Scotland County Schools Request for Proposals

Scotland County Schools
Request for Proposals
Section 125 Cafeteria Plan Proposals
June 5, 2015
4:00 PM, July 06, 2015
Scotland County Schools
Linda N Smith
322 South Main Street
Laurinburg, N.C 28352
Sealed proposals must be received by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 06, 2015. Indicate the firm and/or company name
and the primary contact person on the front of each sealed proposal envelope or package. Electronically
submitted (email/fax) proposals will not be accepted. Any proposals received after 4:00 p.m. on July 06, 2015
will not be considered.
Each vendor will need to furnish ten (10) copies of the proposal.
Direct all inquiries concerning this RFP to: Linda N Smith
Scotland County Schools
322 South Main Street
Laurinburg N.C 28352
910-276-1138 phone / 910-277-4310 fax
IMPORTANT NOTE: Questions concerning the RFP must be submitted in writing. They may be mailed, faxed,
or e-mailed (no phone calls) to Linda N Smith, Scotland County Schools, 322 South Main Street, Laurinburg, NC
28352, 910-277-4310 Fax, e-mail address No contact with other employees of the
Benefits Department, Board Members, Superintendent, or other Faculty Members will be allowed during
the proposal process. Any vendors contacting these personnel directly may subject their proposal to
rejection. Questions must be submitted no later than 4:00 P.M. on July 06, 2015.
Scotland County Schools is requesting proposals for our Section 125 Flexible Benefits, Plan Administration for
the plan year beginning January 1, 2016. We are doing this to ensure that our employees are continually offered
the best benefits, services, and products available. This request for proposals does not indicate in any way that we
are dissatisfied with the services, plans and/or products of our current provider. Scotland County Schools has
approximately 950 employees, 14 schools, a central office and a maintenance/transportation site.
Proposals will be accepted for all payroll deductions excluding deductions for State Employees’ Health Insurance,
State Employees Credit Union, Prudential Retirement’s 401K state plan, tax-sheltered annuities. The unit desires
to have one vendor provide and service the proposed plan. Employees will be allowed to participate in any of the
optional insurance plans regardless of their participation in Section 125. Proposals should include:
Cancer Insurance
Supplemental Disability
Critical Illness Insurance
Intensive Care Insurance
Accident Insurance
Medical Bridge Insurance (GAP Plan)
Board Paid Group Term Life
Voluntary Group Term Life
Permanent Whole/Universal Life
Group Dental
Group Vision
Medical Reimbursement
Dependent Care Reimbursement
Section 125 Administrative Services
Enrollment Services (group presentations, individual counseling, etc.) required in implementing the plan
The unit desires a Section 125 administrator which will complete all required discrimination testing, all required
reports and will adhere to procedures, guidelines, regulations, and laws related to the collection, disbursement,
and record keeping for the spending accounts for employees.
Proposals will be evaluated based on the model plan design, enrollment and communication capabilities, cost to
the employer, and financial stability of the organization. Census information will be given to the chosen
administrator. Proposals should include answers to the questions included with this RFP.
Scotland County Schools requires a North Carolina licensed agent with the expertise and capacity to provide the
products and services requested to an employer of at least 1,000 employees. Such expertise and capacity must be
fully evident within the proposal and verifiable through a minimum of five (5) references. These five references
must be from employers of at least 1,000 employees, in which you currently provide Flexible Benefit (Spending
Account) Administration, not insurance products only. Among those five references, at least four (4) should be
from school systems in North Carolina. The references should not only be able to verify the company’s ability,
but also the agents and/or their agency. Please include the name, company name, number of employees, and
telephone number for each reference.
What is the total number of NC Public School systems that you administer the full Flexible Benefits Plan for
including Flexible Spending Accounts, not just insurance benefits?
Total Number ____________
Please complete and return this Bid Form with your proposal. If needed to answer a question or questions, you
may attach a page or pages to this form. Please indicate on the Bid Form that the question is answered on an
attached page. Also, please designate any answer on an attached page with the same number as the question on
the Bid Form.
1. Name of Firm(s) Submitting Proposal:
2. Names and Titles of Person(s) Submitting Proposal:
3. Address of Firm Submitting Proposal:
4. Phone Number(s) of Firm Submitting Proposal:
5. Contact Person(s) for Firm:
Telephone Number(s) for Contact Person:
6. Please provide five references, preferably North Carolina public schools systems, with approximately 900
full-time employees that your firm has worked with.
School System
7. Please feel free to provide other references if you either do not have references that meet the requirements
specified in question number 6 or as an opportunity to provide additional references for your firm.
Company/School System
8. Describe the customer service and support your firm can provide to the Scotland
County Schools administration and our employees.
Do you provide toll-free numbers as well as a personalized interactive website?
9. Describe in detail the communication and enrollment process.
a. Who will be doing the enrollments?
b. What is their experience in benefit communication and enrollment with the NC Public Schools?
c. Include brochures or information you will be using during the enrollment process.
10. Do you offer online or web enrollment and if so, please describe.
11. Please describe the procedures for the use of your Debit Card and participant requirements for verification.
12. What fees are charged for the use of your Debit Card?
13. Who are you proposing as your Third Party Administrator?
A. Describe the claim reimbursement process for Spending Accounts.
B. How often do they pay reimbursement claims
C. Is your Spending Account vendor compliant with all relevant IRS Regulations in regards to
administration of debit cards?
14. Please provide a list of all fees that your firm will charge to administer our Flexible Benefits Plan and/or other
insurance products you will offer.
Flexible Benefit Administration
Market Research
Customer Service
Customer Education Services
Benefit Communication Services
Section 125 Plan Documents
Medical Reimbursement Loss Guarantee
15. Please provide a copy of a benefit election form that you have used that can serve as a sample of a benefit
election form to be submitted to our employees for benefit enrollment.
16. Do you provide a toll free phone number for our employees for service questions?
17. Do you provide personalized interactive website?
18. Describe the billing process from your firm to our school system.
19. Explain how you expect to be compensated for your services.
20. Please provide any professional education opportunities that your firm delivers to Scotland County Schools
21. Describe your post-enrollment data return processes to Scotland County Schools.
I certify that I have read this Request for Proposals and have answered all questions on this Bid Form.
I certify that our firm has not and will not contact School Board members to gain favor for our firm.
I certify that our firm will honor all commitments made on this Bid Form.
I certify that our firm and all representatives are licensed and will be licensed in North Carolina to provide all
services offered during the life of this contract.
Signature of Representative
Date of Signature
Firm Name
During the evaluation process, Scotland County Schools may, at its discretion, request any or all firms to make
oral presentations for the purpose of clarification or to amplify the materials presented in any part of the proposal.
However, brokers are cautioned that the school system is not required to request clarification; therefore, all
proposals should be complete and reflect the most favorable terms available from the broker. Not all brokers may
be asked to make such oral presentations.
If a change is requested, a recommendation will be made to the School Board Members on August 2015. It is
anticipated that the School Board will vote on the recommendation at their next scheduled meeting.
Note: The right is reserved to accept the response that Scotland County Schools determines to be in the best
interest of the school system and their employees. Scotland County Schools reserves the right to reject any and/or
all proposals.