BUILDING & PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM COBOURG HERITAGE COMMITTEE TO: Lorraine Brace, Manager of Legislative Services FROM: Leona Hawley, Secretary DATE: March 19, 2015 SUBJECT: 22 Spencer Street West The following motion was adopted at the March 18, 2015 meeting of the Cobourg Heritage Committee: HP 2015-014 Doorway alteration and replacement 22 Spencer Street West Patricia Ginn Moved by Randy Crossen, "THAT Heritage Permit Application HP-2015-014 as submitted by Patricia Ginn be approved to permit the following changes to the property located at 22 Spencer Street West subject to the finalization of details by staff.: 1. Enlarge front door entrance and install new front door with one side light window and matching false façade on the opposite side in order to maintain symmetry and depth (character defining feature). Carried 11-!E CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF COBOURG OBtOUP.r; HERITAGE AMMORY COMMITTEE PREMORAIADONI TO: Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee FROM: Amanda Warren, Planner I — Heritage SUBJECT: Application for Heritage Permit: 22 Spencer Street W FILE NO: March 6, 2015 HP-2015-0i4 DATE: ORIGIN An application for a Heritage Permit was received from Patricia Ginn to undertake the following changes to the property located at 22 Spencer Street West: 1. Enlarge front door entrance and install new front door with window and right side-light. ANALYSIS The subject property is located within the George Street Heritage Conservation District, and is designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act, and By-law #7-2003. The application was submitted on February 20, 2015. In accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, the 90-day deadline for Council to deal with the application is May 21, 2015. Background The subject property is a single-detached dwelling on Spencer Street West believed to have been constructed around 1850. The owner of the property wishes to expand the front door to allow for a wheel-chair accessible entrance and install a new insulated front door. The owner has indicated the windows and doors are not originals. ' — Above: (left) The subject property at 22 Spencer Street West is a single-detached dwelling in the Ontario vernacular style; (right) current photo showing the front elevation and entrance. 1 Geographic Context The subject property is located at the corner of Spencer Street West and Park Lane within the George Street Heritage Conservation District. Iv! 1■ ••• I Above: The subject property is shown outlined in red in the context of the George Street Heritage Conservation District indicated in yellow. Nearby properties designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act are shown shaded in purple, and nearby properties that are not designated but that are listed on the Town's Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value and Interest are shown shaded in pink. Above: An aerial photograph shows the subject property, outlined in red. 2 Scope of Work / ProPosed Work The applicant proposes to widen the front door entrance and install a new front door with right side-light. The current opening is 38 inches wide by 83 inches tall (see image below), once widened the opening would be 53 1/8 inches wide with a vinyl clad dour with window and side light on the right that in-swings for wheelchair access. Applicant proposes to leave the door white and restore the existing wooden grey trim (as in the photo below). Above: Current front entrance (door obscured by an aluminum storm) and wooden grey trim to be restored. 843 Above: Proposed product and materials include a wooden, white vinyl-clad door with window and right side-light with in-swing to provide wheelchair access. 3 Historical Context This rectangular shaped house is designed in the Ontario vernacular style, and is believed to have been constructed around 1850. The 14/2 storey cottage style house has a medium pitch roof with the typical gothic gable above the front entrance. The front door is centered between the two double-hung sash wincrows. Although the centered door is a typical heritage feature, the windows and door do not appear to be the originals. There is also a front wooden verandah with modern railings that have been recently updated. In 2002, Heritage Consultant Pau! DiIse prepared a background study to examine the area that would become the George Street Heritage Conservation District in 2003. In this study, the analysis of the architectural and historical character of the area focused on buildings constructed before 1925. The character of each street in the study area is briefly summarized. According to the study, the majority of houses on Spencer Street West were built in the midnineteenth to early twentieth century and are described as detached and semi-detacned and one, one and a half, or two stories high. Most are 'Jac in red brick, aluminum or vinyl clapboard siding or plaster, and feature gable roofs of medium pitch. Houses have dooryards or small lawns, typicey not fenced, and side yards are generally large enough or a driveway to either side of the house. In describing the architectural patterns o-5 the study area, the consultant noted one architectural detail that repeats itself on a number of houses of different styles is a doorway with sidelights. Although the subject property at 22 Spencer Street West is not specifically mentioned in the background study, it is consistent with the historic residential character of Spencer Street West. Notably, the subject property does feature many of the elements that are described as being character-defining of the historic streetscape, including being a detached dwelling, clad in aluminum or vinyl clapboard, with a medium pitched gable roof. Best Practices The following section of this report highlights various best practices identified by Parks Canada in the second edition (2010) of the document titled Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places and by the municipality as outlined in the Town of Cobourg's Heritage Conservation District Guidelines. The excerpts that follow are italicized and are a selection of the standards and guidelines that are most relevant to the heritage permit applicatior that is the subject of this report. Parks Canada's Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places 4.1 Guidelines for Cultural Landscapes, including Heritaae Districts 4.1.11 Built Features 1. Recommended. Understanding the built features and how they contribute to the heritage vulue of the cultural landscape. 14. Recommended: Replacing missing historic features by designing new built features that are compatible with the cultural landscape and based on physical, documentary and oral evidence. Not Recommended: Creating a false historical appearance because the new built feature 4 is incompatible, or based on insufficient physical and documentary evidence. 15. Recommended: Complying with the health and safety requirements, in a manner that minimizes impact on the character-defining elements of the cultural landscape. 17. Recommended: Finding solutions to meet accessihility requirements that are compatible with the built feature. For example, introduce a gentle sloped walkway in a manner that does not detract from the built features, instead of a constructed ramp with handrails. 20. Recommended: Removing or altering non character-defining built features from periods other than the chosen restoration period. Not Recommended: Failing to remove non character-defining built features from another period that confuse the depiction of the chosen restoration period. 4.3 Guidelines for Building 4.3.5 Windows, Doors and Storefronts 1. Recommended: Understanding windows, doors and storefronts, and how they contribute to the heritage value of the historic building. Additional Guideline for Rehabilitation Projects 17. Recommended: Replacing missing historic features by designing and installing new windows, doors and storefronts based on physical and documentary evidence, or one that is compatible in size, scale, material, style and colour. Not Recommended: Creating a false historical appearance because the new window, door or storefront is incompatible, or based on insufficient physical and documentary evidence. 18. Recommended: Designing and constructing a new window, door or storefront when it is completely missing, with a new design that is compatible with the style, era and character of the historic place, or a replica based on documentary evidence. Not Recommended: Changing the number, location, size, or configuration of windows, doors and storefronts, by cutting new openings, blocking in existing openings, or installing replacement units that do not fit the opening. Town of Cobourg's Heritage District Guidelines 6.4.10 Windows and Doors Design Guideline: Original windows and doors are to be repaired and preserved wherever possible. Where window and door replacement becomes necessary the new windows and doors are to match the original in size, type and design. Screen doors and storm windows should be compatible with the heritage character of the building. Aluminum storms and screen doors should be avoided. New windows and doors in additions visible from the street are to be similar in size, proportion and detail to the windows and doors of the existing house. Windows and doors on the street facades of new buildings within the Heritage District are to be designed to be compatible with the size, proportion and composition typical on the street. 5 DISCUSSION The George Street Heritage Conservation District is a cultural landscape that is defined by the character of the built features located within its boundaries. In my opinion, the property at 22 Spencer Street West contributes to the established character of the district because it features many of the elements described as being character-defining of the historic streetscape, including being a detached dwelling, clad in aluminum or vinyl clapboard, with a medium pitched gable roof. Since the door proposed for removal does not appear to be an original or restoration, it is my opinion that the current door (along with aluminum storm door) is not a character-defining feature. The proposed door features an asymmetrical appearance with one main window (approx. 3/4 door area) and one right side-light. Although the new door, as designed, will alter the symmetrical appearance of the house, it should not negatively impact the overall historic residential character of the property. The style and design of the new door was selected for its similarity in character to others in the district (main door with side lights) with the added feature of wheel chair access. The applicant may wish to consider including both right and left side-lights to maintain consistency within the district without creating a false historical appearance. The existing cladding will be maintained and trim restored and re-painted grey. Furthermore, it is my view that the widening of the entranceway is minimal and should not have a negative impact on any character defining elements of the building (e.g. proportion and overall appearance). Overall, the proposed alteration and design will provide a balanced solution for accessibility needs without a negative impact to character-defining elements of the building or district. RECOMMENDATION That Heritage Permit Application HP-2015-014 submitted by Patricia Ginn be approved to permit the following changes to the property located at 22 Spencer Street West: 1. Enlarge front door entrance and install new front door with right-side light window (with consideration of second side-light). Title: Signing Official: Signature: Planner I, Heritage A. Warren krkij Manager of Planning Services Director of Planning & Development Date: March 12, 2015 R. Fraliklin G. McGlashon, MCIP, RPP 0) vilioce&„ 6 ill ict.t. /0 Cobour HER] AGE FFRiviiiT APPLIC.:ATI.ON FORM To be submitted to Heritage Planning staff 1. Location and Contact information The accuracy and completeness of this application is the responsibility of the applicant. LOCATION OF WORK LÀJ P Municipal Address: Applicant Contact Information: Name: Address & Postal Code: Day Phone #.: Home Phone #.: (. 7)t.1 10 C.) P 6- E-mail Address: Property Owner's Contact Information (if Different from Applicant Information): Name: Address & Postal Code: Day Phone #.: Home Phone #.: E-mail Address: 2, Heritage Permit Application Summary A. Purpose of the Application EYAiterations to Building 0 New Construction 0 Landscaping 0 Demolition 0 Addition to Building Clearly describe the changes you are undertaking to alter the property (attach additional page(s) if needed): 1. 0 2. 3. 4. B. Product and Manufacturers' Details: (Applicants are encouraged to fill out in consultation with Planning Staff) Item(s) to be changed Material Colour New or Restoration Cladding Doors ' '1 " 1-FE _ Exterior Trim ki'.1 00 j) Fencing Foundation Walls Landscaping Porch / Verandah Roof Windows (6 R liN/ , 1€ ci-c2ATTO; Product Detail C. Completed Submission Before submitting this application, please check off the following applicable boxes to ensure that your application is complete: Pre-consultation meeting with staff has been completed o A Site Plan has been submitted p/4 A digital copy of all drawings has been submitted D. ir A digital copy of all photographs has been submitted 0 IL) T- o Checklist for assessment of condition of existing windows available from Town website or Town Staff iv if) Review of Heritage Guidelines Explain the reasons for undertaking the alterations and describe how the proposal is consistent with the Part IV individual designating by-law or the Part V district designation guidelines (this is a requirement before attending the Cobourg Heritage Committee) CLuA _/ rcA-- AAA,%4, 41 ^ (Vt 1/ Ar 3 Declaration & Signature: I hereby declare that the statements made herein are, to the best of my belief and knowledge, a true and complete representation of the purpose and intent of this application. I have reviewed the submission requirements and understand that incomplete applications may not be accepted. I also understand that the proposal must comply with all other applicable legislation and by-laws including Site Plan, Building Permit and Sign Permit. I acknowledge that any change to the approved drawings, however small, must be re-submitted for approval. Failure to do this may result in work stoppage and charges and/or fines under the Ontario Heritage Act. I acknowledge that Town of Cobourg staff and members of the Cobourg Heritage Committee (CHC) Committee may visit the property that is the subject of this application for the purpose of evaluating the merits of this application. I acknowledge that personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Ontario Heritage Act and will be used to process Heritage Permit Applications and the information may also be released to the public. I confirm that the owner and/or agent for this property has reviewed this application with Heritage Planning e2onsultation meeting. staff at / ,-. Applicant's Signature (required) Date Property Owner's Signature (if different from applicant) Date The personal information on this form was collected pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and forms part of a public record open to inspection by any person upon request at the office of the clerk during normal office hours. See the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.56, s.14(1)(c). OFFICE USE ONLV Heritage Permit Application Completion Verification for Staff HPA No: H-PDate HPA Submitted: Cat- aVIS Date of Receipt Letter to Owner: CHC Meeting Date (if applicable): Date of Pre-Consult Meetin : 90 Dal/ Expiry Date: Maki -LA 116 Council Meeting Date(if applicable The following portions of this application have been completed or submitted: m/Pre-consultation meeting with staff Site Plan -n'Dig-ital copy of all drawings t?-0-istital copy of all photographs Verified by: Planning staff member ke.A0 Date Circulation Tracking Approvals Required: Staff Approval OR: Cobourg Heritage Committee (CHC) AND COUNCIL APPROVAL Meeting Date tilort4-) April /15 «crrh 'c_.)A 5 Date Approved Glen Cotter Garrie Cotter 4: • Replacement Windows • Soffit • Fascia • Doors, residential & garage nr.PD ION ,S T .Trg UTORS LT 5" Aluminum Eavestroughs e t (905) 885-7288 1-866-685-7288 t'„4A1,1-UFACTURIER ll CliftonRoad Port Hope, ON CREATED: LAST MODIFICATION: Quotation JOB: SOLD TO: PIPER )0(X )00( Telephone: (905)375-0290 2/19/2015 2/19/2015 SHIP TO: ID: 973-0004E— ITEM CITY 1 DOOR.. 83" I— 53 1/8 " View from outside c...ucc-efli--- UNIT NET PRICE TYPE OF PRODUCT CODE Single door side light on left (Right inswing) Door #1 - XE-01 36 (white) Celc,oLOR - NOVATECH Thermoformed QUARTZ - 22-344-057-002 (22x48) THERMOFORME LOW-E - Drill dead bolt (2-1/8") I Side Light: - FXE-1 14 in. CelcoLOR - NOVATECH Thermoformed QUARTZ - 22-344-017-002 (8x48) THERMOFORMED LOW-E Astragal on side light 6-5/8" Frame Pine pvc cladded (ext.) White 8-5/8" clear anodized sill 1-5/8" thickness frame Interior cladding (white) Magnetic weatherstrip White #9768 Brickmould Ball bearing hinges TOTAL NET: ,fia.23,1=1"7111.02.1910BIM -7 Customer: SUB-TOTAL: Salesman: genie Cotter us7(13%) rt/a Date: 0.00$ TOTAL NET: Price valid for 30 days Please note that measurments are for quotation purposes only. Final measurrnents must be confirm with purchase order. All operatois or door swings are viewed from outside. er• Iffl MU 1111111.1' 1.., II _ Noweauté New intirrlit6 Privacy ---'---4 1 I r z • I, V. -V. ' ' , • 'JERRE TEXtlAtt / TEXTURED GI.A.% Verre thennotoond flbennotormed 0 00140018841 , —et Sur =sure sudgel: veno crarr on sable. I Simitsted custom glass: clear or sandblasted. C:144.1 P. 88-89 Arrd d Spr tr: , Cadres Francs 1. 22' x 36" 2. 8' x 36 92. 22' x 4W 4. 9 a48r 5. 22* 4 64' N. 7' x 64' 07. 22" g 17' - NOVAPVC NOVAPYC '002 22-344-050002 22-344-01022-344-00/- '. '002 '002 22-344-011. '002 22-344-060'002 22-344-005'002 22-344-259- Pr64111 MAIN* 003 003 003 ow 003 003 003 Crassnmaln Contusperay 001 001 001 001 '001 '001 .001 1 a 01 02 03 01 00 00 07 Novatech Novatech novatechgromcorn ALBER EA EUROPE ONTARIO QUEBEC fta Es:e.72.MenzRAIrt17 8 pa. CJ C.M.BM ENht. Ur. 31.0 rat....U. CO./ ncx z&Iowa uncre lksplv lam as mesa noon** F9C.C01182.5 MIX ..pans106“ouroo f. .s. 9. FSC.0011825 GISMO PM. DETHEUTED8i DE LA PORTE D'ENTREE A LA PORTE PATIO FROM ENTRANCE DOOR TO PATIO DOOR
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