The CNPS Plant Science Training Program Presents… Rare Plant Survey Protocols: A Scientific Approach *May be taken with the CNDDB & BIOS workshop on March 26 Tuesday, March 24 & Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Borges Ranch, Walnut Creek, CA Instructors: Heath Bartosh, Senior Botanist, Nomad Ecology; Aaron Sims, Rare Plant Botanist, CNPS Will also include a lecture by Roxanne Bittman, former Coordinator for the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB), California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Please visit for full details on this workshop, instructor bios, and the schedule for the course. Target Audience: Professional botanists, ecologists, land managers, resource specialists, academics, and conservationists. Participants should have an understanding of plant terminology and capable plant identification skills. Description: This course is designed to approach rare plant surveys using the best scientific information available. This scientific approach is built on conducting proper background review and literature searches, evaluating ecological information, assessing annual phenology, appropriate study design based on the scale of the survey area, survey execution, and adequate documentation of rare plant populations encountered. This is a two-day course set in the Mount Diablo region, a hot-spot of endemism as well as home to many peripheral populations of our native flora. Both days will include classroom and field settings where the instructors will cover three topic areas: preparing for surveys, conducting surveys, and reporting findings. These topics will be discussed based on applicable botanical survey guidelines. Time spent in the field will be applying the concepts learned during classroom sessions. A small amount of time will also be spent on the proper methods of collecting voucher specimens. This course includes a certificate of completion for participants who complete CNDDB forms satisfactorily and pass an open book exam at the end of the course. Optional Day 3: The CNDDB & BIOS: Online Resources for Botanists, Biologists, & Ecologists class is a six-hour course describing the background, purpose, and use of both the CNDDB dataset and the BIOS web-based map viewing tool (which includes access to the CNDDB). It complements what is learned in the preceding two-day course by providing detailed instructions on how to effectively utilize the state’s largest repository of rare plant and animal information. This portion of the course will be held at the California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW) Office of Training & Development in Sacramento (approx. 1 hour and 15 minute drive from Walnut Creek). Visit for more details on this course. Participants will learn: How to properly prepare and conduct background research prior to initiating rare plant surveys How to design and conduct rare plant surveys focusing on the size and topography of the study area, ecological niches, the importance of reference sites, etc. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, CNPS, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, and other relevant botanical field survey protocols How to use online databases and resources such as: California Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB), the CNPS Online Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants, the Jepson eFlora/Interchange, Consortium of California Herbaria, among others To fill out CNDDB forms correctly and thoroughly A brief overview of laws pertaining to rare plants A brief overview of voucher specimen collecting techniques Registration: Visit to register for this and other CNPS workshops. Registration fees are discounted for CNPS members. If you are not a CNPS member, visit to join now and save! Rare Plant Survey Protocols (2-day course) CNDDB & BIOS (optional 3rd day) March 24-25 March 26 CNPS Member Rate $310 $160 Non-Member Rate $335 $175 Please visit for full details on this workshop, instructor bios, and the schedule for the course. Other CNPS Plant Science Workshops in 2015 Visit for details, updates, and the latest schedule of offerings. Workshop Measuring & Monitoring Plant Populations Vegetation Mapping Introduction to Plant Family Identification Vegetation Rapid Assessment/Rélevé Introduction to Plant Family Identification Vegetation Rapid Assessment/Rélevé CEQA Impact Assessment Location Browns Valley Sacramento Area Ojai Yosemite National Park Truckee Redding Area Ventura Area Dates April 21-23 TBD May 6-7 June 3-5 July 6-8 Mid/Late Oct. Nov. 4-5 If you have questions about this or any other CNPS workshops, please contact Becky Reilly, CNPS Events Coordinator, at 916-447-2677 x207 or These workshops are part of the statewide CNPS Plant Science Training Program and the CNPS Education Program. Our goals are to: (1) promote the optimal use of good science in the protection of native plants through plant science education, and (2) strengthen the network of people involved in native plant protection through outreach and education. You may find out more about this program and CNPS, join our organization, and/or access this and other CNPS workshop announcements on our website,
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