Morningstar Investment Services Mutual Fund Portfolios Absolute Return Invested across global markets and sectors, the Absolute Return model portfolio emphasises a diverse range of alternative investments in pursuit of steady returns and low volatility. Designed to adapt to shifts in the market The Absolute Return portfolio uses a broad range of alternative investments to help deliver moderate, consistent returns whether the stock market is moving up or down. How Absolute Return Works The Absolute Return portfolio is designed to adapt to all kinds of market environments, keeping a lid on volatility and offering a level of downside protection. Over a full market cycle, it seeks the moderate returns of a 30% stock/70% bond portfolio—while investing in alternatives to help minimize the toll that inflation and rising interest rates can take on returns. A “go anywhere” portfolio, Absolute Return allows fund managers to take advantage of market opportunities to help compound returns over time. The Power of Alternatives ‘Alternative’, or non-traditional, investments aren’t only for the most sophisticated investors anymore. In fact, we think they’re now an essential part of a modern portfolio. Because they don’t typically move in lockstep with other parts of a traditional portfolio, alternatives offer the potential to boost overall portfolio returns while reducing risk. The Absolute Return portfolio combines traditional and alternative mutual funds with low correlations to each other and to the broad markets, offering highly diversified exposure across geographies, sectors, and time horizons. Goals of Absolute Return: Diversify, Protect, Grow The strategy is designed to capture opportunities in strong market environments—and provide downside protection in weaker ones. Diversify 3 Incorporate alternatives that may have lower correlation to broader market cycles 3 Invest in a wide range of global securities and sectors Protect 3 Buffer against sharp volatility and drawdowns 3 Help portfolios weather sudden bear markets Grow 3 Pursue timely opportunities free from traditional benchmark constraints 3 Risk-aware managers use distinctive strategies to help add value Research You Can Trust Only the investments we have the most confidence in make it into the Absolute Return portfolio. Starting with unbiased Morningstar, Inc. data, we use a proprietary evaluation system to identify managers who employ a prudent, repeatable investment process that has yielded strong results over time. Inside the Absolute Return Portfolio To help meet targeted risk and return objectives and maintain a low correlation to traditional stock and bond markets, the strategy uses funds that tend to fall into one of three categories: 3 Opportunistic Funds The managers of these funds invest across multiple asset classes. Each manager may employ a range of techniques as they seek to generate targeted levels of absolute, not relative, return. 3 Non-traditional Diversifiers These strategies focus on minimizing correlations to broad asset classes— particularly global stocks and bonds. To select them, we look carefully at funds’ historical correlations to the broad markets—and to each other. Face-to-Face Investing When we research a fund, we want to understand the firm and the people behind it. We meet one-on-one with fund managers to uncover how they make decisions. We look for those who ‘eat their own cooking’ by investing their own personal savings in the funds they oversee. Then, we assemble the investments into a portfolio—and manage it actively to ensure that it’s positioned to help meet the goals we’ve set for it. Who is Absolute Return for? Absolute return is well-suited to play a role in many types of investors’ portfolios. For example, it may be used as a core holding, creating a low-volatility anchor for a portfolio with the potential for standalone downside protection. For others, it can be can be used as a satellite holding to help enhance overall diversification. It may also appeal to conservative investors, including those who are just entering the market. Finally, it can help investors in retirement—who have less tolerance for volatility or capital losses—make regular distributions less disruptive. To select a portfolio, talk to your financial advisor, who can help you build a wealth strategy focused on your long-term goals. 3 Stabilizers Funds in this category tend to act as “shock absorbers”. They are designed to minimize volatility and drawdowns relative to the U.S. fixed income or U.S. equity markets. Neither diversification nor asset allocation ensure a profit or guarantee against a loss. This portfolio may not be suitable for all investors. In particular, it is not appropriate for short-term investments, and you could lose money by investing in it. 22 West Washington Street Chicago Illinois 60602 USA +1 877 626–3227 About Morningstar Investment Services We’re committed to helping financial advisors create better outcomes for investors like you. Together, we offer the professional guidance and access to strategies that can help you achieve your goals. Our model portfolios are designed to be part of a long-term investing plan that helps meet your needs at each stage of your lifetime. Important Information It is important to note that investments in securities (e.g., mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, common stocks) involve risk and will not always be profitable. Neither diversification nor asset allocation ensure a profit or guarantee against a loss. Morningstar Investment Services does not guarantee that the results of its advice, recommendations, or the objectives of your portfolio will be achieved. Morningstar Investment Services does not guarantee that negative returns can or will be avoided in any of its portfolios. An investment made in a security may differ substantially from its historical performance and as a result, you may incur a loss. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The Program includes various strategies available to individuals and institutions primarily through arrangements Morningstar Investment Services has with various unaffiliated registered investment advisors. Within the Program, Morningstar Investment Services or its investment advisory affiliate provides discretionary investment advisory services. In addition to the Program, Morningstar Investment Services also offers model portfolios to third-party advisory programs (“Advisory Program”) of financial institutions on a non-discretionary basis as a strategist. Under a strategist arrangement, the Advisory Program has full discretion to invest the Advisory Program client accounts in accordance with the model or deviate from the model provided by Morningstar Investment Services. ©2015 Morningstar Investment Services, Inc. All rights reserved. The Morningstar name and logo are registered marks of Morningstar, Inc. All other marks are the property of the respective owners. Morningstar Investment Services, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. Please note that portfolio availability may vary by business relationship. Contact your financial advisor for details. TAMP-202-010915
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