also available on the CIRCABC online forum — go to the
‘Library’ tab and the ‘1. Manuals’ folder.
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The procedure for applying for quota in the ODS Licensing System is summarised in
Chart 1 below. It is described in more detail in section 5.2 of the Manual for
undertakings (Part III).
Chart 1: Steps in quota application
Before starting your quota application, please make sure that your address in the
profile of the ODS Licensing System is up to date. This is important, as the quota
decision entailing your quota will be sent by registered mail to that address.
In the quota application form, please pay special attention when declaring quantities
for each substance. Quantities are assigned for specific substances to calculate the
ODP kg values (ODP = Ozone Depleting Potential)8. Within the allocated limit the
undertaking will be able to use its total quota for a particular use category for any amount
of any ODS declared.
Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009 provides ODP values for ODS.
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See Table 1 below for an illustration of how the licensed quantity is subtracted from the
‘total’ row in the quota summary table.
The undertaking in the example received a total quota of 24.072 ODP kg for import or
production of ODS for laboratory and analytical uses. In their quota application, the
undertaking indicated the specific substances they intended to import/ produce. For
instance, the undertaking declared an estimate of 0.8 ODP kg (1 kg) of CFC-113. In
principle, the total quota is taken into account. If no other substance than CFC-113 is
imported/ produced than the undertaking can import or produce up to 24.7 ODP kg (over
30 kg) of CFC-113 as reference material in chemical analysis because a total quota of
24.7 ODP kg was allocated to this undertaking. The system will ensure that the total
quantity licensed during the year does not exceed the total quantity allocated.
Table 1: Quota summary table showing allocated quota
According to the above, the undertaking may use its total allocated quota for any
substance declared in its application for a particular use category (e.g. feedstock or
laboratory use).
L Only the substances you select in the quota application form will become available
in the relevant licence application forms next year. Please enter all the substances
which you might import or produce next year.
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Once you have submitted your form, the Commission will process it as shown in Chart 2
below. More information is available in section 5.3 of the Manual for undertakings
(Part III).
Chart 2: Steps after submission
A list of contact points at the Commission and competent Member State authorities is
available on the CIRCABC online forum, in the ‘Library’ tab (‘4. Contact information’
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