ALAN HIRSCH M.D. CLINICALLY PROVEN sprinkle. eat. lose. ™ U s ag e Gu i d e CONTENTS About SENSA® Creator Alan Hirsch. M.D .........1 Keys to Success .......................................................3 What Is SENSA® ? .....................................................5 The SENSA ® System ................................................7 How Does SENSA® Work? .....................................9 How to Use SENSA®...............................................10 Real Users. Real Results .....................................13 Remembering to Use SENSA® ...........................15 & The Community ....................17 FAQS ...........................................................................19 Sensible Strategies to Stay on Track ..............21 Staying Motivated .................................................22 Shop SENSA® ..........................................................23 A Day In The Life ...................................................25 ABOUT SENSA CREATOR ® Dr. Alan Hirsch, creator of the SENSA® Weight-Loss System, is renowned for his 25 years of research on the science of smell and taste. He has written seven books on the subject, conducted and published more than 180 research studies, and holds multiple patents relating to the use of olfactory mechanisms to influence biological responses. His research has been cited in major publications, including Time, Good Housekeeping and USA Today, and he is a frequent guest on television programs such as Dateline NBC, CNN, the CBS Early Show, Good Morning America and Extra. During the course of his clinical work as the Neurological Director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, Dr. Hirsch discovered a critical link between olfactory senses and weight loss. He observed that many of his patients experienced significant weight gain after losing their sense of smell. Understanding that the urge to eat is not governed by the stomach but by the satiety center of the brain, Dr. Hirsch theorized that weight loss could also be achieved through the sense of smell. He developed scented, flavorless crystals, called Tastants, that can be sprinkled onto food in order to encourage weight loss. Dr. Hirsch and his team tested more than 4,000 different Tastant combinations to identify the ones that triggered the most weight loss. Now, these patent-pending Tastants are available to you in the SENSA® Weight-Loss System. ALAN HIRSCH, M.D. Hirsch may well be on to something. His work focuses on the hypothalamus, a region of the brain known to be associated with satiety, and if SENSA® can indeed hit that neural bull’s-eye, it could be powerful stuff. • (866) 514 . 2554 2 KEYS TO SUCCESS Ready to shed those pounds? Here are four important things you should do to achieve successful weight loss! 1 Sprinkle SENSA® on Everything You Eat Those who sprinkle liberally tend to see the best results. 2 Use SENSA® Consistently Every Day Get in the habit! It is important to remember to use SENSA® every day. If you forget, simply sprinkle it on your next meal. Soon it will become second nature! 3 Give SENSA® Time to Work Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away. Everyone loses weight at different rates. Stick with the system to see the best results. 4 Get Support Turn to the SENSA® Community for support, expert 4 advice and the tools you need to succeed. Log on to and click on SENSA® Community. 2 As with any weight-loss product, this formula is designed and intended for use with a sensible program of diet and exercise. Please consult your physician prior to beginning any program. to eat “Free what I WANT! ” Dayna Devon Award-Winning TV Journalist • (866) 514 . 2554 4 WHAT IS SENSA ? ® SENSA® is a clinically proven 6-month weight-loss system that you sprinkle on your food to help you eat less and lose weight. NO • • • • • • • • • Pills Drugs Stimulants Calories Sodium Sugar Salt Carbs Pre-packaged meals SENSA® uses science and your sense of smell to help you lose weight. It contains a patent-pending blend of salty and sweet-scented crystals that are clinically proven to help you eat less and lose weight. Each month has a different blend so you continue to lose weight without hitting a plateau. tim lost over 50 lbs in 9 months* *Studies show avg. weight loss of 30.5 lbs in 6 months. Tim used SENSA for 9 months with exercise. ® “Last July, I bought all new pants, having dropped from a size 42 waist to a size 34 waist. By the end of August, all those pants were too big.” – Tim WHY USE SENSA INSTEAD OF DIETING? ® Following a strict food regimen based on self-deprivation often leads to “diet burnout,” eventually causing you to give it up. “Diet burnout” is sometimes followed by the dreaded “yo-yo” effect. The end result: more frustration. If you have tried pre-packaged foods, you have probably discovered they are not a practical means of long-term weight loss. They are expensive, do not allow for eating out and can have added sugar and/or salt. amanda lost over 30 lbs* “If you don’t want to be on a restricted diet, it’s the perfect weight-loss system for you.” – Amanda *Studies show avg. weight loss of 30.5 lbs in 6 months. 6 THE SENSA SYSTEM ® SENSA® is a 6-month weight-loss system, with an average weight loss of 30.5 pounds in 6 months. To achieve the best results, SENSA® creator Dr. Alan Hirsch strongly recommends users follow the 6-month system in order. Just like a doctor’s prescription, you need to follow it consistently so you can achieve your ideal weight. Stick with the system until you’ve met your goal. Each month in the system is indicated by the number on the container and contains a different patent-pending blend of Tastants. You are given two shakers for each month: one to keep at home and one to carry with you. It is important to move on to the next month in the system after 30 days, so you continue to drop pounds. This way, your body never gets used to the Tastants and you will lose weight without hitting a plateau. The introduction of new Tastants every 30 days makes each month of SENSA® as effective as the first, resulting in greater overall weight loss. 30.5 lbs PLATEAU EFFECT MONTH 1 MONTH 2 MONTH 3 MONTH 4 TIME FRAME MONTH 5 MONTH 6 CLINICAL RESULTS No other weight-loss product has such extraordinary clinical results. Over the course of 25 years, SENSA® creator Dr. Alan Hirsch has conducted ongoing research on the effects of smell and taste on eating habits, ultimately leading him to spearhead one of the largest studies ever conducted on weight loss. Over a 6-month period, 1,436 women and men sprinkled scented, flavorless “Tastant” crystals on everything they ate. Participants were instructed not to change their existing diet or exercise programs. The 1,436 people in the treatment group who completed the program lost an average of 30.5 pounds – nearly 15% of their total body mass. Those in the control group lost only 2 pounds, on average. This was followed by a double-blind, placebo-controlled study conducted by an independent laboratory, in which participants lost 27.5 pounds and about 14% of their body mass, on average. Participants were instructed not to change their existing diet or exercise programs. Those in the control group gained half a pound, on average. SENSA® was shown to be effective in one of the largest clinical studies ever performed on a non-prescription weight-loss product. • (866) 514 . 2554 8 HOW DOES SENSA WORK? ® SENSA® uses science and your sense of smell to help you lose weight. As you eat, smell and taste receptors send messages to your brain, which releases hormones that tell your body it’s time to stop eating. This is a phenomenon called sensory specific satiety. Based on Dr. Hirsch’s research and the remarkable weight-loss results seen in his studies, SENSA® was designed to help speed up the satiety process, thereby helping you to eat less and take in fewer calories, so you can lose weight while continuing to eat your favorite foods. THE SATIETY PROCESS: The receptors send messages to the brain, stimulating the olfactory bulb and taste center. When the olfactory bulb is stimulated, it triggers the satiety center in the hypothalamus. This prompts the release of hormones that suppress hunger and appetite. 4 • •••••••• •• •• |E • F| | | | | | | | | | | | | •• 1 2 3 As you eat, scents from food travel through the nose and 2 tongue to nerve receptors. HOW TO USE SENSA ® If you’ve ever used salt and pepper on your food, you already know how to use SENSA®. It’s that simple. Sprinkle SENSA® evenly over the surface of your food. Use the Tastants labeled “Salty” on salty foods and “Sweet” on sweet foods. After 30 days, move on to the next month in the system. Use it on everything you eat. Here’s an idea of how much you should sprinkle: Not Enough: Just Right: Too Much: • (866) 514 . 2554 10 “SALTY” vs. “SWEET”: when to use Use the Tastants labeled “Salty” on foods like meat, fish, pasta and sandwiches. Here is an example of a “Salty” food: Use the Tastants labeled “Sweet” on fruit and all sugar-based foods like 2dessert. Here is an example of a “Sweet” food: The “Salty” and “Sweet” Tastants do not contain salt or sugar and do not make your food taste salty or sweet. The words “Salty” and “Sweet” are simply used to describe on which type of food the Tastants should be sprinkled. “Salty” Foods Eggs Meats • Sandwich • Salads • Fish Veggies Pasta • Chips • Cheese • Rice “Sweet” Foods Pancakes Cereal • Fruit • Cookies • Brownies Gelatin Pies • Pastries • Cake • Donuts • • • • • • • • BORDERLINE FOODS For foods like oatmeal, corn, yogurt and cottage cheese, you may use either the “Salty” or “Sweet” Tastants. Do not use SENSA® in liquids. DIFFICULT TO SPRINKLE FOODS You may come across some foods that are a little tricky when it comes to sprinkling. Some users have found that using a light spritz of water on fruits like grapes and berries helps the Tastants stick. For foods like chips, nuts and pretzels, you can sprinkle SENSA® directly into the bag, or simply sprinkle over the food on a plate. As for foods like sandwiches, burgers and burritos, we recommend sprinkling SENSA® liberally on the outside layer in order to achieve maximum results. For more tips and tricks from other users, check out the Community Forums by logging on to and clicking on SENSA® Community. • (866) 514 . 2554 12 Real Users. Real Results. “SENSA® has empowered me to take control over my appetite. I am now a size 8 and can wear skinny jeans!” – Dauri Dauri lost over 30 lbs* *Studies show avg. weight loss of 30.5 lbs in 6 months. david lost over 50 lbs in 10 months** **Studies show avg. weight loss of 30.5 lbs in 6 months. David used SENSA for 10 months with a sensible diet and exercise. ® “Once I found SENSA® and decided to truly get back in shape, my whole life changed. As the weight came off, I was able to start working out.” – David WHAT TO EXPECT When you first start using SENSA®, you may or may not feel different. Below are some of the experiences people have reported when using SENSA®. • Feel full faster during meals • Reduced snacking • Reduced cravings • Reduced need/desire for sweets • Feel more satisfied with food • Eating less throughout the day • Not going back for seconds • Eating smaller portions Some users did not feel different at all, but they experienced weight loss as the program progressed. The key is to continue with the system! Belinda lost 30 lbs* *SENSA Contest Winner ® “I never even have cravings. I don’t eat junk food anymore. I can if I want to, but I just don’t want it. SENSA® reprogrammed my thinking to want what my body needs.” – Belinda 14 Remembering to use SENSA ® At a restaurant A sure way to remember to bring a shaker with you when dining out is to keep it in your purse or your car’s glove compartment. Or place one shaker next to your keys, purse or wallet so that you don’t forget to take it with you. At Work Since each month comes with two shakers, it’s helpful to keep one of the shakers at work. That way, you will always have it with you at your desk. 4 At a party It’s easy to forget to use SENSA® when you’re too busy socializing. Try this: Place your extra shaker wherever your cell phone is stored. That way, each time you check for missed calls or text messages, you will be reminded to use SENSA®. Real Users. Real Results. “The weight loss and confidence I’ve gained from using SENSA® is a great feeling. I don’t feel sluggish, I have more energy.” – Brian Brian lost 30 lbs* *SENSA Contest Winner ® wendy lost over 50 lbs in 14 months** **Studies show avg. weight loss of 30.5 lbs in 6 months. Wendy used SENSA for 14 months with a sensible diet and exercise. SENSA Contest Winner ® ® “I think SENSA® worked for me because it’s just so easy. I can eat what I want, and I don’t have to cook extra food.” – Wendy 16 & The COMMUNITY You have a vast network of support that you can tap into at any time with, our online weight-loss destination. Here, you’ll find tools, advice and inspiration to aid you in achieving your weight-loss goals. You can also interact with thousands of other SENSA® users just like you by logging on to and clicking on Community. March 12, 2011 Sanuye Subject: How do you remember to sprinkle? I remember to sprinkle because my shaker of SENSA® sits in the caddy I have on my stove with my salt and pepper. I also keep a picture of this cute little outfit I want to be able to wear. Alongside the fridge there is a post-it note that says “remember to sprinkle” with an arrow pointing to the picture. March 12, 2011 Jestina3 Subject: How do you remember to sprinkle? I have one shaker in my kitchen and one in my purse. Also a note on the fridge door and on my bathroom mirror. SENSA & Social media ® Stay connected with the SENSA® social media sites for 24/7 advice, instant encouragement, exclusive contests and more. coach Miriam lost over 30 lbs* *Studies show avg. weight loss of 30.5 lbs in 6 months. E-mail your weight-loss questions to Coach Miriam at, or visit “With the help of SENSA®, I’m 45 pounds lighter and have gone from a size 14 to a size 4! Now my goal is to become your coach, so I can help you have the same success I’ve had.” – Coach Miriam 18 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS DOES SENSA® ALTER THE TASTE OF YOUR FOOD? SENSA® Tastants will not change the taste or texture of your food. Is SENSA® safe? SENSA® contains only 100% FDA Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) ingredients. WHAT IS THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT IN SENSA® ? It’s the patentpending blends of salty and sweet-scented crystals known as “Tastants.” Each month contains a different blend so you lose weight without hitting a plateau. IS IT POSSIBLE TO SPRINKLE TOO MUCH SENSA® ? There is no harm in using too much SENSA® ; however, you will achieve the best results if you use as directed. CAN I COOK WITH SENSA® ? Do not cook with SENSA®. The Tastants should be sprinkled on meals and snacks before eating. WHAT IF I AM STILL EATING MY ENTIRE MEAL? It is normal to eat your entire meal with SENSA®. However, it is important to pay attention to your body and stop eating when your body signals “fullness.” WHAT IF I STILL FEEL HUNGRY? Go ahead and eat. Just be sure to use SENSA® on every meal and snack. HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE UNTIL I LOSE WEIGHT? Everyone experiences weight loss differently. Although many people lose weight within the first month of using SENSA®, it may take a few months for others to start seeing results. Stick with the 6-month system to achieve the best results. For more FAQs, visit: frequently-asked-questions.htm Real Users. Real Results. 2 Combined Ari & Grecia lost over 50 lbs *Studies show avg. weight loss of 30.5 lbs in 6 months. “Now we’re both in better shape, we’re both happier, we go out more, we do more. It has made our life together better.” – Ari 20 SENSIBLE STRATEGIES TO STAY ON TRACK 1 EAT WHAT YOU NORMALLY EAT It’s important that you don’t use SENSA® as an excuse to overindulge or to increase the amount of food you normally eat. One pound of weight loss is equivalent to approximately 3,500 calories. While there are no food restrictions with SENSA®, remember that the goal is to eat less. 2 TUNE IN TO YOUR BODY’S SIGNALS Learn to stop eating once you’re full. The next time you eat, try to recognize what your hunger feels like. Think of it as a sliding scale from starving, to satisfied, to stuffed. 3 4 5 SET REALISTIC GOALS Your body needs time to adapt to the physiological changes occurring, and the key to keeping weight off is to lose it at a rate that is healthy for your body. IF YOU FORGET TO USE SENSA® No worries! Simply sprinkle it on your next meal. In the first few weeks you may have trouble remembering to use SENSA®, but soon it will become second nature. BUDDY UP AND BOOST YOUR SUCCESS Take advantage of the resources within the SENSA® Community. Access the forums and find a weight-loss buddy who will help push you toward your goals. STAYING MOTIVATED We all experience bumps in the road. The important thing is to keep your head up and keep going! Don’t get discouraged if you’re not losing weight at the same rate as others. Everyone loses weight at a different pace. Weight loss doesn’t happen overnight, just as gaining weight doesn’t happen overnight. “I started losing a little weight in the first month, a little weight in the second month. By the fourth month, the muffin tops just melted away!” – Gaylene Gaylene lost over 50 lbs in 18 months* *Studies show avg. weight loss of 30.5 lbs in 6 months. Gaylene used SENSA for 18 months with a sensible diet. ® • (866) 514 . 2554 22 Shop SENSA ® SENSA® offers several items designed to aid you in meeting your goals. When used in conjunction with the SENSA® Weight-Loss System, these items will help you achieve long-term success. Individual Months Includes 2 (.70 oz) shakers – one for home and one for travel. The two shakers contain a 30-day supply of SENSA®. Each month contains a different patent-pending blend of Tastants, so your body does not become resistant. SENSA® SLIMS On-the-Go Packets SENSA® SLIMS are the perfect way to stick with SENSA® when you’re away from home! Keep them in your desk, pocket, purse or car. SENSA® COMPLETE Nutritional Supplements SENSA® COMPLETE is a proprietary dietary complex that supports healthy metabolism and provides optimal nutritional support for long-term weight loss. Shop More SENSA® QUENCH Energy-Enhancing Vitamin Drink SENSA® QUENCH supports your weight loss and quenches your thirst. Available in Berry Splash, Orange Crush, Pink Grapefruit and Tropical Breeze. SENSA® APPETITE CONTROL CHEWS SENSA® CHEWS help you feel full and satisfied. Available in Berry Burst and Chocolate Fudge flavors. • (866) 514 . 2554 24 A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A SENSA SUCCESS STORY ® 5:30 a.m. Wake up and get dressed for the day 6:30 a.m. Sprinkle SENSA® and have breakfast with my family 7:00 a.m. Drop off kids at school 7:30 a.m. Work 12:00 p.m. Sprinkle SENSA® on a turkey sandwich and an apple for lunch 2:30 p.m. Sprinkle SENSA® on a bag of chips and snack on them 3:00 p.m. Coach cheer practice 4:30 p.m. Help kids with homework 7:00 p.m. Sprinkle SENSA® on my dinner and eat with my family 8:30 p.m. Prepare school lunches for kids 11:00 p.m. Lights out! Jennifer lost over 50 lbs in 10 months* *Studies show avg. weight loss of 30.5 lbs in 6 months. Jennifer used SENSA for 10 months with a sensible diet. SENSA Contest Winner ® ® “I sprinkle salt and pepper on my food anyway, so all I have to remember to do is sprinkle SENSA®, too!” – Jennifer Monthly Weight tracker If you are serious about losing weight, use SENSA® consistently and be sure to keep track of your progress from week to week. MONTH 1 Date: Track your weight at the start of each week. WEEK 1 lbs WEEK 2 lbs WEEK 3 lbs WEEK 4 lbs Month 1 = Total lbs lost MONTH 2 Date: Track your weight at the start of each week. WEEK 1 lbs WEEK 2 lbs WEEK 3 lbs WEEK 4 lbs Month 2 = Total lbs lost MONTH 3 Date: Track your weight at the start of each week. tear here WEEK 1 lbs WEEK 2 lbs WEEK 3 lbs WEEK 4 lbs Month 3 = Total lbs lost Keep tracking your progress MONTH 4 MONTH 5 Date: Date: Track your weight at the start of each week. Track your weight at the start of each week. WEEK 1 WEEK 3 lbs lbs WEEK 2 lbs WEEK 1 WEEK 4 lbs WEEK 3 Month 4 = Total lbs lost 3 lbs WEEK 4 lbs You have completed the SENSA® Weight-Loss System! Track your weight at the start of each week. WEEK 2 Congratulations Date: 1 lbs WEEK Month 5 = Total lbs lost MONTH 6 WEEK lbs lbs lbs WEEK 2 lbs WEEK 4 lbs sprinkle. eat. lose.™ tear here Month 6 = Total lbs lost CUSTOMER CARE: Toll-Free U.S. & Canada: (866) 514-2554 International: (310) 683-0952 Monday-Friday: 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. PST Distributed by: SENSA Products, LLC Manhattan Beach, CA 90245 Made in USA © 2011 SENSA Products, LLC SSBOK0032
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