Volume 86, Issue 4 APRIL 2015 DAVID A. GRIFFITH, COMMANDER 803-359-1278 e-mail: dgriff4726@aol.com LINDA M. GRIFFITH, AUXILIARY PRESIDENT WEB: http://sclegionpost7.org 803-359-1278 e-mail: lindagriffith2@aol.com HAPPY EASTER 3 The Pony Express service began as the first rider departed Missouri (1860) 4 Legion Meeting at Noon with lunch. Auxiliary will meet at 11 AM. Civil Rights leader Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was shot and killed by a sniper in Memphis, Tennessee (1968) 6 After a break of 1500 years, the first Olympics of the modern era was held in Athens, Greece(1896) 9 The Civil War effectively ended as General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant in the village of Appomattox Court House (1865) 12 The American Civil War began as Confederate troops at 4:30 a.m. fired upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina (1861) 14 The first dictionary of American-style English was published by Noah Webster (1828) 15 The Titanic with 2,224 persons on board sank after striking an iceberg just before midnight. Over 1,500 persons drowned while 700 were rescued (1912) 18 The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere and William Dawes occurred as the two men rode out of Boston about 10 p.m. to warn patriots at Lexington and Concord of the approaching British (1775) 19 At 9:02 a.m., a massive car-bomb explosion destroyed the entire side of a federal building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, killing 168 persons, including 19 children inside a day care center (1995) 22 "In God We Trust" was included on all newly minted U.S. coins and currency by an Act of Congress (1864) 26 American artist and naturalist John J. Audubon was born in Haiti (1785) CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR 50 YEARS PLUS MEMBERSHIP IN THE AMERICAN LEGION AND AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY! Hampton S. Caughman, 70 Majorie S. Carter, 67 Raymond S. Caughman, 70 Maklone S. Gibson, 50 Louis L. Davis,64 Mary D. Hazelton, 72 Herbert Cecil Meetze, 62 Ruth S. Koon, 52 C. T. “Redd” Reynolds, 55 Bobbie M. Sox, 56 Thomas L. Sox, 56 Willie D. Wingard, 60 Furman R. Younginer, 69 They were all honored at our February 7th Meeting. All but Legionnaire Davis and Auxiliary Member Ruth Koon were present at the meeting in March to receive a plaque and gift presented by Commander Griffith and SC Department Executive Director Louise Winesett. Unit 7 President, Linda Griffith served as the master of ceremony. 1 Legionnaire Contacts: (PO Box 421, Lexington, SC 29071) Commander David A. Griffith (h. 359-1278 c. 587-9876) e-mail: dgriff4726@aol.com Vice Commander Ernie Hall (h. 359-2941 c. 600-0927) e-mail: ehshtgandac@gmail.com Adjutant David Davis (h. 358-0187 c. 767-3872) e-mail: scturtimedic@aol.com Finance Officer Fred Sons (h. 359-4882 c. 260-3093) (No e-mail) Auxiliary Contacts: (PO Box 1802, Lexington, SC 29071) President Linda Griffith (359-1278 h 920-3975 c e-mail: lindagriffith2@aol.com) Sr. V-P Barbara Leaphart (520-6206 h 609-6659 c (No e-mail) Secretary Nila Ballentine (356-2272 h 760-3457 c e-mail: ndballentine@windstream.net) Treasurer Linda Roemer (520-6529 h 610-781-6454 c e-mail: teachlex1@gmail.com) FROM THE COMMANDER...Please pay your dues as we need your money to pay our $3000+ insurance bill. Thanks to everyone for coming to the celebration for our 50+ members. Hope to see you all on April 4th for OUR LAST NOON LUNCHEON/MEETING. Dear Ladies of Unit 7 Auxiliary…. UNIT 7 DUES ARE $30. Be sure to mail them to Treasurer Linda Roemer for Unit 7/American Legion Auxiliary, PO Box 1802, Lexington, SC 29071. I T’ S T I M E T O T H I N K A B O U T L E A D E R S F O R N E X T Y E A R! (I can not serve another year as David and I plan to do a lot of traveling. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you all. Please pray that someone will step up and be our new leaders for 2016.) March Meeting Highlights: SHORT MEETING SO WE COULD HONOR OUR 50+ MEMBERS. • • • • • • • • • Attendance — 9 members present. Thank you to Marge Carter for filling in for our Chaplain, Carolyn Mathias. Minutes — Approved notes from newsletter as minutes for February 2015 meeting. Veteran/Military Support & Advocacy — No Report. Youth Development — Doris Reynolds, Marge Carter, and Willie Wingard will interview candidates for Girls State on March 19 at Lexington, River Bluff, White Knoll, and Pelion. THANK YOU TO DOT TUNSTALL FOR GOING AT THE LAST MINUTE. Family Support Programs—Mary will send a couple of cards to several of our members who have become a little under the weather. Membership Development-- If you have paid your dues and have not received your membership card, please contact Barbara Leaphart. We have 84 members paid. Constitution & Bylaws (SEE DETAILED REPORT IN THIS NEWSLETTER)—Jean continued to work on these documents. Calvacade — Reminder to check out the room at SC Department. SEE REPORT BY MARY HAZELTON IN THIS NEWSLETTER. Unfinished business—District Meeting at Post 7 on March 21st. Linda will order the chicken pot pie from Compton’s and prepare the jello salad. Linda Roemer will bake a cake. We will also have a green salad which Linda will pick up and bring to mix. Members asked to arrive by 9 am to organize for luncheon and help with registration and greeting. Linda reported she is still missing a Stanley order. Reminder about May 16 Yard Sale. New Business—None 2014-15 Unit 7 Leaders: President-Linda Griffith, Senior Vice President-Barbara Leaphart, Junior Vice PresidentEvelyn Moss, Treasurer-Linda Roemer, Secretary-Nila Ballentine, Sergeant-at-Arms-Doris Frye, Historian-Jean Testruth, Chaplain-Carolyn Mathias, Parliamentarian-Mary Hazelton, Junior Programs-Patsy Horton & Linda Roemer, Audit-Patsy Horton & Linda Roemer, Constitution & Bylaws-Jean Testruth & Brenda Caughman, Girls State-Doris Reynolds, Willie Wingard, and Marge Carter. Sunshine is Jeanne Crone (520-4682) so call her if you know of someone who needs a card! 2 Fourth in the series of five of the Auxiliary PODS The Organizational Support POD consists of the following: Jean Testruth, Chair for the POD with the help of: Constitution & Bylaws (Jean Testruth & Brenda Caughman); Finance (Patsy Horton & Linda Roemer); Calvacade (Jean Testruth & Mary Hazelton); Past Presidents Parley (Barbara Leaphart); Audit (Patsy Horton, chr. with Linda Roemer and Kirsten Davis); Parliamentarian (Mary Hazelton); Historian/Scrapbook (Jean Testruth) ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS -- Program encourages Auxiliary members to study and understand the organization's formal written policies and procedures, particularly as they relate To the rights and benefits of membership. Members are encouraged to review the Constitution & Bylaws on an annual basis and may submit ideas for review and possible change. STANDING RULES -- These rules relate to administrative operation. They are informal, yet detailed guidelines that describe the procedure of the organization. They outline customs and courtesies, such as donations, memorials and sunshine gifts FINANCE -- Set financial goals for unit and department. Strategic planning for three to five years is recommended. Program services, management and general administration and fundraising. Reporting to IRS, Department, and National on the finances of the unit is mandated. CALVACADE -- A dwelling place for treasured keepsakes and memorabilia of the unit. Photographs, awards, pins, scrapbooks and documents gathering and retaining for the unit’s legacy. PAST PRESIDENT'S PARLEY -- Members who have served as a Unit, Department or National President are a valuable source to the organization. They put their leadership experience to good use, offering guideline and/or counsel on any activity or problem requiring special support or emphasis. Committee members also maintain a scholarship fund for nurses and contribute to the "Women in Military Service" memorial. The Parley is a primary source of support for hospitalized women veterans. AUDIT -- A committee formed for reviewing the financial records of the Unit at least twice yearly. Ensuring that available funds are being used for their designated purpose. Filing of official documents pertaining to the Unit are prepared and filed by the due date. PARLIAMENTARIAN -- Appointed by President and should be someone reliable and trusted to provide accurate advice for every one on both sides of an issue. Familiar with Robert's Rules of Order. HISTORIAN/SCRAPBOOK -- Historian prepares a written record of the events of the Unit. Scrapbook is a photographic record of the events of the Unit. Both of these can be submitted for judging at the Department Convention 3 4 “REMEMBERING OUR FALLEN” Photo Exhibit of South Carolina's Fallen on Display April 20-May 1, 2015 8 am - 5 pm Lobby County Administration Building Lexington, SC: A very emotional exhibit, “Remembering Our Fallen,” is a stark reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made by 88 Fallen from South Carolina killed in The War on Terror while wearing our country's uniform in a war zone. The photo display, which includes military and personal photos of each of South Carolina's Fallen, is traveling throughout the state and will be coming to Lexington County, home of eight of the Fallen. “We can never forget those who sacrificed everything for our freedom. We must remember these American Heroes and speak their names when we see their family members,” said Dr. Mary Hawkins, President, Bellevue University. The exhibit was created by Bill & Evonne Williams of Patriotic Productions, Omaha, and is sponsored by Bellevue University and the Lexington Exhibit showcases all the men and women from South Carolina that have died since the current campaign began in 2001. If you know someone who would like to schedule the display, please contact Dan Williams, South Carolina Representative at dwilliams@RememberingOurFallen.org or 402885-0061. More information is available at: www.RememberingOurFallen.org OR www.PatrioticProductions.org. 5 6 The next few years the Nation will be commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War. There are many events nationwide to honr these brave men and women for their sacrifice. THIS WILL AIR ON ETV ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28 AT 9 PM. 7 THANK YOU TO THE LADIES FOR THEIR SUPPORT IN HOSTING THE DISTRICTS 9 & 10 AUXILIARY MEETING AT POST 7 ON SATURDAY, MARCH 21. Here are some pictures. We received accolades for our set-up and lunch. Thanks to each of your for all your help. Lindag THANK YOU TO PATSY HORTON FOR THESE PICS! NOTICE TO ALL THE AUXILIARY IS NO LONGER TAKING THE FOLLOWING DONATIONS Magazines more than 3 months old Paper towel/toilet paper rols Coupons WITH LESS THAN 6 MONTH expiration date REASON VA no longer desires older magazines Schools have new guidelines in place due to health issues Commissary has changed its policy on call coupons THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT WITH THESE DONATIONS IN THE PAST….WE APPRECIATE IT. PLEASE CONTINUE TO SAVE THE SOUP LABEL COUPON AND BOX TOPS 8 April 2015 KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS AND A REMINDER TO SEND CARDS Birthdays and Anniversaries 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 12 13 14 17 22 23 24 26 29 Legionnaire Cecil Meetze Legionnaire Jeffrey Richbourgh ALA Orine Younginer Legionnaire Jimmie Lowman Legionnaire Lee & Bertie Singley ALA Sabra Denny Marian Torres Legionnaire Wayne & Karen Parrish Charlse Reeves Legionnaire Don & Joan Herrschaft Judy Ellisor Margaret Rhoten Legionnaire John Frierson ALA Doris Reynolds ALA Jr. Savannah Richardson Michele Adams ALA Jr. Caroline Davis Mary Howard Legionnaire Joseph Thornbury ALA Sarah Coogler Legionnaire Jim & Susan Low Rebekah Tinman Legionnaire Don & Judy Ellisor Legionnaire Scott & Jacquie Erickson Legionnaire Steven Smith Legionnaire Mike Sox Legionnaire Carl Wilson Vive Wessel Legionnaire Don Herrschaft Legionnaire Charles & Carolyn Brooks If your name and/or your spouse’s name has been omitted, please let us know. Also, since so many of our WWII veterans are getting up in age, please let us know if you have turned 90 yet as we would certainly want to make sure you are recognized. 9 The family of Frances Watts Rish, widow of E. Pickens Rish, long-time member of Post 7 and veteran of the Korean war. She passed away on March 10th. They were married for some 56 years. Marge Carter was recently in the emergency room. Willie Wingard fell at home. . IF WE’VE MISSED ANYONE, DID WE KNOW? PLEASE LET COMMANDER KNOW IF SOMEONE IS ILL. Calvacade Of Memories By Mary Hazelton A room dedicated to The Past and Present is located at Department Auxiliary Headquarters with an open invitation to visit any day during office hours. Neatly arranged and easy to see are trophies, awards and citations won by the Department, and units who want to share the accomplishments received over the years. One wall is dedicated to our past department presidents. Their photographs are there and one interesting comment was made that you will know the year they served by the hats and hairdos! What a memory. By the way, two of Unit 7’s finest -- Willie Wingard and Dot Tunstall -- adorn the wall. They are both past department presidents. Please take time to visit our Calvacade of Memories Room. It will be time well spent. (You might even consider spending some time there polishing silver?) ADDRESS: 107A Legion Plaza Road Columbia, SC 29210 (just off Bush River Road across from The Lighthouse) 803-772-6366 APRIL 2015 HOPE TO SEE YOU ON April 4th FOR OUR LAST NOONTIME LUNCH/MEETING! NEW POLICY -- Reservations Required YOU MUST CALL COMMANDER (359-1278) ON OR BEFORE MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2015 IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND THE LUNCH. $5.00 pp. See Commander’s report from October 2014. 10
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