Bury Rangers 50

Bury Rangers 50th Anniversary
6 a side Tournament
20th/21st June 2015
Bury Rangers FC cordially invite you to participate in our 50 th Anniversary 6 a-side
Tournament. The Tournament will be held over the weekend of 20th/21st June 2015 at
Presdales Playing Fields, Walnut Tree Walk, Ware, Herts, SG12 9PD.
The Tournament will feature a Cup and Shield competition for every Age Group and every
team is guaranteed at least one “knock out” match.
Age Groups invited are u8-u13 Youth and u11/12/13 Girls, with sessions scheduled as
Saturday am
Saturday pm
Sunday am
Sunday pm
Age Groups
Girls u11/12/13
Registration &
09:30 – 13:30
14:00 – 18:00
09:30 – 13:30
14:00 – 18:00
The entry fee is £30 per team and the deadline for returns is 15th May 2015. A confirmation
of receipt of entry form will be emailed as soon as received. This is NOT a confirmation of
entry to the tournament - entry confirmation will be sent out separately.
If you would like to enter the Tournament, please complete the attached Entry Form and
return it, with the appropriate fees, to the address on the form. Entries can also be emailed
to reserve a place with payment following in the post.
The Tournament email address is buryrangerstournament@gmail.com.
A selection of food and drink will be available over the weekend.
Adequate car parking will be provided at a cost of £1 per vehicle which includes a
Tournament Programme.
You can follow the Tournament on Twitter: @burytournament.
Thank you for supporting our Tournament and good luck.
Tournament Organising Committee
Bury Rangers 50th Anniversary
6 a side Tournament
20th/21st June 2015
Tournament Rules
The Bury Rangers 50th Anniversary Tournament is a 6 a side tournament for Youth Age Groups from
under 8 to under 13 and for under 11/12/13 girls.
Each Age Group will play for a Cup and Shield and all Age Groups will play to the same rules (except
for the size of the ball.)
The Tournament will be in two stages: the Group Stage where each team will play all the other
teams in their Group and the Knockout Stage where the match winner progresses into the next
General rules
Squad Sizes: Maximum squad size is 9. The 3 substitutes can be used on a ‘roll on, roll off’ basis.
Kit: All players must wear shin pads.
Colour clash: in the event of a clash of colours, the first named team to change their colours. All
teams to provide a different coloured set of shirts if required.
Balls: under 8s and u9s to use size 3, all other Age Groups to use size 4. The first named team shall
provide the match ball.
Playing Rules
Mini soccer rules will apply with the following adaptations/clarifications:
All free kicks are direct – defending team must retreat 5 yards.
No offsides
No ball height restriction
Throw ins to be taken in accordance with FA rules.
Goalkeepers may NOT pick-up from a pass back.
No step restrictions for goalkeepers
The goalkeeper can kick the ball from his hands at all times except for goal kicks when these
must be taken from the floor.
Rolling substitutions are allowed at any time with the permission of the referee.
The referee’s decision is ABSOLUTELY final.
Group Stage
Each match in the Group stage will be of a straight 10 minute duration (i.e. no half time break or
change of ends).
Points for the Group stages will be awarded as follows:
3 points for a win
1 point for a draw
0 points for a defeat.
Knock out Qualification
Assuming groups of 4, the top 2 teams in each group will qualify for the Cup competition and the 3 rd
and 4th teams will enter the Shield. (In the event of different size Groups the Tournament Manager
will decide the qualification criteria).
Group placings will be decided by:1) Highest number of points awarded
2) If teams are level on points then the result between the two teams in the group stages will
decide who finishes higher. If then, there is no clear winner then placings will be decided by:
a) greatest goal difference; b) highest number of goals scored; c) if identical qualification ,
order will be decided by a ‘sudden death’ penalty shoot-out.
Knockout Stage
Each match in the Knockout stage will be 6 minutes each way with an immediate turnround i.e. no
half time break.
In the event of a draw a straight 3 minutes extra time will be played.
If the teams are still drawing after extra time a penalty shoot out will ensue.
The penalty shoot out will be the best of 5 penalties, any player from the squad being eligible to take
a penalty i.e. they do not have to be on the field of play at the end of the game. If still no result there
will be sudden death until there is a winner. Each player may only take one penalty until all players
have taken one. If all players have taken a penalty and the winner has not been decided then the
sequence starts again.
A player who is sent off for misconduct shall not be permitted to take any further part in the
tournament, he may be replaced (by a team mate nominated on the team sheet) for subsequent
matches, but not in the match during which he was sent off.
This tournament uses the BLUE Card system where a player cautioned is sent to a sin bin for 2
minutes but the caution is not sent to the County FA but recorded by the Senior Referee. Two blue
(yellow) cards in any one match equal a red card, whereas an accumulation of two blue (yellow)
cards in the tournament results in a player being excluded from any subsequent matches.
Registered Referees shall control all matches where possible and all misconduct or straight red card
offences will be reported by the referees to the appropriate County FA.
All Team Managers are responsible for ensuring that no single player exceeds the F.A. guidelines for
‘Total playing time in one day’
Bury Rangers F.C. will NOT be deemed responsible for any injury to any person, however caused
throughout the duration of the tournament.
Any matters arising that are not covered by these rules will be dealt with by the Tournament
Bury Rangers 50th Anniversary
6 a side Tournament
20th/21st June 2015
Entry Form
Club Name
County Affiliation
Affiliation No.
Contact Details
Team Name
Mobile no.
Email address
I enclose a cheque for ……………… teams @ £30 each: Total £ …………………
Cheques to be made payable to Bury Rangers FC
Age Groups are for current season (2014/15)
Deadline for entries is 15th May 2015. Confirmation of successful entry will be emailed to the nominated
Entry fees are non-refundable unless a substitute team can fill the vacated place.
Check Twitter for tournament updates: @burytournament.
Any questions please email: burytournament@gmail.com
Please send completed entry forms (and cheques) to:
Tournament Manager, c/o 24 Stoat Close, Hertford, SG13 7GH
(emailed entries will be accepted with cheques following in the post.
Bury Rangers 50th Anniversary
6 a side Tournament
20th/21st June 2015
Team Sheet
To be handed in at Registration Desk prior to Tournament
Team Name
Player’s Name
League ID
Age Group
Date of Birth
I agree to abide by the Tournament Rules and any decisions made by the Organising Committee on the
Manager’s name:
Manager’s signature: