WELDON F. HONEYCUTT / HAMBURGER HILL CHAPTER RAKKASANS - 187TH AIRBORNE INFANTRY REGIMENT 46th COMMEMORATIVE AND REUNION MAY 11th – 15th 2015 Fellow Rakkasan: I am writing to ask that you join all of your brothers in combat at our 46th reunion of our action on Dong Ap Bia / Hill 937 / Hamburger Hill. In May of 1969 we ventured forth to our “rendezvous with destiny”. With each passing year we get older, our health changes, and unfortunately we lose a few comrades. I am asking that you come join us and renew old friendships forged on the field of battle. I believe that we have put together a program both in Clarksville and FT. Campbell that will honor our comrades and renew our friendship. This letter gives you a summary of the activities and the cost of the event. I hope that each of you will be able to join us and bring a friend to experience our bonding. Look forward to seeing you. Rakkasan Bob Harkins President, Alpha 6 LOCATION: RIVERVIEW INN 50 COLLEGE STREET - CLARKSVILLE, TN – 37040 877-487-4837 931-552-3331 A block of rooms has been reserved in the name of the Hamburger Hill Rakkasans. Please contact the hotel directly for your room reservations. Our group room rate is $84.00 per night, double occupancy, plus any taxes. Please make your reservations early and remember to let them know you are with our group. Make your room reservations on your own, they are separate from our reunion costs. 1 Agenda Monday 11 May, 2015 Arrive Montgomery Room and Lobby for arrival. Hospitality Room Open. Tuesday May 12, 2015 Breakfast at the Riverview Inn. 1000 -1030 Arrive at the Battalion Area 1045 – 1145 Pratt Museum tour 1200 – 1230 Fisher House Tour. 1230 - 1300 Lunch on our own 1400 – 1600 HH War Stories Video and discussion at Cole Park Commons Ft. Campbell. 1900 – 2100: Hospitality Room Open. Wednesday May 13, 2015 Breakfast at the Riverview Inn 1000 – 1200: Activities with Battalion (Range Shoot with the Battalion (M9 9mm, M4 5.56 Carbine, M249 SAW, M240B MG Event and Static Displays of all the Battalions equipment). 1200 - 1330: Lunch at DFAC (Mess Hall). Cost is $5.45 1400 – 1600: Talk through the Events of the Hill Recording of Oral History for the Battle of Hamburger Hill, all veterans in attendance should participate to hear the perspectives of their fellow veterans and to preserve the History of the Rakkasans. Location will be in 3-187 conference room. 3D terrain model will be provided by Pratt Museum for walk through of events. E-7 and above from the Battalion will be in attendance. 1900 – 2100: Informal Reception with Active Duty Troops, Riverview Inn (Ballroom). Hospitality Room Open. Thursday May 14, 2015 Breakfast at the Riverview Inn. 1030 - 1130: 45th Commemorative of Dong Ap Bia, Rakkasan Pylon Ceremony, Pratt Museum. (Fort Campbell). 1200 - 1300: Lunch at the Rakkasan BDE Dining Facility accompanied by Active Duty Rakkasans. 1400 -1500: Hamburger Hill Chapter Meeting 1900 – 2100: Hamburger Hill Memorial Dinner ( Hospitality Room Open Friday May 15, 2015 Breakfast at the Riverview Inn Depart No formal Activities planned during the afternoon and evening Hospitality Room Open 2 REUNION COSTS: $125 Per Person (The cost includes: Chapter Dues, Reception, Commemorative Dinner, Chapter Luncheon Thursday, and meeting and room fees). Funds are NOT included this year for the purchase of refreshments for the upstairs hospitality room. Please earmark any donations for its operation to Bob Harkins. Additionally, Mike Smith will be collecting contributions for the enlisted soldier to attend the reception and dinner. Need your help please. It is very important to all of us that each and every vet of “The Hill”, be present at the reunion. We want to see you. If there are financial constraints that may prohibit your attendance let me know and we will try to arrange assistance. Please let us help. PLEASE LET US KNOW YOUR NUMBER OF RESERVATIONS AND FORWARD PAYMENT TO Mike Smith, OUR TREASURER, AT THE BELOW LISTED ADDRESS, checks payable to Weldon F. Honeycutt /Hamburger Hill Chapter Mike Smith Treasurer, Weldon F. Honeycutt /Hamburger Hill Chapter 630 Waverly Avenue Washington Court House, Ohio 43160 DRESS: Dress is always casual for all events except the Memorial Dinner. The active duty group will be in Dress Blues and it would be nice if we were in business attire (Coat and Tie). Not mandatory, but just because of the occasion. PRIORITY REQUEST: This is the 46th Anniversary! Please contact everyone you know! Beat the bushes, there are a lot of our former buddies who still don’t know we exist or that we do this every year! If you know anyone who served alongside us, Artillery, Aviation, let them know they are welcome. Our contact list is dwindling due to people moving or not informing us of an e-mail change. We need all the help we can get to have a large turnout! REMINDER / IMPORTANT: TO BE A VOTING MEMBER OF THE CHAPTER YOU MUST BE CURRENT IN YOUR CHAPTER DUES AND A MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. CHAPTER DUES ARE $10 PER YEAR, PLEASE INCLUDE WITH YOUR RESERVATION. ALSO, IF YOU ARE NOT A LIFETIME MEMBER, MAKE SURE YOUR DUES ARE CURRENT WITH THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION! THEY ARE $25 PER YEAR AND SHOULD BE SENT TO: SONNY COOL WITH THE NATIONAL CHAPTER. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR THE CHAPTER AND THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AT THE WELCOME TABLE WHEN YOU ARRIVE. BOARD MEMBERSHIP: Below is the current makeup of our Board. President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Non-Officer Director #1 Non-Officer Director #2 Bob Harkins *Frank Arias Mike Smith *Margie Vander Luitgaren *Wayne Olson John Dewyse bharkins@austin.utexas.edu Abnranger2@aol.com michael_smith672@yahoo.com rakshimbun@wk.net wayne.olson187th@yahoo.com jpdewyse@sbcglobal.net *This year the office of Vice President (Frank Arias), Secretary (Margie Vander Luitgaren) and the #1 NonOfficer Director position (Wayne Olson) are up for election. All three members that are up for election 3 have agreed stay on the Board. If there are others that want to join the Board, please contact me. Other Activities: Battalion Event: As all know the Battalion is deployed. The remaining members of the Battalion will support our Reunion as best they can. I am certain we all appreciate their effort. Additionally the 2/506 th Infantry Regiment will provide support to our activities. Silent Auction: We ask that each attendee bring an item that we can include in a silent auction to help raise some funds for the Chapter. We are also exploring Shirts, Hats, Coins, and Belt Buckles for sale to the attendees. The items would be displayed at the Welcome Dinner and the Chapter Luncheon. Items can be "re-gifted" items that you have received that you might not “need”, military items that you have duplicates of, and in case you forget, get over to Wal-Mart and get a gift certificate. Diet Restrictions: If any attendees to the Reunion have diet considerations please indicate on your registration sent to Mike. We will need a final count a week prior to the event for any gluten free guests or other diet restrictions. We will do our best to see that and they receive a special pre plated meal for the dinner. Shirts/ Hats/ Belt Buckles: We have designed a special shirt for this event. The order forms are included. We will also have Hats and belt buckles available for purchase. Please complete the Registration form and RETURN with checks payable checks payable to Weldon F. Honeycutt /Hamburger Hill Chapter to: Mike Smith Treasurer, Weldon F. Honeycutt /Hamburger Hill Chapter 630 Waverly Avenue Washington Court House, Ohio 43160 If there are special requirements, please note on the back of the Registration Form. 4 WELDON F. HONEYCUTT / HAMBURGER HILL CHAPTER RAKKASANS - 187TH AIRBORNE INFANTRY REGIMENT 45th COMMEMORATIVE AND REUNION MAY 13th – 17th 2014 REGISTRATION FORM 1. 2. 4. 5. Reunion Attendance Vet Name ________________________Company ____ $125.00 Guest ________________________________ $125.00 Guest ________________________________ $125.00 Guest ________________________________ $125.00 Tuesday May 12, 2015: 1000 -1030 Arrive at the Battalion Area 1045 – 1145 Pratt Museum tour Number in Attendance ________ 1200 – 1230 Fisher House Tour Number in Attendance ________ 1230 - 1300 Lunch on our own 1400 – 1600 HH War Stories Video and discussion Number in Attendance ________ Wednesday May 13, 2015: 1000 – 1200: Activities with Battalion Number in Attendance ________ 1200 - 1330: Lunch at DFAC (Mess Hall) Cost is $5.45 Number in Attendance ________ 1400 – 1600:Talk through the Events of the Hill Number in Attendance ________ 1900 – 2100: Informal Reception with Active Duty Troops Number in Attendance ________ 1200 - 1300: Lunch at DFAC (Mess Hall Cost is $5.45) Number in Attendance ________ Thursday May 14, 2015: 1030 - 1130: 46th Commemorative of Dong Ap Bia, 1200 - 1300: Lunch at DFAC (Mess Hall) Cost is $5.45 1400 -1500: Hamburger Hill Chapter Meeting 1900 – 2100: Hamburger Hill Memorial Dinner Number in Attendance ________ Number in Attendance ________ Number in Attendance ________ Number in Attendance ________ 6. 7. 8. Shirt ( See Order Form) Hat ($20.00) Belt Buckle Size (Small) Size (Large) Number _________ Number _________ Number _________ 9. Coin Number _________ ($7.00) 5
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