MicroNanoFabrication Annual Review Meeting May 5th, 2015 EPFL Lausanne Participant List (as of May 4th => 636 participants) 1 Industr. ABB Semiconductors Dellmann Laurent laurent.dellmann@ch.abb.com 2 Industr. Abionic SA Lunardi Boris boris.lunardi@abionic.com 3 Industr. Aleva Neurotherapeutics SA Ruan Jason Jinyu jason.ruan@aleva-neuro.com 4 Industr. Alliance Concept, France Chambe Fabien fchambe@alliance-concept.com 5 Industr. Alliance Concept, France Ducret Gaël gducret@alliance-concept.com 6 Industr. Applied Materials Genonceau Franck franck_genonceau@amat.com 7 Industr. Arnano, France Fosse Philippe philippe.fosse@arnano.fr 8 Industr. Asulab, Swatch Group Calic Milan mcalic@asulab.ch 9 Industr. Asulab, Swatch Group Di Domenico Gianni gdidomenico@asulab.ch 10 Industr. Asulab, Swatch Group Gueissaz François fgueissaz@asulab.ch 11 Industr. Asulab, Swatch Group Haemmerli Alexandre ahaemmerli@asulab.ch 12 Industr. Asulab, Swatch Group Paratte Lionel lparatte@asulab.ch 13 Industr. Asulab, Swatch Group Turcotte Karine kturcotte@asulab.ch 14 Industr. Axetris AG Hessler Thomas thomas.hessler@axetris.com 15 Industr. Axetris AG Houriet Xavier xavier.houriet@axetris.com 16 Industr. BASF Schweiz AG Von Muehlenen Adrian adrian.von-muehlenen@basf.com 17 Industr. Beneq Oy, Germany Tholense Hugo hugo.tholense@beneq.com 18 Industr. Bühler AG Böhni Peter peter.boehni@buhlergroup.com 19 Industr. Centredoc Vallat Evelyne evallat@centredoc.ch 20 Industr. Centrotherm photovoltaics AG, Germany Kähler Jan-Dirk jan-dirk.kaehler@centrotherm.de 21 Industr. Centrotherm photovoltaics AG, Germany Reichart Stephan stephan.reichart@centrotherm.de 22 Industr. Cicorel SA Chavaillaz Fabien fabien.chavaillaz@cicor.com 23 Industr. Colibrys Moser Jacques jacques.moser@colibrys.com 24 Industr. Colibrys Pujol Didier didier.pujol@colibrys.com Page 1 25 Industr. Colibrys Schiesser Emmanuel emmanuel.schiesser@colibrys.com 26 Industr. Colibrys Schildknecht Jan jan.schildknecht@colibrys.com 27 Industr. Colibrys Schwab Marc-André schwab.marc.andre@gmail.com 28 Industr. Colibrys Schweizer Sandra sandra.schweizer@colibrys.com 29 Industr. Colibrys Yallup Kevin kevin.yallup@colibrys.com 30 Industr. Colibrys Zwahlen Pascal pascal.zwahlen@colibrys.com 31 Industr. Corial SAS, France Derbey Marc m-derbey@corial.net 32 Industr. Corial SAS, France Frantz Nadège n-frantz@corial.net 33 Industr. Crane Payment Innovations Beuret Séverine severine.beuret@cranepi.com 34 Industr. Crane Payment Innovations Coutret Olivier olivier.coutret@cranepi.com 35 Industr. Crane Payment Innovations Joudrier Patrick patrick.joudrier@cranepi.com 36 Industr. Crane Payment Innovations Lautrey Sabine sabine.lautrey@cranepi.com 37 Industr. Crane Payment Innovations Lavanchy David david.lavanchy@cranepi.com 38 Industr. Crane Payment Innovations Menot Sebastien sebastien.menot@cranepi.com 39 Industr. Debiotech Chappel Eric e.chappel@debiotech.com 40 Industr. DuPont de Nemours Int'l SA Vigliotti Michele michele.vigliotti@dupont.com 41 Industr. Espros Photonics AG Beat De Coi beat.decoi@espros.com 42 Industr. EV Group, Austria Bobenstetter Otto o.bobenstetter@evgroup.com 43 Industr. Evatec AG Schwyn-Thoeny Silvia Silvia.Schwyn-Thoeny@evatecnet.com 44 Industr. Fastree 3D Cattin Pierre-Yves pierre-yves@fastree3d.com 45 Industr. Fastree 3D Keller Stefan stefan.keller@fastree3d.com 46 Industr. Feinwerkoptik Zünd AG Zünd René rene.zuend@feinwerkoptik-zuend.ch 47 Industr. FEMTOprint SA Casanova Nicoletta nicoletta.casanova@femtoprint.ch 48 Industr. FEMTOprint SA Lovera Andrea andrea.lovera@femtoprint.ch 49 Industr. FemtoTools AG Henriksson Jonas jonas.henriksson@femtotools.com 50 Industr. FemtoTools AG Muntwyler Simon simon.muntwyler@femtotools.com 51 Industr. FISBA Optik AG Krüsi Werner werner.kruesi@fisba.com 52 Industr. Gersteltec Jiguet Sébastien sebastien.jiguet@gersteltec.ch 53 Industr. Gersteltec Judelewicz Moshe moshe@gersteltec.ch 54 Industr. GLN SA Debergh Patrick patrick.debergh@gevers.eu 55 Industr. Gloor Instruments Brandenberger Harry harry.brandenberger@gloorinstruments.ch Page 2 56 Industr. Gloor Instruments Mareischen Christoph christoph.mareischen@gloorinstruments.ch 57 Industr. GMC Consulting Grabinski Wladek wladek@grabinski.ch 58 Industr. Hamamatsu Photonics Rusu Alexandru alexandru.rusu@hamamatsu.ch 59 Industr. Heidelberg Instruments GmbH, Germany Diez Steffen steffen.diez@himt.de 60 Industr. Helbling Technik Bern AG Schneeberger Niklaus Niklaus.schneeberger@helbling.ch 61 Industr. Hybrid SA Freymond David dfreymond@hybrid.ch 62 Industr. Hybrid SA Pasquet Philippe ppasquet@hybrid.ch 63 Industr. Hiwitec GmbH Willemin Jean-François willemin@hiwitec.ch 64 Industr. HMT microelectronic AG Spicher Jacques jacques.spicher@hmt.ch 65 Industr. IBM Research Zurich Temiz Yuksel yte@zurich.ibm.com 66 Industr. Icoflex Sàrl Solignac Dominique d.solignac@icoflex.com 67 Industr. Idonus Sàrl Müller Arnaud arnaud.muller@idonus.com 68 Industr. Idonus Sàrl Spoerl Christian christian.spoerl@idonus.com 69 Industr. ID Quantique SA Felk Yacine yacine.felk@idquantique.com 70 Industr. ID Quantique SA Sanguinetti Bruno bruno.sanguinetti@idquantique.com 71 Industr. Imina Technologies SA Boetsch Guillaume boetsch@imina.ch 72 Industr. Imina Technologies SA Boche Karl boche@imina.ch 73 Industr. Imina Technologies SA Faivre Vincent faivre@imina.ch 74 Industr. IMT Masken und Teilungen AG Kirkegaard Peter pkirkegaard@imtag.ch 75 Industr. IMT Masken und Teilungen AG Knoepfel Immo iknoepfel@imtag.ch 76 Industr. IMT Masken und Teilungen AG Tzannis Alexios Paul atzannis@imtag.ch 77 Industr. Intel Guillaumee Mickaël mickael.guillaumee@intel.com 78 Industr. Intel Khechana Faouzi faouzi.khechana@intel.com 79 Industr. Karmic Sàrl Gamper Stephan stephan.gamper@karmic.ch 80 Industr. Kistler Instrumente AG Kühne Stéphane stephane.kuehne@kistler.com 81 Industr. Knowledge Management Consulting Rosenfeld Daniel rosenfeld@mnt-consult.ch 82 Industr. Lynceetec Emery Yves yves.emery@lynceetec.com 83 Industr. Lynceetec Xie Shenqi shenqi.xie@lynceetec.com 84 Industr. Mackinac MicroOptics Weible Kenneth weible@mackmicro.com 85 Industr. Manufacture Horlogère ValFleurier Fiaccabrino Jean-Charles jean-charles.fiaccabrino@richemont.com 86 Industr. Manufacture Horlogère ValFleurier Groza Georgiana georgiana.groza@richemont.com Page 3 87 Industr. Manufacture Horlogère ValFleurier Lambert Carla carla.lambert@richemont.com 88 Industr. Manufacture Horlogère ValFleurier Tobenas Susana susana.tobenas@richemont.com 89 Industr. MaxDeTec Burger Norbert norbert.burger@outlook.com 90 Industr. MDC Materials Development Corp. S.A Staubli Paul paul.staubli@mdc-europe.com 91 Industr. Medos International Sàrl Oppliger Yves yopplige@its.jnj.com 92 Industr. Micro Crystal AG Dalla Piazza Silvio silvio.dalla.piazza@microcrystal.ch 93 Industr. Micro Crystal AG Schnyder Bernhard bernhard.schnyder@microcrystal.ch 94 Industr. Micro Crystal AG Voumard Benjamin benjamin.voumard@microcrystal.ch 95 Industr. Micro Crystal AG Wuthrich Daniel daniel.wuthrich@microcrystal.ch 96 Industr. Micro Resist Technology GmbH, Germany Grützner Gabi g.gruetzner@microresist.de 97 Industr. Micro Resist Technology GmbH, Germany Jacot-Descombes Loïc l.jacot-descombes@microresist.de 98 Industr. Micro Resist Technology GmbH, Germany Voigt Anja a.voigt@microresist.de 99 Industr. Microsens SA Grisel Alain alain.grisel@microsens.ch 100 Industr. Microsens SA Lehmann Ulrike ulrike.lehmann@microsens.ch 101 Industr. Mimotec SA Genolet Grégoire genolet@mimotec.ch 102 Industr. Mimotec SA Martins John john.martins@mimotec.ch 103 Industr. Morphotonix Auzelyte Vaida vaida.auzelyte@morphotonix.co 104 Industr. Namiki Precision of Europe SA Turri Gianpaolo g-turri@namiki.net 105 Industr. Nanoga SA Hefyene Nasser nasser.hefyene@dnawatch.ch 106 Industr. NanoWorld AG Aeschimann Laure aeschimann@nanoworld.com 107 Industr. NanoWorld AG Burri Mathieu burri@nanoworld.com 108 Industr. Neode Amiguet Claude claude.amiguet@neode.ch 109 Industr. Neroxis SA De Coulon Yves yves.decoulon@veolia.com 110 Industr. Nikon Precision Europe GMBh, France Leveque Bertrand bertrand.leveque@nikon.com 111 Industr. Nivarox-Far SA Dubois Philippe philippe.dubois@nivarox.ch 112 Industr. Nivarox-Far SA Stranczl Marc marc.stranczl@nivarox.ch 113 Industr. Nivarox-Far SA Thiébaud Fabian fabian.thiebaud@nivarox.ch 114 Industr. Nivarox-Far SA Thiébaud Jean-Philippe jeanphilippe.thiebaud@nivarox.ch 115 Industr. Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum Schweiz AG Dorchain Geoffroy geoffroy.dorchain@oerlikon.com 116 Industr. Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum Schweiz AG Lestable Rémy remy.lestable@oerlikon.com 117 Industr. Patek Philippe Technologies Guillot Laurent laurent.guillot@patek.com Page 4 118 Industr. Patek Philippe Technologies Jeanneret Sylvain sylvain.jeanneret@patek.com 119 Industr. Pfeiffer Vacuum Schweiz AG Delacharlonny Gabriel gabriel.delacharlonny@pfeiffer-vacuum.ch 120 Industr. Pfeiffer Vacuum Schweiz AG Widmeier Christoph christoph.widmeier@pfeiffer-vacuum.ch 121 Industr. Philip Morris Product SA Courbat Jérôme jerome.courbat@pmi.com 122 Industr. Philips innovation services, Nertherlands Van den Einden wim.van.den.einden@philips.com 123 Industr. Philips innovation services, Nertherlands Van der Waal Robbert robbert.van.der.waal@philips.com 124 Industr. Posalux SA Thibaut Patrick pthibaut@posalux.ch 125 Industr. Posalux SA Wütrich Rolf rwuethrich@posalux.ch 126 Industr. Qwane Heuschkel Marc marc.heuschkel@qwane.com 127 Industr. Raith GmbH, Germany Stodolka Jörg stodolka@raith.de 128 Industr. Rite Track, Ireland Noyes John john.noyes@ritetrack.com. 129 Industr. Rite Track, Ireland O'Brien John john.obrien@ritetrack.com 130 Industr. Rolex SA Calame Florian florian.calame@rolex.com 131 Industr. Rolex SA Greim Olivier olivier.greim@rolex.com 132 Industr. Rolex SA Heinin Stefano stefano.henin@rolex.com 133 Industr. Rolex SA Merk Nima nima.merk@rolex.com 134 Industr. Rolex SA Multone Xavier xavier.multone@rolex.com 135 Industr. Rolic Technologies Ltd Scholl Ralph ralph.scholl@rolic.ch 136 Industr. Samsung Semiconductor Europe, Germany Na Hyungdon donniell.na@samsung.com 137 Industr. Scientific Visual SA Orlov Ivan ivan.orlov@scientificvisual.ch 138 Industr. Schott Suisse SA Sanchez Juan juan-jose.sanchez@schott.com 139 Industr. Sensimed Fritschi Raphaël raphael_fritschi@sensimed.ch 140 Industr. Sensirion AG Gubser Marc marc.gubser@sensirion.com 141 Industr. Sensoptic SA Bertholds Axel a.bertholds@sensoptic.ch 142 Industr. Sercalo Microtechnology Ltd Marxer Cornel cornel.marxer@sercalo.com 143 Industr. SGX Sensortech SA Alépée Christine christine.alepee@sgxsensortech.com 144 Industr. SGX Sensortech SA Amat Cédric cedric.amat@sgxsensortech.com 145 Industr. Sigatec Glassey Marc-André marc-andre.glassey@sigatec.ch 146 Industr. Sigatec Pannatier Christophe christophe.pannatier@sigatec.ch 147 Industr. Silex Microsystems, Sweden Haddleton Steven steven.haddleton@silex.se 148 Industr. Silsef SAS, France Gate Valentin valentin.gate@silsef.com Page 5 149 Industr. Silsef SAS, France Turover Daniel daniel.turover@silsef.com 150 Industr. Sil'Tronix Silicon Technologies, France Mermoud Jean-Charles jcmermoud@sil-tronix-st.com 151 Industr. SolMateS BV, Netherlands Janssens Arjen arjen.janssens@solmates.nl 152 Industr. Steiger Galvanotechnique SA Nguyen Thanh Long nguyen@steiger.ch 153 Industr. Steiger Galvanotechnique SA Puippe Jean-Claude puippe@steiger.ch 154 Industr. SUSS MicroOptics SA Kirner Raoul raoul.kirner@suss.com 155 Industr. SUSS MicroOptics SA Noell Wilfried wilfried.noell@suss.com 156 Industr. SUSS MicroOptics SA Pernet Pascal pascal.pernet@suss.com 157 Industr. SUSS MicroOptics SA Völkel Reinhard voelkel@suss.com 158 Industr. Swatch Group Bazin Jean-Luc jean-luc.bazin@swatchgroup.com 159 Industr. SwissLitho AG Holzner Felix holzner@swisslitho.com 160 Industr. SwissLitho AG Weber Stefan weber@swisslitho.com 161 Industr. Swissmem Rinderli Doris d.rinderli@swissmem.ch 162 Industr. Swissmem Waernier-Gut Brigitte b.waernier@swissmem.ch 163 Industr. Swissphotonics Harder Christoph harder@swissphotonics.net 164 Industr. Synova SA Richmann Annika arichmann@synova.ch 165 Industr. Synova SA Sung Stéphane ssung@synova.ch 166 Industr. Tesa SA Antreasyan Dikran dikran.antreasyan@hexagonmetrology.com 167 Industr. Texas Instruments, France Poissonnier Dominique d-poissonnier@ti.com 168 Industr. Thales Electron Devices SAS, France Ponard Pascal pascal.ponard@thalesgroup.com 169 Industr. Thales Microwave & Imaging Sub-Systems, France Caplot Michel michel.caplot@thalesgroup.com 170 Industr. Thales Research and Technology, France Mazellier Jean-Paul jean-paul.mazellier@thalesgroup.com 171 Industr. Tronics, France Azoley Philippe philippe.azoley@tronicsgroup.com 172 Industr. Tronics, France Clavel Milene milene.clavel@tronicsgroup.com 173 Industr. Tronics, France Gigan Olivier olivier.gigan@tronicsgroup.com 174 Industr. TSMC Europe B.V, The Netherlands Sun Weishi weishi_sun@tsmc.com 175 Industr. Valtronic Delacroix Jean-Michel jmdelacroix@valtronic.com 176 Industr. Valtronic Rigante Sara srigante@valtronic.com 177 Industr. Veeco Instruments Inc., NY, USA Sloan Chris csloan@veeco.com 178 Industr. Yttermed SA Woodtli Alain alain.woodtli@yttermed.ch 179 Gov. Alliance TT Muller Claude claude.muller@alliance-tt.ch Page 6 180 Gov. FSRM Byrne Edward byrne@fsrm.ch 181 Gov. Innovaud Stauffer Jean-Michel jean-michel.stauffer@innovaud.ch 182 Gov. Micronarc Bionda Danick bionda@micronarc.ch 183 Gov. Service de l'économie du Canton de Neuchâtel Gretillat Marc-Alexis marc-alexis.gretillat@ne.ch 184 Gov. USA NASA, The Universities Space Research Association Zanello Susana zanello@dsls.usra.edu 185 R. Center CSEM Albert Patrick patrick.albert@csem.ch 186 R. Center CSEM Barrot François fbt@csem.ch 187 R. Center CSEM Bionaz Angélique angelique.bionaz@csem.ch 188 R. Center CSEM Bosshard Christian christian.bosshard@csem.ch 189 R. Center CSEM Dadras Massoud mda@csem.ch 190 R. Center CSEM Dubochet Olivier olivier.dubochet@csem.ch 191 R. Center CSEM Dunbar Andrea adu@csem.ch 192 R. Center CSEM Eckert Rolf rolf.eckert@csem.ch 193 R. Center CSEM Krebs Philippe philippe.krebs@csem.ch 194 R. Center CSEM Lani Sébastien sli@csem.ch 195 R. Center CSEM Nicolay Sylvain sylvain.nicolay@csem.ch 196 R. Center CSEM Pezous Aurélie aurelie.pezous@csem.ch 197 R. Center CSEM Ross Stanley ross.stanley@csem.ch 198 R. Center CSEM Ruhaut Valérian valerian.ruhaut@csem.ch 199 R. Center CSEM Stanley Ross ross.stanley@csem.ch 200 R. Center CSEM Timotijevic Branislav bti@csem.ch 201 R. Center CERN Bronuzzi Jacopo jacopo.bronuzzi@cern.ch 202 R. Center CERN Bureau Jean-Baptiste jean-baptiste.bureau@bluewin.ch 203 R. Center CERN Maoddi Pietro pietro.maoddi@cern.ch 204 R. Center CERN Mapelli Alessandro alessandro.mapelli@cern.ch 205 R. Center CERN Schneider Thomas thomas.schneider@cern.ch 206 R. Center CERN Thuiner Patrik patrik.thuiner@cern.ch 207 R. Center CERN Toros Adrien adrien.marc.toros@cern.ch 208 R. Center CNRS FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France Abdoulaye Ndao ndao.abdoulaye@femto-st.fr 209 R. Center CNRS FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France Bargiel Sylwester sylwester.bargiel@femto-st.fr 210 R. Center CNRS FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France Baron Thomas thomas.baron@femto-st.fr Page 7 211 R. Center CNRS FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France De Labachelerie Michel labachel@femto-st.fr 212 R. Center CNRS FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France Gorecki Christophe christophe.gorecki@univ-fcomte.fr 213 R. Center CNRS FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France Marguier Sophie sophie.marguier@femto-st.fr 214 R. Center CNRS FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France Skima Haithem haithem.skima@femto-st.fr 215 R. Center CNRS LAAS, Toulouse, France Mazenq Laurent lmazenq@laas.fr 216 R. Center CNRS LAAS, Toulouse, France Nicu Liviu nicu@laas.fr 217 R. Center CNRS LAAS, Toulouse, France Temple-Boyer Pierre temple@laas.fr 218 R. Center CNRS LPN, Marcoussis, France Bardou Nathalie nathalie.bardou@lpn.cnrs.fr 219 R. Center CNRS RENATECH, France Boisard Caroline caroline.boisard@cnrs-dir.fr 220 R. Center EMPA Neels Antonia antonia.neels@empa.ch 221 R. Center EMPA Pethö Laszlo laszlo.petho@empa.ch 222 R. Center EMPA Reinke Michael michael.reinke@empa.ch 223 R. Center Lam Research, Meylan, France Rabinzohn Patrick Patrick.rabinzohn@lamresearch.com 224 R. Center Metas Hoffmann Johannes johannes.hoffmann@metas.ch 225 R. Center Metas Jeanneret Blaise blaise.jeanneret@metas.ch 226 R. Center Metas Overney Frédéric frederic.overney@metas.ch 227 R. Center Metas Twerenbold Damian damian.twerenbold@metas.ch 228 R. Center Paul Scherrer Institut Bednarzik Martin martin.bednarzik@psi.ch 229 R. Center Paul Scherrer Institut Huang Jintang jintang.huang@psi.ch 230 R. Center Wyss Center Clement Claude claude.clement@wysscenter.ch 231 R. Center Wyss Center Kaegi Fabian fabian.kaegi@wysscenter.ch 232 R. Center Wyss Center Stoeckel Michael michael.stoeckel@wysscenter.ch 233 UNI CHUV Taub Steven steven.taub@chuv.ch 234 UNI University of Basel Calame Michel michel.calame@unibas.ch 235 UNI University of Bern Moridi Mohssen mohssen.moridi@epfl.ch 236 UNI University of Geneva Bonacina Luigi luigi.bonacina@unige.ch 237 UNI University of Geneva Bussières Félix felix.bussieres@unige.ch 238 UNI University of Geneva Korzh Boris boris.korzh@unige.ch 239 UNI University of Lausanne Doucey Marie-Agnès marie-agnes.doucey@unil.ch 240 UNI University of Lausanne Le Digabel Yoann yoann.ledigabel@unil.ch 241 UNI University of Zurich Sych Yaroslav sych@hifo.uzh.ch Page 8 242 UNI APP SC BFH, Berner Fachhochschule Lopez Julio juliolopezalonso86@gmail.com 243 UNI APP SC HE-ARC Banakh Oksana oksana.banakh@he-arc.ch 244 UNI APP SC HE-ARC Borboen Jerome jerome.borboen@he-arc.ch 245 UNI APP SC HE-ARC Chunhakorn Visakha visakha.chunhakorn@he-arc.ch 246 UNI APP SC HE-ARC Hessler Thierry thierry.hessler@a3.epfl.ch 247 UNI APP SC HE-ARC Homsy Alexandra alexandra.homsy@he-arc.ch 248 UNI APP SC HE-ARC Meyer Clemens clemens.meyer@he-arc.ch 249 UNI APP SC HE-ARC Monti Max max.monti@he-arc.ch 250 UNI APP SC HE-ARC Whitlow Harry harry.whitlow@he-arc.ch 251 UNI APP SC HEIG-VD Gravier Laurent Laurent.gravier@heig-vd.ch 252 UNI APP SC HEIG-VD *** Maillefer Didier, Prof. didier.maillefer@heig-vd.ch 253 UNI APP SC HES-SO Geneva El Guamra Adyl-Michaël adyl-michael.elguamra@hesge.ch 254 UNI APP SC HES-SO Geneva Fischler Gregory gregory.fischler@etu.hesge.ch 255 UNI APP SC HES-SO Geneva Passeraub Philippe philippe.passeraub@hesge.ch 256 UNI APP SC HES-SO Geneva *** Stoppini Luc, Prof. luc.stoppini@hesge.ch 257 UNI APP SC HES-SO Valais Strese Helene helene.strese@hevs.ch 258 UNI APP SC Hochschule für technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur Leutenegger Tobias tobias.leutenegger@htwchur.ch 259 UNI-China Inst of Elect, Chinese Ac of Sc, Beijing, China *** Wang Junbo, Prof. jbwang@mail.ie.ac.cn 260 UNI-China University of Chongqing, Chongqing, China *** Wen Zhiyu, Prof. wzy@cqu.edu.cn 261 UNI-China University of Technology, Taiyuan, China *** Sang Shengbo, Prof. sangshengbo@tyut.edu.cn 262 UNI-China NW Polytech Univ, Xi'an, China *** Chang Honglong, Prof. changhl@nwpu.edu.cn 263 UNI-China North Univ of China, Taiyuan, China *** Liu Jun, Prof. liuj@nuc.edu.cn 264 UNI-China Shanghai Inst of Microsystem and Inf Tech, China *** Tie Li, Prof. tli@mail.sim.ac.cn 265 UNI-China University of Tsinghua, Beijing, China *** Zhu Rong, Prof. rong_zhu@263.net 266 UNI-DK Technical University of Denmark ***Jensen Flemming, Prof. fj@danchip.dtu.dk 267 UNI-France ESIEE, Paris, France Marty Frédéric frederic.marty@esiee.fr 268 UNI-France University of Lyon, France Frénéa-Robin Marie marie.robin@univ-lyon1.fr 269 UNI-France Université de Technologie de Troyes, France Usureau Elise elise.usureau@utt.fr 270 UNI-HU University of Budapest, Physics, Hungary Gubicza Agnes gubicza_agi@yahoo.co.uk 271 UNI-India Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Vijayaraghavan Madakasira raghavan.madakasira@gmail.com 272 UNI-Italy Politecnico di Milano, Italy Bianchi Elena elena1.bianchi@polimi.it Page 9 273 UNI-Italy Politecnico di Milano, Italy Piergiovanni Monica monica.piergiovanni@polimi.it 274 UNI-SA KAUST, Saudi Arabia *** Depeursinge Christian, Prof. christian.depeursinge@kaust.edu.sa 275 UNI-USA Stanford University, USA *** Kenny Thomas, Prof. kenny@cdr.stanford.edu 276 ETHZ ETH Zurich Blunier Stefan blunier@imes.mavt.ethz.ch 277 ETHZ ETH Zurich Büthe Lars lars.buethe@ife.ee.ethz.ch 278 ETHZ ETH Zurich Cantarella Giuseppe giuseppe.cantarella@ife.ee.ethz.ch 279 ETHZ ETH Zurich Chanson Mathieu mathieu.chanson@ife.ee.ethz.ch 280 ETHZ ETH Zurich Daus Alwin dausa@ife.ee.ethz.ch 281 ETHZ ETH Zurich Gini Emilio gini@first.ethz.ch 282 ETHZ ETH Zurich Muenzenrieder Niko muenzenrieder@ife.ee.ethz.ch 283 ETHZ ETH Zurich Liu Wei wei.liu@micro.mavt.ethz.ch 284 ETHZ ETH Zurich Petti Luisa pettil@ethz.ch 285 ETHZ ETH Zurich Reichert Peter reichert@imes.mavt.ethz.ch 286 ETHZ ETH Zurich Varga Matija matija.varga@ife.ee.ethz.ch 287 EPFL/AA EPFL/AA/AA-DAR/DAR Canny Geraldine geraldine.canny@epfl.ch 288 EPFL/AA EPFL/AA/AA-DAR/REO Bolinger Pierre-Yves pierre-yves.bolinger@epfl.ch 289 EPFL/AA EPFL/AA/AA-DAR/REO Butty Jérôme jerome.butty@epfl.ch 290 EPFL/AA EPFL/AA/AA-DRI/RI Fromentin Antoine Antoine.fromentin@epfl.ch 291 EPFL/AA EPFL/AA/AA-VP/VPRORECH *** Mortensen Andreas, Prof. andreas.mortensen@epfl.ch 292 EPFL/CDM EPFL/CDM/MTEI/CSI Massa Lorenzo lorenzo.massa@epfl.ch 293 EPFL/EHE EPFL/EHE/ASSOCIATIONS/DEVELOP/AS-SOLAR Charlet Alvaro alvaro.charlet@epfl.ch 294 EPFL/ENAC EPFL/ENAC/IIC/CCLAB Farajzadeh Moshtaghin Alireza alireza.farajzadehmoshtaghin@epfl.ch 295 EPFL/ENAC EPFL/ENAC/IIC/CCLAB Movahedirad Abdolvahid Abdolvahid.movahedirad@epfl.ch olivia.bouvard@epfl.ch 296 EPFL/ENAC EPFL/ENAC/IIC/LESO-PB Bouvard olivia 297 EPFL/ENAC EPFL/ENAC/IIC/LESO-PB Gong Jing jing.gong@epfl.ch 298 EPFL/ENAC EPFL/ENAC/IIC/LESO-PB Kostro André andre.kostro@epfl.ch 299 EPFL/ENAC EPFL/ENAC/IIC/LESO-PB Krammer Anna anna.krammer@epfl.ch 300 EPFL/ENAC EPFL/ENAC/IIC/LESO-PB Vanzo Sara sara.vanzo@epfl.ch 301 EPFL/ENAC EPFL/ENAC/IIE/ECHO Zaoli Silvia silvia.zaoli@epfl.ch 302 EPFL/ENAC EPFL/ENAC/IIE/LBE Adler Nevenka nevenka.adler@epfl.ch 303 EPFL/ENT EPFL/ENT/CTS/CTS-GE Bourban Grégoire gregoire.bourban@epfl.ch Page 10 304 EPFL/IC EPFL/IC/ISIM/LAP Caizzone Antonino antonino.caizzone@epfl.ch 305 EPFL/IC EPFL/IC/ISIM/LGG Schwartzburg Yuliy yuliy.schwartzburg@epfl.ch 306 EPFL/IC EPFL/IC/ISIM/LSI1 De Marchi Michele michele.demarchi@epfl.ch 307 EPFL/IC EPFL/IC/ISIM/LSI1 Gaillardon Pierre-Emmanuel pierre-emmanuel.gaillardon@epfl.ch 308 EPFL/IC EPFL/IC/ISIM/LSI1 Tzouvadaki Ioulia ioulia.tzouvadaki@epfl.ch 309 EPFL/IC EPFL/IC/ISIM/LSI1 Zhang Jian jian.zhang@epfl.ch 310 EPFL/IV EPFL/IV/IV-VP/ACE van Kommer Robert robert.vankommer@epfl.ch 311 EPFL/IV EPFL/IV/IV-VP/TTO Crottini Andrea andrea.crottini@epfl.ch 312 EPFL/IV EPFL/IV/IV-VP/TTO Di Consiglio Alberto alberto.diconsiglio@epfl.ch 313 EPFL/IV EPFL/IV/IV-VP/TTO Lattuada Mauro mauro.lattuada@epfl.ch 314 EPFL/IV EPFL/IV/IV-VP/VPIV Boutinard Rouelle Viviane viviane.boutinard@epfl.ch 315 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/CIME/CIME-GE La Grange Thomas thomas.lagrange@epfl.ch 316 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/ICMP-GE Fejes Dora dora.fejes@epfl.ch 317 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/ICMP-GE Morier-Genoud Luc luc.morier-genoud@epfl.ch 318 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LASPE Butté Raphaël raphael.butte@epfl.ch 319 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LASPE Ciers Joachim joachim.ciers@epfl.ch 320 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LASPE Lamy Jean-Michel jean-michel.lamy@epfl.ch 321 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LASPE Lugani Lorenzo lorenzo.lugani@epfl.ch 322 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LASPE Roch Jonas jonas.roch@epfl.ch 323 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LOEQ *** Deveaud Benoît, Prof. benoit.deveaud@epfl.ch 324 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LOEQ Gyger Flavien flavien.gyger@epfl.ch 325 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LOEQ Jacopin Gwénolé gwenole.jacopin@epfl.ch 326 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LOEQ Mohamed Sabry Abdel-Aliem mohamedsabry.mohamed@epfl.ch 327 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LOEQ Py Marcel marcel.py@epfl.ch 328 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LOEQ Therisod Rita rita.therisod@epfl.ch 329 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LOEQ Tonin Mario mario.tonin@epfl.ch 330 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LNS Mousadakos Dimitrios dimitris.mousadakos@epfl.ch 331 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPMC Ansorge Wilhelm Wilhelm.ansorge@epfl.ch 332 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPMC Benmessaoud Iness iness.benmessaoud@epfl.ch 333 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPMC Majidian Maryam maryam.majidian@epfl.ch 334 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPMC Nafradi Balint balint.nafradi@epfl.ch Page 11 335 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPMC Pisoni Andrea andrea.pisoni@epfl.ch 336 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPMC Spina Massimo massimo.spina@epfl.ch 337 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPMN Dimitriades Alexandre alexandre.dimitriades@epfl.ch 338 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPMN Vetrò Antonio antonio.vetro@epfl.ch 339 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPN Caliman Andrei andrei.caliman@epfl.ch 340 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPN Dwir Benjamin benjamin.dwir@epfl.ch 341 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPN Kulkova Irina irina.kulkova@epfl.ch 342 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPN Mereuta Alexandru alexandru.mereuta@epfl.ch 343 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPN Sirbu Alexei alexei.sirbu@epfl.ch 344 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 Brasch Victor victor.brasch@epfl.ch 345 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 Butticaz Denis denis.butticaz@epfl.ch 346 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 Galland Christophe chris.galland@epfl.ch 347 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 Geiselmann Michael michael.geiselmann@epfl.ch 348 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 Ghadimi Amir Hossein amir.ghadimi@epfl.ch 349 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 Hairun Guo hairun.guo@epfl.ch 350 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 Javerzac-Galy Clément clement.javerzac-galy@epfl.ch 351 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/PLQM1 Karpov Maxim maxim.karpov@epfl.ch 352 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 *** Kippenberg Tobias, Prof. tobias.kippenberg@epfl.ch 353 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 Kordts Arne arne.kordts@epfl.ch 354 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 Okamoto Hajime hajime.okamoto@epfl.ch 355 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 Pfeiffer Martin martin.pfeiffer@epfl.ch 356 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 Qiu Liu liu.qiu@epfl.ch 357 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 Schilling Ryan ryan.schilling@epfl.ch 358 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 Schuetz Hendrik Hendrik.schuetz@epfl.ch 359 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ICMP/LPQM1 Toth Laszlo laszlo.toth@epfl.ch 360 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/IPSB/LCB Smith Josiane josiane.smith@epfl.ch 361 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/IPSB/LPMV Ben Adiba Carine carine.benadiba@epfl.ch 362 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/IPSB/LPMV Bertseva Elena elena.bertseva@epfl.ch 363 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/IPSB/LPMV Longo Giovanni giovanni.longo@epfl.ch 364 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/IPSB/LPMV Perrenoud David david.perrenoud@epfl.ch 365 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/IPSB/LPMV Rostova Ekaterina ekaterina.rostova@epfl.ch Page 12 366 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/IPSB/LPMV Sekatski Serguei serguei.sekatski@epfl.ch 367 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ISIC/GR-PUL Li Mengkai mengkai.li@epfl.ch 368 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ISIC/LCPM Zabuga Aleksandra aleksandra.zabuga@epfl.ch 369 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ISIC/LCIB Prochazkova Sona sona.prochazkova@epfl.ch 370 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ISIC/LCOM Gopakumar Aswin aswin.gopakumar@epfl.ch 371 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ISIC/LCSB Hernandez Gardiol Daniel daniel.hernandezgardiol@epfl.ch 372 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ISIC/LEPA Jovic Milica milica.jovic@epfl.ch 373 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ISIC/LNB Boghossian Ardemis ardemis.boghossian@epfl.ch 374 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ISIC/LPI Décoppet Jean-David Jean-david.decoppet@epfl.ch 375 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ISIC/LPI Steier Ludmilla ludmilla.steier@epfl.ch 376 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ISIC/LPI Ummadisingu Amita amita.ummadisingu@epfl.ch 377 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ISIC/LSPM Kadro Jeannette jeannette.kadro@epfl.ch 378 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ISIC/LSPM Sobus Jan jan.sobus@epfl.ch 379 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ISIC/SCI-SB-MN Domanski Konrad konrad.domanski@epfl.ch 380 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/ISIC/SCI-SB-MN Tress Worlfgang wolfgang.tress@epfl.ch 381 EPFL/SB EPFL/SB/SB-SPH/SPH-GE Wolf Bastien bastien.wolf@epfl.ch 382 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CBT/LBO Malfroy Camine Valerie valerie.malfroycamine@epfl.ch 383 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CBT/LBO Weiliang Shen weiliang.shen@epfl.ch 384 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Benes Zdenek zdenek.benes@epfl.ch 385 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Bouvet Didier didier.bouvet@epfl.ch 386 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Clerc Guy-François guy.clerc@epfl.ch 387 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Corradini Giancarlo giancarlo.corradini@epfl.ch 388 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Crolla Vincent vincent.crolla@epfl.ch 389 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Deillon Yvan yvan.deillon@epfl.ch 390 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Dorsaz Julien julien.dorsaz@epfl.ch 391 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Ferhatovic Adin adin.ferhatovic@epfl.ch 392 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Flückiger Philippe philippe.fluckiger@epfl.ch 393 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Gauthier Alexis alexis.gauthier@epfl.ch 394 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Hibert Cyrille cyrille.hibert@epfl.ch 395 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Juttin Rémy remy.juttin@epfl.ch 396 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Kumuntu Gatera gatera.kumuntu@epfl.ch Page 13 397 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Langlet Philippe philippe.langlet@epfl.ch 398 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Madliger Patrick patrick.madliger@epfl.ch 399 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Marra Claudia claudia.marra@epfl.ch 400 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Monteduro Giovanni giovanni.monteduro@epfl.ch 401 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Pantelic Ivan ivan.pantelic@epfl.ch 402 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Pernollet Joffrey joffrey.pernollet@epfl.ch 403 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Racine Georges-André georges-andre.racine@epfl.ch 404 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Suter Kaspar kaspar.suter@epfl.ch 405 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Verhar Marie-Noëlle marie-noelle.verhar@epfl.ch 406 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/CMI/CMI-GE Voirol Jean-Marie jean-marie.voirol@epfl.ch 407 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/BIOS Etezadi Dordaneh dordaneh.etezadi@epfl.ch 408 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/BIOS Li Xiaokang xiaokang.li@epfl.ch 409 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/BIOS Limaj Odeta odeta.limaj@epfl.ch 410 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/BIOS Özdemir Cenk Ibrahim cenk.ozdemir@epfl.ch 411 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/BIOS Rodrigo Daniel daniel.rodrigo@epfl.ch 412 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/CLSE Accastelli Enrico enrico.accastelli@epfl.ch 413 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/CLSE *** Guiducci Carlotta, Prof. carlotta.guiducci@epfl.ch 414 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/CLSE Kilchenmann Samuel samuel.kilchenmann@epfl.ch 415 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/CLSE Letizia Marco marco.letizia@epfl.ch 416 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/CLSE De Michel Andrea andrea.demicheli@epfl.ch 417 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/CLSE Rollo Enrica enrica.rollo@epfl.ch 418 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/CLSE Scarbolo Paolo paolo.scarbolo@epfl.ch 419 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/CLSE Tenaglia Enrico enrico.tenaglia@epfl.ch 420 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LBEN Bulushev Roman roman.bulushev@epfl.ch 421 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LBEN Feng Jiandong jiandong.feng@epfl.ch 422 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LBEN Liu Ke ke.liu@epfl.ch 423 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LBNC Blackburn Matthew matthew.blackburn@epfl.ch 424 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LBNC Piraino Francesco francesco.piraino@epfl.ch 425 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LBNC Swank Zoe zoe.swank@epfl.ch 426 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LBNC Volpetti Francesca francesca.volpetti@epfl.ch 427 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LBNC Woodruff Kristina kristina.woodruff@epfl.ch Page 14 428 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LBNI Adams Jonathan jonathan.adams@epfl.ch 429 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LBNI Peric Oliver oliver.peric@epfl.ch 430 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LBP Tarun Orly orly.tarun@epfl.ch 431 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LHTC Aksit Aykut aykutaksit@gmail.com 432 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LHTC Araujo Fraga da Silva Rodrigo rodrigo.fragasilva@epfl.ch 433 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LHTC Stergiopulos Constantinos constantinos.stergiopulos@epfl.ch 434 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IBI-STI/LHTC Sturny Mikaël mikael.sturny@epfl.ch 435 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/GR-KA Coustans Mathieu mathieu.coustans@epfl.ch 436 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/GR-SCI-IEL Sallèse Jean-Michel jean-michel.sallese@epfl.ch 437 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LANES Chen Ming-Wei ming-wei.chen@epfl.ch 438 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LANES Kolyo Marinov kolyo.marinov@epfl.ch 439 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LANES Kung Yen-Cheng yen-cheng.kung@epfl.ch 440 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LANES Krasnozhon Daria daria.krasnozhon@epfl.ch 441 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LANES Manzeli Sajedeh sajedeh.manzeli@epfl.ch 442 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LEMA Tamagnone Michele michele.tamagnone@epfl.ch 443 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LSM Attarimashalkoubeh Behnoush behnoush.attarimashalkoubeh@epfl.ch 444 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LSM Calabrese Enrico enrico.calabrese@epfl.ch 445 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LSM Jury Sandrini jury.sandrini@epfl.ch 446 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LSM Kilinc Yasin yasin.kilinc@epfl.ch 447 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LSM Kucuk Seniz seniz.kucuk@epfl.ch 448 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LSM Marukame Takao takao.marukame@epfl.ch 449 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LSM Shahrabi Elmira elmira.shahrabi@epfl.ch 450 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LSM Testa Eleonora eleonora.testa@epfl.ch 451 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LSM Yilmaz Mustafa mustafa.yilmaz@epfl.ch 452 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LTS4 Yang Jingyu jingyu.yang@epfl.ch 453 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/LTS4 Ye Xinchen xinchen.ye@epfl.ch 454 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/NANOLAB Bellando Francesco francesco.bellando@epfl.ch 455 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/NANOLAB Biswas Arnab arnab.biswas@epfl.ch 456 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/NANOLAB Casu Emanuele Andrea emanuele.casu@epfl.ch 457 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/NANOLAB Dagtekin Nilay nilay.dagtekin@epfl.ch 458 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/NANOLAB Guerin Hoël hoel.guerin@epfl.ch Page 15 459 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/NANOLAB Moldovan Clara clara.moldovan@epfl.ch 460 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/NANOLAB Padilla Jose Luis jose.padilladelatorre@epfl.ch 461 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/NANOLAB Rupakula Maneesha maneesha.rupakula@epfl.ch 462 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/NANOLAB Saeidi Ali ali.saeidi@epfl.ch 463 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/NANOLAB Sharma Pankaj pankaj.sharma@epfl.ch 464 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/NANOLAB Tomar Saurabh saurabh.tomar@epfl.ch 465 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/NANOLAB Vitale Wolfgang wolfgang.vitale@epfl.ch 466 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/PHOSL Billat Adrien adrien.billat@epfl.ch 467 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/PHOSL Kharitonov Svyatoslav svyatoslav.kharitonov@epfl.ch 468 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/POWERLAB Ma Jun jun.ma@epfl.ch 469 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/POWERLAB *** Matioli Elison, Prof. elison.matioli@epfl.ch 470 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/POWERLAB Santoruvo Giovanni giovanni.santoruvo@epfl.ch 471 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/SCI-STI-CD Bakul Vinchhi bakul.vinchhi@epfl.ch 472 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/SCI-STI-EC Bruschini Claudio claudio.bruschini@epfl.ch 473 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IEL/SCI-STI-LT Zhao Zhiyong zhiyong.zhao@epfl.ch 474 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IGM/LGPP Boillat Eric eric.boillat@epfl.ch 475 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IGM/LICP Lazar Mihai-Bogdan bogdan.lazar@epfl.ch 476 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IGM/LICP *** Xirouchakis Paul, Prof. paul.xirouchakis@epfl.ch 477 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IGM/LRESE Silvan Suter silvan.suter@epfl.ch 478 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IGM/RRL Agarwal Gunjan gunjan.agarwal@epfl.ch 479 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/ESPLAB Aubry Jean-Pierre jean-pierre.aubry@epfl.ch 480 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/GALATEA Athanasiou Christos christos.athanasiou@epfl.ch 481 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/GALATEA *** Bellouard Yves, Prof. yves.bellouard@epfl.ch 482 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/GALATEA Kissi Eric Ofosu eric.kissi@epfl.ch 483 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/GALATEA Mc Millen Ben benjamin.mcmillen@epfl.ch 484 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/GALATEA Mouskeftaras Alexandros alexandros.mouskeftaras@epfl.ch 485 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/GALATEA Vlugter Pieter pieter.vlugter@epfl.ch 486 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/GALATEA Yang Tao tao.yang@epfl.ch 487 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/GR-LVT Abazari Amir amir.abazari@epfl.ch 488 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/GR-LVT De Pastina Annalisa annalisa.depastina@epfl.ch 489 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/GR-LVT *** Villanueva Luis Guillermo, Prof. guillermo.villanueva@epfl.ch Page 16 490 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/GR-LVT Yandrapalli Soumya soumya.yandrapalli@epfl.ch 491 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/INSTANT-LAB Clogenson Marine marine.clogenson@epfl.ch 492 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/INSTANT-LAB *** Henein Simon, Prof. simon.henein@epfl.ch 493 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/INSTANT-LAB Vardi Ilan ilan.vardi@epfl.ch 494 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/INSTANT-LAB Nussbaumer Billy billy.nussbaumer@epfl.ch 495 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/INSTANT-LAB Zanaty Mohamed mohamed.zanaty@epfl.ch 496 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LAI Civet Yoan yoan.civet@epfl.ch 497 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LAI Poliakine Jasha jasha.poliakine@epfl.ch 498 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LAPD *** Moser Christopher, Prof. christophe.moser@epfl.ch 499 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LIS Heitz Grégoire gregoire.heitz@gmail.com 500 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS1 Boero Giovanni giovanni.boero@epfl.ch 501 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS1 Chavarria Mario mario.chavarriavaron@epfl.ch 502 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS1 Flauraud Valentin valentin.flauraud@epfl.ch 503 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS1 Lisunova Yuliya yuliya.lisunova@ephl.ch 504 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS1 Montinaro Enrica enrica.montinaro@epfl.ch 505 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS1 Walger Thomas thomas.walger@epfl.ch 506 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS2 Cornaglia Matteo matteo.cornaglia@epfl.ch 507 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS2 Dong Li li.dong@epfl.ch 508 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS2 *** Gijs Martin, Prof. martin.gijs@epfl.ch 509 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS2 Grisi Marco marco.grisi@epfl.ch 510 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS2 Lehnert Thomas thomas.lehnert@epfl.ch 511 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS2 Letizia Maria Cristina maria.letizia@epfl.ch 512 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS2 Nguyen Huu huu.nguyen@epfl.ch 513 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS2 Padovani Rima rima.padovani@epfl.ch 514 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS2 Parashar Virendra Kumar virendrakumar.parashar@epfl.ch 515 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS2 Trouillon Raphaël raphael.trouillon@epfl.ch 516 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS2 Yang Hui hui.yang@epfl.ch 517 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Bertsch Arnaud arnaud.bertsch@epfl.ch 518 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Bockelmann Sara sara.bockelmann@epfl.ch 519 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Catry Guillaume guillaume.catry@epfl.ch 520 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Cottet Jonathan jonathan.cottet@epfl.ch Page 17 521 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Deng Yu yu.deng@epfl.ch 522 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Moreddu Rosalia rosalia.moreddu@epfl.ch 523 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Petit-Pierre Guillaume guillaume.petit-pierre@epfl.ch 524 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Piacentini Niccolò niccolo.piacentini@epfl.ch 525 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Reza Hadjiaghaie Vafaie reza.vafaie@epfl.ch 526 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Serex Ludovic ludovic.serex@epfl.ch 527 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Shaker Marjan marjan.shaker@epfl.ch 528 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Taghipoor Mojtaba mojtaba.taghipoor@epfl.ch 529 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Van Lintel Harald harald.vanlintel@epfl.ch 530 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Varricchio Stefano stefano.varricchio@epfl.ch 531 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMIS4 Watanabe Hikaru hikaru.watanabe@epfl.ch 532 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMTS Imboden Matthias matthias.imboden@epfl.ch 533 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LMTS Lemaire Etienne etienne.lemaire@epfl.ch 534 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LO Romito Marilisa marilisa.romito@epfl.ch 535 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LOB Coquoz Séverine severine.coquoz@epfl.ch 536 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LOB Nguyen David david.nguyen@epfl.ch 537 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LOB Sharipov Azat azat.sharipov@epfl.ch 538 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LPM Giudice Sandra sandra.giudice@epfl.ch 539 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LPM Maeder Thomas thomas.maeder@epfl.ch 540 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LPM Meurville Eric eric.meurville@epfl.ch 541 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LPMAT Huguet Benoît benoit.huguet@epfl.ch 542 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LPMAT Wasmer Kilian kilian.wasmer@epfl.ch 543 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LSBI Dejace Laurent laurent.dejace@epfl.ch 544 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LSBI De Luca Alba Carla alba.deluca@epfl.ch 545 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LSBI De Mulatier Séverine severine.demulatier@epfl.ch 546 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LSBI Gerratt Aaron aaron.gerratt@epfl.ch 547 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LSBI Gribi Sandra sandra.gribi@epfl.ch 548 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LSBI Guex Amélie amelie.guex@epfl.ch 549 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LSBI Gupta Swati swati.gupta@epfl.ch 550 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LSBI Michoud Frédéric frederic.michoud@epfl.ch 551 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LSBI Minev Ivan ivan.minev@epfl.ch Page 18 552 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LSBI Romeo Alessia alessia.romeo@epfl.ch 553 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LSBI Vachicouras Nicolas nicolas.vachicouras@epfl.ch 554 EPFL/STI EPLF/STI/IMT/LSBI Wu Yi-Lin yi-lin.wu@epfl.ch 555 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/LSBI Yang Kristie kristie.yang@epfl.ch 556 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/NAM Bahrami Panah Mohsen mohsen.bahramipanah@epfl.ch 557 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/NAM *** Martin Olivier, Prof. olivier.martin@epfl.ch 558 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/NAM Santschi Christian christian.santschi@epfl.ch 559 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/NAM Wang Xiaolong xiaolong.wang@epfl.ch 560 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/NAM Wolke Robert robert.wolke@epfl.ch 561 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/NAM Yan Chen chen.yan@epfl.ch 562 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/OPT Barakat Elsie elsie.barakat@epfl.ch 563 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/OPT Descharmes Nicolas nicolas.descharmes@epfl.ch 564 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/OPT *** Herzig Hans Peter, Prof. hanspeter.herzig@epfl.ch 565 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/OPT Kim Myun-Sik myun-sik.kim@epfl.ch 566 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/OPT Madi Mohammadreza Mohammadreza.madi@epfl.ch 567 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/OPT Prater Karin karin.prater@epfl.ch 568 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/OPT Scharf Toralf toralf.scharf@epfl.ch 569 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/OPT Smolik Grégoire gregoire.smolik@epfl.ch 570 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/PV-LAB Dauzou Fabien fabien.dauzou@epfl.ch 571 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/PV-LAB Dabirian Ali ali.dabirian@epfl.ch 572 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/PV-LAB Fanni Lorenzo lorenzo.fanni@epfl.ch 573 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/PV-LAB Kiaee Mohammadmahdi mohammadmahdi.kiaee@epfl.ch 574 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/PV-LAB Löper Philipp philipp.loeper@epfl.ch 575 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/PV-LAB Wyrsch Nicolas nicolas.wyrsch@epfl.ch 576 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/SAMLAB Akiyama Terunobu terunobu.akiyama@epfl.ch 577 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/SAMLAB Briand Danick danick.briand@epfl.ch 578 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMT/SCI-SCI-HL Limberger Hans Georg hans.limberger@epfl.ch 579 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/FIMAP Nguyen Tung tung.nguyen@epfl.ch 580 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/FIMAP Yunpeng Qu Yunpeng yunpeng.qu@epfl.ch 581 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LC Balma Davide davide.balma@epfl.ch 582 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LC Hadad Mahmoud mahmoud.hadad@epfl.ch Page 19 583 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LC McGilly Leo leo.mcgilly@epfl.ch 584 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LC *** Muralt Paul, Prof. paul.muralt@epfl.ch 585 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LC Nigon Robin robin.nigon@epfl.ch 586 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LC Parsapourkolour Fazel fazel.parsapour@epfl.ch 587 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LC Raeder Trygve Magnus trygve.raeder@epfl.ch 588 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LC *** Setter Nava, Prof. nava.setter@epfl.ch 589 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LMGN *** Grundler Dirk, Prof. dirk.grundler@epfl.ch 590 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LMSC Alarcon Esther esther.alarconllado@epfl.ch 591 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LMSC Barloggio Luca luca.barloggio@epfl.ch 592 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LMSC Casadei Alberto alberto.casadei@epfl.ch 593 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LMSC Frau Eleonora eleonora.frau@epfl.ch 594 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LMSC Potts Heidi heidi.potts@epfl.ch 595 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LMSC Tütüncüoglu Gözde gozde.tutuncuoglu@epfl.ch 596 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/LMSC Vukajlovic Plestina Jelena jelena.vukajlovicplestina@epfl.ch 597 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/SCI-STI-SM Batooli Leili leili.batooli@epfl.ch 598 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/SMAL *** Amstad Esther, Prof. esther.amstad@epfl.ch 599 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/SMAL Bescher Ludovic ludovic.bescher@epfl.ch 600 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/SMAL Du Huachuan huachuan.du@epfl.ch 601 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/SMAL Etienne Gianluca gianluca.etienne@epfl.ch 602 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/SMAL Vian Antoine antoine.vian@epfl.ch 603 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/IMX/SUNMIL Allegri Sergio sergio.allegri@epfl.ch 604 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/STI-DEC/STI-FORM Gautsch Sebastian sebastian.gautsch@epfl.ch 605 EPFL/STI EPFL/STI/STI-SG/STI-IT Quatravaux Dominique dominique.quatravaux@epfl.ch 606 EPFL/SV EPFL/SV/GHI/UPKIN Bächler Mirjam mirjam.bachler@epfl.ch 607 EPFL/SV EPFL/SV/GHI/UPKIN Schneider Katrin k.schneider@epfl.ch 608 EPFL/SV EPFL/SV/IBI-SV/LDCS de Lageneste Marine marine.delageneste@epfl.ch 609 EPFL/SV EPFL/SV/IBI-SV/LDCS Höhnel Sylke sylke.hohnel@epfl.ch 610 EPFL/SV EPFL/SV/IBI-SV/LDCS Muller Georges georges.muller@epfl.ch 611 EPFL/SV EPFL/SV/IBI-SV/LLCB Buchanan Cara cara.buchanan@epfl.ch 612 EPFL/SV EPFL/SV/IBI/UPDEPLA Dainese Riccardo riccardo.dainese@epfl.ch 613 EPFL/SV EPFL/SV/IBI/UPDEPLA Isakova Alina alina.isakova@epfl.ch Page 20 614 EPFL/SV EPFL/SV/IBI/UPLUT Brandenberg Nathalie nathalie.brandenberg@epfl.ch 615 EPFL/SV EPFL/SV/IBI/UPLUT Giger Sonja sonja.giger@epfl.ch 616 EPFL/SV EPFL/SV/IBI/UPLUT Tabata Yoji yoji.tabata@epfl.ch 617 EPFL/SV EPFL/SV/IBI/UPLUT Trachsel Vincent vincent.trachsel@epfl.ch 618 EPFL/SV EPFL/SV/PTECH/PTCRYP Pojer Florence florence.pojer@epfl.ch 619 EPFL/SV EPFL/SV/PTECH/PTP Moniatte Marc marc.moniatte@epfl.ch 620 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant IC Li Kun kun.li@epfl.ch 621 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant SB Bonvin Eric Joseph ericj.bonvin@epfl.ch 622 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant STI Airaghi Leccardi Marta marta.airaghileccardi@epfl.ch 623 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant STI Coen Florent-Valery florent-valery.coen@epfl.ch 624 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant STI Ellenrieder Benoît benoitrene.ellenrieder@epfl.ch 625 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant STI Lutz Jonathan jonathan.lutz@epfl.ch 626 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant STI Maillard Damien damien.maillard@epfl.ch 627 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant STI Mestiri Maroua maroua.mestiri@epfl.ch 628 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant STI Mottas Yoram yoram.mottas@epfl.ch 629 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant STI Musard Hugo hugo.musard@epfl.ch 630 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant STI Neuenschwander Matthias matthias.neuenschwander@epfl.ch 631 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant STI Sanchez Vera Edna Luz edna.sanchezvera@epfl.ch 632 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant STI Schwaller Philippe philippe.schwaller@epfl.ch 633 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant STI Sharma Kunal kunal.sharma@epfl.ch 634 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant STI Sorba Francesca francesca.sorba@epfl.ch 635 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant STI Trömel Adrian adrian.troemel@epfl.ch 636 EPFL/e EPFL/étudiant SV Tabata Seiji seiji.tabata@epfl.ch WiFi : Username : conference Password : welcome‐epfl Page 21
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