Nursery for December December 1: December 8: December 15: December 22: December 29: Kathy Stucky Charlotte Jost Lori Jolliff Jennifer Rosentiel Lindsey and Angie Voth Liturgists for December December 1: December 8: December 15: December 22: December 29: Karla Stauffer Kay Larson Sandi Crider Suanne Eshleman Kasha Stiner Thank You Thank you, my Salem friends for all the cards, flowers and calls that I received on my 95th birthday. You made my day very special. Also thanks for the get well cards. A special thanks to Pastor Nancy for her visits and prayers. It was all very much appreciated. With love, Beryl Laswell Open Door Klothes Kloset December 2013 Sunday Worship Schedule 9:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Worship Church Office Hours Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 12:00 pm 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm Church Contacts 115 Old Main Newton, KS 67114 Phone: (316) 283-3620 Fax: (316) 283-3629 Email: Web site: All volunteers interested are W ELCOME at Klothes Kloset in Wichita on either Tuesdays or Thursdays. It is helpful for the volunteer coordinator to know in advance how many are planning to be there. Those currently going monthly plan to leave Salem at 8 am on a Thursday every month, taking clothing and volunteering until 11:30. Following lunch in Wichita, we usually return to Newton by 1:30 p.m. Contact Ladonna Unruh or Charlotte Jost if you want more information. The clothes will be picked up Thursday, December 5, 2013. It would be appreciated if clothing brought to the church for Open Door be placed in plastic bags, which can be handled by older (NOT old) women. Boxes are difficult to load and truly limit the amount we can take. Good Samaritan Fund On the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday) baskets will be placed at the front of the Sanctuary if you would like to donate to the Good Samaritan Fund during Holy Communion. These funds are used for people in desperate need of immediate help. Received for Expenses as of 11-24-13 $201,216.25 Salem United Methodist Church Vision: Salem United Methodist Church is a joy filled body of Christ which invites God’s people into a connected relationship where they might find acceptance, belonging, trust and unconditional love as they seek to live their discipleship. Salem United Methodist Church Sun Mon December 2013 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 COMMUNION 1st Sunday of Advent 5:15pm - FLC Soccer Practice 7:00pm - Girl Scouts 9:30am - C in C 7:00pm - FLC B-ball Practice 7:00pm - Finance Committee 11:00am - ASAP 12:00pm - UMW Executive Committee 1:00pm - UMW 6:15pm - FLC Youth 7:00pm - Adult Choir 8:00am - Clothes to Open Door 12:00pm - Piece Keepers 1:30pm - Advent Study 6:00pm - FLC and FH Reserved 1:00pm - FH Reserved 8:00am - FLC Reserved Angel Tree Dinner at 6:00pm 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8:00am - FLC Breakfast 4:00pm - Sound of the Heartland benefit concert for Safe House 5:30pm - FH Crusader’s Party 5:15pm - FLC Soccer Practice 7:00pm - Girl Scouts 7:00pm - Grief Support Group 15 Poinsettias displayed 3:00pm - FLC Caroling Party 22 9:00am - Com. Dist. 11:30am - FLC Red Hat 7:00pm - Red Bird 6:15pm - FLC Youth 7:00pm - Adult Choir 16 17 18 5:15pm - FLC Soccer Practice 7:00pm - Girl Scouts 9:30am - C in C 5:00pm - FLC kitchen Reserved Girl Scouts 7:00pm - Worship Team 11:00am - ASAP 6:15pm - FLC Youth 7:00pm - Adult Choir 23 12:00pm - Piece Keepers 1:30pm - Advent Study 6:00pm - FH Reserved 6:00pm - FLC B-ball Pract. 7:00pm - Trustee Meeting 10:00am - FLC Reserved Family Dinner 19 9:30am - SUMC Staff 20 21 Christmas Breakfast 12:00pm - Piece Keepers 1:30pm - Advent Study 6:00pm - FH Reserved 6:00pm - FLC B-ball Pract. 7:00pm - Blue Christmas Service 8:00am - FLC Reserved Family Dinner 24 Church Office 25 Church Office 26 Pastor Vacation Poinsettias displayed Christmas Program during worship 7:00pm - Girl Scouts Closed 9:30am - C in C 7:00pm and 11:00pm Christmas Eve Service Closed 2:00pm - FLC Reserved 12:00pm - Piece Keepers 6:00pm - FH Reserved 29 31 Pastor Vacation 30 Pastor Vacation 7:00pm - Girl Scouts Pastor Vacation 9:30am - C in C 27 Pastor Vacation 28 Pastor Vacation 8:00am - UMM Breadbasket Sunday Worship Schedule 9:00 AM - Sunday School 10:00 AM - Worship December Birthdays 1 1 1 3 4 4 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 17 17 20 20 Travis Basye Jay Jolliff Javen Schmucker Ashley Murrell Tanner Gatz Ruth Preston Gavin Cusick Charlie Musser Cammi Palmer Connor Petersen Marcie Arrowsmith Melissa Beyer Andrew Stauffer Brian Stauffer Ryan Williams Grady Bott Jessica Motes Helen Scott JoAnn Swearingen Kathy Devaney Meg Friday Tusuna Kimball Deb Will James Baker Laci Conyers Joe Jolliff Robert Schmidt Presleyann Saylor Alec Wald Adyson Winter Tim Bever David Briar Lois Musser Elda Pulaski Carol Ellis Maxine Smith Jerry Conyers Meghan Laaser 20 21 21 22 23 25 25 26 28 28 29 29 29 30 31 Conrad Miles Bob Brenzikofer Evan Hockett Zachary Roberts Betty Schmidt Rick Golubski Michael Stauffer Lorinda Schreiber Todd Allen Kay Larson Ashley Crider Gage Marsh Heidi Porter Carol Sauerwein Jill Sprout If there are any Birthdays or Anniversaries missing or incorrect, please let us know in the church office. Shalom Sunday School Class = ushers for December Bible Verses to Memorize December 12 Psalm 103:12 as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. December Anniversaries 4 11 17 18 22 24 26 27 28 30 31 31 Jack & Lorinda Schreiber Russell & Jane Naylor Garrett & Ashley Crider Robert & Janice Swickard James & Mary Anne Baker Louis & Nancy Crowl Barton & Heather Moore Howard & Ethel Eshleman Dana & Judith Shifflett Nyle & Paulette Wollenhaupt Jon & Kathy Ross Brad & Carla Schwabauer Acolytes for December December 1: Lindsey Voth December 8: Eli Redington December 15: Trev Golubski December 22: Cattie Arrowsmith December 29: Youth Salem UMC Mission: Disciples making disciples for Jesus Christ Christmas Boutique Here is a list of items we need for the Christmas Boutique that will be held on Friday, December 13. The Christmas Boutique allows the Asbury Park residents the opportunity to go Christmas shopping for their families at no charge to the residents. This is something we’ve done for numerous years and the residents always have a fun time picking out gifts for their loved ones. * Picture frames all sizes * Word search books or word puzzle books * Bags of trail mix * Gift boxes any size * Chocolate covered cherries *Cookie Tins any size * Christmas Items anything * Christmas hand towels and pot holders * Christmas movies * Story books for children * Christmas music CD’S * Coloring books & puzzles for children * Fleece blankets any size * Hot cocoa or apple cider packets * Specialty tea bags * Wrapping paper, holiday bags, tissue paper, bows and ribbon Please bring the items to the Asbury Park or call Shana Smith to pick up items by Monday, December 2. Asbury Park thanks you for anything you can provide to help make this a great Christmas for our elders! We can also provide a Gift In Kind receipt for individuals if they would like this for tax purposes. Thank You, Shana Smith, Director of Development 316-283-4770 Ext. 248 Prayers for Our Military As we progress though the next week please pray for the following military persons: • Captain Anthony Dey (3rd Battalion Rangers) (grandson of John R. Samuelson) • Captain Marissa (Dey) Touw (101st Airborne Division Air Assault) (granddaughter of John R. Samuelson) • SSG John R. Wilson (Army Reserve) (son of Bill and Donna Wilson) • Sergeant Michael R. Wilson (Army Reserve) (son of Bill and Donna Wilson) • Derek Swoyer (USAF) (grandson of the late Lester Unruh and LaDonna Unruh) • Major Clint Carman (National Guard) (grandson in law of Bev Rosine) • TecSgt Matthew Rosine – (USAF) (grandson of Bev Rosine) • SSgt Patrick Hilberling (USAF) (nephew of Lorna and Dennis Preston) • SSgt Zachariah Hilberling (Air National Guard) (great nephew of Lorna and Dennis Preston) • Sergeant First Class Andrew Bretches (son of the late Ralph Bretches and Sue Bretches) • Captain Janet Payne (US Army) (granddaughter of Orville and Betty Schmidt) • 1st Lt. Trenton Conyers (US Army) (son of Jerry Conyers) • Tyler Conyers (Specialist Army National Guard) (son of Jerry Conyers) • Christina Conyers (Sgt. Army National Guard) (wife of Tyler Conyers) • Michael D. Friday (AA) (US Navy) (grandson of the late Bill Friday and TJ Friday) • Lt. Aaron Ryther (US Army) (son of Les and Bev Ryther) • Airman Shawn Lowrie (USAF) (grandson of Gary and Diona Loyd) • Airman Jared Lowrie (USAF) (grandson of Gary and Diona Loyd) • Cody Russell (USAF) (great nephew of Russ and Jane Naylor) If you have relatives in the military that you would like SUMC folks to pray for, please let the church office or the pastor know. Greeters for December December 1: December 8: December 15: December 22: December 29: w=Bill and Donna Wilson e=Kay Larson w=Donella Lais e=Sandi Crider w=JB Ensz e=Lou Ensz w=Cathy Willis e=Carly and Matt Willis w=Marvin and Shirley Hinde e=Rose Mary Miller Christmas Cards You may send Christmas cards to our soldiers using this address. The cards will go to a soldier who needs to get mail. Holiday Mail for Heroes PO Box 5456 Capitol Heights, Maryland 20791-5456 Christmas Eve Service Come join us on December 24, 2013, at Salem United Methodist Church for Christmas Eve Services at either 7:00 pm or at 11:00 pm. Help us celebrate the birth of Jesus. Communion will be served. Christmas Vespers The Christmas Vespers will be Sunday, Dec. 1, 3:00 pm at Shalom Mennonite Church, 800 E First Street, Newton, KS. Vada Snider, on the flute and Karen Loucks, pianist will perform for the prelude. The program will include The Treble Clef Chorus, harpist Hilary Wolfe, and The Men's Ensemble, Hearts 4 Him. Nancy Johnson, violinist and Joan Wulf, pianist will do the offertory. A freewill offering will be taken for the scholarship fund. All are invited. Church Breakfast The Fun and Fellowship Team will provide breakfast casseroles and muffins from 8:15 am to 9:30 am in FLC on Dec. 8, 2013. Come join us!! 2013 Harvest of Love Throughout November and December the Salvation Army and the Newton Ministerial Alliance are inviting area churches, community organizations and residents of Harvey County to join in their annual food and fund drive to support people in need in our county. During these two months, we invite you to bring nonperishable food items to the church when you come for worship and other church activities. The food will be taken to the Salvation Army food pantry in Newton, where it will be distributed to area residents who are feeling the strain of these difficult economic times. If you wish to make a monetary donation you may write a check to Salem United Methodist with "Harvest of Love" in the memo line and place it in the Sunday morning offering. These funds will be distributed through the Salvation Army office, and will go towards perishable food items as well as housing, utilities and medical assistance for Harvey County residents. The Salvation Army food pantry and assistance office have seen a significant increase in requests for help in the past year, so they hope to meet and exceed their goal to gather 30,000 pounds of food and more than $30,000. Every donation is a gift that makes a difference in our neighbors’ lives! Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Blue Christmas Service Christmas has always been seen as a time of joy and laughter, family and gifts and holiday cheer. But what happens when “the blues” have hit? Daniel Benedict has written about the recent tradition of churches having “Blue Christmas” services: “Blue? Yes, blue as in the blues. As in “I am feeling blue”. Not everyone is up and cheery for the Christmas holidays. Dealing with the death of a loved one, facing life after divorce or separation, coping with the loss of a job, living with cancer or some other disease that puts question marks over the future and any number of other human situations make parties and joviality painful for many people in our congregations and communities.” This year we will have a Blue Christmas service at Salem on Thursday December 19th at 7:00. This will be a service that will focus on light in the darkness. We will have a chance to light candles and share in Holy Communion, and you will not need to pretend you are having a “holly jolly Christmas.” Please come if this is just the kind of worship experience you need this year. All are invited. Dec. 29 Meals in a box, can, or jar Dry stuff - pasta, beans, rice Baking stuff - flour, sugar, etc. Canned meat - tuna, beef stew, chicken, chili Everything you forgot the past weeks Poinsettia In Honor/Memory Of If you would like to order a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one this season you may pick up an order form in the SUM church office or you may use the order form which is an attachment in this email. This order form is also on the SUMC web site. The cost is $9.00 for each poinsettia. Orders are due into the church office by Monday, December 9, 2013. The poinsettias will be displayed from December 15-22, 2013, and may be picked up after the service on Sunday, December 22, 2013. Caroling Sunday, December 15th, 3pm. Come join the fun as we bring smiles to the faces of the nursing home residents in Newton. We will meet at the church, divide into groups, go to the nursing homes and sing carols to the residents. No need for heavy coats and gloves we will be singing indoors, up and down the hallways. Afterwards we will come back to the church and enjoy some soup and warm drinks. Plan to come and spread the Christmas Cheer!! UMCOR By the time you receive this newsletter it will almost be December 1st. While the weather is cold this week, it has been in the 60’s and it hasn’t felt like November, let alone December. It hasn’t felt like Thanksgiving time or Christmas time. This year has gone by so fast. As I write this, there are only 3 days until Thanksgiving-30 days until Christmas day! For many of us time seems to fly by. Also for many of us, it will be hard to celebrate this year. Some have experienced a death in their family. Some have lost jobs or are still looking for a job. Some are grieving, some are sick and some are discouraged. Some are simply too tired to care. The good news this Advent season and Christmas is that God knows all about our feelings. He knows because He became Immanuel-God with us. He was born from a woman and became a man so that we would know God does know how we feel, and He cares. He came as a baby so we could have eternal life. In spite of all our worries, our troubles, our griefs, our sorrows, our pain and discouragement, the good news is, the baby will be born anyway. Christmas will come again in 30 more days as it has for 2 millennia and it will continue to come until Jesus comes back and takes us to be with him. How shall we celebrate and remember that baby born so long ago? One of the ways we remember is by giving gifts. We have had the opportunity to give a gift through the Angel Tree program which is sharing God’s love with children whose parents are incarcerated. Another is through Harvest of love when we bring food to feed those in Newton who are hungry. Safe House has an angel tree with names to pick from who are children caught up in domestic violence. You don’t have to look very far to find someone who is in need. During this time of Advent as we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ Child, may we let our love for God show itself to others in our living and our giving. May you have a blessed Thanksgiving day and a wonderful Advent and Christmas season filled with peace and joy. Pastor Nancy Did you know that UMCOR-the United Methodist Committee on Relief has been working in the Philippines since the Typhoon? You can give to that relief fund through the church, and 100% of the money given will be used for this and other international disasters. Please continue to pray for those in the Philippines. SUMC Christmas Float The youth will be decorating our church float for the Christmas parade on December 5th. The theme this year is “Wise men still seek Him”, and we need riders for the float; Mary and Joseph, 3 Wise men (can be either girls or boys); and anyone else who would like to ride. We also need people to walk along side of the float to hand out flyers and candy. Please contact Pastor Nancy if you would be willing to participate.
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