Newsletter 289 NEW MEMBER: NEW MEMBERS Kate Beer Tobias Brazier Daisy Brazier Rachel Brazier TUESDAY INTERVAL SESSION 10 MARCH Following a progressive warm up including the walk drill (keep practising) the main set consisted of 6,5,4,3,2,1,30s with 3, 2.5, 2, 1.5, 1, 30s recoveries. The group were instructed to start off running at their mile pace for the 1st interval and then increase their effort throughout the session to finish with a flat out 30 second effort at approximately 200m pace. It was executed well and several runners were seen sprinting into space during the 30 second effort to get a clear run for a flat out effort (as advised!) Matt Dyke assisted with the session this week, and took the lead for the cool down and stretches. The huge group of juniors ran 8 X 400m reps, at race pace. It was great to see them training in NTC kit. England Athletics Affiliation Renewal For those who wish to be affiliated to EA via NTC, EA membership is due on 1st April. The fee is £12 and NTC will be required to pay on your behalf (you cannot pay directly to EA) Please let Sarah Taylor know if you wish to affiliate or renew your affiliation You will then be required to pay £12 to NTC either on line or by cash/cheque at a training session. By way of a reminder EA affiliation is required to race for NTC in the XC league or represent NTC in any running race. MONDAY SWIM SESSION 9 MARCH Warm up 4/10 80 Freestyle 80 Popov - fins 80 2o Doggy Paddle, 20 No 1.scull repeat -- fins 80 6.1.6 - fins 80 6.3.6 – fins Build 8/10 6 x 20 Fly kick under water - fins Main 60 secs recovery between sets 5 x 100 CSS - 1 beep recovery 6 x 20 FS sprint from scull 10 secs rec 400 as 100 K,D,P,S 4 x 20 Sprint from push, streamline 10 secs rec 300 Pull paddles and pullbuoy 2 x 20 at 10m fast kick 10 secs rec 200 kick Cool Down 4/10 200 Backstroke swim/drill Congratulations to Matt Wild (2:16:42) and Matt Dyke (2:16:45) representing NTC at Stafford 20m last week. Both posted great times (with only seconds between them) running the 20m in awful conditions. Check out the latest club videos on Facebook: newcastlestaffstriathlonclub WEDNESDAY WATT BIKE 11 MARCH This week we increased the time sections of the progressive session that we did a few weeks ago. So the main set consisted of blocks of 3 mins steady, 3 mins endurance, 3 mins sweetspot, 3 mins intense, 3 mins easy. We did 4 blocks in total, the juniors and those racing at the weekend did 3 blocks. West Midlands Jnr Series Events Month Day Date March Sat 21/03/2015 March Sun April Event TS1-TS3 Youth BCT Aquathlon Y Y 29/03/2015 Sandwell Aquathlon Y Y Sun 26/04/2015 BRAT Sprint Triathlon May Sat 09/05/2015 BCT Duathlon May Sun 24/05/2015 Telford Tinman Triathlon May Sun 24/05/2015 Wrekin College Aquathlon Y May Sun 31/05/2015 Warwickshire Children's Triathlon Y June Sun 14/06/2015 Barton Marina Triathlon Y June Sun 21/06/2015 Sandwell Junior Triathlon Y Y July Sun 05/07/2015 Paul Weston Memorial Aquathlon Y Y July Sun 19/07/2015 BRAT Junior Aquathlon Y Y August Sun 02/08/2015 Shropshire Junior Duathlon Y Y September Sat 26/09/2015 Autumn Dip & Dash Aquathlon Y Y Info regarding IRCs - Inter-Regional Championships (National Tri Champs) IRC Test Event (NOT WM Series race) May Sun 31/05/2015 Mallory Park Triathlon (Leicestershire) IRC Team Qualification Race (NOT WM Series race) July Sun 05/07/2015 Super Tri Children's Tri (Eton) Inter-Regional Championships 2015 September Sat 05/09/2015 U 20 European Triathlon Festival, Mallory Park September Sun 06/09/2015 U 20 European Triathlon Festival, Mallory Park ENTRIES ARE FILLING UP QUCKLY DON’T MISS OUT IF YOU INTEND TO RACE! Y Y Y Y Y FRIDAY SWIM SESSION 13 MARCH Warm up 4/10 80 Freestyle 80 Kick on L/R streamline –fins 80 Zipper – fins 80 Popov – fins 80 6.1.6 Build 8/10 6 x 20 as 3 x 20 Odds - From scull FS sprint – climb out 3 x 20 Evens- From dive FS sprint Main 60 secs rec between sets 400 FS CSS 7/10 4 x 20 sprints from scull 8/10 400 as 100 Torpedo kick, 100 pull repeat 6/10 4 x 20 from push off streamline fly kick to flags – sprint 8/10 4 x 100 FS CSS 7/10 2 x 40 tumble turn or quick touch and push off last 10 m fast kick 8/10 400 pull – pull buoy and paddles 6/10 – maintain high elbow Cool Down 4/10 200 Backstroke swim/drill Letter from the secretary of Parogan Swimming Club: I am writing on behalf of the Parogon Swimming Club. We are a small club based at Newcastle under Lyme school swimming pool. We have been established since just after the Second World War and believe we can offer something unique to our members. I see that you offer swim sets at Trentham, but we would be able to offer your members something different in that with membership they would have access to the pool for 5 sessions a week to swim as they like and on 3 other occasions we run coached swimming sets, purely fitness based. We enter open water events and have just set up a new junior water polo session. We already have shared members in Ed Cross and Neil Oliver and I am sure they will give us a good testimonial! We have an annual subscription fee, payable either one go or in two instalments on production of a post dated cheque. As we are now into the year a pro rata rate would be charged to any new members. For a full paying adult this would be £130, or two instalments of £65 covering membership from 1st April until the end of December. Reduced rates for students and under 18s. Would it be possible for some sort of publicity to go out to your members on our behalf as we are constantly attempting to increase membership to ensure that the club maintains sustainability. For more information please see or follow the Facebook link at the bottom of this email. In the first instance any people interested would be able to come and have a try. Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Ian Cartwright Hon Secretary facebook: Parogon Swimming & Water Polo Club Jordan Nixon raced on Saturday 14 March for Staffordshire Schools in the English Schools Athletic Association Cross Country Championships at Witton Park Blackburn. He was running for the Junior Boys and finished 236 in a time of 13 min 34 sec for 3.6km race in a field of over 340 runners. He was the 3rd Staffordshire runner to finish out of the team of 8. Another great experience for him in a National Event. SATURDAY GROUP RIDES 14 MARCH There has been a few sickness bugs around this week threatening to affect the group rides on Saturday, and 2 of our leaders unfortunately had to cry off. Jacqui Smith stood in for Chrissie as lead for the steady group cycling 50 miles in total and took a cafe stop at Marton which was very busy. There were 9 of them in the group including two new riders to the steady group. Helen led the development group (despite not feeling very well herself!) on a 28m ride with a café stop at Dagfields Paul was due to lead the fast group on a hilly ride but instead the group (also 9 in number) rode out to Henbury for a 60m loop. SUNDAY RUN 15 MARCH There were 2 good sized groups meeting at 8 and 9 o’clock for our steady runs. At 8 o’clock there was a choice of 5 or 6m group. At 9 o’clock there was a choice of a 5m or 9m steady run or a 3-4m loop including some plyometrics training. The beauty of having such a large group is there is a wide variety of ability and therefore always somebody to run with.
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