PLANT HISTORY The location of the first wastewater treatment plant of Hungary was determined by the National Planning Office on December 23, 1952. The plant was designed to treat the wastewaters of Pesterzsébet, Kispest and Pestlőrinc, despite multiple modifications of the investment plan, it was constructed without interruption and has been in full operation since September 14, 1966. Sludge treatment was added in 1967. The extension of the plant continued in the 80’s and now it is the most modern wastewater treatment plant of Hungary. OPENING THE SITE TO THE PUBLIC The wastewater treatment plant is open to any interested person. As the biggest environmental service provider of the country, we consider it being important, that interested persons have the possibility to get closer to our activities. Furthermore, we pay special attention to the environmentfocused education of the growing up generation. After prior notice our experts are at the disposal of visitor groups. Key developments: • In 1983, the hydraulic capacity of the plant was extended by two additional parallel basins. • In the middle of the decade, the automated dewatering of the sludge, generated in anaerobic mesophilic digesters, started. • In 1986 surface aeration was replaced with the more efficient fine bubble aeration technology. • From 1989, biogas exploitation was started; the energy produced by the gas engines ensures the operation of the air blowers of the activated sludge system. • In 1990, biological phosphorus removal was achieved by upgrading the aeration unit. • In 1992 the hydraulic capacity was further expanded, when the new mechanical pre-treatment unit was built, also ensuring removal of grease and sand from the effluents. • In 1997 new shareholders (the French Veolia Water and the German Berlinwasser) invested in the Budapest Sewage Works Pte Ltd., which resulted in a significant quality development at the South-Pest plant, too. The wastewater treatment and the sludge treatment sections were renewed and complemented. Budapest Sewage Works Pte Ltd. South-Pest Wastewater Treatment Plant Address: Telephone: E-mail: Internet: 2013. H-1238 Budapest, Meddőhányó str. 1. +36 1 284-4339 South-Pest Wastewater Treatment Plant • In 1999 the plant became capable of the full biological treatment of 80 thousand m 3 wastewater per day, also including the two-stage nitrogen and phosphorus removal. • In 2001, the sludge treatment process was renewed and extended: a new covered gravity thickener equipped with a biofilter for odor removal was built, the centrifuges serving the automated sludge dewatering were put in operation, the gas engine producing electric energy from the produced biogas, and the biogas desulphurization unit were also started up. • In 2005 the high nutrient containing waste receiving station was handed over and the biggest thermophilic sludge digester of our country, as well as an additional high capacity biogas engine started operating. • In 2007 the capacity of the activated sludge pools’ aerators was upgraded, a new aeration unit began operating, and the sludge silo for the temporary storage of dewatered wastewater sludge was built. • In 2009 a piece of equipment for separating thready materials, and a new heat exchanging engine house started operating, an industrial pilot-scale digester was presented. • In 2012 the structure receiving incoming wastewaters was fully covered. Biofilters operate in order to prevent odors, which neutralize 100 thousand m³ of odorous air per hour. • The Organica® Food Chain Reactor (FCR) was also handed over in 2012, which can be regarded as a breakthrough in wastewater treatment. • In 2012 the previous chlorinating solution serving the disinfection of the treated effluents from the plant was replaced by the much safer and more environmentally friendly UV disinfection.. PLANT CHARACTERISTICS EQUIPMENT OF THE TREATMENT PLANT AND THEIR OPERATION 1 2a 2b 2c 2e 2d 4c The South-Pest Wastewater Treatment Plant operates with the most modern and most environmentally friendly technology. It continuously receives and treats the wastewaters of about 300 thousand inhabitants of Pestlőrinc, Kispest, Erzsébet and Soroksár (18th, 19th, 20th, 23rd districts), and of the companies operating there. Quantitative parameters Experimental and training base Innovative physical, chemical and biological pilot-scale experiments are conducted at the wastewater treatment plant. The experiments ensure the monitoring and the continuous development of the technological processes. The wastewater treatment plant plays an important role in the forth-going training of specialists and in the practical education of students. Raw wastewater Fine screen Quantity of treated wastewater The wastewater treatment capacity of the plant is 80 thousand m3 per day, 22 million m3 per year. On average 53 thousand m3 wastewater arrives from the four districts of South-Pest per day. Quantity of wastewater sludge produced One of the side products of wastewater treatment is dewatered sludge, the amount of which at the plant is 27.5 thousand tons per year. Electrical and thermal energy is generated from the 5.9 million m3 biogas produced every year from the anaerobic sludge processing, which covers almost all the energy needs of the plant. State-of-the art technology and equipment The French and German shareholders considerably contributed to the modernization of the plant. Their experience in operating treatment plants and their technical know-how enabled the significant renewal of the plant and the completion of the technological processes. The biological filters were set up with French technology and German equipment; the gas engines are German products, whilst the organic waste receiving and treatment station, as well as the thermophilic digester unit operate with French technology. Aerated sand trap Primary clarifier Sand collector floating matters Sand collector sediments NH4 -N Total phosphorous Total suspended matter Aeration 4c UV disinfection 4c 4a Treated wastewater 6 3 4a Nitrate content wastewater+biofilter backwash water recirculation Mechanical treatment phase 3 Biological treatment phase Sludge treatment Deodorizing biofilter 5b 4b 3 17 5a Technological waste treatment Polyelectrolite addition (A) Sludge gravity thickening filter table Anaerobic thermophilic digester 7 Gas flair Anaerobic mezophilic digester Post-digester Desulpherization units Gas boilers Polyelectrolite addition (B) (Waste receiving station) 4c 4a Excess activated sludge Gravity thickener Deodorizing biofilter Dewatering centrifuge Gas engines Other structures Gas tank Thermal energy 18 20 Electric energy Thermal energy 13 19 12 16 11a Dewatered sludge Pasteurization equipment Contaminated air 11b Silo for sludge Backwash water The treatment plant uses not only the traditional two-stage biological filtering, but it also increased treatment efficiency with the help of live plants and the artificial root system, due to a Hungarian development, the Organica® Food Chain Reactor (FCR), thus the quality of the treated water discharged into the receiving Ráckeve-Soroksár Danube branch exceeds the European standards. Now the plant combines the most modern international and national knowledge of wastewater treatment, and it is at the forefront in Europe with regard to its technology, its equipment and its cleaning completeness. Biological treatment The wastewater cleaning technology Mechanical treatment 1. 2. Grit collecting and separating basin Coarse material such as gravel and other bigger size pollutants are removed in this unit. Covered mechanical pre-treatment a. Automatically operating screens remove floating pollutants exceeding 10 mm in size. b. In the aerated sand and fat collector, non-organic matters (sand, small gravels) are settled out and are removed from the bottom of the basin by means of a scraper. The fat and oil-like floating materials are collected in a sump and discharged into the digesters. c. The separator divides the mechanically cleaned water into three parts depending on the actual capacity of the biological treatment lines. Parameters of influents (mg/l) Parameters of effluents (mg/l) Limit values (mg/l) 733 30 50 446 10 25 61 1,8 2 9 0,2 1,8 255 3 35 d. The rain collection basins are filled in case of heavy precipitations and they serve as buffers. e. The integrated biofilter neutralizes 100 thousand m³ of odorous air per hour thus significantly reducing odors. 3. Primary clarifiers The fine fractions of non-organic and settling matters remaining in the wastewater are separated here. The accrued sludge is pumped to the sludge treatment facilities. 8 9 10 14 Sludge treatment Biological treatment 4. Wastewater and rainwater reach the South-Pest plant through the main collector of Torontál street. Due to the favorable topographical parameters of the water collection area, the wastewater can be routed from the main collector to the wastewater treatment plant by gravity. A concrete deflecting wall, built in the main collector, directs the water from the main collector into the upper rainwater separator. The wastewater is routed to the grit collecting and separating basin via steel pipe located under the Budapest-Kelebia train line. Parameters of influents and effluents (2012) + Denitrification biofilter Secondary clarifier Sludge recirculation Liquid and solid waste The plant • as a result of the multiple step mechanical and biological wastewater treatment also combined with the living machine technology, the quality of the treated water discharged into the Ráckeve-Soroksár Danube branch is better than the parameters defined in the EU regulations; • ensures the environmentally friendly treatment of the side products of wastewater treatment, such as sludge and mechanically removed pollutants as well as their preparation for storing in landfills and recycling; • treats the delivered waste containing organic compounds and transforms it into green energy; • is practically self-sufficient since nearly 90% of its electric energy demand, and 100% of its heat energy demand is produced from sewage sludge and organic wastes; • removes odors from the air produced during the technological processes. Biological oxygen demand (BOD5) Aerobic zone Air addition Primary (raw) sludge Mechanical treatment Chemical oxygen demand (COD) Nitrification biofilter Aeration The quantity of the produced technological waste The quantity of the non-organic waste produced during wastewater treatment reaches 700 m3 per year. Quality parameters Anoxic zone 4c Methanol dosing Iron(III)-chloride proportioning Grid waste The plant area is 17 hectares, the number of employees in head count exceeds 70. 4c 15 5. First stage combined with Organica® Organica Food Chain Reactor (FCR) technology (transformation and removal of chemical contaminants) a. In the activated basins covered with greenhouses microorganisms biodegrade the dissolved organic content of the wastewater by means of oxygen. The roots of the plants planted on the surface of the water reaching 0.5-1.5 meter deep and the artificial biofilm carriers placed in the basins provide excellent habitat (complex ecosystem) for the 2-3000 kinds of microorganisms degrading organic matters and for other higher living beings. With the increasing number of microorganisms in the system treatment efficiency also increases. 6. • In the aerated zone, the oxygen is supplied by compressed air from the blower station and a fine bubble aeration system; 7. During the degradation processes, sludge rich in microorganisms is generated. b. The air blowers ensure the oxygen need of the biological process. c. The suspension of activated sludge and water is separated in the secondary clarifiers. The sludge flocks settle out by gravity and are collected at the bottom of the clarifiers. The collected sludge is partially recycled to the aeration basins, whilst the excess sludge is discharged to the sludge treatment facilities. 11. Sludge digesters The process takes place at two different temperatures, under anaerobic conditions, and with the help of microorganisms. a. Mesophilic digestion (at 37 oC) b. Thermophilic digestion (at 55 oC) 12. Biofilter It cleans and deodorizes the odorous air produced in the waste receiving station and in the sludge dewatering building by means of bacteria. 13. Gas engine generator units The biogas produced during sludge digestion is burnt in biogas engines, thereby producing electric and thermal energy. 14. Biogas storage tank It serves the harmonization of biogas production and consumption. The sludge and waste treatment technology • In the anoxic zone, the oxygen source is nitrate (predenitrification); • Phosphate present in the wastewater is removed by dosing an iron(III)-salt solution, which forms a precipitate of ferric phosphate. Second grade (double stage fixed bed biofilters) a. In the nitrification filters, the microorganisms attached to the filter material oxidize the ammonium content of the wastewater to nitrate while the filters are aerated. b. In the denitrification filters, the microorganisms attached to the filter material reduce the nitrate contained in the water, coming out of the nitrification filters, under anoxic conditions to elementary nitrogen. As complementary nutrient, methanol is applied for the biological process. During the processes described above excess sludge is formed on the filter material. This is removed by regular back washing of the filters in order to prevent blockages. The treated wastewater flows through the UV disinfection into the Ráckeve-Soroksár Danube branch. 8. 9. 10. The sludge separated in the primary clarifiers and the excess sludge of the biological processes is discharged into the sludge treatment unit. Covered gravity thickener The first step of the sludge treatment. As a result of the gravitational force the thickening sludge is further processed. The produced water is routed back to the beginning of the wastewater treatment technology. The air withdrawn from the thickening units is treated in biofilters. Automatic sludge thickening and dewatering unit Automized centrifuges serve the dewatering of the sludge coming from the digesters. As a dewatering aid a polyelectrolyte is dosed to the sludge. Silo for storing dewatered wastewater sludge It serves as temporary storage for dewatered wastewater sludge, the sludge-transporting trucks are loaded with sludge from here. Waste receiving and processing station The reception of waste with high nutrient content and its homogenization prior to thermophilic digestion takes place here. The treatment of technological waste 15. Technological waste transfer station It receives the waste collected at the various sites of the Company and the sludge originating from rain trap cleaning. Following disinfections and compaction, the materials are transferred to containers and transported to landfills. An automized septic receiving station operates at the same location. Other structures 16. Central machinery. 17. Maintenance workshop. 18. Office buildings. 19. Laboratory (factory control). 20. Porter’s service, entrance of the plant.
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