Name Area of a Circle R 10.12 A circular bucket has a radius of 6 in. Find the area of the bottom of the bucket. The formula for finding the area of a circle is A : ;P. One Way Another Way Use 3.1 4 for rr. Use A: nf A: nf -fx62 :3.1 4x62 : 3.14 X 36 113.O4 in2 ff With a Galculator for tr. Press: Dispray: :ffx36 _22,,36 |" 792 _ @mErnm ffiffiffiffiffi 1 7 : 113.14 in2 The bucket's area is about 1 13 in2. Find the area of each circle to the nearest whole number. Use 3.1 a or !. 4, r:9yd 5. 6. r:14cm 7. d :2.4'ft 8. r: 9. d:8.8m d:20m @ O tc .o 22 cm (! O f, ! I.TJ c o @ (d s) 10. d:32cm 11. r: 5.3 m (L @ 12. Reasoning lf the circumference of a circle is j gn., what is the area of the circle? Use with Lesson 10-'12. 127 Name Area of a Gircle P lo-12 Find the area of each circre to the nearest whore number. Use 3.1 a or ff. 4. d :14in. 5, r:11.25cm 6. d:2mi Brian's dad wants to put a circurar poor in their backyard. He can choose between pools with diameters of 15 ft,1T ft,'ar 22ft. Round to the nearest square foot. 7 ' 8. How many more square feet wourd the 17 ft poor use than the 15 ft pool? How many more square feet would lhe 22ft pool use than the 17 ft pool? Test Prep 9. On a water ride at the amuserglt park, a rotating varve sprays water for 15 ft in alt directions. what is the ur"u oi the circulai wet patch it creates? A. (o o c io 30 ft2 B. 31.4 ft2 C.94.2 ftz D. 206.5 ft2 10. writing in Math Exprain how to find the radius of a circle with an area of 50.24 mi. f E c LIJ o 6 (Io @ Use with Lesson 1o-l2. 127 Name Area of a Gircle PS I O.72 Pizzena Field Trip As a part of their study on nutrition, Mr. Johnson's sixth-grade class went to the pizzeriato learn how to make healthy pizzas. 1. One group prepared a veggie pizzawith a diameter ol 2O in. lf the pizza was divided into 8 equal slices, what was the area of each slice? 2. Another group prepared a low-fat cheese and pizza.The spinach pizza was then cut into slices as shown. What was the total area of the pizza? 3. A third group made a whole wheat pizza crust with a circumference of 157 cm. What was the area of the crust? City Map An outer belt is a road that loops around a city. On this map, Route 936 is an outer belt. Routes 12 and 4 meet exactly at the center of the city. 4. lf you drove once around Route 936, how far would you have traveled? 5. What is the area of land inside Route 9g6? 6. writing in Math Explain the steps you took to solve Exercise 3. (o o c c .E o f ! UJ c o o (g o @ Use with Lesson 10-12. 127 Name E 10,.12 VISUAL THINKTNG Napoleon's Ghallenge Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769. He became one of the greatest military leaders of alltime. Napoleon would judge the intelligence of his lieutenants by posing problems in geometry. The following problem came to be known as Napoleon's challenge. The diameter of the large circle with center O is 4 in. 1. What is the area of the @ o c large circle with center O? 2. Find the areas of the four inscribed circles with centers A, B, C, and D. 3. Add the sums of the areas of circles A, B, C, and D. Do they equal the sum of the area of the large circle? o F 6 : o o uI c o a (! q) o 4. Do you think this is true for any size circle in Napoleon's challenge? Explain. Use with Lesson 1o-12. 127 Area of a Circle Find the area of €ach circlo io lhe Use 3.14 or Area of a Circle ?. (9 (:4 LP-) \---/ \--l 3./ir\ 4- d - 14 5 km2 in. - Use3.l4fortr. = 3.14 fet would th€ 17 ft p@l use Use 3.14 t" 3oft" B. Y:;:: ;l S1! 31 .4 ;lprain tt2 c. s4.2 # €ch 1 1 A in2. circle to tho nmrest wholo number z cm2 3' ,'----\ /i\ 266 m2 4.t=syd 2ilYd" 6. r-14cm 615 cm2 s. t=2zcm 11520 cm2 ro. d=s2m 804 cm2 - @zoo.s tt, how ro nnd the radius of a circre with Sample answer: BecauseA = is about or+. 804 On a wator ride at the amusemsnt park, a rctating valve sprays water fo.I 5 lt in all dlrections. What is the dea of the circuh; w€t patch it creat6? A *lE ri Test Prep 9. -+x36 -4x@ t1 '/1 153 ft2 use than the 17 ft poo,? fta Find tho ar€a ot 50 ft2 8" How mdy more square feet would tho 22 ft pool cffiE@@ ry:Wmffi "-'' 7 The bucket's 3 mi2 Brian's dad wants to put a circular pool jn thef backyard. He can ch@e betueen p@ls with djamet66 of 15 ft, t 7 ft, or 22 ft. Round nea6t square foot. How many more square than the 1 5 ft pool? Witlt a Calculator -?*a' x 6, =3.14x36 =113.04in2 to the 7. tuother = 1 13.14 in, 6. d=2mi 397 cm2 Way U*florn. One Way 1,764 cmz 5, t - j1.25 cm Iilin2 nf. lvhal because the square root of 16 is 4, usewinreson Napoleon's Challenge is the s.d=2om 314 m2 7. d=2.4* 5 ft2 61 m2 e. d=8.8m 1r. r=s.3m 88 m2 81n aEa of th€ circl6? rorr. 127 E IGI2 vtgual txtiKtilc Napol@n Bonapade was born in 1769. Ho.became one of the greatost military leadere of all iime. Napol@n would judge the intslligonce ot his lidtenants by posing problms in goometry The following pbblem came to b€ known as Napoleon,s challengs. ui".i 87 in2 12. Reasoning lf th€ circumfgrence of a circle is l8r. The diamoter rcl2 A circular bucket h6 a radius of 6 in. Find the a@ of the bottom of ih€ buckd. The tomuta for flnding the area of a circle is A ,F. \-/ 1,075 in2 n nearst whole number u"..m r"*. rorz. 127 Area of a Circle PS lGt2 Piz€ria Fieid Trip As a pad of thsir study on nutrition, Mi Johnsn's sixth-grade dN went to lh€ plzeia to lean how to make healthy pizas. 'I ofthe la€e circte with cent€r O is 4 in. . On6 g@up prepar€d a veggie piza with a diamEter of 20 in. It th€ piza was divid€d into 8 equat stices, what the area of each slic€? 39.25 in2 w Z Anothor group pGpared a low-fat chse and spinach pla. The wG then cut inio slicos as shown. What was the total area of the pjza? pie About 200.96 in2 3. A ihird grcup made a whole wheat piza crusl with a circumfer€nce of 1S7 cm. What w6 the area of the crust? About 1,962.5 cm2 ,{I>t) w CiV Map An outer belt is a road that joops arcund a city On this map, Boute 936 is an oder bett. Aoutes t2 and 4 me€t oxactly at tho cents of the city. 4. (o c l. io (! f About 37.68 mi @a of the laqe circie with center O? 12.56 inz 2. Find the and D. 5. 3. (6 (ro Add tho sums of the equal the sum ot the 6. Writing in ilath of the tarce circle? inside Route 936? Exptain the steps you took to $tvo Exercise a oiameterofsocffi Yes; 12.56 in2 @ 4, tdd Sample answer: I divided 157 (the circumference) by 3.14 to find the are6 of circlesA, 8, C, and D. Do they ea What is tho area of About 113.(M mi2 ares of the four inscribed circl6s with centers A, g, C All of them are 3.14 in2. uJ @ What is the lf Wu drove once arcund Route 936, how far would you have travelod? Do you think this is true tor any size circle in Napoleon,s challonge? Explain. $ample answer: Yes, the relationship qftlre circles stays the same. usewnnressonr+rz. 127 diameter to find the radius of 25 cm. The!, I useA tne tormuti tor area to us"*uem'rorp. 127 Use with Chapter 10, Lesson 12 127
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