PROSPECTUS welcomes you At CIRCLE – The Centre for Innovation, Research, Creativity and Leadership in Education, we are driven by our mission to achieve better outcomes for more learners. It is our belief that the complexities of twenty-first century living and the challenges that arise from them will only be solved by addressing the quality of education offered to all people. For this reason CIRCLE is committed to supporting schools and organisations transition from a mode of reactive operational thinking to a culture of authentic leadership based on sound decision-making principles and proactive planning. Throughout our work, we focus on enhancing: • Learning: understanding, creativity and innovation • Strategy: alignment, efficiency and effectiveness • Wisdom: reflection, evaluation and improvement We accomplish this through using our unique architecture of knowledge to support learners, educators and leaders. Our solutions address the potential gap between intentions for educational improvement, and the actions and measures needed to achieve these desired outcomes for improvement. We invite you to get to know us better through this prospectus and our website at PROSPECTUS Contents 2 About us 6 Our services 8 CIRCLE Consulting 12 CIRCLE Education 16 CIRCLE Research 18 CIRCLE Operations 20 Where to from here? 1 ABOUT US OUR ROLE CIRCLE – The Centre for Innovation, Research, Creativity and Leadership in Education is an executive agency that connects 1,750 schools and other educational organisations throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region. Our reach across the educational sector positions us uniquely to support over 20,000 educational leaders in their mission of building cultures of excellence in leadership and learning. From its inception in 2010, CIRCLE has valued and been deeply committed to authentic, transformational and sustainable service that brings about better outcomes for more learners – for real, for change, for life and for others. CIRCLE has built on three decades of the institutional wisdom of Creative School Management, which in its time was Australasia’s premier educational consulting firm. Drawing on the expertise of Creative School Management, CIRCLE has grown rapidly to build strong and lasting relationships with our clients and the broader educational community. Our ongoing task is to equip, empower and enable learners, educators and leaders to: • Conceive and agree on a vision and ethos for excellence in education • Align themselves and others with this strategic intent • Bridge the potential gap between intentions and processes • Engage with and enrich their communities • Evaluate and recognise performance outcomes We do this through our interrelated products and services that are informed by our expert understanding of what works best in educational leadership and learning. PROSPECTUS OUR LEADERS Dr Philip SA Cummins Bradley Adams Bruce Hodges BA LLB PhD MACE MACEL AIMM RAA BA MA Dip T BEd MEd (Leadership) Managing Director - CIRCLE Group Director - CIRCLE Education Director - CIRCLE Research CIRCLE founder and Managing Director Dr Phil Cummins is an educator by trade and conviction, who knows and understands schools and leadership. With over 25 years in education as a leader, teacher, author, speaker, and, most recently, an Adjunct Associate Professor in Education at the University of Tasmania, Phil now consults widely to government, schools and other organisations about building culture and improving performance. Phil believes that leadership that inspires learning and promotes outstanding educational outcomes is the key to unlocking improved performance in our schools. Brad Adams is the Director of Education at CIRCLE and brings to this role 25 years of experience in university administration, teaching and school leadership in Toronto, Canada, most recently at Upper Canada College. He was, until 2014, the Executive Director of the International Boys’ Schools Coalition (IBSC), an association comprised of leading independent and state boys’ schools in all regions of the world, including Australia, and dedicated to best of class practice and collaborative research. He shares CIRCLE’s passion for and commitment to unleashing the leadership potential of teachers and schools to improve student learning. Bruce Hodges is the Director of Research at CIRCLE and brings 38 years of knowledge and experience in education and private enterprise to this role. Bruce has worked in teaching and leadership roles in state and independent secondary schools along with ownership and management of businesses in the health club industry and sports promotion fields. Bruce is passionate about teaching and achieving better outcomes for more learners. He is currently undertaking PhD studies at the University of Tasmania in Character Education. 3 OUR LOGO Our logo is drawn from a family heritage of art-making, design and creativity. It comprises a series of layered imperfect transparent circles that represent the interconnection and intricacies of organisational culture building. Our circle moulds to the shape that people require. Our logo isn’t a perfect circle because we are flexible and push boundaries. We are creative and develop ideas and solutions that are personalised. Not everyone fits into the perfect mould of a circle and so we tailor our services to match the uniqueness of each school and organisation. OUR MEMBERS PROSPECTUS PRINCIPALS EXECUTIVE LEADERS LEADERSHIP TEAMS NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS ASPIRING LEADERS TEACHERS BOARDS EDUCATIONAL ORGANISATIONS OUR PARTNERS CIRCLE is aligned in strategic partnerships with major educational bodies including the Alliance of Girls’ Schools, the Association of Independent Schools NSW, the Australian Council for Educational Leaders, the Association of Heads of Independent Schools Australia, the International Boys’ Schools Coalition, the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, the History Teachers’ Association of Australia, and the History Teachers’ Association of NSW. We are the proud sponsors of the Australian History Competition and the NSW Extension History Prize. CIRCLE has been pleased to develop formal relationships with a range of tertiary providers including the University of Tasmania, Singapore Management University and Nanyang Technological University. This allows us to articulate many of our services, especially within CIRCLE Education and CIRCLE Research into recognised and accredited tertiary awards and professional learning programs. OUR FUTURE In the coming years, CIRCLE will continue to be recognised as a market leader in educational consultancy and a top-tier provider of educational support services. We believe in excellent education for learners of all ages. Through our knowledge of how to produce better outcomes for more learners, we will continue to improve the schools of our clients and additionally work to build our own. In the next phase of our corporate development that initially targets the Asia-Pacific, CIRCLE strives to secure our brand identity and obtain an unrivaled reputation in and for building and operating educational institutions. Our vision for the future will be strongly supported by developing and providing software applications and online content through our newly merged international software company that supports educational institutions and practice. We will continue to explore new and exciting opportunities for aligned growth and development within our integrated group of companies. 5 OUR SERVICES The Centre for Innovation, Research, Creativity and Leadership in Education MISSION: Build cultures of excellence in leadership and learning PURPOSE: Better outcomes for more learners PROSPECTUS consulting education A leading provider of school improvement consultancy services A leading provider of resources promoting organisational and professional learning research operations A leading provider of research support and educational information services An integrated group of companies providing infrastructure and administrative support operations evidence-based data-driven cutting-edge operations solve learn innovate tactics plan nurture collaborate manager manage lead review executive consulting education research strategy professional 7 evidence-based consulting solve A leading provider of school improvement consultancy services CIRCLE Consulting helps schools and other organisations improve their planning, problemsolving and systems through a process of discovery, culture capture, strategy, blueprint and solutions architecture. It invites educational leaders to reflect on and consider important questions about the developments of their schools’ futures by asking the following: Is it time for a new school plan? plan Do you need a fresh set of eyes to help you to develop your strategy and fine tune your structures? Are you clear about the nature of your preferred future and the best pathways to achieve this? CIRCLE Consulting offers a range of evidence-based solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of every school or organisation in: manage consulting • Educational strategy • School planning • Community engagement • Search and recruitment • Governance • Project management CIRCLE Consulting draws on our proven range of education-specific consultancy tools, all of which are informed and supported by the CIRCLE School Framework: a conceptual grid of domains and criteria that permeates all aspects of school life. We also integrate our consultancy support with other services to provide a complete model of support for our client schools’ needs. PROSPECTUS THE CIRCLE CONSULTING PROCESS STAGE 1 Initial Consultation » Receive Brief » STAGE 2 Develop Proposal Consultation » Refine Brief, Set Standards, Determine Key Questions, Establish Methodology Workshops + » Meetings » PROPOSAL ACCEPTED PROJECT STAGES Develop Terms of Reference » PROJECT IMPLEMENTED Preparation + Consultation Follow Through + Drafting » » FINAL STAGE » » Documentation Documentation + Process Finalised » PROJECT COMPLETED » Evaluation 9 THE CULTURE CAPTURE PROCESS THE CIRCLE DISCOVERY PROCESS CIRCLE DOMAINS Do we achieve good results? 2 Do we have good relationships? 3 Do we communicate well? 4 Do we plan for, implement and achieve programs and initiatives well? 5 Do we have a good reputation? » What characterises us? 1 How will we know when we get there? » » What do we want to become? CULTURE CAPTURE What doesn’t work for us? » » DISCOVERY What works for us? CIRCLE CRITERIA 1 Do we achieve what we set out to acheive? 2 Do we use the best processes available to us? 3 Do we engage with and satisfy our community’s expectations? 4 Have we enhanced our ethos and supported our values? 5 PROSPECTUS Are we aligned with and contributing to our strategic intent? CIRCLE CONSULTING: SOLUTIONS ARCHITECTURE PROCESS DISCOVER WHO ARE WE + WHAT’S GOING ON WITH US? l Culture Capture » PROPOSAL l School Framework DIAGNOSE WHAT IS OUR CHALLENGE + HOW MIGHT WE OVERCOME IT? l Situation Analysis » TERMS OF REFERENCE l Mission Analysis DECIDE + DIRECT WHAT WILL CHARACTERISE OUR APPROACH? l Strategy » BLUEPRINT l Blueprint DESIGN DEPLOY WHAT SEQUENCE OF ACTIONS WILL ENACT OUR APPROACH? l Solutions Architecture » OPERATIONAL PLAN l Professional Learning Plan HOW CAN WE BEST USE OUR RESOURCES? l Pilot and Evaluation » LOGISTICS PLAN l Implementation and Evaluation 11 data-driven education learn A leading provider of resources promoting organisational and professional learning CIRCLE Education equips school leaders, teachers and staff with the highest quality of services and resources that promote organisational and professional learning. Drawing on the CIRCLE School Framework and the best of global educational and management research, CIRCLE Education fosters authentic communities of inquiry. nurture lead education PROSPECTUS • CIRCLE Education is led by the work of CSM, a monthly print and online journal delivering insights and practical, succinct advice by experienced educators. Tackling challenging issues of global concern, CSM is designed to spark professional conversation and stimulate action for school improvement. • Complementing CSM, CIRCLE Education carries on the tradition of larger monographs and handbooks centred on school strategy, planning, leadership and operational management. • In partnership with the University of Tasmania, CIRCLE Education hosts a unique online postgraduate program on school leadership and management for aspiring and current school leaders. CIRCLE Education is supported by experienced educators who contribute to our publications and lead the delivery of our programs. It is strengthened further by our range of CIRCLE consultants who share their deep experience and expertise gained from working with schools. POSTGRADUATE STUDY IN SCHOOL LEADERSHIP - PROFESSIONAL HONOURS in association with the University of Tasmania ONSITE The Postgraduate Study in School Leadership – Professional Honours is a unique online program of study that empowers the next generation of school leaders to build great schools. It is designed to provide aspiring and emerging school leaders at every level with rigorous, relevant and practical preparation for new leadership roles. The program is also compelling for existing school leaders who wish to sharpen their leadership skills and deepen their understanding of school operations. ONLINE OFFSITE The partnership between The University of Tasmania and CIRCLE sees the combination of an aspiring leader of online education and a leading independent Australian executive agency in education. An added advantage is that the program is a credited form of professional development. CIRCLE is committed to authentic, transformational and sustainable service that brings about better outcomes for more learners. This is complimented by an active, research-led Faculty of Education at The University of Tasmania, which delivers a personal approach to learning and teaching that is focused on unique and individual needs. 13 CIRCLE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES THE CIRCLE LEADERSHIP SERIES THE CIRCLE EVALUATION SERIES THE CIRCLE PLANNING SERIES CSM Australasia’s leading suite of monthly journals for educators THE CIRCLE HISTORY SERIES THE CIRCLE FINANCIAL SERIES THE CIRCLE COMMUNITY SERIES PROSPECTUS CIRCLE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT MODEL Who am I? REFLECTION, COACHING + MENTORING How can I best serve others? Where do I fit in? 15 cutting-edge research innovate A leading provider of research support and educational information services CIRCLE Research is a diverse research service offering hands-on research support to educators and delivering practical succinct educational information that addresses best practice, current trends and other global educational areas of interest. CIRCLE Research is divided into: 1. Research Products • The design, testing, implementation and evaluation of tools collaborate 2. Research Services • Supporting schools with the design of tools, collection and collation of data, as well as the analysis and interpretation of data 3. Research Projects • Designing, testing, implementing, managing, reporting on and evaluating stand alone research projects review 4. Internal Research • Conducting research into CIRCLE for: • CIRCLE knowledge architecture and publications • CIRCLE marketing • Conducting research into CIRCLE processes for evaluation purposes research PROSPECTUS CIRCLE Research provides learners with a window into cutting-edge research about what contemporary education and contemporary schooling needs to be by asking the following of educational leaders: Do you want access to the latest thinking in education delivered in a concise and user-friendly way? Do you want to enhance the ongoing learning of your executive and governance teams? Do you want to build your own school’s research and development capability? CIRCLE Research offers a unique combination of practical and applied experience in schools with research and statistical expertise. The team is comprised of the Director of Research, Research Consultants and Associates and this team structure produces a blend of experience that differentiates CIRCLE Research from other providers of research support services to schools. Many educators and especially teachers are not trained in working with statistics and where there is an interest in more sophisticated research methods, a lack of both time and expertise mitigate against that interest being nurtured and pursued. Informed by an international perspective, CIRCLE Research conducts its research and performs its services with a culturally sensitive understanding of the need for educational leaders to be global in their outlook and thinking. 17 operations An integrated group of companies providing infrastructure and administrative support CIRCLE Operations amalgamates under one division a number of integrated brands and companies that positions CIRCLE to deliver its range of premium executive services to clients, affiliates and the broader education industry. International: The major existing market for CIRCLE, and its group of companies, rests primarily in the private and public sector education institutions throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region. Our geographical reach has recently seen the incorporation of CIRCLE Singapore Operations, a division that delivers CIRCLE services and products to clients in the Asia-Pacific. PROSPECTUS Technology: CIRCLE builds performance and culture in schools and organisations through high-quality technology including educational learning management, leadership and professional learning systems. Recently, CIRCLE merged with a leading competitor in New Zealand to become a majority shareholder of Dimension 3 (D3), a company established to become the leading provider of a range of software applications and online content to support educational institutions and practice, and additionally deliver professional development programs to educators. Accounts: There is an infrastructure of administrative support provided by CIRCLE Operations that covers a wide range of activities from basic bookkeeping and accounting operations to providing critical information and assisting the management of CIRCLE in making strategic decisions. This business cell works closely with the Directors of each CIRCLE subsidiary to assist with financial reporting and to ensure that all accounting and financial deadlines are met. In summary, this arm of CIRCLE Operations serves as an integral resource to supporting the Directors in the operational running of CIRCLE. Print: CIRCLE delivers its research and educational resources through various media. Led by our flagship journal CSM, we are renowned for our print publications on learning and leadership, distributed to our network of over 500 schools and other organisations in a variety of accessible media that includes books, journals, periodicals and subscriptions. CIRCLE Boxworks is the associated entity that provides administrative and logistical support to printing and dispatching our range of educational resources. 19 WHERE TO FROM HERE? GENERAL Please call or email us to learn more about how CIRCLE can develop ideas and solutions to meet your unique needs. EMAIL TELEPHONE +61 2 8064 9595 MAIL PO Box 1550 Crows Nest NSW 1585 AUSTRALIA OFFICE 108 Alexander St Crows Nest NSW 2065 AUSTRALIA OTHER ACCOUNTS CSM SUBSCRIPTIONS PROSPECTUS 21
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