SCM Bond Reserve Portfolio (GBP) As at 30th April 2015 Portfolio commenced 1st June 2011 25.0% 21.0% OBJECTIVE: To outperform cash. 20.0% 14.4% 15.0% STRATEGY: Actively managed. This is a welldiversified portfolio made up of cash, credit and fixed interest investments. It normally invests in a wide range of ETFs to gain significant diversification and exceptional liquidity at very low cost. 10.0% 7.8% 5.0% 0.0% Last Month -1.3% -5.0% 2014 Top Holdings as at 30th April 2015 % ISHARES GBP CORP BND 1-5YR 23.2 ISHARES CORP BND EX-FIN 19.2 ISHARES JPMORGAN USD EM BND 15.9 SPDR BAR GBP COPORATE BND 12.4 ISHARES EMERGING CORP BND 9.3 SOURCE ETFS EMG LOC BND 8.3 DB IBOXX LIQUID CORP 100 4.7 SPDR BARC EM LOC BND 4.4 Underlying Holdings Key Statistics (Source: Bloomberg) Overall Asset Allocation Last 12m Last 3 Yrs Since Inception 125.00 120.00 115.00 110.00 105.00 100.00 31.05.11 31.05.12 31.05.13 31.05.14 Rolling Returns 12m to 30.04.15 12m to 30.04.14 12m to 30.04.13 7.8% -5.8% 12.6% Source: SCM Private LLP based on performance data from Investment Software Ltd and Société Générale Securities Services Cash, 2.6% Past performance should not be seen as a guide to future returns. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and investors may not recover the amount of their original investment. Fees & Charges Bonds, 97.4% No. Holdings Yield to Maturity Maturity Duration S&P Rating 510 Govt. Bonds 1,370 Corp. Bonds 4.0% 11.0 Yrs 6.1 Yrs BBB+ ANNUAL MANAGEMENT CHARGE: 0.4% +VAT 0.48% Underlying ETF costs (TER) Est. Dealing Costs (based on last 3 year annualised portfolio turnover of 28.6%, a recent weighted average spread of c. 0.34%, and a 0.07% commission rate) Custody & Administration fee 0.31% 0.14% TOTAL COST OF INVESTING 1.13% 0.20% Fixed Income by S&P Rating Asset Allocation Changes and Market Commentary No asset allocation changes undertaken during April CCC 0.8% B 2.2% BB 6.1% Not Rated by S&P 12.3% AAA AA 0.2% 7.5% A 30.6% The last few weeks have seen a major sell-off in bonds around the world, particularly longer dated bonds and European Government bonds. The questions which clients are naturally are asking; i) What major changes has SCM made in the portfolio? ii) How is the overall portfolio positioned? iii) What do you make of the current sell-off Over the last few months we have been reducing the average maturity of the bonds, re-investing the dividends in shorter-term, less interest rate sensitive bonds. Following US$ strength, we also sold our US TIPS exposure (US inflation-linked bonds) and added to the local currency emerging market debt. In terms of PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) emerging market currencies are now trading at 12 year lows. BBB 40.3% Fixed Income by Region of Risk United Kingdom Western Europe (Ex-UK) North America Asia Pacific (Ex-Japan) South & Central America Eastern Europe (incl. Russia) Africa / Middle East Central Asia Japan 29.8% 19.0% 13.6% 11.0% 10.0% 9.8% 4.3% 1.7% 0.7% The overall portfolio is positioned with a bias towards both shorter term and higher yielding emerging bonds. Whilst these emerging bonds tend to be more volatile in the shorter term, they combine a good yield with a shorter maturity than many of the alternatives. We have avoided European denominated corporate, Government and high yield bonds entirely. Some of the recent bond yields were insane in our view. No doubt future bond movements may be more pronounced, exacerbated by lower levels of bond liquidity both in government and corporate bonds as shown below (US shown). Fixed Income by Sector (BICS) Government 26.8% Financial 21.4% Utilities 15.4% Communications 8.8% Consumer, Non-cyclical 6.9% Energy 6.4% Consumer, cyclical 5.4% Industrial 4.9% Basic Materials 2.8% Diversified 0.9% Technology 0.2% The charts below of German and US 30 Yr yields show the dangers in investing in insanely overvalued assets (European Government bonds) or assets where the extra risk is not compensated by extra return (long bonds), with German and US long bonds down c. 19% and 10% respectively from their recent peaks. German 30 Yr Bund (2.5% 2046) 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 Source: Bloomberg US 30 Yr Treasuries (2.5%, 2045) 103 98 93 88 Source: Bloomberg Alan Miller, Chief Investment Officer, 13th May 2015 Performance is based on the monthly performance of the first client discretionary portfolio after all charges. Individual client portfolios may differ due partly to differences in the timing of initial investment or withdrawals or rebalancing. The SCM Direct Bond Reserve (GBP) Benchmark consists of the LIBOR GBP Total Return 1 Month Index. Investing in Exchange Traded Funds may expose the investor to a number of risks, some of which are specific to Exchange Traded Funds and some of which are general investment risks. Discretionary portfolios are not subject to the same regulatory constraints as UCITS and other regulated funds. Risk and performance can change over time and the SCM Direct Portfolios may not be suitable for all types of investor. The tax treatment of investments depends on each investor’s individual circumstances and is subject to changes in tax legislation. We aim to provide investors with simple, understandable information so they can make fully informed decisions. If you are unsure about the suitability of our investment portfolios please contact an independent financial adviser. SCM Direct is a trading name of SCM Private LLP which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to conduct investment business. Company registered in England and Wales, no. OC342778. The value of investments can go down in value as well as up, so you could get back less than you invest. Exchange rates may cause the value of overseas investments and income from them to rise and fall. It is therefore important that you understand the past performance is not a guide to future returns. SCM Direct does not give personal advice.
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