Oracle Taleo Business Edition Cloud Service What’s New in Release 15A2 April 17, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................................................3 RELEASE FEATURE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................3 REPORTING FEATURES ...........................................................................................................................................3 Retirement of Insight Reporting ........................................................................................................................................ 4 New Expressions ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Scheduled Reports CSV Option .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Cloning of Standard Reports .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Reporting on Custom Tabs ................................................................................................................................................. 6 PLATFORM FEATURES ............................................................................................................................................7 Language Extensions .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Service Provider (SP) Initiated Single Sign-On (SSO) .......................................................................................................... 8 Job Brief Standard Field ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 ONBOARD FEATURES .............................................................................................................................................9 Bulk Printing of Onboard Forms......................................................................................................................................... 9 ADDITIONAL CHANGES ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Removal of Full Application Setting ................................................................................................................................. 11 Changes to the CC-305 Form ........................................................................................................................................... 12 . 2 OVERVIEW This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle Taleo Business Edition Cloud Service Release 15A2. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you. RELEASE FEATURE SUMMARY Some of the new Release 15A2 features are automatically available to users after the upgrade and some require action from the user, the company administrator, or Oracle. The table below offers a quick view of the actions required to enable each of the new features. Action Required to Enable Feature Feature Automatically Available End User Action Required Administrator Action Required Oracle Service Request Required Reporting Features Retirement of Insight Reporting New Expressions Scheduled Reports CSV Option Cloning of Standard Reports Reporting on Custom Tabs Platform Features Language Extensions Service Provider (SP) Initiated Single Sign-On (SSO) Onboard Features Bulk Printing of Onboard forms (for admins) (for other users) Additional Changes Removal of Full Application setting Changes to the CC-305 Form REPORTING FEATURES This section applies to all Taleo Business Edition customers who utilize the reporting engine. . 3 RETIREMENT OF INSIGHT REPORTING As mentioned in previous releases, the Insight reporting engine has been retired with this release. Any custom reports created with Insight which were not migrated over the last few months are no longer available and will need to be recreated. Use the Reports menu to run existing reports and create new custom reports. NEW EXPRESSIONS This release includes three new functions that can be used in the Expression builder to format data to better suit your needs. CLEAN—This function can be used on a text area field to remove line breaks in the data. This is most useful when exporting to excel to prevent a field such as the job description from breaking to a new cell each time a link break is encountered. • EXAMPLE: CLEAN([REQU|description]) UPPER—This function returns the value of the field all in uppercase. • EXAMPLE: UPPER([REQU|title]) DATE_FORMAT—This function allows you to better control the date formatting for a particular field, if the date formats available in the Report Designer are not sufficient for your needs. The syntax of the expressions is: • DATE_FORMAT(var1, var2) where var1 is the name of the field, and var2 is one or more codes that determine the date format. The codes must be enclosed in quotes, with each code separated by a space, comma or colon. Text can be enclosed in single quotes. The following table describes the most common codes. Code Data or Time Component y or Y M Year Month w W D d E Week in year Week in month Day in year Day in month Day name a H k K h AM/PM marker Hour in day (0-23) Hour in day (1-24) Hour in AM/PM (0-11) Hour in AM/PM (1-12) . Example “YY” or “YYYY” returns 13 or 2013 “MMM” returns Jul, “MM” returns 07, “MMMMM” returns July “w” returns 27 “W” returns 2 “D” returns 189 “d” returns 10 “E” returns Wed, “EEEEE” returns Wednesday (1-3 returns abbreviation, 5 returns full name) “a” returns PM “H” returns 0 for 12:20 AM “k” returns 24 “K” returns 0 “h” returns 12 4 m z Minute in hour General time zone “m” returns 30 “z” returns GMT, “zzzzz” returns Greenwich Mean Time ADDITIONAL EXAMPLES: DATE_FORMAT([REQU|openedDate], “EEE, MMM d, y”) returns Wed, Sep 3, 2014 DATE_FORMAT([REQU|openedDate], “h:mm a”) returns 12:09 PM DATE_FORMAT([REQU|openedDate], “EEE, MMM d, y”) DATE_FORMAT([REQU|openedDate], “yyyy.MM.dd ‘at’ HH:mm:ss z”) returns 2013.07.04 at 12:08:56 PDT For the full list of codes and more details, click here. SCHEDULED REPORTS CSV OPTION When a report is scheduled to run overnight, the resulting report can be emailed to users, contacts or employees in PDF, Word, or Excel format. This release introduces a CSV format as well, allowing for more flexibility. STEPS TO ENABLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click the Reports menu to access the list of reports. Locate the report you wish to schedule, and click the Schedule button. Choose the appropriate settings and parameters. In the Sending Options section, check the Send report via e-mail option. Choose one or more recipients, or enter an email address manually. Form the File Format drop down, select CSV Document. Selecting the CSV format for a Scheduled Report 7. Click Save Scheduled Report. . 5 The resulting report will be emailed to the recipient in a CSV format. CLONING OF STANDARD REPORTS This release extends the list of standard reports which may now be cloned, for a total of 15 standard reports (three from the last release, 12 from this release). The following standard reports can be cloned: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Candidates By Requisition Candidates By Requisition – Current User Owner Candidates Per Source Requisition Status Summary Requisitions by Owner Time to Hire Time to Hire – By Current User Owner AAP – Applicants 2014 AAP – Hires 2014 OFCCP Adverse Impact 2014 OFCCP Applicant Flow by Name 2014 OFCCP Judgment Report 2014 OFCCP Search Compliance Performance Review Detail Performance Review Detail – Current User Subordinates To clone any of these reports, select Edit Reports from the Reports menu, and click the Clone button next to the report name. Clone button available for certain Standard Reports The Clone button only appears beside reports that support cloning. Standard reports often require the inclusion of specific fields critical to the report. When cloned, you will not be able to see or remove these fields in the assignment of fields and parameters. You can add more fields and parameters as needed. NOTE: The formatting of many of the standard reports is quite complex. Removing or adding fields to the cloned version might require attention on the report formatting. REPORTING ON CUSTOM TABS This release introduces the ability to report on custom tabs. Custom tabs can be used for a variety of reasons, such as housing a page for custom fields, or creating relationships between custom entities and standard entities. . 6 For each custom tab, a new report topic is automatically created. If there is a relationship between two custom tabs, there will be another report topic for this relationship. If there is a relationship between a custom tab and an entity such as candidates, employees, etc, there will be a corresponding report topic as well. EXAMPLE In this example, you have created a custom tab called Talent Pools. On the Customize Recruit page, in the Customize Tabs section, you then create a relationship between Talent Pools and Candidates as well as a relationship between Talent Pools and Requisitions. When you create a new custom report, you will see a Talent Pools option available from the More menu. Clicking this option shows you three new report topics: one for Talent Pools, one for Talent Pools by Candidate, and one for Talent Pools by Requisition. Report topics available for the custom tab These topics allow you to report on your custom tabs, selecting fields available from these tabs as well as some basic fields that are available for any custom objects. You may create the custom report in the same manner as with other custom reports. PLATFORM FEATURES The following features apply to all users of Taleo Business Edition. LANGUAGE EXTENSIONS This release introduces three additional languages: Japanese, Hungarian, and Czech. To enable the languages that pertain to your business for your users, Employee Websites or Careers Websites, you must add them as supported languages. STEPS TO ENABLE . 7 1. Select Administration, then select Organization. 2. Click System & Email Settings. 3. At the bottom of the System Settings section, add or remove languages by holding down the Control key while you click. 4. Click Save. Supported languages option on the System & Email Settings page. SERVICE PROVIDER (SP) INITIATED SINGLE SIGN-ON (SSO) The single sign-on (SSO) capabilities in Taleo Business Edition have been enhanced with this release, providing more functionality and an easier configuration. Administrators can export the SSO configuration (metadata) to an XML file that can be imported into their Identity Provider (IDP), making it easier to set up the TBE connection. Service Provider (SP) initiated SSO is now supported with this release. If set up in TBE SSO configuration, users and/or employees attempting to access links within Taleo Business Edition or an Employee Website will first be redirected to the specified Identity Federation service/Identity Provider (IDP) to be authenticated before being granted access. Users and employees of customers using SSO to access Taleo Business Edition will not need to have TBE passwords to access these types of links, for example links in emails sent from TBE. For more information, please refer to the SSO setup guide, available here . . 8 JOB BRIEF STANDARD FIELD There is a new text area standard requisition field called Job Brief that allows you to provide a brief description for your requisitions on your Careers Website. This text area field allows for up to 255 characters, and can be added to your Add/Edit Requisition page layout for users to enter a brief description. Then this field can be placed on the Requisition View Careers Website page if you would like applicants to see this information instead of the longer job description, or perhaps display both on the page. ONBOARD FEATURES This section applies to customers using Taleo Business Edition Onboard. BULK PRINTING OF ONBOARD FORMS You can now print all forms in onboarding packets for selected employees at once. You can limit the results to completed forms, or print incomplete forms as well if you want to provide employees with a paper copy to sign. A single PDF file is created, which can then be sent to the printer or emailed to a team member. This feature saves you time and simplifies the onboarding process. There is a new Print Forms button in the Onboard Home list view, and any versions of this list view you have created. Access to this button is controlled via the same access control that covers emailing forms from the Employee list views. Print Forms button available from Onboard list views This button is visible only to users with the Administrator role by default, but you can enable this button for other roles as well. STEPS TO ENABLE BUTTON FOR OTHER USER ROLES 1. Select Administration, then select Customize Onboard/Offboard. 2. In the Customize Forms section, click Assign Access Control. . 9 3. In the top row on the resulting screen, for the Employee Forms Button, select the checkbox for any additional roles which should have access to the Print Forms button. Only those users with the authority to see the Forms button for employees can print forms in bulk. Access Control panel for Onboard forms 4. Click Save. Now users with this role will also have the Print Forms button in their Onboard list views. USING THE PRINT FORMS BUTTON 1. From an Onboard list view, select one or more employees whose forms you would like to print. 2. Click the Print Forms button. 3. In the resulting window, all forms that are included in the packets of the selected employees are listed on the ‘Forms included’ side. Move any which you do not wish to print to the left side using the arrow. 4. By default, the option Print only completed forms is checked. Uncheck this if you wish to print empty or incomplete forms. 5. Select whether or not you want to print a header page with the employee’s name on it before each packet. . 10 Print Forms window 6. Click Continue. You will see a notice that your request will occur in the background. Click Ok. 7. When the Gear notification icon refreshes with a new notification, click the Form Printing – File available notification. Notification event for the printing of Onboard forms 8. Click the Download button and the resulting PDF file will appear where your browser saves downloaded files. 9. Print or email the PDF file as desired. There will be a header page before each employee’s forms if this option was selected. ADDITIONAL CHANGES REMOVAL OF FULL APPLICATION SETTING As mentioned in the Release Notes for 15A1, the ability to control whether or not candidates are presented with the full application has been removed with this release. This is no longer a setting on the . 11 Careers Website page. Candidates are now presented with the full application each time they apply for a position, which is best practice for eSignature collection. No action is needed for this feature. CHANGES TO THE CC-305 FORM Changes to the OFCCP voluntary self-ID form CC-305 went into effect on February 6, 2015. The changes are as follows: • • • • • . The Individual with disabilities field is now both a candidate field and a requisition-specific candidate field. The original candidate field has been renamed to Candidate Individual with disabilities. Each time the candidate applies, the latest information is stored in this candidate field. The requisition-specific field is called Individual with disabilities. Candidates can now enter their name and date on the form. The completed form is available as a PDF which is also tracked at the candidate level with the field Candidate CC305 PDF and at the requisition-specific candidate level with the field CC305 PDF. You may add these fields to page layouts. The fields are automatically hidden for users other than Administrators. The fields can also be added to list views, but be sure to only add them to list views that are restricted to the appropriate users since they are not automatically hidden for users other than administrators as they are on page layouts. A Spanish version of the form displays when the locale of the Careers Website is set to Spanish. 12 Date 4/10/2015 . What’s Changed Original version Notes 13 Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
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