Newsletter 26 May 2015 Term 2 Week 6 On The Wings of Wisdom Coorparoo State School Coorparoo State School Handbook 2015 Student Absentee Line – 3421 0360 Wednesday 3 June ICAS – Science Monday 8 June Queen's Birthday holiday Wednesday 10 June Open Day, 9:15am Hall SOAR Be Safe: leave school immediately at the end of the day. School Parade Thursday 2.15pm for Years 1-6 __________________________ In this issue: (click to read more) [Type a quote from the EXCURSION PAYMENTS document or the summary of an interesting point. Youexcursion/activity can On-line payment is the preferred form of payment for any at position the text box anywhere in Coorparoo State School. document. thechild’s Drawing Please include the invoice number the for the activity andUse your surname as Tools tab to change the reference. Please take note of the last date for payments which is clearly communicated on the information/permission letter sentpull home to families. No formatting of the quote text payments will be accepted after the advertised last day for payment. box.] HPE News Diary Dates and Meetings School Activities P&C News Community News If your child has to make a payment over the counter, payments are to be made as soon as the student arrives at school, directly to the office, from 8am. Students will then return to the undercover area if before the 8:30am bell. Teachers will not send students to the office with payments after the start of class at 8.50am. All permission slips are to go to your child’s classroom teacher. SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 1 of 10 From the Deputy Principal Mark Craswell, Deputy Principal, FLYING SQUAD Throughout Term 2, Matthew Whelan, David Knowles (STL&N), Kathy Campbell (EAL/D teacher) and I will be working with all Year 1 classes to further enhance individual student Reading Comprehension skills. Each class receives three, half hour sessions per week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. During these sessions, classes are broken into three smaller, ability-based groups, to ensure the activities are targeted at the students’ levels. The school will use PAT-R results and Benchmark Levels to measure the growth of individual students and the success of the program overall. Should you have further questions, contact me directly. From the Acting Deputy Principal COORPAROO CARNIVAL 2015 Sunday 18 October Jinder Kaur, Acting Deputy, CROSSING SUPERVISORS - UNSUNG HEROES Last week I spent some time with Giovanna at the Halstead Street crossing. It was an interesting experience. Some cars stop and wait patiently and for others it seems to be a major inconvenience as they rev their engines ready to take off as soon as possible. During this time I also saw the lovely relationship that Giovanna has developed with students and parents. There were hugs and high fives from the little ones, greetings from older children and conversations with parents. Giovanna’s response when I remarked on this was, “How could I possibly leave this job?” Thank you Giovanna, for keeping our students safe for the past ten years. Thank you Lindy for relieving Alex at the Leicester Street crossing. Alex, we look forward to your return. We are excited to announce our first Platinum Sponsor for this year's Carnival - Motorama City Holden who have provided a Holden Barina at discount cost for our major raffle. Platinum Sponsor HPE NEWS Megan Carpenter , and Kim Godson LYTTON RUGBY UNION TRIALS Students born 2003, 2004 and 2005 are invited to attend an in-school trial to select students to send to the Lytton RU trials (to be held on 11 June). Students must sign-up at the PE office and collect a permission slip and have this signed by a parent in order to attend the trial. Please bring boots and mouthguard. The Trial will be held on Thursday 28 May. Please meet on Carey Field at 12.45pm. HATS IN PE LESSONS Please ensure your child has a wide brimmed hat for PE lessons. Students who do not have a hat will not be able to participate in PE lessons for sun safety reasons. SENIOR ATHLETICS (Years 3-6) DATE CLAIMER Please be advised the annual Athletics Carnival will be held on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 June. WAR CRY COMPETITION (A MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE CAPTAINS) As House Captains we have decided to hold a War-Cry Competition. To enter this competition you will have to be in Years 1-6. All War Cries need to be written on a piece of paper, with your name, class and house e.g. Melba, Turner or Wentworth. You can do this in a group, with a friend or by yourself. There will be a ballot box outside 6C and the HPE Office. The competition will close on 28 May. SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 2 of 10 The House Captains will choose a winning War Cry for each House. Each winning War Cry will be sung at the Sports Carnivals this year and for many years to come. We will announce the winning War Cries on Parade. Dates will then be set to practise these with your House Captains. We hope to see everyone joining in to support their House. So get your thinking caps on and come up with a super COOL War Cry for your sports House. ATHLETICS CARNIVAL 2015-CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS AND PARTICIPATION EVENTS (Years 3-6) As per last year’s Athletics Carnival, we will continue to run events on our Carnival Day as Championship events or Participation events. To gain entry into a Championship event at our Carnival, students must achieve a qualifying time/distance at a trial. You will see in the table below, that each athletics discipline has several trial times. We encourage students to think about attending a pre or post school time, to avoid crowds. All students born 2006-2003 are invited to attend a trial. Year 3 students will do their trials during PE lessons (they do not need to attend Trials). Students can attend all Trials or choose events in which they excel. We encourage those students interested in becoming an Age Champion or being selected to attend Lytton District Athletics to compete in all trials. If a student misses a trial due to illness (or other valid reason), they are requested to see their PE teacher ASAP. Students will NOT be added to Championship events on the day/s of the Carnival. Students who do not qualify to compete in Championship events will compete in Participation events for each of the athletic disciplines on Athletics Carnival day. If you do not attend a Championship Trial, you will only be eligible to compete in the Participation events on Carnival Day. If a student misses a trial due to illness (or another other valid reason), they are requested to see their PE teacher ASAP. Students will NOT be added to Championship events on the day/s of the Carnival. Participation events will not be awarded Age Champion Points. EVENT TRIAL DATE 800M Week 7 Monday 1 June: 8:15am (before school), 3.00pm (after school) Tuesday 2 June: 8:15am (before school), 3.00pm (after school) (LOCATION-Carey Field) DISCUS*** Week 10 Monday 22 June: 3.00pm (after school) Tuesday 23 June: 3.00pm (after school) (LOCATION-Carey Field) *** NB The Discus trial is a qualifier for Lytton. It will NOT be an event at our school Athletics Carnival. Age Champion Points will NOT be awarded for Discus. MUSIC NEWS Annelle Vogler, Music Teacher, AUTUMN MUSIC NIGHT Thank you for a fabulous music night last week. All the ensembles sounded wonderful and the night ran smoothly. Thank you to all the people who helped make the night such a huge success. ST PAUL’S FETE The Kijini Choir, Recorder Ensemble and Senior Band all performed at St Paul’s Fete last Saturday and the children sounded lovely. A huge thank you goes out to all the parents who supported this weekend performance. I think a few jams, cakes and trash and treasure may have made their way into some Coorparoo homes that day!! SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 3 of 10 CHORAL FANFARE The Senior Choir performed at the Choral Fanfare yesterday at Coorparoo Secondary College and Mrs Vogler was extremely proud of their efforts – the Senior Choir was awarded a silver award!! Congratulations Senior Choir!! OPEN REHEARSALS Week 6 – Senior Band – before school, Tuesday Week 7 – Junior Band Year 5, after school Monday Week 8 – Junior Band Year 4, before school Monday Week 9 – Senior Choir – before school, Thursday – rescheduled from Week 2 STRINGS NEWS The Year 4 Strings players have received their invitation to the Southside Junior Strings Camp and all forms should have been handed back by Friday 22 May. If there are still forms outstanding, please bring them in tomorrow; however, I cannot guarantee that your child will be accepted, as the cut-off date was last week. GERMAN NEWS Frau Newsham, German Teacher GUTEN MORGEN! On Thursday 18 June our Year 6 students will have the opportunity to participate in a German Day Out organized by the Goethe Institut. What is a ring-tailed possum in German? Where does the python live? Who loves to eat praying mantes? In the zoo’s Education Centre or on a guided tour through the zoo, a native speaker will give basic information in German. Then the zoo staff provides detailed information in English. Students receive a worksheet to fill in the answers in German. Another part of the zoo day is a quiz in German. Students will find information in a questionnaire and are asked to collect different pieces of a puzzle at designated stations throughout the zoo. Next they create a fantasy animal using these pieces. The task includes finding an inventive German name for their fantasy animal. The animal naming and the questionnaire are the entry for a competition! Students will also have the option to visit one or two zoo shows. Students will need to wear full school uniform including hat and closed-in shoes and bring their own morning tea, lunch, water bottle, pen, rain jacket and vocabulary list. We will leave the school at 9.15am and travel to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary by BCC Charter bus and return to school by approx. 2.40pm. The cost of the excursion is $26.00. Please complete the permission slip and return it to the office. Permission slips and payment must be received by Friday 5 June 2015. Late payments cannot be accepted. READERS’ CLUB MEETINGS Ms Grant-Mitchell, Ms McGarrigle, Miss Holyoak Readers’ Club meets THIS WEEK! Bring along a favourite book you’ve read or are reading to show your Club mates. Meet at Big Lunch (after the playbell). Junior Club Tuesday 26 May, in 1M Ms Milinkovic’s Room Senior Club Wednesday 27 May, in 3G Mrs Grant-Mitchell’s Room See You There! PARKING IN STAFF CAR PARKS The car park in the laneway off Old Cleveland Road is for STAFF ONLY. This laneway is out-of-bounds for parents dropping off students or parking. From next Monday the laneway will be manned and only Coorparoo State School staff and staff from the precinct next door will be allowed to enter the laneway. Also the car park off Cavendish Road is not to be used by parents for parking, dropping off or picking up. The gates to this car park will be closed every afternoon starting next Monday. SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 4 of 10 SCHOOL and COMMUNITY NEWS This week … Diary Dates and Meetings Payments School Activities P&C News Community News DIARY DATES AND MEETINGS Monday 1 June—Year 2 Museum and Science Centre excursion Tuesday 2 June—Year 3 Planetarium excursion Wednesday 3 June—ICAS – Science Monday 8 June—Queen's Birthday holiday Tue 9 – Fri 12 June—Junior Strings Camp Wednesday 10 June—Open Day, 9:15am Hall Friday 12 June—School Dance, 5:30 to 8:30pm, Hall Monday 15 June—ICAS – Writing Tuesday 16 June—ICAS – Spelling Wednesday 17 June—P&C Meeting, 7:00pm, Library Thursday 18 June—Year 6 German Lone Pine excursion Monday 22 June—Senior Athletics Carnival Tuesday 23 June—Senior Athletics Carnival Friday 26 June—Term 2 ends Monday 13 July—Term 3 starts Tue 14 - Fri 17 July—Year 5 Beginner Instrumental Music Camp 2016 ENROLMENTS Wednesday 10 June—Open Day, 9:15am-11:00am For future events please visit the School Events Calendar PAYMENTS ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE PAID BY THE DUE DATE. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN YOUR CHILD MISSING OUT ON AN EXCURSION OR EVENT. PAYMENTS DUE Monday 1 June—Year 6 Canberra Study Tour – final payment Friday 5 June—Year 6 German Lone Pine excursion, $26.00 When making online payments to the school please include the Invoice Number as your payment reference. Failure to include a valid reference number can often mean that payment isn’t assigned to your child’s account. QSCHOOLS APP 1. Download the QSchools app from your app store. 2. If you already have the app, please ensure it is up-to-date, as out-dated versions will not receive notifications. 3. Make sure you have Coorparoo State School as your favourite school. Allowing push notifications means we can keep you up-todate with critical information, health alerts and weather warnings. If you already have the App, please ensure it is upto-date, as outdated versions will not receive notifications. Click here to get the App SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 5 of 10 SCHOOL ACTIVITIES HELPING HANDS Onsite on 0458 038 769 or Central office on 07 5438 9549 or visit We had our first survival camp on Monday 18 May and children did very well at surviving the intense obstacle course; these will become more challenging as the time comes. Good work. As we continue to explore sustainability within our centre we are currently collecting squeeze bottles of any kind. If you do have these at home and are thinking about throwing them out, please keep them as we know we can make good use of them. SCHOOL BANKING Karyn Milne, School Banking Coordinator, or 0407 114 181 Thank you to Konio, Andrea and Nicole for their time and efficiency with processing the student banking last Wednesday! Remember the backpack full of goodies will be drawn in the second last week of term. Students go into the draw if you bank any Wednesday until that week. If they bank every Wednesday, there is more of a chance to win! Please, please double check the money placed into yellow deposit wallets. We seem to be receiving many books where cash does not agree with amount written on the deposit slip. This creates extra work for our volunteers as we have to fill out a slip to advise the student. SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB Alex Immer, Issue 4 (due date 2 June 2015) This week a brochure will come home with your child from the Scholastic Book Club the due date for return is on the front of the brochure. The order form can now be found in the middle of the combined brochure. Ordering is completely optional but should you wish to order from this brochure please note the payment and ordering options as follows: 1. Online parent ordering and payment – Coorparoo State School has opted into Scholastic’s Linked Online Ordering and Payment System (LOOP). It is very much encouraged that you use this option only if paying by Credit Card rather than just phoning through your credit card. Go to www. If you use LOOP you do not have to return any paperwork to the school, you receive email confirmation of order and the book club receive notice of the order, your child’s name and class so it can be easily delivered via the book club when the books arriv e. It also is a great time saver for the volunteers who run the book club so will be much appreciated. 2. Payment by Cash or Cheque- Please manually complete the order form clearly stating child’s name and class and ensure correct cash is included or write a cheque payable to Scholastic Australia, then place order and payment in envelope clearly labelled “Scholastic Book Club” and give to the office by the due date listed above. What is Scholastic Book Club? Scholastic Book Club is a program run by volunteer parents/carers at the school. Scholastic Book Club provides not only access for the CSS community to age appropriate reading books but also provides $ rewards to the classroom teachers to enable themselves or combine $ rewards with their peers to purchase educational resources for classrooms from Scholastic Australia. In 2014, teachers combined rewards were over $3000. (20% of each individual order is converted to $ rewards for your teacher). There will be eight issues distributed during the year and again it is optional to order. All deliveries are sent to the school and distributed to your child. Should you wish for your child not to receive the order a quick email to just advising of this and we can hold the order out for parent collection. Note a cut-off date does apply for orders via the Book Club (including the LOOP online ordering system). We welcome anyone who would like to assist with date stamping and collating or distribution of book club during the year. If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions please contact me on SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 6 of 10 P&C Contact the P&C - P&C NEWS P&C GENERAL A huge thank you to those who came along to the May General meeting last week and joined in the robust discussion! We had updates from the sub-committees, working parties and locked in our spending priorities for the year – including where the Carnival profit is due to be spent. We are pleased to announce some of the spending focus includes upgrading Wolff Park classroom furniture, upgrading the Tennis Courts behind Wolff Park with the assistance of a Grant (thanks Grants Team!) and for the first time we have budgeted for a contribution to Science Week funding to enable a great experience for all students! There’s plenty more that we are working on towards supporting our students and school. If you’d like to join in the conversation, you are always welcome at a meeting or to pop us an email. Or, if you become a member of the P&C you can view the minutes and reports (including budgets) online. To become a member simply complete the Membership Form (available on the CSS website) and drop it into the Office. The next P&C Meeting is a week later than usual to be held on Wednesday 24 June at 7pm in the library. Would love to see you there! TRIVIA NIGHT – CANCELLED. Unfortunately due to lack of interest the Trivia Night has been cancelled for 2015. Thank you to those who expressed their interest and a massive thank you to our sponsors: Langlands, Teenie and Tiny and Vintage Kitchen. A new date and theme will be set for 2016. Stay tuned! SPELL-A-THON The fabulous major prizes for Spell-a-thon will be awarded at Parade on Thursday 28 May. We’ll be giving away an iPad mini from Geekworks, a Kindle from Dick Smith and a special prize to our highest fundraiser – a voucher for you and five friends to enjoy some delicious treats at Little Sista café (anything you want up to $100 value). A day or two before this there’ll be lots of ‘Goo’ heading home so be on the lookout! IT'S A CARNIVAL YEAR! The planning for the 2015 Coorparoo State School Carnival is well underway and we are have a great team of enthusiastic parents/carers working and thinking of ways to bring you, your family and the local community a fantastic day of events. Working as part of this team is a great way to get to know your school community. We are currently looking for someone (or a group of friends) to run the following stalls: · · · Second-hand Books/DVDs and Magazines Second-hand Toys Nachos If you are interested in joining the Carnival team please contact us on Even doing a small job can help. We can’t wait to hear from you! We are excited to announce our first Platinum Sponsor for this year's Carnival - Motorama City Holden who have provided a Holden Barina at discount cost for our major raffle. Motorama City Holden is your local Holden and HSV dealer. Most people think that they just sell and service Holdens. In fact, they do this and much more. As part of the Motorama Group, they have access to over 800 used cars covering a wide range of popular makes, models and budgets. Motorama also buy cars directly from the public or via trade-ins. Finance and insurance solutions is also a big part of their business - in fact, one in two of their customers take up this service. Above all, no matter what service they provide, they take pride in ensuring a professional, reliable and honest experience. Their goal is to deliver a service that keeps you coming back and referring friends and family. SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 7 of 10 So if you’re in the market for another car, need a service or some advice, give the team at Motorama City Holden a call on 07 3215 7799 or SCLO Leisa Whybird, SCLO and Uniform Shop - 3324 0053 or COORPAROO CONNECT FRIDAY 29 MAY 9AM Our first Coorparoo Connect morning was held last Friday. We enjoyed a hot drink and tasty baking whilst getting to know one another. This Friday Sheila and friends will be cooking a South Indian breakfast for us all to enjoy. Sounds delicious! A gol d coin donation is welcome. If you would like to meet some other parents come and join us inside the Hall foyer, near the kitchen from 9am. Everyone is very welcome. Miss Jinder and I hope to see you there on Friday. AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST MORNING TEA (LUNCH) THURSDAY 28 MAY This Thursday our lunch event is on with all proceeds raised going towards cancer research. A big thank you to all families who are providing food contributions. What a wonderful way to show our appreciation for our hard-working school staff and to raise money to support cancer research at the same time. If you are available to help set up and pack away on the day please email Leisa: SCHOOL DANCE FRIDAY 12 JUNE The first School Dance for 2015 will be on Friday 12 June in the school Hall. All students from Prep to Year 6 are welcome to attend however all children must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult. The Dance will be split into two sessions. 5.00pm – 6.30pm for Prep to Year 3. Pizza will be served from 5.00pm. The second session will run from 6.45pm – 8.45pm for Years 4 – 6 students. Ticket price is $10.00 per child and can only be purchased on the night. The cost includes a slice of pizza, a drink and an ice-block. Helpers are needed throughout the evening with selling tickets, security, serving food and clean up. Please contact Leisa Whybird: if you are able to assist. WE’RE GOING TO GET GRILL’D! We’ve been selected to participate in Local Matters at Grill’d Camp Hill this June. Local Matters is the Grill’d community donation program that sees each Grill’d restaurant donate $500 back into the community every month. The donation is split between three local community groups $300 / $100 / $100. How can you help? We’d love your support in receiving the highest $300 donation! Simply head to Grill’d Camp Hill during June, for a burger and pop your Local Matters token in our jar. The group with the most tokens at the end of the month receives the largest donation. It’s a simple (and delicious) way to show your support! You’ll find us on a jar at Grill’d Camp Hill, Samuel Village corner Boundary Road & Samuel Street, Camp Hill. TRAFFIC UPDATE: Traffic Work Group meeting Thursday 4 June 1:30pm till 2pm in the staff room all welcome to attend. Please take care around the school when driving and parking and follow the road rules. Any traffic issues please email the TENNIS COURT HIRE: The P&C has taken over the Tennis Court Hire from the school. We will be collecting the annual court hire fees for 2015 in the next few weeks. If wish to hire the tennis courts please email for more information on pricing and availability. SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 8 of 10 GRANTS TEAM UPDATE: We have submitted grants for the following and are just waiting to hear the outcome: · Australia Post Grant for 10 iPads for a loan scheme for children at CSS · Main Road Grant to assist in the Stop Drop and Go area. · Land Care Grant requesting $2,000 for items for the school garden in Wolff Park. The grants team is submitting a grant application for the shading of Carey field. It will be October before the outcome of this grant is known. A massive thank you to all those who assist with the enormous work required for preparing grant applications. COORPAROO CARNIVAL 2015 Sunday 18 October Platinum Sponsors COMMUNITY NEWS SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 9 of 10 Recycled Craft Competition Let’s get creative Coorparoo! Reduce Reuse Recycle How to Enter: Construct an item out of recyclable materials – cereal boxes, cardboard cylinders, bottle tops, plastic bottles, lids, newspaper, plastic bags … Cut, curl and shape your materials anyway you like. Date: Monday June 15 Where: Bring your clever creations to McCahon Hall Include: Your name and class (You can even name your creation!) Prizes: Prep – Year 2 and Year 3 - Year 6 SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 10 of 10
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