Clinical Training for Visage 7 ® Basic Features Visage 7 Overview Example of routine usage Technical Architecture Overview How to log into the server How to load data Screen layout, mouse bindings Viewing 3D with MPR Viewing 3D with VRT 2D lightbox viewer manipulation Annotations and measurements Crop tools Applying color templates Exporting Snapshots Session management 2 Visage Imaging 3 4 5 12 14 23 26 29 36 38 40 42 44 Example Usage Select & Load Study Visage7 client server supports the clinical routine workflow. The usage of the application can be described with this example of a patient with a cerebral aneurysm. The workflow consists of the following steps: Select the patient from the list of patients that are stored on the server. Quick overview Get a quick overview of the patients status by using the Multi planar reformat (MPR) viewer and the 3D viewer. Focus on findings in 3D Once you have located the Region of interest, zoom in and use the crop box to clip away tissue that is blocking the view. Export Snapshots and Report Reach your diagnosis and take snapshots of the visualization. Export the snapshots back to the database or write a report that embed the screen captures that you have taken. Visage Imaging Example Usage 3 Client Server Architecture Visage7 is a powerful tool that enables physicians to work with large radiological datasets over a network. The data is collected from imaging modalities such as CT and MR and is stored on the central node. Visage7 server can also be integrated with other DICOM installations throughout the hospital. When the user wants to read the radiological data, it can be viewed from any computer that is connected to the hospital network using the ThinClient. With this program, it is not necessary to transfer the large datasets. The data can be viewed from a remote place as if the user was sitting in front of a workstation. Any existing Clinic Network PC (XP, Vista, Vista 64) or MAC can be used as a thin client. The ThinClient can be used to work with the images department-wide, hospital-wide or even when connected through a Wide Area Network connection with a minimum bandwidth requirement of only 2Mbps connectection. Clinic Network & WAN Visage CS Server CT Modality VisageCS Thin Clients Dicom Archive MR Modality 4 Client Server Architecture Visage Imaging Login Screen – Windows and Mac OS When you start the software, the first thing you will see is the login screen. Here you can specify which server you want to connect to. You have to enter your login and the password that was provided to you by your administrator. It is possible to choose from a list of languages for the application. Just select the drop-down menu and highlight the language you want the application to appear in. Provided by your Administrator Display language for the application Visage Imaging Login Screen – Windows and Mac OS 5 Study Browser – Windows Study Browser, View & Export Windows Study / Series List Search Mask Preview Window Session List The main application window has three windows: study browser, view and export. The study browser window is used to load image data into the view window and to retrieve data from connected Dicom nodes. It consists of a search mask where the search criteria can be defined. The patient list displays all patients that match the current search. Frequently used search filters can be stored as individual presets. In the preview window, a snapshot of the selected series is shown to simplifiy the selection. In the lower right corner, the session list displays the series that the user has recently been working on. 6 Study Browser – Windows Visage Imaging For installations that are integrated to an existing HIS, RIS, or PACS, there may be no Study Browser window available, as the data will be loaded directly into the View window from the RIS/HIS/PACS. Study Browser – Mac The MAC client has the same functionality as the Windows client with only a few differences in the user interface. One of these differences is the method of switching between the diffe- rent windows. On the MAC client, use the Window menu from the MAC toolbar to switch between Study Browser; View and Export windows. Search Mask Patient List Session List Preview Window MAC toolbar Browser, View & Export Visage Imaging Study Browser – Mac 7 Search Mask Query Button issues a search based on search criteria – Wildcards available (*,?) The query button in the search mask submits a query and the result is displayed in the study/series list. The query can be narrowed to specific search criteria: The name and ID of the patient. If incomplete names or IDs are entered, they are automatically appended with wildcards, so that also names starting with the entered letters are found. E.g. type Mil in the patient name box to find Miller, Milford, Miltner, or *mil to find all the above and also Hamilton, or AB??34 in the patient ID box to find AB1234, AB0034, and AB11345678. The patient‘s date of birth, the accession date of the study or the date when the data was inserted into the database. It is possible to search for either exact dates or ranges of dates. 8 Search Mask The modality the data was acquired with. There are checkboxes for the most common modalities such as CT, MR and US but it is also possible to enter other modalities in a field. Specific Dicom tags. You can search for datasets with entries in one of these fields: Accession Number, Study Description, Referring Physician‘s Name, Body Part Examined, Current Patient Location, Institution Name, Patient Comments, Performing Physician‘s Name, Reading Physician(s) Name(s) and Study Instance UID. The Search mask can be reset to the initial values using the reset button. It is also possible to search in remote dicom nodes. In this case, it is not possible to search for Modalities and Dicom fields other than accession Visage Imaging number and study description. Study States can be used to query specific states such as interpretation status and interpretation priority. Labels can be assigned to specific studies. This is useful for quickly finding studies for a meeting such as a tumor board meeting. Load a study by selecting the study then click the View button above the query options or by simply double clicking on a study or series. Search Mask View Presets Query Name & ID Date Modalities Dicom Tags Study States Labels Visage Imaging Search Mask 9 Study States To create a filter by study state, click the “Study State” button. Place a check on the desired state options and click “OK”. When the “Query” button is selected the Study State filter will query for the selected states. To reset to default, click the red reset arrow button to the right of the Study State or Query buttons. Open Study States Check Study State(s) 10 Study States Visage Imaging Study Labels Labels can be assigned to desired studies. This can be useful for quick access to teaching studies or to access studies at a later date. Select desired studies and right click on one of the selected studies to open the Labels dialog box. Type a name for the new label then save the label for access by only your login (Private) or everyone who has access to the selected data (public). Select Studies to be labeled Right click, select Study Labels Create label Select access option Visage Imaging Study Labels 11 Query Labeled Studies To query labeled studies, type the label name in the “Labels” box then click “Query”. The labeled studies will appear in the study list to the right. Select Query for new labeled studies Type Study Label 12 Query Labeled Studies Visage Imaging Query Presets Query Presets can be defined for any combination of query parameters including Name; ID, Date and Modalities. Example: If a users finds that they are reading Mammo studies on a regular basis, they can create a preset to query only Mammo studies, even create a preset to include Mammo studies for “Today”. If the user creates a preset with a label “Mammo” the preset “Mammo” button will be placed on the tool above the view screen. A single click of the preset will query for the preset parameters. Select Query for new labeled studies Select query parameters Name Preset Visage Imaging Query Presets 13 Study List View Dicom Nodes Database Tab Study List Database Tab 3D Volume ready Volume is converting No volume available 14 Study List View Visage Imaging Study List View In the study list view, there is a tab for each data source. The main data source is the database of the Visage7 server. In addition to this source, there is also one tab for each Dicom node that is connected to the Visage7 server. In the study list, all studies that match the current search are displayed. Next to the patient name the ID, accession number, modality image number, study description, accession date and the study instance UID are displayed. Note that the list contains all studies, so if multiple studies of one patient exist, they will be shown in separate rows. To expand one of the entries, click on the ‚+‘ sign to the left of the patient name. This reveals all series that are part of this study. If this series is a 3D volume, this is indicated by a green ball in this line. If the displayed ball is orange, this series is currently being converted and can be accessed at a later point. If no sphere is present, this means that the series is either not converted yet or can not be converted because it is a 2D series. series, just select this series and click on view. The selected studies can also be deleted from the database using the „Delete“ button in the toolbar or from the context menu. Note that not all users are allowed to delete studies from the server. It is not possible to delete studies from remote servers. In order to load all series of a study, select the study and click view or double-click on the study. To load only one Session List A preview of the currently selected study is displayed in the preview window in order to facilitate the selection of the series to be loaded. In the session list the previous work that was saved can be retrieved. The list displays either the most recent sessions or the sessions that belong to the study selected in the study list. Double-clicking on one of the sessions loads it into the view tab. With the sessions, the loaded data as well as the configuration of the tools is stored. Preview Session List Visage Imaging Study List View 15 Session Menu In the view window, you can save and reload sessions through the session menu which is part of the file menu. When saving a session, you can select between saving this session only for yourself or for all users who have sufficient access rights to view this patient. If you save a session for all users, you can also send a link to another user via email. If the user clicks on the link in the email, it will start the thinclient with the saved session. Load / Save Sessions 16 Session Menu Visage Imaging Loading Options You can select multiple studies and series by pressing shift or CTRL while selecting them with the mouse. In order to view multiple series sideby-side, you can select the series, right click on them to open the context menu and then select „View All Series Side-By-Side“. This will open a dynamic protocol with as many viewers as there are series selected. Ctrl From the context menu, you can also search for all studies from the selected patient in the database. This faciliates the search for prior studies. Once you have selected the series you want to view, you can click on „Add to view“. This will keep any series that was in the viewer before and just add the new ones to it. If you click on „View“, the current series in the view tab will be replaced. Select multiple Series / Phases Context Menu View Selction, replace existing Add to View View Selected Side-By-Side Find all studies Visage Imaging Loading Options 17 View Window – Overview Window Selection Menu Toolbars MPR viewer Viewer Control 3D Viewer Series Thumbs Toolcards The view window is the main work window of Visage7. The appearance can vary depending on the display protocol that is selected. The current protocol may have multiple layouts defined, and the user can choose the appropriate layout tab to switch the current views. The menu bar is always present, from here you can 18 Study Browser Window select all functions. More frequently used functions are also available in toolbars that can be freely distributed over the workspace. Sets of functions that belong together are grouped in tool cards on the right side of the screen. The main screen is divided into multiple viewers, in this case there are three multiplanar views that show the axial, sagital and coronal view of the Visage Imaging dataset. The fourth view shows a 3D reconstruction of the volume. Each viewer has a viewer control bar at the bottom where the properties of this viewer can be specified. With the button selection (top right), you can quickly get back to the study browser window or go to the export window. Display Protocols – Selection The way in which the image data is presented is largely determined by the display protocol that is chosen. Display protocols define the type and the layout of the viewer, what kind of toolbars and tool cards are visible and some other preferences. When an image series is loaded, the appropriate protocol is chosen automatically. If you want to change the current display protocol, you can choose a different one from the protocol menu. Some of the protocols are specific to a certain modality, e.g. CT. Protocol Menu Pre-Selected Protocols All Protocols sorted by Monitor Layout Examples of the same dataset with different display protocols Visage Imaging Display Protocols – Selection 19 View Window – Fullscreen Each viewer can be brought to fullscreen mode by double-clicking inside the viewer. If you double-click again, the viewer is resized to the normal layout again. Double-Click: Fullscreen Double-Click again: normal layout 20 View Window – Fullscreen Visage Imaging View Window – Toolbar Manipulation The toolbar is divided into several toolsets that can be moved individually. Just grab a toolset at the dotted line and drag it where you want to place it. Dragging the toolbar to the right or left border alignes them vertically. If there are many toolsets in one toolbar, small horizontal arrows indicate that the toolset can be expanded in order to reveal more icons. A small triangle facing downwards indicates that this tool can be expanded. The list of all available toolbars is displayed if you right-click inside the toolbar area. Note that some tools might not be available to all users depending on the license. Extend Toolbar Right-Click: Toolbar List Drop-Down Menu Grab dotted line: free floating Create vertical Toolbars by dragging to the left or right border. Visage Imaging View Window – Toolbar Manipulation 21 View Window – Toolcard Manipulation More complex tools than in the toolbar are located in the toolcard area. You can hide and show the whole area using the small horizontal triangles on the border. Each toolcard area can be populated with multiple toolcards, in- dicated by a tab on the top of the area. If you double-click on this tab, the toolcard will be freely moveable over the whole screen. The downwards facing triangle next to the tabs will produce the list of all available toolcards. Double-Click: free floating Toolcard Tabs Toolcard List Show / Hide Toolcard Area 22 View Window – Toolcard Visage Imaging Default Mouse Controls Most of the interaction in Visage7 is performed using the mouse. The default function of the left mouse button is dependent on the type of viewer. In a 2D viewer such as an MPR-viewer or a Lightbox viewer, you can browse through the slices with the left mouse button. In a 3D viewer, the default is to rotate the model. The manipulation mode can be changed either by selecting the function it in the toolbar or by pressing the associated function key. The right mouse button can be used to pan the image, the scroll wheel can browse slices through the series, pushing the scroll wheel in and moving Default Settings (the white arrow indicates the default settings) Click and drag RIGHT mouse button to pan any image Click and drag left mouse button to scroll through the MPR views Click and drag both RIGHT & LEFT mouse buttons to window level Scroll MOUSE WHEEL to step through the slices on the MPR views Click and drag WHEEL to zoom image Click and drag LEFT mouse button to rotate the VR (3D) image the mouse will zoom the image, and clicking the right and left mouse button together and moving the mouse will change the current window level settings. The left mouse behavior depends on the current selected mode in the navigation toolbar. Alt To target an object in a viewer, hold the ALT key then LEFT click on the object. The crosshairs will center on the object in all view screens. Visage Imaging Default Mouse Controls 23 Alternative Mouse Controls The following functions are available to assign to the left mouse Default Manipulation: Selecting this function switches back to the default mode depending on the viewer. Rotate: You can rotate MPR views in order to generate oblique slices or the 3D model to change the view. This function is not available when using the 2D Lightbox viewer. Pan: Using this function, you can move the contents of the viewer. This function is also available by pressing down the right button. Zoom: With the zoom, you can change the magnification of the contents in the viewer. If you hold down shift, the zoom is only applied to the active viewer. Window / Level: Here you can adjust the grayscale window and the grayscale level. The window width is changed by horizontal movements, the center level is changed by vertical movements. Press down both left and right button to access this function. Browse Slices: With this function you can change the slice that is shown in the current viewer. Pick 2D/3D Point: Using this function in a 3D or MPR viewer will make the MPR views intersect in the selected point. Default Manipulation Window / Level Zoom Pan Rotate Browse Slice 24 Alternative Mouse Controls Visage Imaging Window / Level Adjustment There are four ways to adjust the grayscale window level in the viewer You can select the window level function, press the left mouse button and move the mouse in the viewer. You can select a preset from the window / level drop menu in the viewer control. You can select a preset using the keyboard, 1..9 for the presets defined in the protocol and Shift + 1..9 for the presets defined in the DICOM data You can set the focus on the window / level field in the tool card and type in the desired value directly. + Move Mouse in Viewer Select Preset Type in Value + 1 ... 9 1 ... 9 0 Presets from DICOM Presets from Protocol Reset to initial window/level Visage Imaging Window / Level Adjustment 25 Text Annotation In order to draw text into an image, select the annotations tool from the „Annotations and Measurement“ toolbar. Click on a position in the image and move the mouse while holding down the left button in order to draw an arrow with the tip pointing towards Arrow / Text Annotation the first point. Once you release the mouse button, a dialog with the annotation properties appears. You can change the color and the appearance of the arrow. When you have finished editing the properties, click OK and the annotation will be displayed in the Annotation Text Font Properties Drag: Draw Annotation Right-Click opens context menu to deselect or delete Annotation Del 26 Text Annotation image. If you want to delete an existing annotation, select it and hit the „Del“ key on the keyboard. By right-clicking on the annotation, you can invoke a context menu that lets you de-select or delete the annotation. Delete Selected Annotation Visage Imaging 3D Viewer – Annotation and Keyview The same annotations that can be used in the 2D viewers can also be applied in 3D viewers and MPR viewers. You can create a text annotation or a measurement. The annotation will not be visible with a different setting of the camera. Along with an annotation, the camera position is stored in a key view. These key views are used to retrieve the camera position that was used during the measurement. You can cycle through the stored key views with the buttons F11 and F12. If you right-click on in the 3D viewer, a context menu will open with the following entries: Previous Key View This sets the camera settings to the previous stored key view. Previous Key View This sets the camera settings to the next key view in the stored list. Store Key View Using this function, you can store a Key View without having to create an annotation. Recall Key View This opens a list where you can select a Key View from all stored Key Views. Delete Key View Lets you delete a key view. Context Menu Use F11 and F12 to change Key Views N Annotation K Store Keyview Visage Imaging 3D Viewer – Annotation and Keyview 27 Distance Measurement & Line Profile After the annotation, the distance measurement is the most commonly used measurement tool. In order to measure the length of an object in the image data, click on the measurement tool or hit “D” on the keyboard. After clicking on the first and last point of the measurement, a line will be drawn between those points and the distance will be displayed. You can display the densitiy curve along the line of measurement using the line profile toolcard. Distance Line Profile Toolcard K Note that the accuracy of the distance measurement is depending on the accuracy of the underlying image and the accuracy that you select the points. Store Keyview Selected Measurement: Del Delete Measurement Edit Properties 28 Distance Measurement Visage Imaging Region of Interest Measurements With the region of interest (ROI) measurement tools, you can measure the density (e.g. Houndsfield units for CT) of the underlying image. Three tools are available Elliptical ROI – Shows the area, mean, maximal and minimal density values. Circular ROI – Shows all the properties of the elliptical ROI plus the radius of the ROI. Point ROI – Shows the density value of one point. After a right-click on the ROI, the context menu is displayed. The menu enables you to hide and show the ROI name and its statistic. You can also show the statistic in the corner of the viewer, detached from the ROI name. The annotation that is connected to the ROI can be freely moved across the viewer. A ROI measurement can be deleted either by selecting delete from the context menu or by hitting the „del“ key while the measurement is selected. Ellipse Circle Point Move Circle and Ellipse Annotations by dragging the text Context Menu Visage Imaging Region of Interest Measurements 29 Angle and Density M easurements To perform an angular measurement, select the function in the toolbar and click inside the viewer to define the first line. Move the mouse while holding down the button and release the button to define the angle point. Then move the mouse again and click on the image to define the second leg. The angle between the defined lines will be displayed in the image. With the Measure Density tool, you can measure the Hounsfield units of a point in the Measure Density Angle Drag 1st Click 2nd Click Selected Measurement: Del Delete Measurement Edit Properties 30 Angle and Density Measurements Density Display Visage Imaging image data. Select this tool and click on a point in the image. The Hounsfield value and the coordinates of this point are displayed in the lower left corner of the image. Additional Angle Measurements Additional angle measurements include the Cobb Angle and the disconnect lines angle measurement tools. For both of these tools, you click on the starting point of the first line, drag the mouse and release at the ending point, then do the same for the second line. Disconnected Lines – Angle Measurement Cobb Angle The Cobb Angle tool allows the user to create many lines, and the user needs to toggle this mode off before going back to the previous mouse behavior. The disconnected lines angle measurement tool always assumes two lines. Visage Imaging Additional Angle Measurements 31 3D MPR Viewer – Navigation The three Multiplanar views (MPR) are orientated perpendicular to each other. Around each MPR viewer there is a border in a different color. In the other MPR viewers, the position of the slice is indicated by a line in this color. You can change the position of the viewing plane by clicking on the line and moving it with the mouse. If you click near the center, where the two lines intersect, you can move both image planes at once. In order to move the images so that the intersection of the two lines is in the middle of the viewer, you Center Viewers Red Viewer Blue Viewer Green Viewer Move Center Move Line 32 2D View – Assignments Visage Imaging can select the „Center View“ function in the toolbar. You can toggle between a crosshair that covers most of the screen and one that leaves the middle of the screen unobstructed with the keyboard shortcut „x“. X Partially Show / Hide Crosshair 3D Viewer – Thick Slices The thickness of the slice that is displayed in the MPR viewer can be adjusted dynamically. You can change the thickness by selecting and dragging the „Thick Slice Handles“, two arrows that are pointing towards the slice indicator. While dragging the handles, the current slice thickness is displayed next to the indicator line. The thickness can also be chosen from a list of presets in the viewer control bar. There are different modes for the display of the MPR viewer Thin MPR – In this mode, the thickness of the slice is equivalent to the slice thickness that the volume was acquired with. Maximum Intensity (MIP) – The displayed image is the maximum intensity projection through the volume. Minimum Intensity (MinIP) – The displayed image is the minimum in- tensity projection through the volume. Average Intensity (AvIP) – The displayed image is the average intensity projection through the volume. Inverse – All displayed pixels are inverted. This option can be combined with any of the above options. Change only affects one viewer Alt T + Change Thickness Toggle Thick Slice Thick Slice Handle Current Thickness Mode Selection Thin Slice Maximum Intensity Minimum Intensity Average Intensity Inverse Thickness Presets Visage Imaging 3D Viewer – Thick Slices 33 3D MPR Viewer – Oblique Slices The MPR viewer can be rotated to show oblique slices. You can either rotate the view by grabbing one of the rotation handles on the indicator lines or by selecting the rotate tool and moving it over the MPR view. The indicator cube in the lower left corner shows the orientation of the current image. If you press the key “V” while rotating, you will rotate in the plane of the current viewer. + Rotate out of Plane + + Rotate in Plane V The orientation of the active viewer can be changed to one of six predefined orientations in the toolbar, they are also reachable by the first letters as keyboard shortcuts: Orientation Presets Reset Orientation A – Anterior view R – Right view P – Posterior view H– Head view L – Left view F – Feet view These functions work also for the 3D viewer. Rotation Handle Indicator Cube Preset Shortcuts: A 34 3D MPR Viewer – Oblique Slices P Visage Imaging R L H F 2D Tiled View The tiled viewer is designed to view 2D Dicom images. It consists of several tiles where images of the selected series are displayed. You can select from different layouts in the layout section of the protocol. If you want to set one tile to full screen, you can do this by double-clicking on it. The normal tiled view is restored by doubleclicking again. Select 2D Protocol Viewer Tiles Series Thumbnails Visage Imaging 2D Tiled View 35 3D Viewer – Crop Box Another useful tool is the Crop Box which aids in isolation of a specific area of interest. The position and size of the crop box is indicated by the orange reference lines on the MPR views. Grab any of the reference lines to resize the crop box. The box can be moved to a position. Grab the inside of the box and move it to the desired position. You can also grab a corner of the box to rotate it. In the 3D viewer, only the anatomy that lies inside the box is displayed. Crop Box Rotate Expand Move Cropped 3D View 36 3D Viewer – Crop Box Visage Imaging 3D Viewer – Crop Slab A Thick Slab with MIP display can be created by selecting the slab option and turning on the MIP mode from the viewer control. The MIP image can be rotated using the left mouse button and translated using the scroll wheel. You can change the thickness of the slab by holding the Alt-key and the middle mouse button. Toggle the slab on and off with the hotkey „T“. Crop Slab Rotate Expand Move Lock Crop Alt T + Thickness Toggle Slab Rotate Translate Visage Imaging 3D Viewer – Crop Slab 37 3D Viewer – Remove Tool There are two options for manually removing anatomy. This is done by simply drawing a line around an object. Selecting the Remove Inside option removes anything inside the line drawn. Selecting the Remove Outside option will remove anything outside the line drawn. If a mistake is made click the Reset button to return to the original image. Select Remove Tool Draw Contours Remove Inside Remove Outside Undo last Contour Reset Exit Tool 38 3D Viewer – Remove Tool Visage Imaging 3D Viewer – Color Templates The settings of the 3D viewer can be changed using 3D templates. The templates hold numerous configurations and a color profile that is used to display the volumetric data. A snapshot for each template indicates what the settings look like. When you select a template by clicking on it, the 3D viewer will reflect the change. You can adjust display for the specific patient using the window level function. Template Toolcard Templates Visage Imaging 3D Viewer – Color Templates 39 3D Viewer – Create Snapshots In order to create a snapshot, select the snapshot function from the toolbar and click on the viewer you want to create the snapshot from. The image from this viewer is then available in the export tab. You can toggle the image overlay texts and elements by hitting the spacebar. This is useful if you want to hide the patient specific information. You can create either a snapshot of one viewer or of all viewers seperately or from all viewers together. Measurement functions like distance measurement automatically create a snapshot of the active viewer. Snapshot All in One Snapshot One Viewer Snapshot All Seperate 40 3D Viewer – Create Snapshots Visage Imaging 3D Viewer – Export Snapshots The export window is the third button in the upper right. The screenshots you have created before are displayed as small icons in a list on the left side. There are two possibilities to export these images, they can be send to a Dicom Server or saved on your local client computer. Note that this func- tion can be disabled by the administrator for some or all users. If you use the „Send“ button, you will be presented a list with all configured Dicom servers for you installation. The last item on the list is titled „Database“, this is the Visage Database server you are currently working on. If you select to store the snapshot on your local computer, a file dialog pops up where you can specify the location of the file. You can choose from three different file formats, you can save the file either as a Jpeg image, Png image or in Dicom format. Select Snapshot Use Shift & Ctrl to select multiple Snapshots Send as Dicom Dicom Server Save as File Visage Imaging 3D Viewer – Export Snapshots 41 Snapshot Viewer The snapshot viewer allows the user to view all current snapshots in full resolution. Double click on a snapshot and a new window opens up. The green left and right arrows at the bottom of the viewer allow you to scroll through the snapshots. The red X at the bottom of the viewer allows you to delete the current snapshot. Double click to open snapshot viewer 42 Snapshot Viewer Visage Imaging Outlook to advanced functions Vessel analysis with interactive tracing Functional analysis of the left ventricle Automatic removal of bones in legs Fusion display of multiple series Brain Perfusion Analysis Visage Imaging Outlook to advanced functions 43 Native 3D/4D Thin Client Anywhere Universal Viewer Thin Slice Access RIS Clinical Applications PACS Anytime Distributed Storage EU Contact / Manufacturer US Contact Corporate Headquarters Visage Imaging GmbH Lepsiusstrasse 70 12163 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 30 700 968-0 Email: Visage Imaging Inc. Toll Free: 888-3D-VISAGE (1-888-338-4724) Andover MA: (978) 319-4641 San Diego CA: (858) 546-4727 Email: Pro Medicus Limited 450 Swan St. Richmond VIC 3121, Australia Phone: +61 3 9429 8800 document version 1.00
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