Yes No I’m visiting for the first time I’m looking for a home church Email me the weekly bulletin I would like some Offering Envelopes I’d like more info about: Programs/Classes Baptism LifeGroups Being a Christian How can we help? Complete this tear-off section and bring it to the Information Station in the atrium. Name Email Phone I would like to speak with someone from Creekside Comments: FACTS&FIGURESLAST week ATTENDANCE GIVING received last week budget last week received to date budget to date annual budget 8:30a • 334 9:45a • 691 11:15a • 726 $28,585 $25,146 $1,361,319 $1,451,655 $1,852,535 Following the Rabbi Will You Follow? June 7, 2015 Teaching | Nat Evans SERVICE TIMES: 8:30, 9:45 & 11:15a FOURWAYStoGIVE 1. offering box in the atrium 2. pre-authorized payment (details by offering box) 3. online at 4. donations to financial securities LISTEN to FaithFM 94.3 Thursdays at 7:30 pm for Engage Life with Ken Taylor! SCAN here for our website! Welcome to Creekside! Office Hours • Monday to Friday 8:30a - 4:30p 660 Conservation Drive, Waterloo, ON N2J 3Z4 P 519.725.0265 F 519.725.2609 We’re glad you’re here! Whether you’re exploring Christianity, struggling with life’s difficulties, or looking for a church home, we’re here to help. Fill out the tear-off portion of this bulletin and bring it to the Information Station. We’ll answer your questions, give you a free gift and help you connect to life at Creekside. NEXT SUNDAY: I Declare Baptism Sunday SERVICE TIMES: 8:30, 9:45 & 11:15a FOLLOW JESUS. LOVE GOD. LOVE PEOPLE. Programs Get Involved VOLUNTEER KIDS + PRE-TEENS Birth - Grade 6 • Programs during all three Sunday services in the Kids Wing. FREE drop-in at the City Park Playground now CLOSED ‘til Fall. YOUTH + YOUNG ADULTS Grades 7 & 8 Thursdays @ 7:00p Ends June 11 OR /ya Meets all year long, new participants welcome any time. Like us on Facebook for summer events VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY • Chair Crew Looking for people to help set up and take down chairs Sunday mornings. Contact Tom Scott, What’s Up? 9 & DINE GOLF FUN EVENT • June 13 At Merry-Hill Golf Club. All proceeds to Creekside Cares, to help those in need. More info at Tickets on sale in atrium! Still looking for prizes for the auction/raffle table, contact Grades 9 –12 Ages 13 & under Creekside Church Creekside Church Fridays @ 7:00p Sign up to help us this summer at EPIC kids week! July 20-24, Monday-Friday, 9am-noon. Come spend time with the kids & have the best week of your summer! Visit us at the Kiosk in the Kids Atrium today! Young Adults Grades 9 –12 Wednesdays @ 7:00p Ends June 10 CELEBRATE RECOVERY 3 Nights/3 Locations VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY • Kids Ministry Fridays @ 7:00p BAPTISMS • June 14 If you’re interested in getting baptized, contact Jeff at SINGLE & SINGLE AGAIN CONNECTION EVENT • June 14 @ 3:00p Women’s Self Defense. More info and sign up at’s-self-defense. Jesus calls us to serve others. Taking the focus off ourselves and serving others does something to transform our hearts as we become more like Jesus. Summer is almost here and Kids Ministry needs your help. We need people to help in our kids rooms as some of our regular volunteers will be away on vacation this summer. Even if you have no previous experience working with children, we will train you and show you what to do. You do not need to be a Bible Scholar or know all the answers. If you have a willing heart, and want to be a part of helping kids learn about Jesus, then come and talk with us at the Kiosk in the Kids Atrium. There are many options to choose from, and spaces available in any of the 3 services. As you serve the kids, you will be impacting their lives & their parents’ lives, and there will be life change in you too! Carolyn Burge, Kids’ Pastor CLASSES THE REASONABLE CHRISTIAN CLASS • June 14, 21 & 28 @ 9:45a, room 218 Join Steve Malinowski to talk about the nature of faith and rationalism and to understand how to make thoughtful evaluations about belief systems for yourself. Sign up online. CHURCH FAMILY DESSERT NIGHT & ADVANCE MEETING Sunday, June 14 @ 6:00p Join us to hear our vision for the new ministry year while enjoying a dessert! Members will be voting on Ministry Action Plans and budget for the 2015-2016 ministry year, and on re-electing Shane Pegg as an elder for a three-year term. Shane’s bio and the Meeting Information Package are available on the web at My Creekside (under Files). Everyone welcome! Childcare provided up to age 5.
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