2015 Joint Annual APWAOK/OWEA Conference and Trade Show Pre-Conference Planner May 4-6, 2015 Renaissance Hotel and Cox Convention Center Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 1 – Pre-Conference Planner 2015 APWAOK/OWEA Joint Conference Conference Registration is Now Open! The 2015 11th Annual Joint Conference of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Public Works Association and the Oklahoma Water Environment Association! 2 – Pre-Conference Planner 2015 APWAOK/OWEA Joint Conference Social Events The conference has two main Social Events – one Monday night and one Tuesday night. Our sponsors have gone to great lengths to provide a venue for participants to relax and visit – we hope you will join us in the fun! 3 – Pre-Conference Planner 2015 APWAOK/OWEA Joint Conference Conference Highlights APWAOK and OWEA have worked together to develop a conference agenda that is a true value for professionals in public works, transportation, wastewater and water in Oklahoma and beyond. Below is a list of highlights and benefits of this year’s conference. We hope our agenda will encourage you to join us and help be a part of “Moving Oklahoma to a Sustainable Future”. Together, we can. Highlights & Benefits of Attending the Conference Update on Oklahoma Roads by Secretary of Transportation, Gary Ridley Update on Oklahoma’s new Water Reuse Regulations by Patty Thompson (ODEQ) Many Professional Development hours available Wastewater Operator hours available Executive Leadership Training from nationally-recognized experts Conference tracks that focus on o Safety and Safety Training o Transportation including ODOT-led Training Sessions o Water Reuse o Asset & Capital Planning o Treatment Plant Operations and Sustainability o Water/Wastewater o Regulatory Updates o Innovative Design Vendor product demonstrations Water’s Worth It Auction Facts about the 2014 conference you might not know: 192 attendees More than 50 exhibit booths The conference committee has worked hard to continue to improve content and value for our Society Members and conference attendees. 4 – Pre-Conference Planner 2015 APWAOK/OWEA Joint Conference 2015 Golf Scramble SilverHorn Golf Club, Oklahoma City Date and Time The golf scramble is Monday, May 4, 2015. Registration/Check-in will begin at 10:00 AM with lunch starting at 11:00 AM and the Shotgun start is 12:00 PM. The scramble will be played on the Silver Horn Golf Course at 11411 N Kelley Ave, Oklahoma City, OK. The 18-hole championship golf course was built to challenge avid golfers without frustrating more casual players. Format The format is a team “Scramble” with all players hitting every shot. Each team will consist of four players, playing 18 holes of golf from a shotgun start. Watch for some fun holes! Lunch Lunch is included. Buffet-style hamburgers, baked beans, potato salad, iced tea, and lemonade will be served before tournament. Awards Awards will be presented to the top finishing teams in each flight, longest drive and closest to the hole. Two flights will be determined on the final posted scores and numbers of teams. The team with the lowest gross score will be awarded the coveted OWEA traveling golf trophy to keep and display for one year. Sponsorships Available ** Sign up forms at the back of this package! 5 – Pre-Conference Planner 2015 APWAOK/OWEA Joint Conference “Water’s Worth It” Silent Auction The auction will be open Tuesday and Wednesday at the OWEA “Water’s Worth It” Silent Auction Booth in the exhibit hall. Last year the auction raised over $2,200 to promote water awareness in our state and we hope to take our campaign further this coming year. OWEA has been busy preparing packets filled with information to send to every city and town in Oklahoma asking that they make an official proclamation of July 2015 as “Water’s Worth It” Month. The packets include additional information about water and what they can do as a community to get the word out. We are also looking at buying newspaper ads across Oklahoma introducing OWEA and our Water’s Worth It” campaign. You may contact either Bryan Ballard or Danielle Robins if you would like to donate an item or have any questions about the auction including logistics. Bryan.ballard@tetratech.com (918) 645-1748 OR Danielle.Robins@NormanOK.gov (405) 292-9726 More to Come…Stay tuned for an update in following weeks! 6 – Pre-Conference Planner 2015 APWAOK/OWEA Joint Conference 2015 Conference Snapshot Monday, May 4 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Golf Tournament at SilverHorn Golf Club 10:00 a.m. – Registration 11:00 a.m. – Lunch 12:00 p.m. – Shotgun Start 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Exhibitor Set-up 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Hartwell Environmental & EI2 Hospitality Event, Rocky’s Bricktown Event Center Tuesday, May 5 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. OWEA Board Meeting / Breakfast 3:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Tour of Norman’s WWTP 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. OWEA Business Meeting 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. - Haynes Equipment Social Event – Park House Restaurant at Myriad Gardens Wednesday, May 6 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Registration Open - Continental Breakfast w/Exhibitors 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Concurrent Technical Sessions 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Final Exhibitor Set-up 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Snack & Coffee Break with Exhibitors 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Registration Open 10:15 a.m. Water’s Worth It’ Silent Auction Ends (Please collect your winning item this afternoon!) 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Exhibits Open 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Concurrent Technical Sessions 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. General Session/Secretary Ridley Keynote 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lunch/OWEA Awards Presentations/Sec. of Energy and Environment Michael Teague 11:45 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Lunch w/ Exhibitors / AWPAOK Awards / WaterisLife 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Exhibitor Door Prizes 11:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Exhibits Open 1:30 p.m. Exhibits Close 1:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ‘Water’s Worth It’ Silent Auction Opens 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Concurrent Technical Sessions 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Concurrent Technical Sessions 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Ice Cream Social 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Snack & Coffee Break with Exhibitors 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Concurrent Technical Sessions 7 – Pre-Conference Planner 2015 APWAOK/OWEA Joint Conference Tuesday Opening Session Keynote Speaker Gary Ridley, Secretary of Transportation Mr. Ridley is the current Oklahoma Secretary of Transportation, he was appointed by Governor Brad Henry in 2009. The Secretary serves as the chief advisor to the Governor on land, water, air and space traffic transportation needs and infrastructure. As Transportation Secretary, Ridley has supervision over all state transportation initiatives and the entities charged with implementing them, including the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, the Oklahoma Transportation Authority, the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission, the Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority and all Port Authorities within the state. In addition to his service as Transportation Secretary, Ridley also served concurrently as both the Director of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (2001–2013) and the Director of the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (2009–2013). Tuesday Lunch Keynote Speaker Ken Surritte, Founder, CEO of WATERisLIFE After founding an organization that supports orphanages, Ken was working in Kenya providing a much needed well for a children's home. But even after the well was drilled, he found that children were still getting sick. After checking the well several times, he discovered that the source of the problem was that the "drinking fountain" at school was a stagnate pond. He thought, "What can we give the kids to take to school with them so they have clean water?" From this, the WATERisLIFE filtration straws were born, and in 2009 WATERisLIFE was created. Ken is the heart behind WATERisLIFE. He shares our mission locally and globally, inspiring others to serve and make a difference in the lives of others. Through community-driven and community-engaged programs, WATERisLIFE works closely with nonprofit partners, local governments and community organizations to focus on an integrated approach that ensures households, schools, orphanages and medical facilities have access to safe water, proper sanitation and hygiene programs. The results of our work change everything. Hours are restored each day. Women can use their time to learn a trade, start a business and receive an income. Children can receive an education. Clean water will reduce sickness by almost a third. 8 – Pre-Conference Planner 2015 APWAOK/OWEA Joint Conference Technical Sessions - Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Lunch w/ Exhibitors / AWPAOK Awards /Water for People 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Innovative Design 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Planning Livable Communities Dave Roberts 3:00 - 3:30 pm 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Exhibits Open Monroe Street Rhonda Dudeck Roundabouts Shane King Leadership Designing & Developing Executives Bryon Dickens APWA Leadership Keith Duncan Regulatory Updates Legislative Updates Rep. Scott Martin (House of Rep) Saba Tahmassebi 2060 Comprehensive Water Plan JD Strong (OWRB) Water Quality Updates Shellie Chard-McClary (ODEQ Water Quality) Break / Tour of Norman’s Water Reclamation Facility Phase 2 Project (3:30-5:15pm) Complete Lindsay Street Scott Sturtz Lindsey Street Project ROW & Utility A. Mathuranayagam Creek Turnpike A. Mathuranayagam Collaboration Chris Cooper Executive Leadership Sharon Cooper NPDS Stormwater Raymond Shelton 2015 APWAOK/OWEA Joint Conference – Pre-Conference Planner Asset Management Christine McAlpine BNR Removal for Industrial Water Reuse Ross Stover Evaluation of Peracetic Acid as Standby Chemical Disinfectant Modern Composting Midwest City Arlene Over Ashley Pifer Capital Planning Michael F. Lorenzo CMOM Plans to Reduce SSOs Joshua Muskopf 9 Technical Sessions - Wednesday, May 6, 2015 Registration Open - Continental Breakfast w/Exhibitors 8:00 am – 9:00 am Construction/ Technology Safety Transportation Safety ODOT 10:00 am – 10:30 am 10:30 am – 11:30 am Exhibits Open 9:00 am – 10:00 am High Friction Surface Course ODOT 1:00pm – 1:30pm Protecting Utilities One Call Jerry West Water/Wastewater Technology Oklahoma Reuse Rules Patty Thompson (ODEQ) Water’s Worth It Municipal Education Amanda Narin Expanding Water Supply Ellen McDonald Water Conservation Eddie Wilcut Break w/ Exhibitors and Door Prizes - Silent Auction Ends @ 10:15am Systemic Intersection Program ODOT Systemic Curve Program ODOT 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Work Zones Richard Kindberg Water Reuse LIDAR and BIM Rusty Steel LED Lighting Study Dharmesh Shah Category 2 Reuse Application Ian Fife Paving the Way for Cat 2 Reuse at Fort Sill Dr. Michael Watts Atoka Pipeline John L. Hare MBBR Start up Bart Slaymaker Lunch/OWEA Awards Presentations/Sec. of Energy and Environment Michael Teague Exhibitors Door Prizes 2015 APWAOK/OWEA Joint Conference – Pre-Conference Planner 10 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Roundabout Safety Chris Bosco 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Exhibits Closed Road Diets FHWA (Remainder of Afternoon Slot) "Statewide Design and Specifications Manuals: A Case Study Paul Wiegrad Balanced Life Chris and Sharon Cooper Spending Capital Wisely S. Hardeman and K. Kruger Potable/Non potable Reuse options Gary J. Revoir Ecologically Addressing Contaminated Waters Robert Narin Advances in Peracetic in Wastewater Mark Pierce Constructed Wetlands Tim Noack Turning Gas into Gold Mark Mulder Tulsa’s Storage Solution to SSO Reduction David Hobbs Five Ways to Boost Methane Gas Production Jeff Sober Disc Filtration Inside and Out Tom Dumbaugh Ice Cream Social 4:00 pm –5:00 pm Road Diets FHWA (Remainder of Afternoon Slot) ADS 100-Year Service Life Kevan Parker Implementing Acoustic Pipe Inspection Alex Churchill Electrical Master Planning Jay Bielanski Decentralized WW Treatment Tracey Mayer Expanding on Crowded WWTP Site Jay Updike Upgrading Existing Lagoons Chuck Morgan Conference Closed – Thanks for Attending 2015 APWAOK/OWEA Joint Conference – Pre-Conference Planner 11 2015 Conference Sponsors Thank you to our sponsors who have already committed support for this year’s conference. We have many sponsorships available. Hospitality Events & Specialty Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Conference Materials Garver – Lanyards, Conference Bags Golf Tournament Hole Sponsors 2015 APWAOK/OWEA Joint Conference – Pre-Conference Planner 12 Registration is Now Open! Exhibit and/or Sponsor: Online Registration & Information Participant: Online Registration & Information Our sleeping room block at the Renaissance Hotel expires April 10, 2015. Please make your Hotel Reservation online or call 800-859-6877 and mention the APWAOK/OWEA Conference to receive our conference rate of $159/night + tax as soon as possible. Please visit our Association websites! APWAOK Website OWEA Website Questions? Contact Rita at 800-772-4678 or rita.cavanaugh@okstate.edu. Forms can be downloaded at the links above or found on the following pages. 2015 APWAOK/OWEA Joint Conference – Pre-Conference Planner 13 PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION Online registration and credit card payments can be made at oklahoma.apwa.net FIRST NAME LAST NAME TITLE COMPANY/FIRM MAILING ADDRESS (CITY, STATE, ZIP) TELEPHONE FAX E-MAIL ADDRESS REGISTRATION OPTIONS q $225 MEMBER REGISTRATION APWA MEMBER # __________ OWEA/WEF MEMBER # __________ q $275 NON-MEMBER REGISTRATION q $315 REG + NEW APWA MEMBERSHIP (First Time Members Only) q $351 REG + NEW WEF MEMBERSHIP q $311 REG + WEF MEMBERSHIP (OPERATIONS) q $175 ONE DAY REGISTRATION FEE q TUESDAY or q WEDNESDAY SOCIAL EVENTS Included with cost of registration, but please let us know if you are attending so we can better plan the events! q MONDAY EVENING EVENT at Rocky’s Bricktown Event Center (Sponsor: Hartwell Environmental Corp & EI2) q TUESDAY EVENING EVENT at Park House Restaurant (Sponsor: Haynes Equipment) METHOD OF PAYMENT TOTAL AMOUNT DUE q CHECK ENCLOSED or q Credit Card payments are accepted online at time of registration or by calling Rita at 800-772-4678. CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations received prior to April 25 will be refunded less $50 administrative fee. Please Note: We will not be able to issue refunds after May 4, 2015. RETURN FORM AND PAYMENT TO: APWA-Oklahoma Chapter, PO Box 275, Stillwater, OK 74076 Telephone: 800-772-4678 | Fax: 405-744-7268 | Email: rita.cavanaugh@okstate.edu Visit our Associations’ websites to find out more about our local chapters: Oklahoma Water Enviroment Association: www.owea.org American Public Works Association, Oklahoma Chapter: oklahoma.apwa.net 2015 GOLF SCRAMBLE REGISTRATION Monday, May 4, 2015 | SilverHorn Golf Club • 11411 N. Kelley Ave. | Oklahoma City, OK 73131 TITLE NAME COMPANY ADDRESS (CITY, STATE AND ZIP) PHONE q q q q q FAX E-MAIL ADDRESS $65 One Entry Fee $150 One Hole Sponsorship Only $205 One Hole Sponsorship & One Entry Fee ($10 Discount) $240 Foursome Entry Fee ($20 Discount) $360 One Hole Sponsorship & Foursome Entry Fee ($50 discount) PARTNERS PLAYING NAME COMPANY AVERAGE SCORE/HANDICAP to a d r a Forw homa 2) ______________________________________________________________________________________ g n i v Mo Okla e l 3) ______________________________________________________________________________________ b a in Susta 4) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1) ______________________________________________________________________________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT (Must be received with registration) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE q CHECK OR P.O. ENCLOSED or q PAID ONLINE WITH CREDIT CARD (CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS ARE ACCEPTED ONLINE OR BY CALLING RITA AT 800-772-4678) NAME DATE COMPANY PHONE NUMBER PLEASE COMPLETE REGISTRATION BY APRIL 24, 2015 & RETURN WITH PAYMENT TO: Rita Cavanaugh, APWA-Oklahoma Chapter, PO Box 275, Stillwater, OK 74076 Telephone: 800-772-4678 Fax: 405-744-7268 Email: rita.cavanaugh@okstate.edu Sponsorship Opportunities A P WA O K / O W E A 2 0 1 5 C O N F E R E N C E May 4-6, 2015 | Renaissance Hotel and Cox Convention Center | Oklahoma City, OK Sponsorships give vendors and consultants an opportunity to showcase your company and introduce new products. The audience includes decision makers from local government entities, engineering and consulting firms, and public works contractors. Connect with potential clients, build brand recognition with your target market, and increase your exposure. Get your logo in front of potential customers with promotional items used for drawings during breaks, lunches, and grand prizes (at least two grand prizes are given). Information about the opportunities is listed below. Please note that the deadline for sponsorships and special recognition is April 17. We are interested in your ideas and suggestions for ways to enhance your exposure at our conference. Contact Rita at 800-772-4678. APWAOK & OWEA APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT! q SPECIALTY SPONSOR (FOR AN ENTIRE FUNCTION!) q Golf Tournament Sponsor ($2,000, incl 2 golf regs) q A.M. or P.M. Refreshment Breaks ($2,000)* Continental Breakfast (May 5 or 6; $2,000) q Lunch (May 5 or 6; 3 sponsorships available, $2,500) q Program Book Printing Sponsor ($2,000; 2 sponsorships available) • Recognition (verbal & signage) at golf tournament & conference • Opportunity to provide promo Items for registration pkts • Individual Recognition (verbal & signage) with function • Prime recognition with logo in conference program book • Two conference registrations (up to two additional registrations for $175 each) • Exhibit Space with Prime Location * Opportunities for A.M. and/or P.M. Breaks on both May 5 and May 6. q q PLATINUM SPONSOR $1,000 Opportunity Includes: • Recognition (verbal and signage) at the golf tournament and the conference • Exhibit space in highly visible location • One conference registration (Add’l up to 2; for $175) • Written recognition in conference program book • Opportunity to include item in registration packet q GOLD SPONSOR Opportunity Includes: • Recognition at golf tournament & conference • Recognition in conf program • Exhibit space • One conference registration (Add’l up to 2; for $175) q q $750 BRONZE SPONSOR $300 Opportunity Includes: • Recognition (verbal & signage) at conference only • Written recognition in conference program book SILVER SPONSOR $500 Opportunity Includes: • Recognition at golf tournament & conference • Written recognition in conference program book • One conference registration q GOLF HOLE SPONSOR $150 Opportunity Includes: • Recognition (verbal & signage) at golf tournament only • Written recognition in conference program book METHOD OF PAYMENT q CHECK ENCLOSED (Credit card payments accepted online at time of registration or by calling Rita, 800-772-4678.) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE PRINT NAME MAILING ADDRESS (CITY, STATE AND ZIP) PHONE NUMBER a o t d r a w r o F g a m o Movin h a l k O e l b a Sustain COMPANY NAME EMAIL ADDRESS Please complete registration forms and return with payment to: Rita Cavanaugh, APWA-Oklahoma Chapter PO Box 275, Stillwater, OK 74076 Telephone: 800-772-4678 Fax: 405-744-7268 EXHIBIT REGISTRATION Online registration and credit card payments can be made at oklahoma.apwa.net COMPANY NAME CONTACT PERSON BILLING ADDRESS (CITY, STATE, ZIP) TELEPHONE FAX E-MAIL ADDRESS EXHIBIT OPTIONS q $450 8 X 10 Pipe and Drape Booth (includes full registration for 2 representatives) q $875 8 X 20 Pipe and Drape Booth (includes full registration for 4 representatives) q $40 Electrical Service q $175 Each Additional Company Representative (Maximum of 2 at discounted rate. Please indicate how many add’l representatives ________ ) Other representatives may register at the Participant Rate. SOCIAL EVENTS (Included with Registration. Check if attending) Included with cost of registration, but please let us know if you are attending so we can better plan the events! q MONDAY EVENING EVENT at Rocky’s Bricktown Event Center (Sponsor: Hartwell Environmental Corp & EI2) q TUESDAY EVENING EVENT at Park House Restaurant (Sponsor: Haynes Equipment) METHOD OF PAYMENT (Must be received with registration) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ q q CHECK ENCLOSED PAID ONLINE WITH CREDIT CARD (Credit card payments accepted online at time of registration or by calling Rita, 800-772-4678) IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Exhibitor Set Up is 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Monday, May 4 & 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM on Tuesday, May 5. Exhibits will open at 8:00 AM on Tuesday. The show closes following lunch on May 6. Tear down should not begin before 1:30 PM and must be completed by 4:00 PM Wednesday. Please provide a Certificate of Insurance with your registration. Deadline for Exhibit Registration is April 24. Heavy Traffic Times are expected: Tuesday - 8:00-9:30 AM, 11:30-1:30 PM, and 3:00-3:30 PM. Wednesday - 8:00-9:00 AM, 10:00-10:30 AM, and 11:30-1:30 PM. Cancellation Policy - Cancellations received prior to April 25 are refundable less $100 administrative fee. No refunds issued after April 25, 2015. PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN FORMS AND PAYMENT TO: Rita Cavanaugh, APWA-Oklahoma Chapter, PO Box 275, Stillwater, OK 74076 Telephone: 800-772-4678 Fax: 405-744-7268 Email: rita.cavanaugh@okstate.edu ADDITIONAL COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE REGISTRATION APWA/OWEA TECHNICAL CONFERENCE, TRADESHOW AND GOLF TOURNAMENT, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, MAY 4-6, 2015 TITLE NAME (FOR BADGE) COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS (CITY, STATE AND ZIP) TELEPHONE FAX E-MAIL ADDRESS TITLE NAME (FOR BADGE) COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS (CITY, STATE AND ZIP) TELEPHONE FAX NAME (FOR BADGE) E-MAIL ADDRESS TITLE COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS (CITY, STATE AND ZIP) TELEPHONE FAX NAME (FOR BADGE) E-MAIL ADDRESS TITLE COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS (CITY, STATE AND ZIP) TELEPHONE FAX NAME (FOR BADGE) E-MAIL ADDRESS TITLE COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS (CITY, STATE AND ZIP) TELEPHONE FAX E-MAIL ADDRESS PLEASE COMPLETE REGISTRATION FORMS BY APRIL 24 AND RETURN WITH PAYMENT TO: Rita Cavanaugh, APWA-Oklahoma Chapter, P O Box 275, Stillwater, OK 74076 Telephone: 800-772-4678 Fax: 405-744-7268 Email: rita.cavanaugh@okstate.edu
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