PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET Facial Hair - Vaniqa Cream Your Pharmacist can supply Vaniqa cream to treat hair growth on the top lip and under the chin. Vaniqa is NOT a hair-remover. Vaniqa cream slows down new hair growth after existing hair has been removed. Vaniqa cream is well suited to being used together with hair-removal products and procedures and with prescription medications from doctors to reduce hair growth. Vaniqa cream is a prescription medication which your Pharmacist is able to supply without a prescription. Before your Pharmacist can supply Vaniqa you will be asked if you have previously seen a doctor about facial hair. Before Vaniqa Treatment It is always necessary to see a doctor about increased facial hair. Your doctor may want to carry out tests and may prescribe regular medication to reduce facial hair growth. How effective is Vaniqa? In studies seven out of ten women who use Vaniqa cream for six months show improvement. This compares with four out of ten who use a dummy cream. About three out of ten women have marked improvement or better after six months. Approximately three out of ten women using Vaniqa do not show improvement. Vaniqa is a long-term treatment. Treatment may take up to four months to work, although improvement may start after eight weeks. If there is no improvement after four months, Vaniqa should be stopped. Once Vaniqa is stopped its effects wear-off. Eight weeks after stopping, Vaniqa cream will no longer be having an effect. Side-effects Women who have not previously seen a doctor or women who require advice about facial hair should consult a doctor before obtaining Vaniqa. Your pharmacist can provide a letter for your doctor. As with any medication, Vaniqa can cause side-effects. Most women do not have these side-effects and where they do occur they are usually mild. Acne may occur, although this is no more frequent with Vaniqa than with other creams. Burning, stinging, tingling, and rash and redness occur more frequently with Vaniqa than with non-active creams. Causes of Facial Hair Further information Some women who are troubled by hair on their top lips and under the chin have a condition called polycystic ovaries (PCO). There may also be irregular periods, trouble with weight gain, and acne. There are effective prescription medications for the treatment of PCO available from doctors. A doctor should always be consulted where facial hair is a problem. See the NHS Choices website and the Unwanted Facial Hair website. Facial hair tends to increase after the menopause. Medical treatments for post-menopausal hair growth are available on prescription from doctors. Some oral contraceptive pills contain ingredients which help reduce facial hair growth. Your doctor will be able to advise you. You MUST read the manufacturer’s patient information leaflet supplied with Vaniqa. Increased facial hair sometimes just runs in families. Southern European and South Asian women tend to be more affected. Prescription medications tend to be less effective for this type of facial hair, which may respond to Vaniqa. In some rare cases increased facial hair is caused by over-active adrenal glands or an under-active thyroid gland. In some very rare cases tumours can produce hormones which lead to increased hair growth. In other rare cases some prescription medications can cause excessive hair growth. If a medication is the cause of hair growth, this will be listed in its side-effects. • • SPECIMEN ONLY It is an offence and invalidates pharmacy insurance to use PGDs without valid rights. Annual training and payment is required for our PGDs to be valid. If increased facial hair comes on rapidly over a few months, starts before puberty or occurs in unusual parts of the body, medical investigation is almost certainly required. Emotional Distress Women with increased facial hair are often self-conscious. They may be stressed, anxious and even depressed. It is important to seek help for emotional distress and not to suffer in silence. Tell your doctor if the problem is getting you down. How it Works Vaniqa cream contains the active ingredient eflornithine. Vaniqa is applied to the top lip area and under the chin twice daily and is rubbed-in. A small amount of the active ingredient penetrates to the base of hair follicles where it blocks enzymes and slows down new hair growth. © copyright 2012 Red Box Healthcare Ltd - all rights reserved. How to use Vaniqa Vaniqa cream supports hair-removal treatments such as, shaving, laser, electrolysis, plucking or depilatory (hair-remover) applications. After hair has been removed with any of these techniques Vaniqa will help to reduce hair growing back. Vaniqa is not itself a hair-remover. Effective hair-removal treatments should be continued whilst using Vaniqa. Patient Survey Do NOT stop any prescribed medication from your doctor when you use Vaniqa. Vaniqa can be used at the same time. Visit or scan the QR code with your smartphone. Vaniqa is for use only in the top lip area and under the chin. Applied twice daily a 30 gram tube will normally last about one month. We would greatly value your feedback on this service. You could also win £100 in our prize draw!
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