COURSE PRESENTATION Summer 2015 Course: Course: MATH 1220(Integral Calculus) Classroom: Fir3412 Labroom: Voice Mail: Email: 1. Instructor: Class Hours: Lab Hours: Office Room # Office Hours: Dr. Rixat Abdursul M/Tu/W/Th. 10:00-11:50 A3670 3rd floor in the library W/Thu. 12:00-13:00 COURSE FORMAT Lecture 2. COURSE DESCRIPTION Students will learn to integrate algebraic and elementary transcendental functions and to apply these skills to appropriate problems. Also, they will learn the fundamental theorem of calculus, the integral calculus of parametric curves, Taylor polynomials, sequences and series and simple differential equations. In addition, students will use a Computer Algebra System (Maple) in this course. 3. COURSE OBJECTIVES A student who successfully completes the course will have reliably demonstrated the ability to: Understand, state and apply the concepts of integral calculus, including integration, the fundamental theorem of calculus, approximation techniques, infinite series and simple differential equations Evaluate, in simple cases, definite integrals using Riemann sums Solve applied problems requiring integration and infinite series Use a computer algebra system to solve problems related to integral calculus 4. REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS AND MATERIALS: Texts: 1. Integral Calculus: An Interactive Approach, by Lin Hammill (available at the bookstore, required). 2. Math 1220 Problem Set By Casey McConill (available at the bookstore, required). 3. Calculus, 7th Edition by James Stewart. (Please bring your texts to class.) 5. PREREQUISITES: MATH 1120 or MATH 1130 with a C+ or better or MATH 1140 with a B- or better. Page 1 of 4 Course Presentation 8. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF TOPICS Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 DATE 2015 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 June 1 June 2 June 3 June 4 June 8 June 9 June 10 June 11 June 15 June 16 June 17 7 8 June 18 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 29 June 30 July 2 CONTENT Signed Area and the Area Function The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Integration by Substitution The Integral as a Limit Victoria Day Area between Curves and Arclength Computer and Numerical Integration Volume Work Integration by Parts. ASSIGNMENTS Test 1 Trigonometric Integrals Trig Substitutions Partial Fractions Taming the Wild Integral Improper Integrals Test 2 Taylor and Maclaurin Polynomials Introduction to Series. Convergence of Series Alternating Series The Integral Test, Power Series The Algebra and Calculus of Power Series The Algebra and Calculus of Power Series Taylor and Maclaurin Series Test 3 Differential Equations Differential Equations Applications of Differential Equations Review Final Exam 7:00 pm - 9:50 pm Note: Date and time may change. Final Exam 9. DETAILED SUMMARY OF EVALUATION SCHEME Assignments (Maple or Handwriting ) 5% Attendance 5% Three 110 minute tests 60% One 3 hour final exam 30% Total 100% (Maple or Handwriting or Popup Quises 10-15 minutes ) Page 2 of 4 Course Presentation Grades will be assigned as follows: A+ 90-100 A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D F 85-89 80-84 76-79 72-75 68-71 64-67 60-63 56-59 50-55 00-49 Term tests will be cumulative in-class exams. The final exam will be a comprehensive three hour exam. Missed tests will not be rescheduled. If you miss a test because of a major illness or unavoidable emergency, you must contact the instructor immediately to explain the situation, and provide written documentation, on letterhead, from a medical or other professional confirming the reason for your absence. In this case, the weight of the test will be moved toward final exam. Otherwise, all missed tests receive a score of zero. Assignments will not be accepted late. Assignments will be announced in class and posted on Moodle. If your score (in %) on your final exam is higher than your average test score (in %), then your final exam will be worth 50% of your final grade, and tests will be worth 40%. Plagiarism and Cheating Policy : Please refer to Kwantlen’s Policy No. C-8 for more of Kwantlen’s policy on Plagiarism and Cheating. Website: Students should ensure that they have read and understood this policy. First offense: A grade of zero will be assigned for the test or exam. Second offense: Failing grade will be assigned in the course. Third offense: The student(s) may be expelled from the University. The following information is provided to help students avoid plagiarism and cheating: Appeals of Academic Decisions Student Evaluation and Grading Last day for official withdrawal is June 08, 2015. Quitting a course without official withdrawal will result in a grade of 'F'. 6. INSTRUCTOR/CLASSROOM POLICIES: Calculators The use of programmable calculators is not permitted during Tests and Examinations. However, You are encouraged to have a graphical calculator. ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS. You should work hard spending at least 2 hours every day outside of class time, studying for this course. Do your homework every day. Aim high starting with the first assignment. Every mark counts towards your final grade. You arrive for class on time and attend regularly for the full session! You should complete all given group assignments in indicated time and hand them in to the instructor! Page 3 of 4 Course Presentation As University students, you are expected to be mature and responsible enough. The learning process is mostly in your hands. Your instructor is only a facilitator. 7. POLICY ON LATE ASSIGNMENTS: NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO GO ON HOLIDAY DURING FINAL EXAMS! If you cannot write a test on the scheduled date, please discuss it with me before the test is written, OR if there is an unforeseen event; send me an email stating clearly your name and phone number. If there is a valid reason, the weight of a missed test will be added to the next test(s) and the final exam. Otherwise, a zero will be assigned to the missed test. Follow lesson notes and examples. The instructor's methods supersede those in the solutions manual. To clear up difficulties about lessons or homework questions, visit the Learning Centre (in the Library) where free tutoring is available. Form a study group with classmates and meet regularly for homework sessions. Do assignments every week! Late assignments will not be accepted! 10. WITHDRAWAL DATES (see Page 4 of 4 Course Presentation
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