Spring Classes April 7 - June 4, 2015 Adult Basic & Continuing Education • Technology Independent Living Skills • Expressive Arts • Physical Movement Artwork & Projects by SEED Learners Important Dates Last Day of Winter Classes...................................................................March 26, 2015 Spring Classes Start..............................................................................April 7, 2015 Last Day of Spring Classes & Celebration............................................June 4, 2015 Space in classes is limited and available on a first come first served basis. Please register early. New students are required to participate in an intake evaluation. For more information and to schedule an intake appointment, call 651-228-3655. Contents ADULT BASIC & CONTINUING EDUCATION ABE Brush-up / GED Prep.....................................................................................3 American History ...................................................................................................3 Current Events........................................................................................................3 Great Stories Make Great Films..............................................................................3 Now & Then............................................................................................................3 Psychology..............................................................................................................3 TECHNOLOGY Computer Skills.......................................................................................................4 Introduction to the Computer...................................................................................4 INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS A New You: Topics About Life.................................................................................5 Eat Well & Feel Great..............................................................................................5 International Food & Travel.....................................................................................5 Let’s Go to the Movies.............................................................................................5 Managing Finances.................................................................................................5 Satisfying Salads.....................................................................................................5 Sewing.....................................................................................................................6 Who Am I?..............................................................................................................6 Woodworking A.......................................................................................................6 Woodworking B......................................................................................................6 EXPRESSIVE ARTS Creative Writing 1...................................................................................................7 Creative Writing 2...................................................................................................7 Design & Creatie Jewelry 1 (Beginning).................................................................7 Design & Create Jewelry 2 (Intermediate / Advanced)..........................................7 Drawing with Mixed Media......................................................................................7 Film Making.............................................................................................................7 Open Studio Independent Art.................................................................................8 Painting with Mixed Media.......................................................................................8 Paper Arts...............................................................................................................8 Playwriting or Screenwriting...................................................................................8 PHYSICAL MOVEMENT Chair Exercises.......................................................................................................8 Fun & Fitness..........................................................................................................8 Game Club.............................................................................................................8 REGISTRATION & MORE INFORMATION...........................................................9 CALENDAR AT-A-GLANCE....................................................................................10 Adult Basic & Continuing Education ABE Brush-up / GED Prep For students who would like to improve their reading, writing and/or math skills for job readiness, higher education, personal interest or to prepare for the GED (General Education Diploma) exams. Day(s)Time(s) Tuesday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Wednesday 1:30 - 2:30 PM Thursday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM American History It is the 19th century and our nation is developing and expanding. Day(s)Time(s) Wednesday Now & Then Compare current events with similar events from the past. Activities will include viewing film clips, reading articles and class discussions. Day(s)Time(s) Wednesday Psychology This class will bring general psychology to life as we learn about and understand how people think, feel and behave. Day(s)Time(s) Thursday 1:30 - 2:30 PM Current Events We will review the news and events going on in the world around us and discuss what they could mean. Day(s)Time(s) Wednesday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Great Stories Make Great Films We will read portions of great books and stories, then see the films. This will make the reading easier and bring us into discussions of the major issues in both. Day(s)Time(s) Tuesday 3 10:00 - 11:00 AM 12:30 - 1:30 PM For more information and to register call 651-228-3655 or visit www.commed.spps.org 10:00 - 11:00 AM Technology Computer Skills All levels of computer skills are welcome. From the beginner to the advanced, instruction will match your level of ability. Improve your knowledge of the Windows operating system and practice navigating the Internet. Day(s)Time(s) Wednesday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Thursday 1:30 - 2:30 PM Introduction to the Computer Get basic understanding of the wonderful world of the Internet. Access the world’s knowledge with the click of a mouse on Google, get E-mail, improve your typing skills, write with the computer, whatever you wish for is yours. (More advanced students should take EXPAND YOUR INTERNET / DIGITAL SKILLS on Wednesdays.) Day(s)Time(s) Tuesday 10:00 - 11:00 AM What SEED Means to Our Learners “Besides learning things, SEED helped me get over my fear of people, gives me structure for that day, and gives me something to look forward to.” For more information and to register call 651-228-3655 or visit www.commed.spps.org 4 Independent Living Skills A New You: Topics About Life Are there things you wish you could do to improve yourself - make healthier food choices, deal with stress, sleep better, speak up for yourself, communicate more effectively, spend money more wisely, or battle the “blues”? We’ll generate a list of topics to discuss and we’ll work through them as best we can. Day(s)Time(s) Wednesday 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM International Foods & Travel Have you ever longed to travel? Avoid the jet-lag! See many sights around the world through the eyes of experienced travelers. Enjoy the process of creating as well as eating some international dishes. Day(s)Time(s) Wednesday 12:30 - 2:30 PM Let’s Go to the Movies Eat Well & Feel Great Reconnect with the wonderful world of fresh foods! Eating natural foods provides the energy needed to keep your body healthy and strong and control Type 2 Diabetes. The ingredients come from Mother Nature, not from a test tube or food kitchen lab. Day(s)Time(s) Tuesday 12:30 - 2:30 PM We’ll watch movies that are old, new and everything in between and then take some time to discuss them. Day(s)Time(s) Thursday 12:30 - 2:30 PM Managing Finances This course provides an opportunity to improve your financial skills. Participants will learn about the basics of bank services, the importance of saving, smart money management, and using credit responsibly. Ways avoid identity theft will also be addressed. Day(s)Time(s) Thursday 12:30 - 1:30 PM Satisfying Salads Transform bagged salads and other vegetables into healthy, satisfying meals. We will learn some basics about nutrition and the different types of foods we’ll be enjoying. Day(s)Time(s) Thursday 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 5 For more information and to register call 651-228-3655 or visit www.commed.spps.org Independent Living Skills Sewing Open sewing room! Work time for quilting or other sewing projects. You can also use the time for other hand-work such as latch hook, knitting, crochet and more. Bring your own supplies or use some of what we have in class. Enjoy the company of others while you work. Day(s)Time(s) Tuesday 12:30 - 2:30 PM Wednesday 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Thursday 12:30 - 2:30 PM Who Am I? A course to build your knowledge of who you are. Discover all your greatest powers and qualities and learn to cope with and conquer your problems by expanding your personal horizons. Woodworking A Learn how to use various woodworking tools and practice safety while constructing projects to take home. Day(s)Time(s) Tuesday 10:00 - 11:00 AM Woodworking B Continue learning how to use various woodworking tools and practice safety while constructing projects to take home. Day(s)Time(s) Tuesday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Day(s)Time(s) Wednesday 12:30 - 1:30 PM For more information and to register call 651-228-3655 or visit www.commed.spps.org 6 Expressive Arts Creative Writing 1 Explore your memories (memoir), stories, dreams and fantasies. Learn little-known techniques to open your creative brain. You will unleash a volcano of fascinating work in any form you want. Experiment with writing poetry and more. Expand your undiscovered creativity. Day(s)Time(s) Wednesday 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Design & Create Jewelry 2 (Intermediate / Advanced) Continue working on your piece of jewelry using metals and other materials. Practice with hand tools and solder as you work both as an artist and a craftsman. Day(s)Time(s) Tuesday 12:30 AM - 2:30 PM Drawing with Mixed Media Creative Writing 2 For those who have some experience in creative writing or have taken Creative Writing 1. A great chance to expand and build final, presentation-ready work. Day(s)Time(s) Tuesday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Students will learn a variety of drawing techniques using media such as pencil, crayon, pen and ink. Day(s)Time(s) Wednesday 12:30 - 1:30 PM Film Making Design & Create Jewelry 1 (Beginning) Create your own piece of jewelry using metals and other materials. Learn how to use hand tools and solder. Day(s)Time(s) Tuesday 10:00 AM -12:00 PM We will create our own video or films while learning camera work. You can produce documentaries, minifeature films, and learn to edit them as you go along. Day(s)Time(s) Wednesday What SEED Means to Our Learners “I think its a wonderful, healthy program that boosts self-esteem, social interactions, trust and the feeling of being very welcome in a supported, and non-judgmental atmosphere.” 7 For more information and to register call 651-228-3655 or visit www.commed.spps.org 10:00 - 11:00 AM Expressive Arts Physical Movement Open Studio Independent Art One-hour classes where you can work on your masterpieces in progress. Day(s)Time(s) Thursday 10:00 - 11:00 AM Thursday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Chair Exercises Exercising regularly can be a challenge for anyone. If you want to incorporate exercise into your life, but need to stay seated, this is the class for you. We will use different videos to start learning ways to work on becoming more fit. Day(s)Time(s) Tuesday 10:00 - 11:00 AM Painting with Mixed Media Paint using watercolor, tempera, acrylics pencil, oil crayons and other media. Day(s)Time(s) Tuesday 1:30 - 2:30 PM Wednesday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM This class offers students a variety of games, sports and exercise both indoor and outdoor depending on the weather. Check in room 1202 to find out what activities we will be doing each day. Day(s)Time(s) Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00 AM Paper Arts We will use a variety of papers to fold, cut, score and construct objects from paper. Day(s)Time(s) Wednesday Fun & Fitness 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Playwriting or Screenwriting Play or screen writing is the simplest form of writing there is. After all, we spend five or six hours a day writing conversations with other people. We will start writing simple conversations (scenes) which may be filmed in the FILM MAKING course, which you are encouraged to sign up for also. Game Club Enjoy a variety of cards and board games. There will be something for everyone whether you are playing alone, with a partner or in a group. Day(s)Time(s) Thursday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Day(s)Time(s) Wednesday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM For more information and to register call 651-228-3655 or visit www.commed.spps.org 8 Registration & More Information Supportive Experiential Education (SEED) • New Beginnings • Location & Transportation All SEED activities, except some special events, are held at 1780 West 7th Street, Saint Paul, MN 55116. Use the #54 Bus (Albion Avenue Stop). Guidelines for Participation 1. New students are required to schedule and complete an intake appointment prior to classes starting. Current students will be registered on-site. 2. Participants must be able to attend classes independently. Please contact SEED staff at 651-228-3655 with any questions. 3. All SEED classes are school sponsored, so there is no smoking on the school grounds. 4. Any individuals attending classes are asked to carry emergency contact information on their person. 9 Registration Steps 1. Schedule an Intake Appointment by calling 651-228-3655 between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm Monday - Friday 2. Intake Appointment & Class Registration at: 1780 West 7th Street Saint Paul, MN 55116 Cancellations If there is insufficient enrollment for a class, participants will be notified. Weather Closing In case of bad weather, tune in to local media – broadcast, print and online – for information on school closures or check the Saint Paul Public Schools website at www.spps.org for the most current updates. Classes are not held when schools are closed due to inclement weather. Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Students may take only one sewing or jewelry class. No schedule changes after the third week of quarter. Be mindful of program guidelines. Schedule changes require instructor approval(s). Attendance matters, please call if you cannot come. You may lose your spot in class, if you have more than 3 unexcused absences. Students may take up to 4 classes per quarter. Students may take only one cooking class. ABE -Barb <<Satisfying Salads>> - Cara Psychology - Gary Game Club - Gary Open Studio Art A- Joe Open Studio Art B -Joe Fun and fitness- Gary Now and then -Joe Filmaking - John <<Sewing>>- Cara Current Events -Gary Paper arts - Joe Play/Screenwriting - John Computer Skills - Barb ABE-Barb Life topicsA New You-Cara Chair exercises - Cara Woodworking A -Gary Woodworking B--Gary 1205I>> - Garyry <<Jewelry Design - Joe Intro to Computing -John Creative Writing II -John 1:30-2:30 ABE - Barb Computer Skills- Barb Managing finances - Barb <<Sewing>>- Cara <<Let's go to the Movies>> - Joe <<International Foods and Travel Video>> - Cara Drawing - Joe Painting -Joe Who am I ? -John Creative writing I-John American History -Barb <<Cooking-Eat well and feel great!>> - Barb <<Sewing >> -Cara << Jewelry Design II >>- Joe Great Films/Great Books-John SEED AT A GLANCE Spring 2015 (April 7- June 4, 2015) 1780 W 7th St (55116) 651-228-3655 12-12:30 10:00-11:00 11:00-12:00 12:30-1:30 SEED Calendar At-a-Glance Spring 2015 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 3085 Twin Cities, MN Saint Paul Public Schools ISD 625 Community Education 1780 West 7th Street Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-228-3655 www.commed.spps.org BOARD OF EDUCATION John Brodrick Anne Carroll Mary Doran Keith Hardy Jean O’Connell Louise Seeba Chue Vue ADMINISTRATION Valeria Silva SUPERINTENDENT Jackie Turner CHIEF OF ENGAGEMENT Lynn Gallandat COMMUNITY EDUCATION DIRECTOR What SEED Means to Our Learners “SEED is one of the best things about Minnesota. I am so grateful for all this school gives me. I wouldn’t want to imagine my life without SEED. I learn valuable skills in sewing, cooking, art and design that help me daily. I also have access to pottery, which is healing and allows me to make gifts and objects I enjoy. ” INTERPRETERS ARE AVAILABLE | Peb muaj neeg txhais lus, thov hu rau (651-632-3706) | ySRuwdRusmd xHw>wz.td.0J<A0Ho;plRud;dF (651-632-3716) wuh>I Tarjumaano waa la helayaa, fadlan waxaad wacdaa lambarkaan (651-632-3709) | Contamos con intérpretes, por favor llame al (651-632-3751) The SEED Program is part of Saint Paul Public Schools Community Education. SEED serves Adult Special Needs students with mental Illness. Our mission is to offer classes that support mental health needs and lifelong learning of adults as they develop to their full potential in the community.
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