Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub Where collateral belongs CRC Triparty Repo Financing Pascal Morosini Global Head of GSF Sales & RM Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub Global Liquidity Hub A history of innovation in collateral ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ 1979 1992 1996 1999 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 Automated Securities Lending First triparty repo service in Europe AutoAllocation / AutoSubstitution module Collateral allocation to the Bundesbank Collateral allocation to the Federal Reserve Strategic Securities Lending KAGplus EuroGC Pooling ASLplus, collateral re-use GC Pooling International The Global Liquidity Hub was launched in 2009 ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Collateral allocation to the BCL Equities and Funds as Collateral LH GO LH Connect Launch of Clearstream Repurchase Conditions (CRC’s) OTC Collateral Triparty Repo : ‒ Launched in 1992 with major enhancement in 2006. ‒ Served as technical base for the Global Liquidity Hub. ‒ Real time allocation and closing. ‒ Daily margin calls and substitutions. ‒ Clearstream as collateral agent performing all transaction administration form A to Z. 05 May 2015 2 Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub Global Liquidity Hub What are triparty repos? Trade Details Cash Provider (Collateral Receiver) Currency Principal Repo (or interest) rate Collateral set (or basket) Trade dates (or term) Simultaneous delivery vs payment (DVP) (cash vs collateral) Cash Taker (Collateral Giver) Core features of a triparty repo: ‒ Both parties appoint a third-party collateral management agent ‒ Trade terms agreed bilaterally ‒ Clearstream as triparty agent screens and selects collateral ‒ Segregation of assets into cash provider account 05 May 2015 3 Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub Global Liquidity Hub Benefits of triparty repos Cash Counterparty Collateral Clearstream The ‘4 Cs’ help you to reduce counterparty risk: ‒ Secured investment through use of collateral ‒ An alternative to other money market products ‒ Use of a reputable third-party custodian ‒ You control the collateral requirements and trade terms 05 May 2015 4 Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub Cash Takers Triparty Repo – A success story Global Liquidity Hub Repo volumes : ‒ Repo has shown a constant growth in the last years to a significant outstanding. Custodian Banks (as agent) Commearcial Banks Investmentbanks Broker Dealers 2015 Cash Providers 1992 CCPs Central Banks (Monetary Policy) Asset Manager Corporates Custodian Banks Agent Lenders Commearcial Banks Central Banks (Reserve management) 1992 2015 ‒ EUR 5,5 trio (European volumes for all repo types, dec 2014) ‒ Strong resilience during the Lehman crisis. ‒ Clearstream volumes around EUR 300 bio. Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub Global Liquidity Hub Corporate – Case study ‒ Corporates still have record cash holdings in order to remain flexible towards business development opportunities. The crisis and the low interest rate environment, regulatory requirements and the negative interest rates pose immense challenges for treasurers. ‒ On the other hand the low interest rate environment gives corporates access to cheap funding via capital markets, raising questions regarding the need for efficient cash management. ‒ The placement of unsecured investments is increasingly difficult due to reduced bank limits and counterparty risk. Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub Global Liquidity Hub The corporate treasurer investment tool kit Money Market Bonds Deposits, Loan Commercial Papers Repo, Triparty, Structured Lend Primary and 2dary market for bonds, Credit paper, Jumbos Structured Bonds Tailor made solutions , like single- callable, Multi-Callable, multi tranches, Switchabels, Puttables Structured Credit Credit Linked Notes, FtD-CLN’s EMC, AM … other Direct Investments, Certificates, ETF’s, Funds, Funds , alternative assets Corporates with IFRS accounting are looking for investments sub three months as it can be shown as "cash equivalent“ in their balance sheet. Repo in focus : ‒ The traditional treasury tool kit offers many instruments, but Repo got more in focus due to two main reasons: 1. Security/risk considerations 2. changed regulations ‒ Repo does less eat credit lines and could pay higher yield than a deposit 1. Do you think corporate treasurers will keep investing in Money Market Funds (i.e. IMMFA funds/ “AAA”) despite potential negative return? Global Liquidity Hub a) YES, because counterparty risk remains a high priority b) YES, because of liquidity, stable NAV and known product c) NO c) YES, but less than before 8 2. Do you think corporate treasurers will use more tri-party repo’s? Global Liquidity Hub a) YES, because counterparty risk remains a key issue b) NO c) YES but it will take a while because they need to better understand the product and to “sell” it to their management 9 Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub Global Liquidity Hub Managing the legal documentation - A triparty repo relationship can be started using the following five easy steps: Legals Baskets Trade - Appoint a collateral management agent - Agree and sign legal agreements: - Either separate bilateral terms (GMRA, MRA) and a triparty agreement - Or an ‘all-in-one’ document - Collateral Management Service Agreement (CMSA) and Clearstream Repurchase Conditions (CRC’s) - Agree and set up your collateral eligibility criteria - Confirm operational requirements and treasury SSIs - Open the triparty account and trade! 05 May 2015 10 Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub Global Liquidity Hub How do CRC’s differ from GMRA’s? CR CR CR CG CG CG GMRA GMRA GMRA GMRA GMRA GMRA GMRA GMRA CR CR GMRA Clearstream Repurchase Conditions (CRC’s) + Collateral Management Service Agreement (CMSA) CG CG CG CR The difference is in the approach: ‒ GMRA’s are individually negotiated between parties ‒ GMRA’s don’t include any triparty repo provisions ‒ CRC’s are standardized and multilateral ‒ CRC’s + CMSA are an ‘all in one’ triparty repo agreement 05 May 2015 11 Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub Global Liquidity Hub The Clearstream Repurchase Conditions (CRC) Main legal features / construction of the CRC : ‒ Framework agreement for repurchase transactions submitted to Luxembourg law, notably the Luxembourg law on financial collateral arrangements of 2005, as amended. ‒ No aggregation of transactions except for margin exposures and event of default. ‒ Include close out netting mechanism close to GMRA principles. ‒ Referring directly to CMSA as regards to collateral eligibility, valuation, corporate actions and substitution processes. ‒ Supported by legal opinions in several jurisdictions (FR, BE, DE, UK, CH, IT, IR, LU, NL, ES, HK, SG, AU, AT, SE) among others on enforceability of the CRC, validity of transfer of title, netting and set-off, impact of insolvency proceedings, choice of law and jurisdiction. ‒ Legal opinions are available free of charge via the signature of nonreliance letters. 05 May 2015 12 Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub Global Liquidity Hub The Clearstream Repurchase Conditions (CRC) How to implement it : 1. Execute (if not yet in place) in two copies the CMSA 2013 version as either Collateral Receiver or Giver. 2. Execute in two copies the Appendix A of the CMSA 2013 and for the counterparties under the CRC select from the “TCM service type” drop down menu the “TRS CRC” option. 3. Execute in two copies the Appendix E to the CMSA 2013 to confirm transactions under the CRC. 05 May 2015 13 Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub The Clearstream Repurchase Conditions Global Liquidity Hub EXAMPLE : Collateral Receiver name = Corporate XYZ 05 May 2015 14 Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub The Clearstream Repurchase Conditions Global Liquidity Hub EXAMPLE : Collateral Receiver name = Corporate XYZ Counterparty acceptance can also be done via SWIFT MT599 for an even faster marriage broking. 05 May 2015 15 Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub The Clearstream Repurchase Conditions Global Liquidity Hub Participation status as of 1st of April 2015: • 42 customers have signed the CRC as Collateral Receiver or as Collateral Giver or both. • This includes major investment banks, private banks and corporates • In the pipeline for Q2-Q3 2015 only : • 20 banks • 28 corporates – insurance/pension funds – Ministry of Finance • Aiming for up to 65 participants by end of June 2015 • Numerous transactions under CRC have taken place since December 2013 including now counterparty in Asia. 05 May 2015 16 Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub The Clearstream Repurchase Conditions Global Liquidity Hub Summary: • • • • Simplified and less complex Under Luxembourg law ( like CMSA) 15 legal opinions available including Singapore, Hong-Kong and Australia Only for triparty repo. The CRC does not compete with other available forms of standard market agreements (e.g. Global Master Repurchase Agreement, GMRA) but provides a repurchase framework for those participants willing to only start with triparty repos. If two counterparties under the CRC are willing to extend their relationship to other forms of repos (bilateral/classic or buy and sell back) they shall enter into a GMRA and terminate the CRC. 05 May 2015 17 Clearstream’s Global Liquidity Hub The Clearstream Repurchase Conditions Q&A
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