#OnTheRoad #SurLaRoute - World Organization of the Scout

Bulletin n°1 - March 2015
Dear Friends,
Dear scouts and guides,
In a little more than one and a half years, on
August 3rd, 2016, there are several thousands
Rovers and Rangers, from all corners of Europe,
will be welcomed in the six points of the Hexagon,
as France is nicknamed.
This 5th Roverway will be the unique opportunity
for these young participants to experience,
during the first six days of the event, the thrills of
working together with a local partner in projects
designed to change the local reality near the
Mediterranean Sea, up in the Alps, the North or
someplace else in France.
Commitment, European citizenship… words with a
strong resonance at this moment in France, when
tragic events are marking our society. Scoutisme
Français and all Roverway planning team were
upset by these events and mobilized ; we are
proud through this organization of gathering to
show that young people of all Europe are capable
of living together their differences, of making a
commitment in the service of a peace society,
of building together the European and World
citizenship of tomorrow.
There will be more than hundred citizenrelated projects carried out throughout France
by the 5000 Rovers and Rangers participating,
followed by four intense days of sharing, debate,
celebration and reflection at Jambville, just
outside Paris.
In this bulletin you will discover the educational
aims of the event, which were already shared with
you, WOSM National Scout Organizations and
WAGGGS Member Organizations from all over
Europe, during the Scout and Guide conference
in Berlin, in 2013, and, later on, during the first
Heads of Contingents and RoverReps Meeting in of
November, 2014. You will also find out here more
about the ways you can continue to be involved
in the development of the project: Facebook,
website, Rover-Office... All these tools are made
for you and, of course, for the Rovers, Rangers, IST
who can register starting in September 2015!
So… are you ready? Go! On The Road, with us !!
Céline Lefèvre Bonneau,
Roverway 2016 director
Roverway 2.0
January-June 2015
Coordination of the Roads’ Hosting teams and the preparations of 100 project
WOSM European Agora for Rovers/Rangers in Jambville (FR)
Opening of the registrations for contingents
Second Heads of Contingents (HoC) and RoversReps Meeting
October - December
Selection of Roads
January 2016
Preparation Roads in international Rovers/Rangers patrols
august 3-14
Roverway 2016 : 100 Roads in France and Central Camp in Jambville near Paris
65, rue de la Glacière
75013 Paris - FRANCE
Land : +33 1 47 07 89 47
Mail : info@roverway2016.org
Photos : Marie Chalifour, Thibault Debleds, Thomas Herreman, Sébastien
Faÿs, Florent Laroche, Pierrick Lenoir, Olivier Ouadah, Olivier Pradel, La Toile
Scoute, Scoutisme Français, Scouts et Guides de France.
Roverway 2016
What is a bulletin ?
The purpose of the Roverway 2016 bulletins is to provide National Scout
Organizations and Member Organizations with all the information they need
at the right time, to help prepare for the event.
The Bulletins will be sent out through Europak (WOSM European Region
and Europe Region WAGGGS). The Bullletins will also be sent to Heads of
Contingents appointed.
In addition to the Bulletins there are several other ways to find information,
the website being the main one.
Face-lift for the website !
Take part in our Facebook rendez-vous
A new website was born with contents richer in news, videos and practical
We are still working on it. New surprises are coming and we shall continue
to finalize parts until 2016: come to visit it regularly!
Our community managers are inviting you on the Roverway 2016 Facebook
page to find out more about France, the French and the Rovers and Rangers.
Each Monday, discover France through its landscapes.
Each Thursday, it’s “Cliché!” Or France seen by foreigners.
Each Sunday, it is you and “Froggie” that we put
in the honor. Dowload “Froggie”’s picture from
Facebook or the Rover-Office Common Documents,
shoot a selfie and share it on Facebook and Twitter
with the #rw2016 hashtag.
Where to find all the tools ?
We also have an Intranet called Rover-Office, for the Heads of Contingents
and the planning team, containing resources and additional information as
well as a collaborative workspace.
Numerous tools were already created: design guidelines, bookmarks,
brochures and videos. They are at your disposal in the section Common
All the registered Heads of Contingent should have received their access
code and their password by e-mail. Please get in touch with the Roverway
2016 Office if you did not receive them.
The last Thursday of every month, we propose
you to discover and share your lives of Rovers
and Rangers : videos, pictures, testimonials.
Share your story by sending a message
on our Facebook page or by e-mail
To discover or rediscover : the teaser
Created by the video team, the teaser of Roverway 2016 was
displayed online on Facebook and YouTube!
We encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube channel to
receive exclusively the reports and the interviews of the
#OntheRoad #SurlaRoute
Within the idea of #OnTheRoad, there is 3 key concepts for Roverway 2016 : commitment, European citizenship and co-construction.
A European gathering for Rovers and Rangers
is about putting forward their actions and
commitment: trust and the belief that the world
is in the hands of a responsible generation, who
knows already how to live in a shared, fair and
sustainable society
Gathering Rovers and Rangers from several
countries will foster their sense of belonging
to a European and global movement, help them
discover other ways of living Guiding and Scouting
and promote peace..
Allow Rovers and Rangers to participate and
to be the main designers and actors. Roverway
becomes a place where young people participate
in decision-making, work with others and discover
the richness of partnerships.
Let’s get together!
Our Roverway
Roverway will allow participants to gain practical
experience of Europe or “living together as
Europeans”, particularly through the paths where,
for a whole week, young people from different
European countries will live together as a patrol,
exchanging ideas, cooking and working together
on a practical activity with a local partner.
We don’t want 16-22 year olds just to be merely
participants, we want them actively involved
and taking responsibility for their event. This is a
core element of the proposed programme. That is
why we are particularly willing to involve future
participants at all stages of building the event and
support them in this joint construction, through
the patrol system in particular.
Think about your commitment
During Roverway 2016, we will measure the
local impact of service activities carried out by
participants, alone or in patrols, throughout the
event. We want participants to feel proud of their
commitments before, during and after the event.
Experience local partnership
Through the local partnerships they will work
with in the first part of the event, the experience
of different kinds of involvement in civil society
will take practical form in service activities, but
especially in the opportunities to talk with the
partner and review as a patrol.
Working out your Route
Roverway will help participants to reflect
individually and as a patrol on what motivates
them to get involved and what challenges they
see in today’s society. They will be encouraged
to reflect on what Scouting and Guiding means to
them, specifically “being active citizens involved
in society”.
Let’s get to know each other!
Roverway will allow participants to learn about the
added-value of Scouting and Guiding for Europe
as a whole. The event will encourage them to
communicate this message and make themselves
heard in European civil society.
Simply Rovers/Rangers
One of the major concerns of Scoutisme Francais
is to allow young people and young adults to be
deeply involved in the sustainable management
of our environment. Scouting and Guiding allow
to live simply and unostentatiously, stressing
Let’s surpass ourselves!
“being” rather than “having”. During Roverway, we
Roverway will offer young people an opportunity want to operate in such a way that young people
to explore their national and European identities, are not just aware of this but also want to apply
by reflecting on the “European spirit” and how it is these principles in their lives.
linked to their own dreams and hopes for the future
of the continent. Roverway will encourage young Rovers/Rangers of tomorrow
people’s genuine commitment for sustainable At European level, the spirit of Rovers and Rangers
is experienced through opportunities to meet
and exchange ideas. Since it is an event for all
European Rovers/Rangers, Roverway is a special
opportunity to help the section propel itself into
the future.
Roverway Program
Rovers and Rangers are going to live this event in two parts : the Roads and the Central Camp. This first bulletin presents the organisational
details of the first part of the event.
The “Carrefours” (Crossroads)
“Carrefour” (Crossroad) is the name given to the different areas of France
put in place by the Roverway 2016 team. There will be seven geographic
areas for the first part of Roverway. They will be :
The Road
It is a community action project which will take place at local level, all over
Four themes will be offered :
- Ile de France (IDF)
- North
- East
- Mountains
- Mediterranean
- South-West
- West
A “Carrefour” is the place where the local element of Roverway (the “Road”)
takes place. With an average duration of six days and with a participation of
around 50 young people, the Road is placed under the sign of meeting, local
involvement, citizenship action.
About fifteen “Roads” will be proposed on each of these “Carrefours”, from
4 to 9 August 2016.
These are the main themes from which participants can choose their Road.
The projects will take place in partnership with local partners and will be
designed together with the Rovers and Rangers on each Road.
Each Road will bring together 5-6 patrols of Rovers and Rangers from
different countries, around fifty people. Beside the main project, there will
be lots of opportunities to work together and share with the other patrols
and the host team from France.
There will be six days of European community action, six days of meetings
in local communities before joining on August 10th the Central Camp based
to Jambville, near Paris.
participation in roverway 2016
Contingent Management Teams
Internationale Service Team
Each national contingent has the possibility of bringing a support team
of adult leaders - a Contingent Management Team (CMT). Contingent
Management Team will camp in the Central Camp during the gathering.
Each Contingent is limited in the number of adults they may bring on their
Contingent Management Team, depending on the number of young people
in the Contingent.
More information will be presented later.
An estimated 500 staff are needed to run Roverway 2016, and they will
come from countries all around Europe. Being a staff member is a formative
opportunity where you can make a contribution to the young people of the
world today.
The International Service Team (IST) will be opened to active Scouts and
Guides age 22 or over at the start of Roverway 2016 ( born on or before the
03rd august 1994). Members of the IST should be able to speak English and/
or French and be prepared to take any task needed to create an incredible
Roverway Planning Team
Those involved with planning and preparing Roverway are included in
the Roverway Planning Team. This team will be, at the end, international.
Information on how to apply will be distribued later.
All members of the Roverway Planning Team must be active Scouts and
Guides and have the approval of their National Scout Organization/Member
Appointment of Head of Contingent
Every National Contingent (Scout/Guide) must have a leader who is
reponsible for the Contingent. The Head of Contingent (HoC) is appointed
by the National Scout Organization/Member Organization and is the contact
person for the Roverway 2016 Office.
It is important for us to make contact with Heads of Contingents as soon as
possible. Please contact hoc@roverway2016.org
Participants and leaders
Participants at Roverway 2016 are young people aged between 16 and
22 years old (born between 14 august 1994 and 03 august 2000). They
participate in patrols of 6-8 people. The team can be assisted by one adult
leader (+18 y.o) according to NSO/MO regulations.
Roverway 2016 logo
The logo contains two separate parts.
The upper part contains the event name plus an illustration showing the
Eiffel tower amongst tents. It represents a Scout event firmly based in
today’s society.
The lower part is made up of the location and date of the event plus the
international dimension of the event with the official logos of the World
Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and the World Association of
Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
Institutional level
Informal level
Central camp site
After 9 days on the roads of France, 5000 Rovers and Rangers will find
themselves in the North of Paris, in Yvelines, at the heart of Vexin regional
park. Roverway 2016 will be welcomed on the Scouts of the World base of
Jambville. This 52 hectare property is regularly used for large-scale events.
This extraordinary site is going to allow us to live together: Scouts and
Guides from all Europe.
In order to help contingents to promote Roverway2016, we developed a
whole series of promotion documents (bookmarks, brochures, customizable
posters, master, letterhead...). You can find all these files and also the design
guidelines in Rover-Office Common Documents.
Organization and governance of roverway 2016
educational programs
Roverway 2016
territorial animation of ‘routes’
communication marketing
international relations
Joint Committee
logistics - general resources
finances administration
Participated in the 21st et 22nd
World Scout Jamborees and to
the organization of several big
gatherings in France.
Employee since April 2013, and
young mom since the end of 2014,
she leads the steering committee to
answer the ambitions of the project
and to make of this Roverway a
project built for and by young
Participated in the 21st et 22nd
World Scout Jamborees and to
the organization of several big
gatherings in France.
Employee on the project since
October, 2014, Marie has already
been part of the project as
volunteer by creating the newsletter
Animation Of
Participated in Roverway 2003.
Participated in Roverway 2003 and
in the 20th World Scout Jamboree in
He was requested at first to
participate in the construction of
Roverway 2016 as link with his
association as Rover Commissioner.
Then as actor of first row in the
preparation as steering committee
Convinced with the importance of
European citizenship and the strong
commitment of youngsters, the
success of this gathering would be a
good depiction to her matter.
Participated, for more than 10 years,
in numerous gatherings from 2 000
up to 25 000 people.
Steering committee member, he is
in the service of the animation of
these 10 days of meetings. He is in
charge of transport, of the catering,
the safety, the IST, the health, or the
infrastructures, the stage, the PA
system, etc. …
Participated in Roverway 2012
as project manager assistant for 4
months in Finland then as volunteer
in the French national voluntary
service in Paris.
Has been involved in Roverway
2016 project from April 2013,
this included the presentation in
Berlin during the joint WOSM and
WAGGGS European conference.
Participated in the EEUdF centenary
upon her arrival in 2011.
Roverway 2016 is the opportunity
to call back that these shared values
allow young people to become
active citizens capable of bringing
a positive change within their
community and in the world.
Participated in the 22nd World Scout
Since April 2013 he has been part
of the Roverway team by integrating
actions carried out by the Scoutisme
Français. He he will be checking
that the books balance and putting
into place management tools and
mechanisms between European
Rovers and Rangers, the Roads and
the Crossroads.
Terms and Conditions - Roverway 2016
Participants ages
Payment schedule
The participants at Roverway 2016 are young people aged between 16 and
22 years old at the start of the event (born between 14 august 1994 and 03
august 2000).
Those aged 22 ans and above (those born on or before 03rd august 1994)
should apply to be members of the International Service Team (IST).
A payment schedule was decided as follows: 30% of the total amount to be
paid upon registration (between September and December 2015), 30% in
January 2016 and finally 40% in April 2016.
Cat. A
Cat. B
Cat. C
Cat. D
Cat. E
Fees for participants
Total sum
550 €
Registration deposit (30%)
148,5€ 165€
The categories of participant fees for Roverway 2016 were approved by the
Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region in November 2014.
In order to encourage more Scouts and Guides from every European country
and to demonstrate Scouting and Guidin solidarity, the Roverway fees are
discounted by category of country. This approach with different levels of
fees is based on the Gross National Product (GNP) of each country. NSO/MO
can confirm their category with the Roverway office.
Deposit janvier 2016 (30%)
148,5€ 165€
Deposit avril 2016 (40%)
Category A
Category B
Category C
Category D
Category E
Rates are applicable from September till December, 2015. For the registrations from January, 2016 an increase will soon be indicated.
Registration process
The registration process will be communicated to all National Scout Organizations and Members Organizations of European Regions (WOSM and WAGGGS) by the third quarter of 2015.
Only National Scout Organizations and Members Organizations can register
Contingents, there is no individual registration quota.
The International service Team is essential for the successful running of
Roverway 2016 and NSOs/MOs are encouraged to assist the organisers by
recruiting suitable adults for the IST. Regardless of Contingent size, no NSO/
MO may have more adults than young people in their Contingent.
Registration will be based on an electronic registration system. Registrations
will be in four categories : Participants, Leaders, IST members and members
of the Contingent Management Team (CMT).
More information will be presented later.
inspirations of the constituent associations,
Scoutisme Français asserts the educational
unity of Scouting in the service of the youth
in France.
Scoutisme Français brings together French
associations claiming goals, principles
and methods of Scouting as defined by
the constitutions of the World Association
Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), and
of the World Organization of the Scout
Movement (WOSM). These five associations
belong by its intermediary to the world
authorities of Guiding and Scouting
Independent from any political party, in
understanding and respect for the diverse
It intends to settle all questions of common
interest to Scouting and to submit to
members of various associations, as well
as public opinion, the reality of a French
Scouting united in diversity (article 1).
Living together, educating through games
and taking responsibilities are the ways
the five associations choose to allow every
child and every young person to build
his/her references in the world where
he/she lives.
EclaireuSES EclaireuRs de
EclaireuSES et EclaireuRS
unionistes de France
EclaireuSES et EclaireuRS
israelites de France
scouts et guides de France
Scouts musulmans de France
Roverway 2016
65 rue de la Glacière
75013 PARIS