No. SCMS SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (Bioscience and Biotech Division) South Campus, Management House, S. Kalamassery, Cochin - 682033 Ph: 0484-2558502, 2256315 Fax: 91-484-2540482, email: APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO M.Sc. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & GENETIC ENGINEERING M.Sc. BIOMATERIALS & TISSUE ENGINEERING M.Sc. GENOMICS & PROTEOMICS M.Sc. TOXICOLOGY (Tick 3 whichever is applicable) Last date for receipt of filled in application ...................................................... Instructions for filling the Application Form 1) Fill in the application form in Capital Letters only. 2) Please enclose attested photocopies of all testimonials along with the form. All certificates (originals) should be produced at the time of interview. 3) Make sure you sign and put the date on the form. 4) Partially filled up or incorrectly filled up applications will be summarily rejected. AFFIX YOUR LATEST PHOTOGRAPH HERE 1. Name as in the Matriculation (Class X) Certificate (CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY) ………………………………………………….......……………………………………………………… 2. Gender Male 3. Age & Date of Birth Female years , DD TG MM YYYY 4. Nationality ………………………………………Religion…………….……………..…….……………. 5. E-mail id ......................................................................................................................................... 6. Whether belonging to reservation category Yes No If yes, name the category ................................................................................................................................................... 7. Permanent Address ............................................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................... State………………………..……………..............……………………PIN………...............................…………………………. 8. Mailing Address……………………………….……………..………………………………………...….…………..……..……….. …………………….……………..……………………………………………………..………………………...…..………..…….… State…………………………….....………………..…….................................………PIN…………………....……………..…… 9. Contact Telephone No.…………….............……….............................…. Mobile ………….….......……………………..…. 10. Father’s Name……………………………………………………………...............……………..…………………………....……. E-mail id ........……………………………………………………………...............……………..………………………..…..……. Occupation………………………………….......... Contact Phone….……….………..........………….. 11. Mother’s Name……………………………………………………..………………………………..………………………..…...…. E-mail id ........……………………………………………………………...............……………..…………………………....……. Occupation…………………………………….…… Contact Phone ….……….…………….………...… 12. Qualification (enclose attested copies of Certificates) Stage Particulars Board/University Year of Passing Class % of marks Secondary School Higher Secondary/ Plus two Graduation Post-Graduation Others 13. Work experience (if any) Period Designation Office Address 14. Documents to be submitted along with the application. (failure to submit photocopies of relevant certificates will disqualify the application). Secondary School Certificate Higher Secondary Graduation PG/Professional Stamp size photo Registration Fee/DD 15. Hostel facilities required : Yes No DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT I hereby declare that the information given by me in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of securing admission, I agree to abide by all relevant rules and regulations of the SCMS School of Technology and Management. Place : Signature Date Name : DECLARATION FROM GUARDIAN / PARENT I hereby agree to whatever that has been stated above by my son / daughter / ward in respect of his / her enrolment at the SCMS School of Technology and Management . Place : Signature Date Name :
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