C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 The Council Courier QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER OF THE COUNCIL ON AUXILIARIES/ VOLUNTEERS OF GEORGIA HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION MARCH 2015 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: President’s Message President Elect Message Vice President Conference Message COAV Youth Conference Info Seven Auxiliaries Sharing Activities Four Ads Supporting COAV BOM and District Directors Pages 14-16 Your New Leaders--Working Hard! BOM Meeting Jan. 20-21 2 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 Officers for December 2014 -- October 2015 PRESIDENT: Wanda Sellers SECRETARY: Frankie Royer PRESIDENT ELECT: Janet Foell TREASURER: Rebecca Roper FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Diane Fowler IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: Johns P. Jaudon VICE -PRESIDENT/MEMBERSHIP: Anita Barnes (All contact information on pages 14-16, ) DATES AND DEADLINES -- 2014 -- 2015 COA/V CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2015 January 10 January 20--21 March 4 March 5 March 11 March 10 March 12 March 17 March 18 March 22--24 April 12 - 18 April 21--22 May 2—6 June 29—July 1 July 21-22 October 26--28 Youth Conference Planning meeting, Macon, GA; 10:30—1:30 pm COA/V Budget Meeting, at Wexgate,Wilkshire Mtg Room, Macon GA; 1:45 p.m.—3:45 COAV Board of Management meeting, Macon, GA Central Spring District meeting, St. Francis Hospital, Columbus, GA East Central Spring District meeting, Wills Memorial, Washington, GA Southeast Spring District meeting, EGRMC Auxiliary, Statesboro, GA Northwest District Spring Meeting, Carrolton, GA Southwest Spring District meeting, Tifton Regional, Tifton, GA North District Spring Meeting, Jasper, GA Northeast Spring District meeting, Northside Atlanta Hospital Auxiliary, Atlanta, GA SHVL Conference 2015, Grove Park Inn, Ashville, NC National Volunteer Appreciation Week COAV Board of Management meeting, Macon, GA SALAHA Annual Conference—Washington, DC COA/V of GHA Youth Conference, Hamilton, GA COAV Board of Management meeting. Macon, GA 56th COA/V Annual Conference—Augusta, GA IMPORTANT: Annual President’s Report and Local Auxiliary Officers Forms are due IMMEDIATELY following the end of each Auxiliary’s fiscal year. Claudia Parks “NEW” COURIER EDITOR So many of you have been so kind with your complimentary comments about the new Council Courier--in color, online, and on our website--reaching thousands! It was a little scary at first, but after I got started--”things begin to flow”! There were a few crazy moments, as in anything new/different with computers?! Now, what really is important--you need to send me information and photos that I can put in the Courier! Let me know what your Auxiliary is doing!? Or have recently done! Reading each of your Newsletters has been interesting! I have filed them by District. However, there are a number of them, that do not have an easy way for me to contact anyone in your Auxiliary or hospital. When I see something good for the Courier---it would be beneficial if I could email of phone the editor or president of the newsletter. If you do not want to put this information in your newsletters--please just write it out in the margin when you get ready to mail it to me! This would be very helpful. (More information on the last page.) Thank you! Claudia Visit the COA/V Website at https://coav.gha.org Webmaster: Edith Richardson erichardson46@bellsouth.net 3 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 Message from COA/V President It is a pleasure to tell you about some exciting things that are happening in Council. The new Board is eager and enthusiastic as we begin to work on COA/V issues. Because this is such a difficult time for healthcare and for our country economically, COA/V members also feel the effects of it. The Board of Management wants to help the auxiliaries any way we can. We will be letting you know of some exciting changes as they develop. Our first change was the online publishing of The Council Courier. We have received very positive feedback from most of our auxiliaries. We are also excited to announce that the Courier is now published on the GHA Website. Just go to the GHA website, coav.gha.org then our home page will appear, to the left is a rundown, with Council CouWANDA SELLERS rier being last on the list. As with any web page, there are constant changes that need to be made. Our Webmaster, Edith Richardson, is doing a good job of keeping up with those changes. The continued success of the Courier will be up to all of us as we spread the word about the online Courier and send information of your activities to Claudia, our Courier editor. This method of delivery has great potential to improve the communication of COA/V. We appreciate the support of our advertisers in the Courier and trust you will support them also. March is just around the corner, and all the Spring Conferences promise to be educational and fun. These spring meetings give opportunities for those who were unable to attend Fall Conference to attend educational opportunities closer to home. I asked Betty Walls, our COA/V Historian, to gather scholarship information for us. Since the year 1993 to date, there have been 240 scholarship winners for a total of $215,250.00. By being a part of COA/V we have been able to pool our resources to help a greater number of students. Of course, this amount does not include the scholarships that individual auxiliaries give each year. What a wonderful legacy it is for COA/V. Your donations to the Elizabeth Wilmot Bull Scholarship Fund is truly appreciated and needed. The deadline was February 15 -- please keep this in mind for next year--you can always donate anytime. Thank you all for the fine work you do. The auxiliaries are making a big difference for many people during a difficult time in their life. Wanda Sellers Volunteers help transform health NOTE: The Front Cover of the Courier is a collage of photos that Frankie Royer took at our January Board of Managers meeting in Macon---a “busy bunch” and they all look happy!! 4 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 SPRING DISTRICT MEETINGS BY JANET FOELL---COA/V PRESIDENT-ELECT It is that time of the year again! Wanda, Dianne and I will soon be “on the road again”. One of the best things about being a state officer is that we get to travel to all of the seven districts to attend their Spring District Meetings. Last year was my first time to attend all seven district meetings, and it was most interesting to see how each one could be so different. The speakers, entertainment and food were wonderful, but the best part of each meeting was to meet so many friendly and wonderful volunteers. Even though it was my first time to meet most of the auxilians everyone welcomed me as if I was part of their group. Auxiliary volunteers are very special people. Whether we live in the Northern, Southern, Eastern or Western part of Georgia we are all dedicated to serving and helping others. Even though we may be meeting for the first time or are long time friends we all share a special relationship. Some of you may have thought of serving at the state level, but hesitate to do so. If you think you would enjoy learning how different auxiliaries do things, the various duties they perform at their hospitals, helping to make COA/V one of the best state organizations, having your auxiliary represented on the Board of Management, but most of all, meeting some of the most delightful and interesting individuals in the state, then I encourage you to think about serving at the state level (we are always looking for good people). I enjoyed meeting so many of you at the October Conference. Wanda, Dianne and I are excited about seeing many of you at your Spring District Meetings. Janet Foell 5 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 First Vice President/Conference Chair Diane Fowler The North District (Host) Planning Committee with District Directors Jamie Quinn, of Piedmont Mountainside Hospital, Jasper, and Susan Hahn of Union General Hospital, Blairsville, along with our President, Wanda Sellers and I met on November 13, 2014 to start planning for the 2015 COA/V Conference. The Conference will be held at the Augusta Marriott and Conference Center, October 26--28, 2015. We had fourteen in attendance and a great meeting with enthusiastic eager Presidents and President Elects from North District ready to go to work planning to make this an outstanding Conference. The North District is one our smaller districts in number of volunteers--because the majority are small hospitals. They reach from Alabama to South Carolina , across the mountains! We may be small in numbers but we are BIG in ideas! The evaluation forms have been reviewed and I desire to fulfill as many of your requests as possible. The food was outstanding at 2014 Conference and the Marriott has requested we let them repeat the same menu in 2015. What an exciting time is in store for all of you as we look at how “Volunteers help transform health”, during Conference 2015. Let’s all work together to spread the word as to why Conference is so enjoyable and educational. We will learn how each of us can play a vital role in COAV no matter the size of our hospital. Giving so much time and energy to others often leaves us drained and tired and we hope to encourage and refresh you as we explore some fun topics--plus much more. You’ll leave feeling ready to serve more and share with your Auxiliary with all of the exciting information you have learned. Please plan to attend your Spring District Meeting as some exciting surprises will be announced. Diane Fowler Diane Fowler COA/V 1st VP Conference Chair 6 COUNCIL COURIER VOLUME 57 NO. 2 (1958 -2015) MARCH 2015 The COA/V Youth Conference is currently in its planning stages. After meeting with the members of the Advisory board on January 10, the board can guarantee that this year’s conference is going to be awesome for those youths who attend. This year’s conference begins on Monday, June 29 and is over by noon on July 1. All groups attending will spend two nights at Pine Eden in Hamilton, Georgia. With that said, our attendance over that past two years has begun to decline and we would like for you to encourage your auxiliaries to plan to send youths from your hospital this year. We realize that it is difficult to find a volunteer to commit to chaperone, but your hospital’s chaperone could be a parent instead. For those hospitals who do not have a Youth Volunteer Program, we would like to encourage you to try it. There are many veteran Youth Volunteer Coordinators who would gladly give you a helping hand in getting a program going in your auxiliary. The youth advisors work hard developing the workshops and activities for those youths who attend. Here is a peek at what is being planned this year: We will begin by showing GIFTED HANDS The Ben Carson Story and have a group discussion. Then, we plan to have a bonfire, sing songs, and discuss future career paths. (Registration begins at 2:00 P.M. on Monday.). On Tuesday, a scavenger hunt, speakers (Nils Davis, EMS, Sports Medicine, etc.), Mr. Cardio and an Ice Cream Social are being planned. As was true last year, we again will be including team building competition. Break away groups will be a part of winding up the day’s events. On Wednesday, we will have closing ceremonies and pack up to return home. The youth advisors, in an effort to encourage their peers to attend, changed the word “Conference” to “Camp”. They felt as if the word “Conference” was a negative term and may keep some youths from wanting to attend. This year’s advisory board includes: Wanda Sellers, COA/V President, from East Georgia Regional Medical Center, Janet Foell, COA/V President Elect, from Athens Regional Medical Center, Charla Summers, Conference Co-Chair, from Eastside Medical Center, Marcelle Johnson, Conference Co-Chair from Higgins General Hospital, Dianne Fowler, First Vice President, from North Georgia Regional Medical Center, Frank Barrett from Dekalb Medical Center, Mary Yu, youth advisor, from Dekalb Medical, Junhan Lee, Youth Advisor, from Piedmont Fayette Hospital, Amayah Outlaw, Youth Advisor, from Dekalb Medical, and Amal Bhamagar, Youth Advisor Leader, from Dekalb Medical. Should you have any questions about the conference, please contact either Charla Summers at 678-227-3418 or Marcelle Johnson at 870-285-6101. If you have any ideas for speakers, please let us know! Thanks, Charla E. Summers Conference (Camp) Co-Chair 7 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 WellStar Douglas Hospital was named the Top Small Hospital in the state by Georgia Trend magazine this past December. The category featured 44 hospitals across Georgia with fewer than 150 beds. L-R Phil Osborne; Eva Krebs; Margaret Chaffin; Lynette Heard; Jean Hobson Researchers and healthcare professionals worked with Georgia Trend to compile A Group of Proud Auxiliary Members the rankings from publicly available information on quality of care, patient satisfaction, mortality and readmission statistics and hospital-acquired infections and conditions. WellStar Douglas is located in Douglasville, which is a few miles west of Atlanta. Delores Short is the current President of their Auxiliary. 8 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 A New Phyllis S. Tollison Excellence in Volunteerism Award Wall Unveiled at Brunswick Campus Gary R. Colberg, FACHE, President & CEO; Kristin Doll, DVS; Ken Tollison; Mary Lynne Cochran, President, Brunswick Campus Auxiliary, and Lawton Tollison. A replacement of the original plaque installed in 2005, created by the Tollison family in 2005 in memory of Phyllis, the Excellence in Volunteerism Award is presented quarterly to a Brunswick Auxiliary volunteer who embodies the spirit of volunteerism. Auxiliary members choose a Volunteer of the Year from one of the four volunteers of the quarter. Tollison served as a hospital volunteer for more than 30 years in various departments, including the gift shop. She was an advocate of volunteering and of recognizing the valuable contributions volunteers make to better their communities. Health System Auxiliaries Recognize Volunteers of the Quarter L- Mary Lynne Cochran, President of Brunswick Campus Auxiliary, Eileen Ligay, Brunswick Campus Volunteer of the Quarter. Eileen Ligay volunteers in the Gift Shop, Volunteer Services Office, and helps with special projects and Auxiliary fundraisers. “I volunteer because I like to stay active and I really like to help people.” Shirley Keith has volunteered in the Outpatient Services Lab, Internal Medicine and other departments as needed since 2013. She brings energy and enthusiasm to every Department. L- Shirley Keith, Camden Campus Volunteer of the Quarter, Kathleen Worthing, President, Camden Campus Auxiliary. The Southeast Georgia Health System Brunswick and Camden Campus Auxiliaries presented donations to the Health System during their recent holiday luncheons. The funds were raised through the Gift Shop and Auxiliary fundraising events held Dec. 2013 through Nov. 2014. Kristin Doll, DVS; Enoch Prow, Aux. Treasurer; MaryLynne Cochran, Aux. President; Gary R. Colberg, FACHE, President & CEO ($100,000.00) Mary Lynne Cochran, President, Brunswick Campus Auxiliary stated, “We set a goal to donate a half million dollars in five years and we are thrilled to have accomplished it.” Information sent to Council Courier by Mary Lynn Cochran Howard W. SeppJr., FACHE, VP & Administrator; Kathleen Worthing, Aux. President (Camden Campus); Paul Belcher, Treasurer; Kristin Doll, DVS ($25,000.00) 9 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 The Council on Auxiliaries of the Georgia Hospital Association was begun in l958 by Mrs. James C. Malone after attending the Georgia Hospital Association meetings. Below are the Past Presidents who have served Council. (If there is no hospital or district listed--info was not available) PRESIDENTS OF THE COUNCIL 1958-59 1959-60 1960-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-67 1967-69 1969-71 1971-73 1973-74 1974-76 1976-78 1978-80 1980-82 1982-84 1984-86 1986-88 1988-90 1990-92 1992-94 1994-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-2011 2011-13 2013-14 Mrs. James C. Malone Mrs. Marien Strickland Mrs. Elizabeth Wilmot Bull Mrs. Dorothy Neal Mrs. Duncan Shephard Mrs. Matthew J. Dwyer (Ellen), Saint Joseph, Atlanta, North Central District Mrs. Douglas Holt (Carolyn) Mrs. Carl Parker (Myrtice), Med. Ctr. of Central GA, Macon, Central District Mrs. John W. Heese, Jr. (Harriette), Savannah Memorial/Savannah, SE District Mrs. Gordon Funk (Melba) Mrs. Jack. H. Elrod (Candee), Northside Hospital, Atlanta, North Central District Mrs. Robert Rush (Joyce), Med. Ctr. of Central GA, Macon, Central District Mrs. Wesley Johnson (Jean), Floyd Medical Center, Rome, North District Mrs. John T. Henderson, Jr. (Carole), Saint Joseph, Atlanta, North Central District Mrs. Joe Gordon (Vivian) Mrs. William R. Fisher (Alice), Scottish Rite, Atlanta, North Central District Mrs. A. Bruce Henderson (June), South Fulton, Atlanta , Northwest District Mrs. Berkeley Blackman (Marilyn), Taylor Hospital, Hawkinsville, Central District Mrs. Donald Thigpen (Patty), Candler Hospital, Savannah, South East District Mrs. Henry Fox (Rosemary), Northside Hospital, Atlanta, North Central District Mrs. Charles Cory (Jean), Towns County Hospital, Hiawassee, North District Mrs. Jack Moore (Sue) Stephens County Hospital, Toccoa, North District Mrs. Gordon Houston (Nell), Mountainside Med. Center, Jasper, North District Mrs. Herman J. Hendley (Jayne), Tift General Hospital, Tifton, South West District Mrs. Lee Kirkman (Betty), Floyd Medical Center, Rome North District Mrs. James Davis (Boyce) Athens Regional Medical Center, East Central District Mrs. Charles Maynard (Brenda), Chatuge Reg. Hospital, Hiawassee, North District Mrs. George Healy (Shirley), Emory University Hosp. Atlanta, Northeast District Mrs. George Kitchens (Betty), Crisp Reg. Hospital, Cordele, Southwest District Mrs. David Piet (Jo Ann), Fayette Comm. Hospital, Fayetteville, Northwest District Mrs. Robert Tumperi (Barbara), Newnan Hospital, Newnan, Northwest District Mrs. Joel Brown (Betty), Henry Medical Center, Stockbridge, Northwest District Dr. Elizabeth Nevil, Athens Medical Center, Athens, East Central District Mrs. Charles Hauerland (Ann), Stephens County Hosp. Toccoa, North District Mrs. David Chapin (Marg), Northside Hosp. Atlanta, Northeast District Mrs. Frank Barrett (Frechia), DeKalb Medical, Decatur, Northwest District Johns Jaudon, Piedmont Henry Hospital, Stockbridge, Northwest District This information was furnished by Betty Walls, our Historian. Betty has been a faithful member for many years and has held many different offices in COA/V. 10 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 The Auxiliary at Coffee Regional Medical Center has celebrated their 50th year of service to the Coffee County Community. Several of the 77 members currently serving are the children or close relatives of the founding members, making service a family tradition. An afternoon reception attended by local dignitaries, hospital personnel and Auxilians was held at the hospital on October 9th. Auxiliary Vice President Helen Casey was the event organizer and surprised the Auxiliary membership with specially designed 50 Year Memorial pins to commemorate this milestone. (Anita Barnes, Auxiliary President, Southeast District) This project provided a laundry room on 7E with three stackable washer/dryer units with folding tables. This project also included the purchase of new washer/dryer units for the 2D ICU. These machines are for the use of patients and their families. The Auxiliary Board of Emory University Hospital along with the CEO of EUH, Bob Bachman, with the “Big Check” for $40,000.00. Laura Andrew, President; Elizabeth Hamm, Board Member; Jim Scaglione, Past President 11 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E L-R Doug Davenport, Administrator; Susan Hahn, Auxiliary President; Pam Ouzts, Activity Director. 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) The Auxiliary presented four tablets to Pam Ouzts, Activity Director at the Union County Nursing Home. Pam told us a number of residents who enjoy reading could handle a small tablet with ease. We are pleased that we can help. The Nursing Home residences, and all the staff members are special to the Auxiliary for their dedicated work that they do each day. We have an aver- age of sixteen volunteers weekly at the nursing home. ( NORTH DISTRICT--Blairsville) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 L-R: Joan Wiley, Auxiliary Member, who loves volunteering at the Nursing Home, with Pam Ouzts and Dorothy Lewis, resident---holding one of the new electronic readers. On-Site Fundraising Professionals since 1998 Maximize your organization’s earning potential with our customized on-site sales. Flexible scheduling options including evening, weekend and 3 day sales to accommodate all shifts. Fast and easy checkout with computerized processing of all transactions through The Uniform Solution POS system. Online payroll deduction program available through our website for 24/7 fundraising opportunities. Wide variety of name brand uniforms, shoes & accessories in your hospital’s dress code requirements. Free shipping on special orders shipped directly to the customer’s home. Our friendly & knowledgeable staff guarantee customer satisfaction and our superb customer service doesn’t stop when the sale is over. ( 10 ) Contact Sarah Waldroup or Tom Cook for more information and let us help you start raising money for your organization today. 1355-A Old Philadelphia Rd. / P.O. Box 84 Jasper, GA 30143 Phone: (706) 692-5366 or Toll Free @ 1-888-513-6061 uniformsandscrubs@windstream.net www.cherokee-scrubstore.com 12 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 L-R Delores Short, President; Marilynn Coats; Sherry Alexander, Gift Shop Manager (Excerpts from Delores Short’s speech and presentation-February 13, 2015) “Good afternoon, my name is Delores Short, President of the WellStar Douglas Auxiliary. I want to thank each of you for being here on such a special occasion, especially many of Marilynn’s family… members of the administrative staff, to honor our friend and fellow volunteer. Marilynn has been a long time volunteer here at WellStar Douglas, for 38 years and more than 12,000 hours. When Marilynn arrived on the scene there was only a gift cart, no Gift Shop. The cart had the usual fare, gum, candy and yes, even cigarettes. They also passed out juice to the patients and visitors. Several Years later at a meeting at the home of Betty Noland, Marilynn mentioned that she could arrange flowers to sell and would be happy to do so. These were silk flowers, but they were very popular and sold out quickly. This was the beginning of offering this service to patient’s families.” “The hospital then provided a place for a gift shop which was located at several locations in the hospital over the years. During her tenure she was a paid employee at one time as well as Gift Shop manager and a buyer which she still does. Her touch can be seen in the Gift Shop each day, as she decorates and arranges the merchandise so it catches the eye of the customers. She has always given of herself and is loyal, dependable and unselfish. “Now at this time it is with great pleasure--I would like to reveal the sign that reflects the new name of our Gift Shop and recognizes MARILYNN. This will be a reminder for years to come of all her hard work and dedication to WellStar Douglas Hospital--I Present to you MARILYNN’S PLACE!!!” (An excellent message--as seen in the Northside Hospital Forsyth Auxiliary Newsletter ) Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today I started smiling too. I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin. When he smiled I realized I’d passed it on to him. I thought about that smile then I realized its worth. A single smile just like mine could travel ‘round the earth. So, if you feel a smile begin don’t leave it undetected. Let’s start an epidemic quick and get the world infected. 13 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 Andrew Daniels, a member of South Georgia State College’s (SGSC) men’s basketball team, was awarded the Eames Scholarship by the James M. Dye Foundation for the 2014-2015 academic year. The scholarship was established in 2008 by Charles Eames for students on SGSC’s Waycross Campus. The James M. Dye Foundation wishes to thank Charles Eames for helping Waycross Campus students achieve their educational dreams through the Eames Scholarship. Charles Eames Charles is the immediate past president of the Mayo Clinic Health System Auxiliary. He was at Conference and received his Auxiliary’s awards--”Community of Conscience Award”/ Large Hospital and the “President Achievement Award”. Charles not only serves in the MCHS Auxiliary, he is now their newsletter editor and reads to preschoolers every week, and is very generous in being involved in giving scholarships. Since 1991, Books Are Fun has been bringing you great products, great prices and FUNdraising opportunities to every location we visit. Jewelry Is Fun was established in 2011 and provides another FUNdraising opportunity! We are very proud to have given back over $750 million dollars through our combined lines of business. Your local Representatives are backed by a National Customer Service Team who is standing by to assist you and your staff. Give us a call today at 888-516-3431 to schedule an Event. Robert Croissant Books Are Fun Southeast Regional Manager Office 877.218.6797 Mobile 803.553.5630 rcroissant@booksarefun.com booksarefun.com Join us on Facebook and Pinterest 14 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 President Wanda Sellers 1924 Chatsworth Court Statesboro, GA 30461 Telephone: 912-842-4984 East Georgia Regional Medical Center Email: wks7324@bulloch.net President Elect First Vice President Janet Foell 1100 Hunting Creek Lane Watkinsville, GA 30677 Telephone: 706-769-6154 Athens Regional Medical Center Email: jfoell@charter.net Diane Fowler 375 Fowler Farm Road Talking Rock, GA 30175 Telephone: 706-635-8869 North GA Medical Center Email: fowlerfarm@yahoo.com Secretary Treasurer Frankie Royer 1301 St. Mary’s Drive Waycross, GA 30501 Telephone: 912-285-4369 Mayo Clinic Health Systems Email: frankiefroyer@gmail.com Rebecca Roper 4435 Aaron Court Cumming, GA 30040 Telephone: 770-888-7490 Northside Hospital- Forsyth Email: rebeccaroper@live.com Vice-President/Membership Immediate Past President Anita Barnes 803 Meadow Lane Drive Douglas, GA 31533 Telephone: 912-381-4796 Coffee Regional Medical Center Email: mrsbee803@gmail.com Johns P. Jaudon 187 Ashley Drive McDonough, GA 30252 Telephone: 678-583-4755 Piedmont Henry Hospital Email: jnjaudon@bellsouth.net 15 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 Courier Editor Claudia Parks 184 Runaway Road Blairsville, GA 30512 Telephone: 706-745-5128 Union General Hospital claudiaparks@windstream.net EWB Scholarship Betty Anne Foran 112 Halifax Road Savannah, GA 31410 Telephone: 912-897-3892 Candler Hospital Email: bettyforan@gmial.com Awards Nancy Jaudon 187 Ashley Drive McDonough, GA 31252 Telephone: 678-583-4755 Piedmont Henry Hospital Email: jnjaudon@bellsouth.net Webmaster Edith Richardson 217 Eagles Landing Way McDonough, GA 30253 Telephone: 770-474-6181 Piedmont Henry Hospital Erichardson46@bellsouth.net By-Laws/Parliamentarian Johns P. Jaudon 187 Ashley Drive McDonough, GA 31252 Telephone: 678-583-4755 Piedmont Henry Hospital Email: jnjaudon@bellsouth.net Board of Mgt GHA Liaison Ginger Anspaugh 1675 Terrell Mill Road Marietta, GA 30067 Telephone: 770-249-4501 FAX: 770-955-5801 Email: ganspaugh@gha.org Youth Conference Co-Chair Marcelle Johnson 1646 Cashtown Road Bremen, GA 30110 Telephone: 404-285-6101 Higgins General Hospital Email: kelsobu@yahoo.com Youth Conference Co-Chair Charla Summers 3200 Hall Garden Road Snellville, GA 30039 Telephone: 770-914-670 Eastside Medical Center Email:charlasummers@gmail.com Historian Betty Walls 3022 Loganville Highway Loganville, GA 30052 Telephone: 770-963-2946 Gwinnett Medical Center Email: bettywalls@bellsouth.net Vendor Show Joyce Sample 352 Pine Valley Rd Mableton, GA 30126 Telephone: 770-944-9640 WellStar Cobb Hospital Email: jycs01@att.net Nominating Committee Board of Mgt AHA Liaison Johns Jaudon Frechia Barrett 187 Ashley Drive 3994 Woburn Drive McDonough, GA 31252 Tucker, GA 30084 Telephone: 378-583-4755 Telephone: 770-938-3032 Piedmont Henry Hospital DeKalb Medical Center Email: jnjaudon@bellsouth.net Email: frankbarrett1582@att.net COA/V GHA Nominating Committee 2014 - 2015 Nominating Committee Chair: Johns Jaudon, Immediate Past President Janet Foell 2014-2015 President Elect Committee Members Central District Richard Lindsey PO Box 92 Oconee GA 31067-0092 Phone: 478-278-6996 Washington County Regional Email: jrichardlindsey@gmail.com Southwest District Donna Smith 912 Williamsburg Dr. Valdosta, GA 31602 Phone: 229-247-6746 South GA Med Ctr. ddsmith1021@hotmail.com North District Joyce Mitchell 700 Old Hwy 5 Blue Ridge, GA 30513 Phone: 706-492-7726 Fannin Regional Email: joyce_mitchell@yahoo.com East Central Michael Timm 801 Wilkins Dr. Monroe, GA 30655 Phone: 404-272-5773 Athens Reg Med Ctr. mtimm62933@aol.com Northwest District Joyce Sample 352 Pine Valley Road Mableton GA 30126 Phone: 770-944-9640 Wellstar Cobb Email: jycs01@att.net Northeast District Susan Holland 2594 Dunhaven Glen Snellville, GA 30078 Phone: 770-985-4053 Eastside Med Ctr. hollandg@bellsouth.net Southeast District Sue Williams 1306 Ilise Lane Vidalia, GA 30474 Phone: 912-537-9159 Regional Med Center williamssueb@bellsouth.net 16 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 2014-2015 COA/V Board of Management District Directors – Revised 10-11-14 Tullye Ralph 655 Old Cavaniss Road Forsyth, GA 31029 Phone: 478-994-1912 Email: pizzazz2011@hotmail.com Monroe County Hospital Gordenia Murdoch 2115 Old Carl Moon Road Monroe, GA 30656 Phone: 770-207-9869 Email: jwmurdoch@windstream.net Clearview Regional Medical Center Susan Hahn 1825 Trails End Young Harris, GA 30582 Phone: 706-379-9600 Email: rhahn1@bellsouth.net Union General Hospital Sybil Bradley 3145 The Commons Drive Cumming, GA 30041 Phone: 770-298-1004 Email: sybilbradley@me.com Northside Hospital – Forsyth CENTRAL DISTRICT Carey Russell 106 Mornside Drive Forsyth, GA 31029 Phone: 478-993-8164 Email: carlam@forsythcable.com Monroe County Hospital EAST CENTRAL DISTRICT Nan M. Burks 1161 Millstone Run Bogart, GA 30622 Phone: 706-227-9094 Email: nanburks@gmail.com Athens Regional Medical Center NORTH DISTRICT Jamie Quinn 169 Smith & Wesson Way Jasper, GA 30143 Phone: 706-301-9259 Email: jamiequinn@etcmail.com Piedmont Mountainside Hospital NORTHEAST DISTRICT Bruce Wagar 4755 Woodruff Trace Cumming, GA 30028 Phone: 770-781-4312 Email: bruce.wagar@northside.com Northside Hospital – Forsyth Kathryn Hall 500 Ridgemont Drive Fayetteville,GA 30215 Phone: 770-716-9366 Email: kathrynhall326@gmail.com Southern Regional Medical Center NORTHWEST DISTRICT Sherrill Eby 2038 Logan Drive Jonesboro, GA 30236 Phone: 770-471-6869 Email: eseby54@gmail.com Southern Regional Medical Center Mary Lynne Cox Cochran 137 Shipmaster Drive Brunswick, GA 31523 Phone: 912-264-8634 Email: cpinklilli@aol.com SOUTHEAST DISTRICT Barbara Ann Smith 5884 Old Jesup Road Brunswick, GA 31525 Phone: 912-265-8669 Email: barbaravsmith@yahoo.com SE Georgia Healthcare System – Glynn Cricket Johnson PO Box 1607 Americus, GA 31709 Phone: 229-924-7615 Email: cricit@bellsouth.net Phoebe Sumter Medical Center SE Georgia Healthcare System – Glynn SOUTHWEST DISTRICT Linda Holloway 339 County Line Snead Road Leslie, GA 31764 Phone: 229-874-8340 Email: linhol@sowega.net Phoebe Sumter Medical Center Any errors or changes-On this page contact Anita Barnes 17 C O U N C I L C O U R I E R V O L U M E 5 7 N O . 2 ( 1 9 5 8 - 2 0 1 5 ) M A R C H 2 0 1 5 As many of you know, you can go to our website https://coav.gha.org and read the Courier, make copies, and send the web address to others. I suggest that you put the address in your “favorites”. Most of the time--coav.gha.org will get you to the home page--look to the left and see the Directory and go down to Council Courier. You will then need to click on “December 2014” or for this one “March 2015”. Help friends to know how to use their computers or tablets. The success of the Courier depends on “YOU” sending me information to put in the next publication. I receive your Newsletters and I truly enjoy reading them and I “really do read them”! I see articles that would be very interesting to everyone, and if I can find out who to get in touch with to send me info--”you may become famous!?” When you send me news and photographs: Please do your text using Microsoft Word and send as an attachment. If it is no more than six or eight lines of info, you can send the information in an email or US mail. Photos should be sent as attachments. I can scan photos sometimes. Often with these little tablets and cell phones--I may not be able to rescue the script or photos from them. Sometimes, a hospital DVS will send a news item in PDF--this is great, but please keep it to one page if possible. We are interested in what you are doing, and we want every Auxiliary to send--if you are large or small, to let us know what is going on in your Auxiliary. Deadlines: March -Feb.1; June - May 1; September - August 1. claudiaparks@windstream.net 184 Runaway Road Blairsville, GA 30512 706-745-5128
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