DATC Network Drake Certified Proctor (DCP) Implementation Guide © Copyright Drake Kryterion, Inc. 2004. All rights reserved. No part of this Guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from Drake Kryterion, Inc. Table of Contents Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 3 Proprietary and Confidential Information and Materials ......................................................................... 3 Reference Information and Support ....................................................................................................... 3 Beginning the DATC Implementation Process.................................................................................. 4 Accessing and Downloading DCP Documents ...................................................................................... 4 Changing Your DCP Password .............................................................................................................. 5 Taking the DCP Exam ............................................................................................................................ 6 Launching a Practice Exam.................................................................................................................... 9 Logging Off ........................................................................................................................................... 15 Completing the DATC Implementation Process.............................................................................. 16 DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 2 Introduction This is the Drake Certified Proctor (DCP) Implementation Guide provided to all new DCP Candidates who will be managing the testing process at their DATC per the DATC Agreement between their Organization and Drake Kryterion, Inc. (Drake). Each DATC is required to have one primary DCP, who is responsible for the management of the DATC program at their location. However it is strongly recommended that each location have at least one additional DCP so testing services can be provided when the primary DCP is on vacation or out due to an illness. A Testing Center can have as many DCP’s on staff as they would like. Proprietary and Confidential Information and Materials All information identified by Drake as confidential, shall include, but not be limited to, the tests, the DATC Policies and Procedures Manual, the Drake Certified Proctor Implementation Guide, the Drake Certified Proctor Test, and all internal procedures for secure test administration. It is suggested that this and all other DATC documents be kept in a secured place at the DATC location when not in use. Reference Information and Support DATC Support Center: DATC Manager: Address: 7776 S. Pointe Parkway West, Suite 250, Phoenix, AZ 85044 Phone number: 866-579-8374 ext. 4666 or 602-659-4666 Fax number: 602-659-4661 Email address: datcmanager@na.drakeintl.com Hours of operation: Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM MST, with the exception of all legal US holidays. The Drake Kryterion DATC Manager will be your key contact for assisting you through the DCP Implementation process and will provide ongoing support in your delivery of the assessments. If a technical problem or other incident occurs, the DATC Support Center will be your first contact. Any issue that cannot be resolved by the Drake Kryterion DATC Manager will be forwarded to our technical support department. After Hours Technical Support Toll Free: 866-579-8374 - Option 2 or Toll Free Dialing outside of North America: Drake Kryterion has a service called “A T & T 800 USA Direct”. This service provides the use of our toll free number to countries outside of North America. It is necessary that you first dial your country’s A T & T Direct dial code before dialing our toll free number but you will not incur any costs doing this. For example, if calling from South Africa dial the county code 0-800-99-0123 and then dial our toll free number: 866-579-8374. You will then hear a ring and we will answer the phone or our company recording will come on. For technical support press option 2. (Note, some AT&T Direct® codes require that you await a second dial tone before continuing with your dialing – check your county listing for these exceptions) You can obtain a current list of AT&T Direct® codes at: http://www.business.att.com/bt/access.jsp?c=a. Please call AT&T International Directory Assistance at 412-555-1515 for city codes that are not listed on this web site. DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 3 Beginning the DATC Implementation Process As a DCP Candidate, you should have received an email generated from our Drake Kryterion Webassessor Test System (see example below). If you have not yet received this email, please contact the DATC Manager at 602-659-4666. Accessing and Downloading DCP Documents If you are reading this manual you have most likely already logged into Webassessor; Drake Kryterion’s Internet-based testing system. This is the system you will use to access important documents, take your DCP exam and launch all Candidate Test Sessions. To access your DATC area of Webassessor, go to: www.datctesting.com (Note: Webassessor is designed to log you out of the system if there has been no activity for 20 minutes) Webassessor Login Screen 1. Enter your DCP Candidate Login and Password provided in the “Welcome to the DATC Program” e-mail and click Login. Passwords are case sensitive. DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 4 2. Depending on the security settings in your Internet browser, you may receive a Security Alert Message when logging in. If you do, select Yes. 3. To download your DATC documents, click on the Resources Tab located on the upper right toolbar of your home page. DCP Candidate Resource Page 4. Click on the document you want to download. Note: All documents on this page are in Adobe PDF format. Changing Your DCP Password 1. Because email is not secure, we suggest that you immediately change your password at this time if you have not done so before. Click on the Change Password link located at the upper right of the home page. Change Password Page DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 5 2. The existing password must be entered along with the chosen new password. Click Submit to accept the new password. You will then be taken back to your DCP HOME page. 3. You will receive an email notifying you that your password has been changed. Taking the DCP Exam When you have read through the DATC Network Policies and Procedures Manual and you are confident that you fully comprehend the Test Center process, you may log into our website and take the DCP exam. This exam can be taken from any computer with Internet access 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is NOT an open book test. If you do not receive a passing score, please review the DATC Policies and Procedures Manual and retake the exam. Feel free to contact the Drake DATC Manager for additional support. The DCP exam is available on your DCP Candidate home page of Webassessor. To access the system and take the exam, go to: www.datctesting.com 1. Enter the DCP Candidate Login and Password provided in the “Welcome to the DATC Program” e-mail and click Login. Passwords are case sensitive. 2. Depending on the security settings in your Internet browser, you may receive a Security Alert message when logging in. If you do, select Yes. Webassessor Login Page DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 6 3. When you are ready to begin your DCP Exam click the Launch button under “Scheduled Assessments”. DCP Candidate Home Page 4. The DCP Exam consists of 30 questions. Please answer ALL of the questions, even if you are not sure of the answer. Click the Launch button on the Instructions page when you are ready to begin. Testing Instructions DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 7 Example of a DCP Exam Question 5. Answer all of the questions to the best of your ability. a. If you would like to review any of the questions before submitting the exam, click on the box labeled Mark this item for later review. The review page will automatically appear at the end of the test and you will have an opportunity to go back to any question you have marked for review. b. Click the Next button to move to the next question. c. DO NOT CLICK the Submit Exam button until you have completed the entire exam. 6. You can navigate to the review page by clicking the Review All button on any question. The review page will also automatically appear when you have answered the last question and hit the next button. DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 8 Exam Review Page 7. To review a question click on the number associated with the question. A question that has been marked for review will have an asterisk (*) next to it (not shown on screen shot view above). 8. When you are ready to complete the test click the Submit Exam button. Your Test Result Your test result will be available immediately following submission. If you missed a question it will be displayed. Please print the page and review the area of the DATC Policies and Procedure Manual that pertains to each question displayed. If you passed the exam - CONGRATULATIONS! You will receive an email that will walk you through the next step in the implementation process. If you failed the exam – NO PROBLEM. You will automatically be registered for the exam again and receive an email notification from our system. Your new DCP Exam will be available on your DCP Candidate home page. When you are ready to take the exam again, simply log back into the system and launch your new test. Launching a Practice Exam As a new DCP, we want to give you an opportunity to launch a practice test before you launch a live assessment for a Candidate. The process of launching a test for a Candidate is different than the process you went through to launch your DCP Exam. All “proctored” exams require advanced security measures so you will need to use security codes during your launch process. You should have received an email from our Webassessor system, which includes the same DCP Login and Password you used when you took the DCP Exam (see example below). The email also included a DCP Authorization Code, which has been specifically assigned to you, and no other DCP. You will use these three codes each time you launch a test for a Candidate along with a specific DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 9 Candidate Authorization code that the Candidate will bring in when he/she arrives for their test session. It is important that your three DCP codes be kept confidential and in a safe place so you can easily and quickly access them when it is time to launch a test for a Test Candidate. 1. To launch your practice test, log back into Webassessor at www.datctesting.com 2. Enter the Proctor Login and Password and click on the Login button. 3. Depending on the security settings in your Internet browser, you may receive a Security Alert message upon logging in. If you do select Yes. DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 10 DCP Home Page 4. You will notice that you are now on your DATC Home Page, which is different than your DCP Candidate Home Page. 5. To launch your Practice Test click on the Launch tab on the tool bar in the top right section of the screen. This is the launch button you will always use when launching a test for a Candidate. Launch Assessment – Step 1 DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 11 6. The Launch Assessment – Step 1 screen is displayed. Enter the “Sample” Candidate Authorization Code that you received in the Your next step as a DCP e-mail and click Next. A Candidate is issued a “Candidate Authorization Code” when they register for an assessment. Each assessment is assigned a specific unique code, which pertains to a specific candidate. The proctor must use this code when launching the test for the candidate. Launch Assessment – Step 2 7. The Candidate information will be presented on the screen. During a regular testing procedure, you will verify that the information presented matches the Candidate’s identification and click each box indicating that you have followed the appropriate procedures. Since this is a practice test and you are launching the test for a ‘Sample” Candidate you will not be confirming their identity. You will, however, need to click on each box and click Next to proceed. DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 12 Launch Assessment – Step 3 8. The Launch Assessment – Step 3 screen is displayed. This is a screen that prepares you for a security pop up window that will appear next. Depending on the operating system used on your computer, you will receive one of two possible security checks. (shown below). Pop Up Windows 9. Depending on the Pop Up Window you receive, click Run or Open. DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 13 WELCOME TEST CANDIDATE Page 10. When proctoring a test for a real Candidate, the Candidate should not be brought into the testing room until this WELCOME TEST CANDIDATE page is displayed. 11. To take your practice test click the Start Test button. 12. All test screens will take up the whole window. Note: If a Candidate attempts to tamper with the test at any time during the test session a screen will appear asking them to notify their DCP. Please refer to the DATC Policies and Procedures Manual for detailed instructions on this issue. 13. Your practice test consists of 5 questions. d. If you would like to review any of the questions before submitting the exam, click on the box labeled Mark this item for later review. e. Click the Next button to move to the next question. f. Do not click the Submit Exam button until you have completed the entire exam. 14. 15. 16. 17. g. If you have not completed the exam in 5 minutes the exam will be automatically submitted for you. h. You can navigate to the review page by clicking the Review All button on any question. When you click the Next button on the final question the review page will be presented. When you are finished taking the practice test, click Submit. Your results page will say, “There is no feedback available for this exam”. Note: Candidates may or may not see their results depending on the Certification Sponsor’s requirements. In most cases test result are emailed to the Candidate. Click the exit test button. To close the test session, type in your Proctor Login and Proctor Authorization Code, and click on the End Test button. You will be automatically logged off the system. Congratulations! You have completed the process of launching a test for a Candidate. DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 14 Viewing and Changing your DCP profile information We would like you to verify that the profile information we have listed for you on Webassessor is correct. For security purposes, we would also like you to change your Secret Word at this time. Representatives at the DATC Support Center will use the secret word to identify you as a DCP when you contact them for support or assistance. 1. To edit your profile, click on the Edit Profile link located at the upper right of your DCP Home Page. Edit Profile Page 2. Verify that the information listed is accurate or make any necessary changes. 3. Be sure you change your secret word. It is important that you create a word you will easily remember, such as your mother’s maiden name. 4. To save changes made to the profile, click the Save button and then the Done button. You will be returned to your DCP Home Page. 5. Upon saving the changes to your profile you will receive an email notifying you that your profile has been updated. Logging Off To protect system integrity and the security of data, Webassessor removes any information about your activities on the system from the server, when you log off. However, it is equally important that you close the browser window you used while you were logged in to Webassessor. This action helps to ensure no one will be able to gain access to any confidential information. DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 15 Completing the DATC Implementation Process You have one final step to complete in order for your test center location to be placed on the DATC Test Center Locator, which will make it available for selection by Test Candidates. If you have not yet done so, please complete the following final process. Directions for completing the DATC Confirmation Form 1. To access a blank copy of the DATC Confirmation Form, log back into Webassessor at www.datctesting.com 2. Enter your Proctor Login and Password and click the Login button. 3. Depending on the security settings in your Internet browser, you may receive a Security Alert message upon logging in. If you do select Yes. 4. Click on the Resource tab located in the upper right corner of the page. 5. Click on the DATC Confirmation Form name. 6. The Primary DCP should print and complete all three pages of the form and fax all three pages to the Drake DATC Manager at 602-659-4661. 7. Once received, your location will be added to the Test Center Locator and available to Test Candidates. NOTE: The DCP’s direct supervisor must also sign the DATC Confirmation Form stating they will notify the DATC Manager with any change in their DCP’s status. If the DCP does not have a direct supervisor at their location, the DCP may sign as the supervisor but must include the words “No direct supervisor present at this location” at the top of the form. DCP Implementation Guide Drake Kryterion Inc. Version Oct-05 16
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