crane poster 2015.pptx

Coastal Crane Atlas
Image: Urs Boxler Have you seen this bird? Please contribute your observa5ons to the Coastal Crane Atlas. The Atlas is a project to map breeding areas of the small popula5on of Sandhill Cranes that summers along the coast of B.C. and Southeast Alaska in order to learn more about them and to beBer protect their habitat. Crane ID: Flies with straight neck, does not perch in trees; height: 1.07-­‐1.4m tall, wingspan to 2m; bright red patch on forehead, white cheek patch (adults), plumage grey to rusty brown; call is a loud raGling kar-­‐r-­‐o-­‐o-­‐o. Image: April Bencze Record how many cranes you see, specific loca5on, date and 5me, behaviour and any other details. Three ways to report your observa5ons and learn more: 1.  Visit 2.  Send an email to 3.  Send a message on the Coastal Crane Atlas Facebook page Thank you!