PROGRAM SCHEDULE – SPRING 2015 • LECTURES • TECH LIFESTYLE • LANGUAGES • ARTS & LEISURE • TOURS PM 40050908 • COMPUTERS • SPECIAL INTEREST • HEALTH & WELL-BEING • CLUBS DAYTIME CLASSES Monday – Friday CREATIVE RETIREMENT 270 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2B9 • phone 204-949-2565 • SPRING 2015 The 55+ Learning GUIDE is the official publication of Creative Retirement 270 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2B9 p: 204-949-2565 f: 204-957-7839 CRM BOARD president vice president treasurer secretary directors Keith Bradley Barry Hammond Verly Zébière Marjorie Hutlet Glenda Armstrong Kathryn Friesen Trish Gibson John Graham Loretta Humeniuk Peter Markesteyn Peggy Prendergast CRM STAFF co-executive director Richard Denesiuk co-executive director D’Arcy Mansell The 55+ Learning Guide is published three times per year by Cutting Edge Communications, Inc. 201 – 1200 Pembina Highway Winnipeg, MB R3T 2A7 204-669-2377 or 1-866-669-2377 creative director Stan Michalak advertising sales Grant Cullen Tracey Harder April Krysowaty Printed in Canada. Postage paid in Winnipeg. Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement 40050908. Return all undeliverables to Creative Retirement 270 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2B9 welcome from the president W e are celebrating the success of two major events: our second Valentine Cabaret and CRM’s participation in I Love to Read Month. CRM music lovers were not disappointed. The Valentine Cabaret featured the Executive Big Band, an 18-piece orchestra, comprised of senior musicians. They played many favourites from the big Keith Bradley band era, prompting toe-tapping and impromptu dancing. Door prizes of chocolates and roses and a wine raffle proved very popular. The deli food was excellent and enjoyed by all. It was a fun evening! Thank you to Marjorie Hutlet and her enthusiastic helpers: Roswitha Dessureault, Loretta Humeniuk, Trish Gibson, Glenda Armstrong, Eleanor Hocking, Peggy Prendergast and D’Arcy Mansell. The I Love to Read Month is a major event for CRM. This year, Richard Denesiuk, Peggy Prendergast and Jo Millard did a fabulous job of organizing and matching school readers and volunteers. The response has been overwhelming. Thank you to all the volunteers that participated in this endeavour. Creative Retirement Manitoba recovered from our flood setback in 2014 and finished in the black thanks to the generous donations by members and the fundraising Churchill trip. We look forward to continued success in 2015. The faithful and competent CRM staff have again arranged an interesting set of educational courses for the coming Spring session. Be sure to register early, as some courses fill up very quickly. This will be my last president’s message to you. My term is up in June this year. I have served on the board for four years – two as treasurer and two as president. I have been a member of Creative Retirement Manitoba for more than 25 years: helping in the computer area, facilitating the Video Club, as well as being on the board. I celebrated my 80th birthday last year, and look forward to taking a less active role at CRM to enable me to pursue other interests. Special thanks go to our two co-executive directors, Richard Denesiuk and D’Arcy Mansell, who are the lifeblood of CRM and do a super job of ensuring our continuing success. Thank you to all the board members who have supported me in my role as president, and thank you to all the faithful CRM members. It has been a pleasure to serve you. 55+LG ©Cutting Edge Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 3 ✃ REGISTER BY MAIL OR FAX OTHER OPTIONS Clip and fill out this form. MAIL TO Creative Retirement FAX TO 204-957-7839 270 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2B9 ✉ ✆ BY MAIL: CHEQUES OR CREDIT CARD – DO NOT SEND CASH! BY FAX: CREDIT CARD ONLY IF FAXING, PLEASE PHONE 204-949-2565 TO CONFIRM THAT YOUR FAX WAS RECEIVED REGISTER ONLINE Visit and complete the registration form. Credit card payment only. Phone 204-949-2565 to confirm your registration after 48 hours. REGISTER IN PERSON MR / MRS / MS FIRST NAME Visit us at 270 Sherbrook Street. Hours: Monday to Friday, 10 am – 3 pm. LAST NAME Our office is closed on these dates: ADDRESS CITY PHONE FAX POSTAL CODE E-MAIL COURSE NAME April 3/April 6 – Good Friday /Easter Monday; May 18 – Victoria Day SORRY, NO TELEPHONE REGISTRATION COURSE NUMBER FEE AMOUNT CONFIRMATION WILL NOT BE SENT 1 $ 2 $ 3 $ 4 $ ADVANCE REGISTRATION 5 $ You must reserve your place for all courses. First-come, first served. 6 $ 7 $ 8 $ COURSES SUBTOTAL I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A DONATION $ $ Assume your registration is confirmed and the course will begin as scheduled. You WILL be contacted if there are any changes. WITHDRAWALS Refunds are subject to a $5.00 fee. Withdrawal notification must be received no later than five working days before the first class. No refunds will be issued after this period. No refunds will be issued due to weather conditions. There are no refunds on membership fees. LIMITED MEANS? I WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP $ ($40 INDIVIDUAL / $70 COUPLES) Make your cheque payable to: Creative Retirement USING A CREDIT CARD? CARD NUMBER VISA TOTAL $ It is our policy to turn no one away from our programs because of inability to pay. If this is your situation, please call to discuss options. Creative Retirement reserves the right to cancel any course due to insufficient registration. Call us about monthly giving by pre-authorized payment right from your bank account MASTERCARD EXPIRY DATE MEMBERS ! SPRING 2015 V CODE To check when your membership expires, look at the address label on this guide. ✃ SIGNATURE COURSE INDEX BY CATEGORY LECTURES Climate Change, Consensus, and the History of Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Identifying and Preventing Genocide 70 Years After the Holocaust. . . . . . . . . . . 14 Manitoba Outdoor Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 One Year After Crimea: Cold War 2.0 . . . . . . . . 13 Roman Arches: Fallen and Standing . . . . . . . . 15 Why Assisted Suicide? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 SPECIAL INTEREST Chinese Tea Appreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Garden With Onions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Making of Modern Ukraine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Near Death Experience Research . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Summer Driving: The Open Road. . . . . . . . . . . 16 The French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars . . 17 The Power of Print: Masters of Short Fiction . . . 16 This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Understanding Your Car’s Safety and Control Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Wills and Estates in Genealogy . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 TECH-LIFESTYLE Blurb Bookify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Cloud Computing: Free Services and Overview . 19 Creating & Publishing your own Photobook and Books Using Blurb Booksmart . . . . . . 19 De-Clutter Your Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Face Book: Hands-On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Facebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Facebook Settings and Features . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Getting Started with Your iPad . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 How to Easily Make a Free Website with Wordpress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Lightroom: an Overview - What is It?. . . . . . . . 18 Netflix? Roku? Overview of Home Entertainment Services and Devices. . . . . . 20 Picasa: Organize, View, Edit and Share Your Pictures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Using One Drive Cloud Technology. . . . . . . . . . 19 Where are my Pictures!? Managing your Pictures on a Computer . . . 20 COMPUTERS Computer Tips and Tricks: Keyboard Shortcuts, Remote Assistance, Clipboard and more. . . 23 Customize Your Windows - Control Panel . . . . . 23 Excel - Hands-On. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Finder: Apple’s OS File Manager . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Introduction to Computers Level I - Section A . . 21 Introduction to Computers Level I - Section B . . 21 Introduction to Computers Level II - Section A. . 21 Introduction to Computers Level II - Section B . 21 Microsoft Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 PC versus MAC: Comparison of the Two Computer Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Powerpoint - Hands-On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Windows 8.1 - Where is Everything? . . . . . . . . 22 Windows 8.1 Hands-On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 ARTS & LEISURE A Day in The Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Drawing - The Foundation of All Art. . . . . . . . . 26 Hot Docs: Documentaries and Discussion . . . . . 25 MCO Music Musicians Love Best . . . . . . . . . . . 24 MCO Rehearsal - Three Works for Guitar . . . . . 24 Origami . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 The Faerie Queen at RWB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Hound of the Baskervilles at PTE. . . . . . . . 24 Watercolour: Release your Creative Spirit! . . . . 26 HEALTH & WELL-BEING Anxiety Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Endings and Beginnings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Gentle Yoga - Section A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Gentle Yoga for Men and Women - Section B . . 27 Is Your Home Healthy?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Meditation Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Meditation: A Path to Self Awareness. . . . . . . . 29 Mindfulness/Meditation Level II . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Patient Rights and Patient Advocacy . . . . . . . . 29 Smell the Roses Walking Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Tai Chi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Walking Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 LANGUAGES French - Advanced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 French - Beginner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 French - Intermediate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Spanish - Advanced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Spanish - Beginner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Spanish - Intermediate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 TOURS Around the World in a Few Blocks . . . . . . . . . . 33 Birds Hill Walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Walking Tour of North Point Douglas . . . . . . . . 32 Geological Tour of Decorative Stone of the Manitoba Legislative Building - Section 1 . 32 Geological Tour of Decorative Stone of the Manitoba Legislative Building - Section 2 . 32 International HOPE Tour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Monarch of the Plains: Bison Tour . . . . . . . . . . 33 Ross House Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 CLUBS Basic Adobe Photoshop Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Basic Computing Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Basic Photography Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Creative Retirement Book Clubs. . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Creative Retirement Computer Club (CRCC) . . . . 35 Financial Management Shareclub . . . . . . . . . . 34 Intermediate Adobe Photoshop Club . . . . . . . . 35 Intermediate Photography Club. . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Science Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Video Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Webmaster Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Please refrain from wearing strong perfumes or colognes when attending classes as some are allergic to scents. CONTENTS 3 WELCOME from the president 4 5 8 REGISTRATION FORM COURSE INDEX BY CATEGORY WHO ARE WE? WHO ARE YOU? Periodic surveys help us determine your next learning experience 13 COURSE DETAILS 13 16 18 21 24 27 30 32 34 36 Lectures Special Interest Tech Lifestyle Computers Arts & Leisure Health & Well-Being Languages Tours Clubs MARKET PLUS LISTINGS CREATIVE RETIREMENT 270 Sherbrook, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2B9 P: 204-949-2565 F: 204-957-7839 OUR VOLUNTEERS MAKE A DIFFERENCE VOLUNTEER INSTRUCTORS AND ASSISTANTS Glenda Armstrong, Don Bailey, Keith Bradley, Bill Brisbin, Geraldine Burge, Phillip Calver, Fred Chernoff, Joan Clasen, Lorna Crean, Glenise D’Arcangelo, Elaine Delannoy, Isabella Dryden, Charlene Erb, Barry Evenson, Bob Gold, John Graham, Kenneth Green, Norman Grywinski, James Hanley, Yvonne Hardy, Paul Henteleff, Chris Kowal, Shirley Kullchyski, Lyle Lockhart, Gail Marchessault, Marian Martin, Laura Martin, Brian McCann, Jean McManus, Nathan Mitchell, Zain Mohammed, Gwenna Moss, Ken Murdoch, Ayoka Musa, Susan Nash, Joan Nurse, Bev Richards, Jim Roy, Christina Szurlej, Judy Walker, Cathy Whitfield, and Jean Wiens. THIS IS WHO WE ARE Creative Retirement is a not-forprofit education centre that contributes to the well-being of retirees and their communities by developing and offering innovative and interactive learning opportunities. Creative Retirement is governed by an elected board of volunteers and administered by a professional staff. THIS IS WHAT WE BELIEVE • People in all of their diversity have the right of access to education across their life span; • Lifelong learning promotes well-being, intellectually, emotionally, physically, socially and spiritually; • The well-being of individuals and the health of communities are interconnected; • Retirement presents a creative opportunity for individuals to enrich their lives and that of their communities; • People involved in Creative Retirement are active in governing, shaping and delivering programs; and • Seniors have a very valuable role to play in their communities by sharing their knowledge and life experience. BECOME A MEMBER NOW! Register at or use the form on page 4 of this guide. OFFICE VOLUNTEERS Glenda Armstrong, Linda Paul, Elaine Primeau, Marilyn Lockwood, Donna Sprague, Cecilia Stanley and Verly Zébière VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Would you like to help CRM raise funds this summer? We are looking for volunteers to help with our many fundraising activities and would love for you to join us. Specifically, we require volunteers to assist staff with contacting businesses and corporations for donations of goods or funds. Staff would make the initial contact with these businesses by mail and volunteers would assist with follow-up phone calls and the tracking of responses. CREATIVE RETIREMENT GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE SUPPORT OF Who are We? Who are You? Periodic surveys help us determine your next learning experience reative Retirement is a not-for-profit organization devoted to life-long learning. We have been providing a variety of learning experiences at affordable prices to Manitobans for more than 30 years. We are firm believers in mental stimulation as a major factor in good health and longevity. People in all of their diversity have the right of access to education across their life-span. Lifelong learning promotes well-being intellectually, emotionally, physically, socially and spiritually. The well-being of individuals and the health of communities are interconnected. Retirement presents a creative opportunity for individuals to enrich their lives and that of their communities. People involved in Creative Retirement are active in governing, shaping and delivering programs. Seniors have a very valuable role to play C 8 THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE in their communities by sharing their knowledge and life experience. Membership in Creative Retirement can be an investment in longevity! As well as supporting the philosophy of Creative Retirement, membership benefits are: • Subscription to the 55+ Learning Guide for one year; • Opportunity to register for members-only courses; • Substantial discounts for regular course registration; • Ownership in one of Canada’s best known elder education programs. In 2014, Creative Retirement conducted a survey, one of many over the years, to get a snapshot of our membership and help us plan what courses we would be offering. W W W. C R M . M B . C A 2014 Creative Retirement Survey 1 2 3 4 5 How LONG have you been involved with CRM? 1 to 5 years 134 43% 6 to 10 years 79 25% 10 to 15 years 41 13% Less than 1 year 38 12% More than 15 years 20 6% 6 What form of transportation do you mostly use to get to CRM classes? Car 228 Bus 41 Walk 20 No response 9 Ride from family/friend 5 Handi-transit 3 Other 7 7 73% 13% 6% 3% 2% 1% 3% Rate CRM’s course fees. Average Low High No response Very High Very Low 213 45 34 12 7 3 68% 14% 11% 4% 2% 1% Marital status. Married or Common Law Single Widowed Divorced No response 171 51 42 40 10 54% 16% 13% 13% 3% Do you do volunteer work in the community? Yes 206 No 97 No response 11 66% 31% 4% 8 9 Retirement status. Fully retired Work Part-time Self-employed/own business No response Work Full-time Other 262 22 11 8 4 7 If retired, how many years have you retired? More than 10 years 131 1-5 years 91 6-10 years 61 No response 23 Under 1 year 8 Please choose the highest level of education you have completed. Community College or University graduate 127 Post-graduate degree 97 Some Community College or University 45 High School graduate 26 No response 10 Some high school 8 Less than Grade 9 1 83% 7% 4% 3% 1% 2% been 42% 29% 19% 7% 3% 40% 31% 14% 8% 3% 3% 0.3% Choose the range that corresponds to your age. 70-74 81 26% 65-69 71 23% 60-64 66 21% 75-79 40 13% 80-84 23 7% 85 or more 15 5% 55-59 11 4% No response 6 2% 50-54 1 0.3% CONTINUED W W W. C R M . M B . C A ➤ THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 9 10 Gender. Female Male No response 215 83 16 68% 26% 5% 11 Please check all the areas that describe your learning interests. Leisure and hobbies 182 58% Humanities (politics, history, current issues) 177 56% Technology 168 54% Educational tours 146 46% Health 144 46% Literature 140 45% Personal development (religion, self-discovery, self-improvement) 119 38% Art 109 35% Sciences 94 30% Finance 48 15% Employment 5 2% 12 Which of the following (maximum of 3) do you consider to be strengths of CRM? Topics offered 206 66% Quality of instructors 160 51% Schedule of courses 158 50% Location 94 30% Social interaction 82 26% Organization efficiency 73 23% Educational model 53 17% Quality of participants 40 13% Academic level 24 8% PROFILE OF A TYPICAL CRM PARTICIPANT • Female • Married • Age 70 to 74 • Fully retired for more than 10 years • Has been involved with CRM for one to five years • Is a community college or university graduate • Has a CRM membership • Uses their own vehicle to attend CRM events • Not currently taking courses elsewhere • Volunteers in the community • Feels that CRM course fees and membership fees are affordable 10 THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE W W W. C R M . M B . C A CRM NEEDS YOU! Would you like to help CRM raise funds this summer? We are looking for volunteers to help with our many fundraising activities and would love for you to join us. Specifically, we require volunteers to assist staff with contacting businesses and corporations for donations of goods or funds. Staff would make the initial contact with these businesses by mail and volunteers would assist with follow-up phone calls and the tracking of responses. Please contact us at or by phone at 204-949-2565. SPRING & SUMMER TOURS Would you be interested in joining us for some fun around Manitoba (and Saskatchewan) this summer? CRM’s Board of Directors is planning a few tours and they would love to know if would like to learn more. If you are interested, please visit our website at and fill out our SPRING AND SUMMER TOUR form. Here are some of the tours we are planning: • A three day bus tour to the spa in Moosejaw. A relaxing few days of pampering, shows, a casino visit and a tour of the old bootlegging tunnels. • A fun picnic event and bus tour. • A bus tour which visits the amazing Interlake artists of the WAVE art tour. NOTICE OF MEETING Mark your calendars for CRM’s Annual Meeting Wednesday, June 3, 2015 • 1:30 pm First Unitarian Universalist Church of Winnipeg 603 Wellington Crescent (West of Academy Rd.) 12 THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE W W W. C R M . M B . C A 1:30–3:00 p.m. April 13 1443 1 Monday Last March’s hastily prepared ‘referendum’ produced predictable results with the Russian Federation annexing territory on the Crimean Peninsula. This set in motion the chain of events that led to military confrontation in Eastern Ukraine and increased hostilities between Russia and the rest of the world. Come hear about what has gone on since. Olexandr Shevchenko, lecturer for the Centre for Ukrainian Canadian Studies at the University of Manitoba, explores political, economic and social implications of the events that happened since March of last year and attempts to assess their significance for the region and for the world. Why Assisted Suicide? 1:30–3:00 p.m. April 27 1829 1 Monday Some thoughts on how we die, on different beliefs and values we hold about dying and, necessarily, on the language we use in “coming to terms,” so we can act. Join Dr. Paul Henteleff for this expert view on the much debated issue of assisted suicide. Dr. Henteleff , the former Assistant Executive Director of Manitoba Health Services Commission helped design the Manitoba Personal Care Home Program. His foundational work has been pivotal in the development of palliative care in Manitoba and influenced the progress and direction of palliative care across Canada. Also, he kept a private practice at St. Boniface Hospital. There he quickly assumed the role of medical director of the Palliative Care Unit. Dr. Henteleff retired in 1991, the year he became the founding president of the Canadian Palliative Care Association. LECTURES One Year After Crimea: Cold War 2.0 FEES: Members $10 / Non-members $12 LOCATION: First Unitarian Universalist Church of Winnipeg, 603 Wellington Cr. – Paul Henteleff FEES: Members $10 / Non-members $12 LOCATION: First Unitarian Universalist Church of Winnipeg, 603 Wellington Cr. – Olexandr Shevchenko Manitoba Outdoor Travel 1:30–3:00 p.m. April 22 3669 1 Wednesday Naturalist, writer and photographer Bill Stillwell has accepted an invitation from CRM to talk about his favourite topic – Manitoba. Bill, a resident of Neepawa, has written three books about Manitoba, with the most recent being Manitoba Wild. Bill obviously knows a lot about our province, but mostly about places that we are not familiar with, and probably should be. Join Bill for this photo-filled discussion of the amazing Manitoba places that you must visit this summer! FEES: Members $10 / Non-members $12 LOCATION: First Unitarian Universalist Church of Winnipeg, 603 Wellington Cr. – Bill Stillwell W W W. C R M . M B . C A THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 13 LECTURES Identifying and Preventing Genocide 70 Years After the Holocaust 1:30–3:00 p.m. May 6 3899 1 Wednesday Never Again! We have heard this statement pronounced repeatedly since the horrors of the holocaust, but is it happening again? Genocide Watch, an organization which tracks current concerns defines ten stages of genocide as a mechanism for identifying warning signs of genocide before it occurs; and they see these stages unfolding globally. What is the international community’s responsibility to prevent and protect against the most serious human rights violations, including genocide? Dr. Christina Szurlej teaches Genocide, War, and Conflict, Conflict and Culture, and Introduction to Conflict Resolution Studies at Menno Simons College, as well as the Capstone in Human Rights and Global Studies at Global College. Her research interests include international human rights, human rights monitoring mechanisms of the United Nations, the responsibility to prevent and protect, public policy, and macro conflict resolution. FEES: Members $10 / Non-members $12 LOCATION: First Unitarian Universalist Church of Winnipeg, 603 Wellington Cr. – Christina Szurlej Climate Change, Consensus, and the History of Science 1:30–3:00 p.m. May 11 1802 1 Monday Recently there have been debates over anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change. The vast majority of all scientists believe that unless we take measures to slow it down, it will have catastrophic effects on our children and grandchildren. However, many are skeptical of this scientific consensus. Dr. Hanley will address the attack on the very idea that science operates by consensus. Should majority opinion act as actual proof? The attack on scientific consensus relies on history, particularly the history of science. James Hanley is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Winnipeg where he teaches the history of science and medicine. Initially a student of microbiology, he has been studying and teaching the history of science for over 25 years. FEES: Members $10 / Non-members $12 LOCATION: First Unitarian Universalist Church of Winnipeg, 603 Wellington Cr. – James Hanley NOTE: Due to our rental agreements with the Unitarian Church, we must close and lock the building at 3:30 p.m. 14 THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE W W W. C R M . M B . C A 1:00–2:45 p.m. May 20 3170 BECOME A MEMBER NOW! 1 Wednesday Join Professor Bob Gold for this fascinating exploration of the ancient structures that provided the inspiration for Western European architecture. The Romans developed the arch and its applications (the barrel-vault, cross-vault, and dome) with practicality and imagination. Their sewers and aqueducts promoted urban growth, while their basilicas, baths, theatres, and amphitheatres served the populace, and provided the gods with temples of revolutionary design. Register at or use the form on page 4 of this guide. To find out more about the courses we offer, visit the Creative Retirement website at Robert Gold came to United College as a Lecturer in Classics in 1960 and subsequently received his PhD at the University of Wisconsin (Madison). He became an Associate Professor in 1974, and retired in 1995. His areas of research are the relationship between literature and politics in ancient Greece and Rome, and the art and architecture of the ancient Greco-Roman world. LECTURES Roman Arches: Fallen and Standing FEES: Members $10 / Non-members $12 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Bob Gold Immerse yourself in the autumn colours and rich history of The Maritimes, from Peggy’s Cove and The Cabot Trail, to Signal Hill, with spectacular sights in between. It’s your time to discover The Maritimes. To find out more, call for a brochure. CELEBRATING 36 YEARS! * Mention this ad when booking and receive a free small gift. Call (204) 989-7011 or 1-800-263-3691, visit or contact your travel agent. DISCOVER THE MARITIMES 16 & 21 Day tours with packages starting as low as $3,299 We are MARITIMES specialists! ALASKA & THE YUKON ALBERTA ROCKIES BEST OF THE CAROLINAS 22 Days – June 7 Whitehorse, Dawson City, Fairbanks and Anchorage 9 Days – July 18 Calgary, Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper and Edmonton 14 Days – October 16 Louisville, Asheville, Charlotte, Myrtle Beach and Charleston W W W. C R M . M B . C A THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 15 SPECIAL INTEREST DRIVING SAFETY Bill Ward 10:00–11:45 a.m. May 26 2029 1 Tuesday Current electronic driver assist controls are directly descended from the Formula 1 racing world and they make your new vehicle safer, more controllable and more comfortable. Learn about: anti-lock braking systems, traction control, launch control, vehicle stability control/assist, all-wheel drive, tire pressure sensor monitors, blind spot assist, winter vs summer vs ultra-high performance tires – why and how they make a huge difference, modern steering wheel/grip for control, and air bags. FEES: Members $15 / Non-members $20 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Bill Ward Summer Driving: The Open Road 2760 10:00–11:45 a.m. May 19 1 Tuesday Learn how heat and sunshine effect your driving, and how rain can be just as deadly as ice and snow. The driving skills to combat the effects of summer heat and glare will be discussed. This presentation will deal with the operation of the vehicle, how to prepare the vehicle and you for the vast differences between summer driving, vs winter, as well as the driver influences that ensure a safer summer drive. The care and maintenance of the vehicle, its tires and cooling systems are discussed. This is an in-class presentation. FEES: Members $15 / Non-members $20 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Bill Ward 16 THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 2820 9:30–11:30 a.m. April 7 – May 12 6 Tuesdays The focus of this course will be short stories or shorter works from a diverse group of authors. Dr. Neil Besner will present a lecture on the works of Mavis Gallant, Dr. Myroslav Shkandrij will talk on Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground and Dr. Candida Rifkind will discuss how contemporary Canadian women writers draw on folk tales and science fiction in their speculative short stories. Talks on an American short story writer and on short crime fiction are also planned. Charlene Diehl will provide an introductory lecture for the course. Instructor Bill Ward is a Driver Performance Technologist and Driving Coach with experience in advanced driver education, collision avoidance skills as well as a tire performance specialist and motor vehicle collision investigation specialist. All participants receive a class manual. Understanding Your Car’s Safety and Control Systems The Power of Print: Masters of Short Fiction FEES: Members $60 / Non-members $75 LOCATION: University Women’s Club, 54 West Gate (must be able to walk stairs) – Host Staff Making of Modern Ukraine 2660 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 7 – May 26 8 Tuesdays Recent events in Ukraine have brought this country to the forefront of international relations. International estimates claim more than 5,000 people have lost their lives since the beginning of the crisis last year. Just as the tree cannot exist without its roots, political developments of today cannot be understood without preceding history of the events. Join Olexandr Shevchenko, lecturer at the Centre for Ukrainian Canadian Studies, in the series of lectures about troubled Ukrainian history of the XIXth – XXIst centuries in order to better understand the developments of today and their significance for the future. FEES: Members $80 / Non-members $100 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Olexandr Shevchenko Chinese Tea Appreciation 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 8 3430 1 Wednesday China is the traditional home of tea and produces many of the world’s great varieties. In this course, learn about authentic, single-origin Chinese tea by sampling some of the most famous varieties, prepared with care, Chinese-style. It’s informative, fun and refreshing. Tea and tea ware supplied. Just come thirsty! Instructor Michael Case lived in China for more than three years and has a hobby business importing Chinese tea. He is also certifying as a Tea Sommelier with the Tea Association of Canada. FEES: Members $18 / Non-members $25 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Michael Case W W W. C R M . M B . C A 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 9 – June 4 Near-Death Experience Research 4661 8 Thursdays 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 29 3116 1 Wednesday Life after death? Yes, no or maybe. We will examine neardeath experiences and review the work of Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, who was the “first pioneer of the final frontier called death”, and Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon. Dr. Alexander who had a near-death experience in 2008 asserts that science can and will determine heaven really does exist. Ashley Kircher is a former nurse, educator and mental health worker. FEES: Members $10 / Non-members $12 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Ashley Kircher Two hundred years ago the forces of Great Britain and Prussia dealt the final blow to the French Armies of the First Empire. The defeated army was commanded by Napoleon Bonaparte. The Battle of Waterloo ended 25 blood-soaked years of European history that ultimately entered the history books as the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. Join Olexandr Shevchenko, lecturer in history at the University of Manitoba, as he explores origins, major developments and consequences of the Revolution and Napoleonic period for the course of European and World history. NO CLASS APRIL 16. FEES: Members $80 / Non-members $100 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Olexandr Shevchenko This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 15 1:00–2:45 p.m. May 25 1920 1 Monday Trace the history of wills and estate records and the vocabulary associated with them. There has been new information recently released on estate records, wills and probates for North America and Britain. Learn about writing a pedigree from a will and the wills of spinster aunts and bachelor uncles. Samples will be taken from wills of different time periods, early and current. FEES: Members $15 / Non-members $20 LOCATION: CRM Board Room – Elizabeth Briggs 3033 MOBIL EF NU OOT SPECIARSE LISTS 1 Wednesday Al Kircher, a psychologist interested in the environment, discusses Naomi Klein’s thought-provoking book, This Changes Everything. Klein’s book has been reviewed as “The best book about climate change in a very long time.” It’s not just about climate change, it’s about the war that our economic model is waging against life on earth. Where are we now in Canada and where are we going? FEES: Members $10 / Non-members $12 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Al Kircher Garden With Onions 1:00–2:00 p.m. April 15 Wills and Estates in Genealogy 3970 SPECIAL INTEREST The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars • Personal, One-to-One Footcare in the Privacy of your Home, Apartment, Personal Care Home or Hospital Room • Day/Evening/Weekend Appointments available • Gentle, Kind, Experienced Nurse Specialists on staff providing Quality Professional Nursing Foot Care with Sterilized Instruments • Accredited by Blue Cross, Veteran Affairs, Insurance Companies CALL NOW TO BOOK YOUR NEXT APPOINTMENT 1 Wednesday You may have heard about the national ban on pesticides. No worries – vinegar and mouthwash is all you need. Get rid of garden pests using products that you already have on hand. Our grandparents controlled weeds and summer annoyances using good old-fashioned non-toxic products, and so can we. You will be amazed when you learn how easy gardening is without using store-bought products. Get rid of wasps, skunks, slugs, cats, mice and many other garden critters with less expensive, environmentally friendly and nontoxic solutions. 204-837-6629 GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Your feet will say “thanks!” FEES: Members $10 / Non-members $12 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Reena Nerbas W W W. C R M . M B . C A THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 17 TECH LIFESTYLE Getting Started with Your iPad 2204 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 7 – May 12 Learn about the iPad and the many commercial and free apps available online. These sessions will provide quick access to sources of information that you’ll find most useful in the early stages of setting up and using your iPad, as well as the features and capabilities of your iPad. If you have an iPad, feel free to bring it along. Pre-requisite: computer experience, not a class for absolute beginners. See page 00 for a course on the OSX Finder for Apple users. FEES: Members $89 / Non-members $109 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Cathy Whitfield Lightroom: an Overview – What is It? 3439 1:30–2:45 p.m. April 29 1 Wednesday Facebook: Hands-On 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 16 – April 30 4068 3 Thursdays This course is ideally for people who have a Facebook account and want a hands-on course to learn how to use it. Topics covered include: friends, posting, the timeline, the news feed, private messages, sharing, privacy settings and photos. Make sure to bring your Facebook login name and password along. FEES: Members $40 / Non-members $55 LOCATION: CRM Computer Room – Tina Strong Adobe Lightroom provides a user-friendly way of importing, organizing, processing and printing photos from your camera or scanner in the jpeg or raw file format. This session is intended to introduce you to the capabilities and power of the program without trying to teach you the details of ‘howto’. The session will focus on the Library (the importer and organizer); and Develop, the module to do non-destructive adjustments and edits to your pictures. This is a demonstration class, not hands-on. Facebook FEES: Members $17 / Non-members $26 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Phillip Calver and Jim Roy FEES: Members $17 / Non-members $26 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Richard Denesiuk Picasa: Organize, View, Edit and Share Your Pictures Facebook Settings and Features 1:30–3:15 p.m. April 13 – May 11 5028 5 Mondays Learn how to use Picasa, a free program for digital pictures which helps organize them on your PC. Picasa also makes advanced editing simple by putting one-click fixes and pow-erful effects at your fingertips. You will also learn how to share your pictures by email, print photos and post pictures on your own blog or website. This is a demonstration course using a projector, not hands-on. FEES: Members $60 / Non-members $75 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Tina Strong 18 FACEBOOK 6 Tuesdays THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 10:00–11:45 a.m. May 6 3646 1 Wednesday Facebook is the world’s largest social networking service on the Internet. Learn what it is, how to use it and how you can get the most out of the service. This introductory workshop is a demonstration workshop, not hands-on. 10:00–11:45 a.m. May 25 1944 1 Monday Are you bewildered with Facebook’s behaviour – all the options and settings? Is Facebook sending you too many notifications, not acting the way you’d like it to? Learn how to better understand its features and manage your friends and pictures. This workshop is for those who already have a Facebook account and want to learn how to use it more effectively. This is a demonstration workshop, not hands-on. FEES: Members $17 / Non-members $26 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Richard Denesiuk W W W. C R M . M B . C A TECH LIFESTYLE BLURB THE CLOUD Learn how to create and publish beautiful bookstorequality books from memories and/or photos with, a print-on-demand, affordable publishing company for the general public. Blurb offers an option of two different programs to use when creating your books. Both have the same professional quality. Blurb Bookify 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 24 5503 1 Friday Get instantly started with Blurb Bookify, Blurb’s online bookmaking tool. Bookify is great for simple, stylish photo books of 240 pages or fewer. There is no need to download anything as you work and save your book online. This is a different method from Blurb Booksmart and is a simpler and quicker option to making your own book. Prerequisite: Intro to Computer Level II and WWW experience or equivalent. FEES: Members $17 / Non-members $26 LOCATION: CRM Computer Room – Glenda Armstrong Blurb Booksmart 1:00–2:45 p.m. June 5 – June 12 5816 2 Fridays The free Booksmart program is downloaded and installed on your computer and has much more customization and creative options than Bookify. It is a larger program with many templates, fonts and a variety of tools for maximum creative control for making a unique book. Registrants must also know how to download pictures from a camera and manage their files (intermediate computer skills). Prerequisite: Intro to Computer Level II or equivalent. FEES: Members $30 / Non-members $40 LOCATION: CRM Computer Room – Glenda Armstrong W W W. C R M . M B . C A Using One Drive Cloud Technology 3472 1:30–3:15 p.m. April 22 1 Wednesday Learn how to use Microsoft’s One Drive Cloud Storage for storing your documents and pictures Online. Cloud Storage is the latest technology used today for secure storage online. This is a demonstration class. FEES: Members $17 / Non-members $26 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Tina Strong Cloud Computing: Free Services and Overview 10:00–11:45 a.m. May 14 3341 1 Thursday Find out how Cloud services such as those available with free Microsoft and Google accounts can be used for practical and convenient purposes. These services can be accessed from any computer, anywhere, anytime. You don’t even need to own a computer to use the free services which include storage for files you wish to store or share with others. Software for word processing, presentations, spreadsheets, survey forms and more, are all part of a free account. Not a handson class, a projector will be used for demonstration. FEES: Members $17 / Non-members $26 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Richard Denesiuk THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 19 TECH LIFESTYLE How to Easily Make a Free Website with Wordpress 2039 10:00–11:45 a.m. May 5 – May 21 6 sessions, Tuesdays & Thursdays Where are my Pictures?: Managing your Pictures on a Computer 1615 10:00–11:45 a.m. May 7 1 Thursday Taking pictures is one thing, getting them onto your computer and managing them so you can find your photos later, is another. This basic level workshop will show you methods and strategies to stay in control of your pictures on a Win-dows computer. Topics covered include: techniques for copy-ing files from camera to computer, storage philosophy, renaming techniques, backup strategies and a how-to on getting currently disorganized pictures into an organized structure. This is not a handson class, a projector will be used for demonstration. WordPress is the world’s largest website platform and offers everyone the opportunity to have a free website in short order. Whether focused on a blog, image, video or business theme, this course will walk you through an orientation to WordPress, including setting up and how to maintain your own private or public web site at While intended for blogging it does a fantastic job for other formats including text, pictures and more. Course includes presentations and hands-on activity. Handouts and listing of webbased support resources will be included. Prerequisite: Intro to Computer Level II or equivalent and WWW experience. FEES: Members $17 / Non-members $26 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Richard Denesiuk Netflix? Roku? Overview of Home Entertainment Services and Devices 10:00–11:45 a.m. May 13 3697 1 Wednesday FEES: Members $79 / Non-members $89 LOCATION: CRM Computer Room – Ken Murdoch There are a lot of entertainment services and devices available on the market: Netflix, Shomi, CraveTV, video on demand, Roku, Personal Video Recorders, streaming media devices, Smart TV’s and Blu-ray players. Learn how to show photos and videos on your TV, which doesn’t need to be ‘smart’ to do so. Learn what these different devices and services offer. FEES: Members $17 / Non-members $26 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Don Bailey and Norm Grywinski De-Clutter Your Computer 1:00–2:45 p.m. June 11 4674 1 Thursday Does your Windows computer have all kinds of “extra stuff” that you know you don’t need, but are afraid to remove? Then, this workshop is for you. The “extra stuff” may have unintentionally come from you, or came with your computer. Learn how to: declutter your desktop by either removing or putting all the icons in folders; uninstall all the extra software that came with your computer that you don’t use; how to re-organize pictures and files so they are in folders with meaningful names and structure; and use the Disk Cleanup utility. Not a hands-on workshop. FEES: Members $17 / Non-members $26 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Richard Denesiuk 20 THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE W W W. C R M . M B . C A COMPUTERS INTRO TO COMPUTERS Introduction to Computers Level I No prerequisite. This is a basic “hands-on” course for those with little or no computer experience who have a Windows computer to use for practice. Classes are in a relaxed environment with an instructor who has experience teaching older adults. Learn how computers operate, basic computer terminology, use of the keyboard and mouse, some Windows Accessories, simple document creation and basic Internet functions. Fee includes a manual. Both Level I sections meet twice a week and have the same course content. Level I – Section A 2663 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 7 – May 5 9 sessions , Tuesdays & Thursdays FEES: Members $90 / Non-members $110 LOCATION: CRM Computer Room – Isabella Dryden Level I – Section B 5664 10:00–11:45 a.m. May 1 – May 29 9 sessions, Fridays & Wednesdays FEES: Members $90 / Non-members $110 LOCATION: CRM Computer Room – Elaine Primeau Introduction to Computers Level II Prerequisite: Introduction to Computers (Level I) or equivalent. Continue to learn about the Windows operating system, file management, basic word processing and the Internet. A good refresher or continuing course for those with some computer experience. Fee includes a manual. Both Level II sections meet twice a week and have the same course content. • one and two-bedroom suites Level II – Section A 5329 1:00–2:45 p.m. May 1 – June 1 9 sessions, Fridays & Mondays FEES: Members $90 / Non-members $110 LOCATION: CRM Computer Room – Kay Lehr Assistant Chris Kowal • continental breakfast, dinner • weekly housekeeping • planned activities • private dining room • guest suite • in-suite washer and dryer • shuttle bus Level II – Section B 4673 1:00–2:45 p.m. May 7 – June 4 9 sessions, Thursdays & Tuesdays FEES: Members $90 / Non-members $110 LOCATION: CRM Computer Room – Isabella Dryden 45 Boulton Bay Conveniently located off Kenaston Boulevard one block south of Grant Ave. in River Heights. 204-475-4500 Marwest Group of Companies W W W. C R M . M B . C A THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 21 COMPUTERS MICROSOFT OFFICE WINDOWS 8.1 Hands-On Microsoft Office 3445 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 8 – June 10 10 Wednesdays Level I and Level II will be taught concurrently with individual attention being given to each student. Level 1 This course provides an introduction to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It begins with four Word lessons covering the ribbon, navigation techniques, tables, editing text, character formatting, special text effects and more. It continues with three Excel lessons about navigating in a spreadsheet; entering, editing and sorting data; working with cell ranges; constructing simple formulas; inserting, deleting and resizing columns. The course provides three lessons in PowerPoint covering the creation of a PowerPoint presentation; and applying a variety of layouts and design themes for slides. Level 2 Prerequisite: Microsoft Office Level 1 or equivalent. This course provides students with opportunities to continue learning about Word, Excel and PowerPoint by working on special projects of their choice. In Word, the course covers these projects: letters, onepage posters/flyers, reports, newsletters, tables, booklets. In Excel, the course provides these projects: household inventories, library listings, personal budgets, inventory of pictures/photographs, development of charts. In PowerPoint, it is possible to develop a slide presentation using pictures/photographs. FEES: Members $75 / Non-members $95 LOCATION: CRM Computer Room – Isabella Dryden Assistant: Glenise D’Arcangelo Excel – Hands-On 5469 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 10 – April 24 3 Fridays Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program which allows one to enter data into the rows or columns of a spreadsheet. In this introductory class, we will be using Excel for basic calculations, graphs and statistical analysis. FEES: Members $40 / Non-members $55 LOCATION: CRM Computer Room – Tina Strong 22 THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 20 – April 27 1546 2 Mondays Learn what is new and different about Windows 8. While it’s still Windows, there are many changes from previous Windows. Learn about: the Start Screen, Desktop, Apps, new layouts for many Windows components and a tour of changes in where things are and how to use them. Everyone will have a Windows 8 computer (no touch screens) to use in class. Pre-requisite: Intro to Computers Lev II or equivalent experience. FEES: Members $35 / Non-members $45 LOCATION: CRM Computer Room – Richard Denesiuk Where is Everything? 1:00–2:45 p.m. May 6 3527 1 Wednesday Windows 8.1 is the newest version of Microsoft Windows and, in some regards, has a radically different interface from earlier versions. This presentationstyle class (not hands-on) is for those who are familiar with earlier Windows and want to know how to use the new interface with its new start screen and charm bar, how the desktop has changed, apps and how to deal with the new Start button. Learn where everything is and how it is really still Windows, but with a new philosophy. FEES: Members $17 / Non-members $26 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Richard Denesiuk PLEASE RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP! Check on the address label on this copy of The Guide, you will find the expiry date of your membership. Please help us save the cost of postage for a reminder notice. CRM depends on your membership fees. You may use the form on page 4 to renew your membership. W W W. C R M . M B . C A 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 29 3155 1 Wednesday MAC USERS Finder: Apple’s OS File Manager 10:00–11:45 a.m. May 20 – May 27 Learn how to customize your Windows computer: so the text is readable, free themes, how to set-up your desktop and Start screen, mouse/touchpad properties, your default programs and behaviours (what program opens files). Control panel and more!. The object is to get your computer configured/setup so it is the most usable for you. Prerequisite: Intro to Computers Level II or equivalent experience. FEES: Members $17 / Non-members $26 LOCATION: CRM Computer Room – Richard Denesiuk Powerpoint: Hands-On 10:00–11:45 a.m. May 28 – June 11 4411 3 Thursdays Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program which allow one to work with slides and images to produce a designed and animated slideshow presentation. The introductory course will teach you how to create your own slideshow. FEES: Members $40 / Non-members $55 LOCATION: CRM Computer Room – Tina Strong 3691 2 Wednesdays Using the Finder is essential information on an Apple computer. The Finder is the default file manager and graphical user interface used on all Macintosh computers. Described as “The Macintosh Desktop Experience,” it is responsible for the launching of other applications and for the overall user management of files and disks. See how to use and customize it to your personal preference. This is an overview of how to use Finder for OSX. Note this is not for iPad/iPhone. Not a hands-on class, though you are welcome to bring your Macbook. COMPUTERS Customize Your Windows: Control Panel FEES: Members $39 / Non-members $55 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Richard Denesiuk PC versus MAC: Comparison of the Two Platforms 4100 10:00–11:45 a.m. May 21 1 Thursday This workshop will contrast and compare Microsoft Windows 8 to Apple’s OSX and focus on the user experience. Explore many of the differences and similarities in: the user interface (which are significant) and how both can be customized/configured. This is not a hands-on workshop, a projector will be used for demonstration. FEES: Members $17 / Non-members $26 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Richard Denesiuk Computer Tips and Tricks: Keyboard Shortcuts, Remote Assistance, Clipboard, and more 2745 1:00–2:45 p.m. June 9 1 Tuesday Come out and learn about some of the many useful tips and tricks that can enhance your computing experience. Learn about: how to enhance your web browsing with zooming and saving, capture a screen, keyboard shortcuts, making the most of the clipboard and more essential tips and tricks. Aimed at the beginner to intermediate computer user. Not a hands-on class. FEES: Members $17 / Non-members $26 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Richard Denesiuk W W W. C R M . M B . C A To find out more about the courses we offer, visit the Creative Retirement website at THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 23 ARTS & LEISURE PERFORMANCES MCO Rehearsal: You may pick up your tickets at the door prior to the performance. Please note that $15.00 of your ticket fee is paid directly to the MCO and $5.00 to CRM. There will be a break at the halfway point of the rehearsal. Attendees are welcome to leave then or stay for the full rehearsal. Three Works for Guitar 10:00–12:30 p.m. May 19 2780 1 Tuesday 2:00–5:00 p.m. April 26 7928 1 Sunday An ancient family curse, a desolate moor, a spectral hound and a deranged killer on the loose. The Hound of the Baskervilles is the most celebrated Holmes story of all, a masterpiece of mystery and suspense. This rendition, while mostly faithful to the original plot, is a cavalcade of characters, quick changes and sight gags, as Holmes and Watson investigate a suspicious death at Baskerville Hall in a zany, madcap telling of the classic tale. You may pick up your tickets at the door prior to the performance. A backstage tour will follow. FEES: Members $27 / Non-members $27 LOCATION: PTE, Portage Place – Host Staff The widely recorded American classical guitarist Sharon Isbin has performed just about everywhere, including at the White House and at Ground Zero, and now she will finally perform with the MCO! The repertoire for this concert is wildly varied with everything from baroque to contemporary pieces. Royal Winnipeg Ballet: The Faerie Queen 7950 2:00–4:00 p.m. FEES: Members $20 / Non-members $20 LOCATION: Westminster United Church, 745 Westminster – Host Staff MCO Music Musicians Love Best 10:00–12:30 p.m. April 22 3776 1 Wednesday The MCO asked its musicians which pieces they most love to perform and came away with this wonderful concert line-up. Within their musician favourites, winds are featured prominently, with a Beethoven octet and several overtures from Mozart. Another program highlight will be Dvorˇák’s A major sextet, with its Slavonic folklore influences. MCO fans will also be excited to hear Concert master Karl Stobbe’s Ysaÿe Sonatas for Solo Violin. FEES: Members $20 / Non-members $20 LOCATION: Westminster United Church, 745 Westminster – Host Staff 24 Prairie Theatre Exchange: The Hound of the Baskervilles THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE May 3 1 Sunday Experience this enchanting story filled with love, magic, and deception. Fantasy meets visually exquisite dance as choreographer John Alleyne paints the stage in this fulllength ballet based on Henry Purcell’s opera of the same name, and on Shakespeare’s magical comedy, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Join with others from CRM for this wonderful afternoon at the ballet. The ballet begins at 2:00 pm, doors open one hour earlier. Tickets will be held at the door. FEES: Members $70 / Non-members $70 W W W. C R M . M B . C A 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 20 – May 11 Origami 1839 4 Mondays Meet every Monday morning to view and discuss a poignant documentary film. LA Stories City of Dogs: Los Angeles is home to more than a quarter-million dogs – from the pampered pooches of Beverley Hills to the pit bulls of the projects. Louis Theroux enters the bizarre world of LA’s dogs, meeting the characters whose lives revolve around the city’s canine population. Addicted to Plastic Surgery: Jeannine, Steve and Krissy all have their reasons for continually having plastic surgery, and they each have an ideal that they may never reach. Louis Theroux Hypnosis: Louis travels to Las Vegas to meet some of the leaders in the field of hypnosis, self-improvement. A revealing inside look at an industry that looks decidedly unattractive after Louis has finished with it. Surviving Progress: This feature documentary connects the financial collapse, growing inequity and the Wall Street oligarchy with future technology, sustainability and the fate of civilization itself. Inspired by Ronald Wright’s bestseller A Short History of Progress, this doc digs deep into human nature and history to challenge the very idea of progress. FEES: Members $20 / Non-members $30 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Don Bailey W W W. C R M . M B . C A 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 9 – April 30 4607 4 Thursdays Origami is the traditional Japanese art of paper-folding. Discover this fascinating and absorbing craft and learn how to fold decorative, amusing and practical items, all from the simplest of materials – a sheet of paper. An infinite number of models are possible in origami and many thousands of books exist on the subject. The aim of the course will be to teach the basic techniques that paper-folders use and to explain the diagram conventions and symbols that are used to illustrate origami books. The learner will be given the skills to practise and develop their interest long after the course is finished, and will not be limited to the models completed in class. A supply fee of $10 per person has been built into the cost of the class. An Origami Showcase will take place on the last class to give students a chance to show off their creations. Instructor Kazuko Nomura grew up creating beautiful origami pieces in the land of paper sculpture, Japan. FEES: Members $35 / Non-members $40 LOCATION: CRM Seminar Room – Kazuko Nomura THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE ARTS & LEISURE Hot Docs: Documentaries and Discussion 25 ARTS & LEISURE DRAWING / PAINTING John Smeulders John (Jan) Smeulders was born in Hilversum, Holland, and began his study of art at an early age. John immigrated to Canada at eighteen. After working at various art-related jobs, he became a qualified teacher. He has taught art in high schools, at college and university and in private classes. John works with many different media and creates many different types of paintings, portraits and sculptures. A Day in The Park 1272 9:30–3:30 p.m. 1-hour lunch June 22 Drawing: The Foundation of All Art 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 13 – May 11 1026 5 Mondays Learn the basics of drawing: line, form and proportion. Work in pencil, charcoal, charcoal pencil, conté, and coloured pencil. Be introduced to a variety of paper types. Explore drawing still life, portraits from life, and photographs. Use finishing techniques to make a drawing into a work of art: shading, crosshatching, or pointillism. 1 Monday Join artist John Smeulders for a day of “plein air” painting in lovely Assiniboine Park. The day will begin with an introduction to the subjects and a demonstration by John. Following this introductory lesson, students will be encouraged to choose their own subject from the museum gardens (sculpture, plant life etc.). The day will be spent painting or drawing and receiving instruction from John. Students may choose the medium in which they prefer to work and bring along whatever materials they require for their medium. Watercolour or acrylic paints are likely more suitable than oils for this outdoor day. Please bring a picnic lunch as students will take a lunch break outdoors with John, during which discussion of art may continue. At the end of the day John will provide a helpful critique of each student’s work. Meet outside the front doors of the Leo Mol Museum. FEES: Members $45 / Non-members $55 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – John Smeulders FEES: Members $75 / Non-members $85 LOCATION: CRM Board Room – John Smeulders Watercolour: Release your Creative Spirit! 1968 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 13 – May 115 Mondays Be introduced to watercolour materials: paints, brushes, paper, palettes. Learn about various techniques: wet on wet, drybrush, layers of transparent paints for rich colour, and correcting – lifting paint. Explore subjects such as: painting scenery, still life, and portraits. Learn about matting the finished product. FEES: Members $75 / Non-members $85 LOCATION: CRM Board Room – John Smeulders 26 THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE W W W. C R M . M B . C A MEDITATION Marianne Farag Gentle Yoga for Men and Women This course aims to improve flexibility, balance, posture and strength. Your own body weight takes you gently into each pose. Each lesson begins and ends with relaxation and meditation. Most of the lesson involves stretching, balancing and strengthening through yoga poses, a chair is used for support. Registrants must bring their own yoga mat. Gentle Yoga – Section A 1828 10:00–11:00 a.m. April 13 – May 11 5 Mondays FEES: Members $50 / Non-members $60 LOCATION: Young United Church/ Crossway Community Centre, 222 Furby – Doreen Wuckert Gentle Yoga – Section B 1316 10:00–11:00 a.m. May 25 – June 29 6 Mondays FEES: Members $60 / Non-members $70 LOCATION: Young United Church/ Crossway Community Centre, 222 Furby – Doreen Wuckert Tai Chi 10:00–11:00 a.m. April 7 – June 9 2713 10 Tuesdays Marianne Farag is a long time practitioner and teacher of meditation with a certificate in Applied Counselling from the University of Manitoba and has developed and led workshops on personal development topics including: meditation, forgiveness, and self-awareness and living consciously. Meditation Group 5719 10:00–11:00 a.m. April 10 – May 15 4 Fridays Bring your mindfulness/meditation to a deeper level by joining this group. For those who have taken the CRM Introduction to Meditation or have prior experience with the practice of mindfulness/meditation, this group offers a refresher on the basics of mindfulness/meditation and an opportunity to strengthen your experience. We meet twice a month and, in each session, we do two mindfulness/meditation practices (generally one silent and the other a guided visualization); time is allocated for Q & A, sharing, and discussion. This group meets on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the Month NOTE: FOR APRIL MEET ON 2ND AND 3RD FRIDAY OF THE MONTH. FEES: Members $40 / Non-members $50 LOCATION: CRM Library – Marianne Farag Mindfulness/Meditation Level II 3573 10:00–11:30 a.m. May 6 – May 13 Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese exercise for your body, mind and spirit. The benefits of Tai Chi, to name just a few, are: improved balance, concentration, co-ordination, flexibility, and endurance. Over time and with practice Tai Chi will help you to reduce stress, increase bone density, lower blood pressure and more. This course is for beginning or continuing students. No special equipment is needed, just soft soled shoes and loose clothing. No perfume please. FEES: Members $100 / Non-members $120 LOCATION: Young United Church/ Crossway Community Centre, 222 Furby – Susan Nash W W W. C R M . M B . C A 2 Wednesdays Learn how to incorporate intentions/prayer into your meditation. This follow-up to CRM’s Introduction to the Practice of Meditation will show you the power of correct application of intentions/prayer into your mindfulness/meditation practice and how they can be transformative. Each session will begin with a brief presentation by the instructor on a different technique for clearly stating your intentions followed by an opportunity for participants to practice them. Prerequisite: CRM’s Intro to Meditation or prior experience with meditation. HEALTH & WELL-BEING YOGA FEES: Members $20 / Non-members $25 LOCATION: CRM Library – Marianne Farag THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 27 HEALTH & WELL-BEING Walking Club 3352 9:30–11:00 a.m. April 29 – June 24 9 Wednesdays Start the morning with an energizing and interesting 5 km. (approx) walk with a group of your peers. Possible car-pools will be discussed at the first walk. The walk will be held at a steady pace. Please, no pets on the walk. You may join the group at any time in the fall, even after the first few walks have been completed. The first walk will be at the Assiniboine Park Conservatory parking lot - north side. FEES: Members only $15 LOCATION: Various locations – Nathan Mitchell Smell the Roses Walking Club 10:30–11:30 a.m. April 30 – June 25 4236 9 Thursdays This club is for the walker who can walk 2-3 kilometres but wishes to do so at a casual pace so they can ‘stop and smell the roses.’ Participants need medium fitness and the ability to walk for an hour. Dress for the weather and wear walking shoes. Meet at The Forks Market Plaza (tent roof/skating rink in front of the Forks Market)for the first walk. You may join the group at any time. FEES: Members only $17 LOCATION: Various locations – Joan Nurse Make your move to “the PLACE with HEART.” 3616 3 Wednesdays For the three sessions we look at the various “endings” we experience in life and the various “beginnings.” Our lives are made up of doors closing and doors opening, events that seem like being shut down and yet others which feel like opening up? What have we done with these experiences? How have these changes shaped us to become who we are? What endings are there yet to face, and what beginnings? How are endings and beginnings connected? Karen Toole began her career as a minster with the United Church and later created Soul Seasons, a non-denominational counselling and consulting organization. She also works as a spiritual writer (Winnipeg Free Press) and radio host (CBC). FEES: Members $60 / Non-members $70 LOCATION: CRM Board Room – Karen Toole Anxiety Disorders 3729 1:00–2:45 p.m. May 13 1 Wednesday Feeling anxious or stressed? Join the Anxiety Disorders Association of MB to explore the many types of anxiety including Panic Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder. Learn about different aspects of anxiety and discover treatment resources and how to help someone with anxiety. Kellie Rudy is the Public Education Coordinator at ADAM and is a facilitator of Cognitive Behaviour Groups for Panic Disorder. FEES: Members $5 / Non-members $8 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Kellie Rudy Is Your Home Healthy? 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 22 FRED DOUGLAS PLACE is a 55 Plus Life Lease Apartment Building in the HEART of Downtown Come in from the cold and enjoy our wonderful community. It’s worth the move to be part of the Fred Douglas family! • • • • • • • 3-season rounded balconies & indoor walkways 5 appliances Large, bright apartments with in-suite laundry & storage Medical alert cords & nightly security Amenities floor: Fitness area, library, pool table and more 3 meals per week available Indoor heated parking Visit our website: For more information, call 204-982-0330 or email for a complete information package. 333 Vaughan Street (CORNER OF VAUGHAN AND ELLICE) 28 Endings and Beginnings 10:00–11:30 a.m. April 15 – April 29 THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 3584 1 Wednesday Home is where we spend time with family, friends and loved ones and, since we spend so much quality time there, it can have a significant impact on our health. This interactive workshop, led by Health Canada’s Environmental Health Program, will increase your awareness of the risks that environmental exposures in the home may pose to your health, and show you how you can become your own risk manager, taking actions to reduce risks and protect your health. It will also include an overview of the Healthy Canadians website which provides information on advisories, product recalls, food safety and more. Presented by Eveline Schroth of Health Canada. FEES: Members $8 / Non-members $10 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Eveline Schroth W W W. C R M . M B . C A 4252 1 Thursday Meditation: A Path to Self Awareness 1:00–2:45 p.m. May 6 – May 27 3395 4 Wednesdays Do you know what rights you have as a patient in Manitoba? Do you have a patient advocate? Do you know what a patient advocate can do for you? This session will answer these questions and introduce you to a web resource titled “Self-Advocacy For Everyone (SAFE)’’ toolkit. If you want to be more involved in your health care, this hands-on interactive session will be of interest to you. Handouts will be provided. Presented by Dawn White, patient advocate, author, freelance consultant and presenter. Dawn’s book, Finding Your Voice: Our Journey with Cancer through the Health Care System, will be available for purchase for $10 from Dawn. What is meditation? Why meditate? Some of the benefits of meditation include: becoming more peaceful, more compassionate, more forgiving, more patient, less anxious and better able to deal with stress. A different method of meditation will be introduced each week (time permitting). We will compare and contrast these and other methods of meditation. There will be opportunities for questions and discussion in a supportive and learning atmosphere. Zain Mohammed ED.D is a family therapist and an Approved Supervisor with the Manitoba Association for Marital and Family Therapy. Dr. Mohammed was trained in several meditation centres in California and has been meditating for the past sixteen years. FEES: Members $15 / Non-members $20 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Dawn White FEES: Members $40 / Non-members $50 LOCATION: CRM Library – Zain Mohammed W W W. C R M . M B . C A THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE HEALTH & WELL-BEING Patient Rights and Patient Advocacy 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 16 29 LANGUAGES FRENCH SPANISH Do you dream of strolling down the Champs-Élysées or haunting the halls of Versailles? Whether you actually visit France or are content to merely dream, you simply must learn this beautiful language. Our French courses focus on developing skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Grammar and vocabulary are introduced at each level and a great emphasis is placed on social interaction and communication skills. New students will be put in touch with an instructor who will determine their course level. Handouts are included in the course fee. Do you travel south to escape the cold Winnipeg winters? If so, you will find your south of the border stay much more enjoyable if you can converse with the locals. Learn to speak Spanish for travel or just for stay-at-home fun and brain exercise. Our Spanish courses focus on developing skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Grammar and vocabulary are introduced at each level and a great emphasis is placed on social interaction and communication skills. New students will be put in touch with an instructor who will determine their course level. Handouts are included in the course fee. French – Beginner Spanish – Beginner 2758 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 7 – May 26 8 Tuesdays FEES: Members $90 / Non-members $105 LOCATION: CRM Board Room – Eva Navarrete-Bérard French – Intermediate Spanish – Intermediate 4759 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 16 – May 28 7 Thursdays FEES: Members $80 / Non-members $95 LOCATION: CRM Seminar Room – Marian Martin French – Advanced THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 4398 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 9 – May 28 8 Thursdays FEES: Members $90 / Non-members $105 LOCATION: CRM Board Room – Eva Navarrete-Bérard 4761 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 9 – May 21 6 Thursdays No Class April 23 FEES: Members $70 / Non-members $90 LOCATION: CRM Board Room – Doreen Pruden 30 2233 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 7 – May 26 8 Tuesdays FEES: Members $90 / Non-members $105 LOCATION: CRM Board Room – Olexandr Shevchenko Spanish – Advanced 3587 1:45–2:45 p.m. April 8 – May 20 7 Wednesdays FEES: Members $80 / Non-members $95 LOCATION: CRM Board Room – Rossana McCormack W W W. C R M . M B . C A TOURS International HOPE Tour 10:00–12:00 noon June 4 4804 1 Thursday International HOPE Canada (IHC) Inc., founded in 2002, is based in and operates from Winnipeg. It is a charitable, nonprofit, volunteer-run organization that provides non-pharmaceutical medical supplies and equipment to developing nations through the collection and sharing of redundant, but useable, items donated by hospitals, nursing homes, other health care facilities and agencies, as well as individuals. Today, a 40,000 square foot warehouse accommodates the donated and reclaimed medical equipment and supplies. The tour of this warehouse will allow us to see the variety of materials collected for distribution to needy communities. It may even inspire us to contribute to the organization as a volunteer or to contribute in other ways. Following the tour, attendees may go as a group to Annabeth’s, (a nearby legion with excellent home cooking) for lunch. Please indicate on your form whether you would like to attend lunch. FEES: Members $10 / Non-members $12 LOCATION: International HOPE 1295 Ellice – Host Staff Ross House Museum 11:00–3:00 p.m. June 11 4554 1 Thursday Geological Tour of Decorative Stone of the Manitoba Legislative Building Nine types of dimension stone from a wide diversity of quarries are used in the Manitoba Legislative Building. Each type of stone has its own decorative characteristics; each carries its own signature of geologic processes, each was formed at different times in Earth history. Our tour will focus on these aspects as we inspect the various rock types. The tour will be primarily inside the Legislative Building. If weather permits we will spend a short time outside. Wear comfortable walking shoes. Registrants must be able walk stairs and stand/walk for up to 2.5 hours. Photography is permitted; rock or mineral collecting is not! Both sections have the same content. Section 1 3238 1:00–3:30 p.m. May 13 1 Wednesday FEES: Members $15 / Non-members $25 LOCATION: Manitoba Legislative Building, 450 Broadway, front steps – Bill Brisbin Section 2 3659 1:00–3:30 p.m. May 27 1 Wednesday FEES: Members $15 / Non-members $25 LOCATION: Manitoba Legislative Building, 450 Broadway, front steps – Bill Brisbin Walking Tour of North Point Douglas 10:00–11:45 a.m. June 15 Spend a day exploring some of the most interesting historical and cultural sights of Winnipeg’s North End. We begin the day with a guided tour of Ross House Museum, one of the last remaining examples of Red River frame architecture in Winnipeg. The group then walks to Barber House, the oldest still-standing house in Winnipeg. Bring a bag lunch and drink along because the group will have lunch at Barber House before continuing the tour. After lunch, the group walks to MICE (Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Centre) for a guided tour. MICE houses more than 10,000 books and video and hundreds of artifacts and works of art. Less than a 10 minute walk is required between each location. 1331 1 Monday Participants will see several points of interest in this historic neighbourhood, including Barber House, the Ross House Museum and the former All People’s Sutherland Mission. The Barber House is believed to be the oldest, still-standing house in Winnipeg. Recent renewal projects will be featured as well. Park near the intersection of Jarvis and Hallet, west of the museum Ross House, and meet behind the museum. The outing will conclude with an optional lunch at Neechi Commons on Main Street (parking beside the building). Neechi Commons also has a gift shop, bakery and supermarket. Please indicate (on your form) whether you will be attending lunch. FEES: Members $10 / Non-members $12 LOCATION: Ross House, 140 Meade St. North – Mary Mathias FEES: Members $10 / Non-members $12 LOCATION: Ross House, 140 Meade St. North – Host Staff 32 THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE W W W. C R M . M B . C A 6:00–8:30 p.m. June 24 3303 1 Wednesday Monarch of the Plains: Bison Tour 9:30–12:30 p.m. June 23 2304 1 Tuesday Discover the sights and tastes of the west end on this foodie tour of the neighbourhood. You will visit four restaurants and enjoy a course at each. Most walks between restaurants are five minutes, however there are occasional 10–15 minute walks on the tour. Your guide will come prepared with some good West End stories about the streets you’re walking on. The meeting location will be announced at a later date. Please check our website for updates. FEES: Members $55 / Non-members $60 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Host Staff Birds Hill Provincial Park Walk 9:30–11:30 a.m. June 30 2008 1 Tuesday This walk, led by an expert guide, will take our group through boreal forests and open fields on a lovely June morning. The exact trail to be walked will be determined by the guide and mother nature closer to the date of the walk. Please visit our website at for updates. If you wish to join the group for lunch at Pineridge Hollow following the walk, please indicate this on your form. The cost of lunch is not included in your class fee. FEES: Members $10 / Non-members $15 LOCATION: Birds Hill Provincial Park – Host Staff W W W. C R M . M B . C A TOURS Around the World in a Few Blocks Walk through the beautiful prairies of Fort Whyte Alive and see the new bison calves. Learn about the Plains Bison as they once existed – their cultural, economic and ecological past. The guided tour will involve three hours of walking, standing and canoeing outdoors, so please dress for the weather. Please indicate whether you would like to join the group for lunch at the Buffalo Stone Café following the tour (cost not included in tour fee). Meet in the lobby area of Fort Whyte Alive – rain or shine. FEES: Members $50 / Non-members $60 LOCATION: Fort Whyte Alive, 1961 McCreary Rd. – Host Staff THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 33 CLUBS There is no need to re-register for a club if you registered in the fall or winter. (IF A CLUB IS NOT LISTED, IT IS FULL) Creative Retirement Book Club I 1:30–3:00 p.m. April 16 – May 21 4679 3 Thursdays, monthly Love to read and talk about books? Why not join one of our book clubs? Please visit our website at to see the first book to be read for each club. This group meets on the third Thursday of each month. FEES: Members only $10 LOCATION: CRM Library – Lorna Crean Creative Retirement Book Club III 10:00–11:30 a.m. April 9 – May 14 4821 2 Thursdays, monthly This group meets on the second Thursday morning of each month. FEES: Members only $8 LOCATION: CRM Library – Geraldine Burge Financial Management Shareclub 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 17 – June 19 5418 3 Fridays, monthly This club is designed for seniors to gain information about investing in a friendly environment. It’s an opportunity to exchange varied experiences regarding investments. All members will have an opportunity to assist, participate and share their knowledge in the sessions. This is not an investment club. However, ideally members should have their own active direct or full service broker’s account and a desire to improve their basic investment knowledge. The club meets on the third Friday morning of the month. FEES: Members only $12 LOCATION: CRM Board Room – Fred Chernoff and Jean Wiens Science Club 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 24 – June 26 5110 3 Fridays, monthly Science affects most aspects of our daily lives, often without our knowing it. Try to imagine modern communications, or health care, or food production, or energy supply without the underlying science. Can you do it? Club members will meet to discuss and develop understanding of any aspect of modern science – its role in our lives now, in the past, and in the future. Meets the fourth Friday afternoon of the month. No meeting in December. FEES: Members only $11 LOCATION: CRM Board Room – Lyle Lockhart Webmaster Club 5279 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 17 – June 19 3 Fridays, monthly A new club for people who work on or want to work on websites. Monthly meetings will cover Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress (.com/.org), Joomla, HTML and others. Hosting, domain names, themes/templates, content and other issues brought up by members will be explored as related to developing and maintaining personal or small organizational websites. Meets the third Friday afternoon of the month. FEES: Members only $11 LOCATION: CRM Board Room – Ken Murdoch 34 THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE W W W. C R M . M B . C A 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 17 – June 19 Video Club 5281 3 Fridays, monthly Come out to these popular meetings that include presentations, discussions and question periods about computers and technology. A wide variety of topics are presented over the year, including new trends, Internet, computers, peripherals and software. The CRCC meets on the third Friday morning of the month. 5684 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 10 – June 12 3 Fridays, monthly This is a forum for participants to learn and share information about digital video cameras, video editing, web cams and other matters relating to digital video. Meets the second Friday morning of the month. FEES: Members only $11 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Keith Bradley, Don Bailey and Norm Grywinski FEES: Members only $15 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Richard Denesiuk Intermediate Photography Club Basic Computing Club 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 2 – June 5 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 2 – June 5 5681 3 Fridays, monthly This club offers a comfortable smaller forum for beginners to learn more about computing in general, the Windows operating system and the Internet. The format is mostly questions and answers. The club meets the first Friday morning of the month. Meets Thursday, April 2 for April meeting to avoid Good Friday conflict. CLUBS Creative Retirement Computer Club (CRCC) 5682 3 meetings, monthly A forum for intermediate level photographers to share information about photography, including image design, howto techniques, and more. There will also be reviews of members images. Meets the first Friday afternoon of the month till June 2015. April Meeting is on April 2 due to Good Friday. FEES: Members only $11 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Norman Grywinski FEES: Members only $11 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Phillip Calver Basic Photography Club 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 24 – June 26 5718 3 Fridays, monthly A forum for beginner level photographers to learn and share information about photography and digital cameras, printing, techniques and more. Meets the fourth Friday afternoon of the month. FEES: Members only $11 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Barry Evenson Intermediate Adobe Photoshop Club 1:00–2:45 p.m. April 10 – June 12 Will & Estate Lawyers of Winnipeg David G. Vincent & Tanis B. Jury 5683 (204) 989- 4236 246 St. Anne’s Road Winnipeg MB R2M 3A4 3 Fridays, monthly 200–99 Scurfield Blvd. A group exploring and sharing intermediate knowledge of Adobe’s Photoshop image editor program. Meets on the second Friday afternoon of the month. Winnipeg MB R3Y 1Y1 FEES: Members only $11 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Elaine Delannoy and Phil Carver If you are a senior, you should ensure that you have the following in place • LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT • POWER OF ATTORNEY • HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVE Basic Adobe Photoshop Club 10:00–11:45 a.m. April 24 – June 26 5686 Winnipeg MB R2V 3M5 STANDARD FEES (PLUS GST AND PST) 3 Fridays, monthly A friendly forum for Photoshop novices to explore basic use of Adobe’s Photoshop program. Meets on the fourth Friday morning. FEES: Members only $11 LOCATION: CRM Classroom – Jean McManus and Gail Marchessault W W W. C R M . M B . C A 207–2211 McPhillips St. • Last Will and Testament $175 [Seniors - $150] • Power of Attorney $125 [Seniors - $100] • Health Care Directive $75 [Seniors - $50] Home Visit - (EXTRA CHARGE) $125 THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 35 marketPLUS+ ASSINIBOINE CREDIT UNION Assiniboine Credit Union is a unique financial co-operative, particularly in its belief that a company can be both profitable and compassionate. Assiniboine manages assets exceeding $3.6 billion generated by nearly 110,000 members. Service is offered through a Member Communication Centre, a network of 21 branches, Assiniboine Financial Group, a Business Financial Centre, a Community Financial Centre, a dealer finance division, mortgage specialists, Internet and telephone banking and Outlook Financial, ACU’s virtual division. 204.958.8588/1.877.958.8588 or CANADIAN FOOTWEAR Canadian Footwear has been around since 1932, and its FootHealth Centre has the experts available to find the right fit for your feet. The trained staff of Certified Pedorthists know how to alleviate pain, soreness, and discomfort from debilitating conditions like diabetes, and to make sure you leave happier and healthier than when you came in. Call 204-944-7460 to arrange an appointment. CASINOS OF WINNIPEG When you’re looking for excitement, the path always leads to the Casinos of Winnipeg. There’s a memorable moment around every corner, whether you’re expecting an amazing meal, eager to see a spectacular show or looking for a thrill that comes with gaming and slots. Come enjoy the best of what Winnipeg has to offer – and remember to hold on tight. Visit CRYSTAL PROPERTIES At Grand Lyon Terrace you will find the ideal mix of quality, convenience, location, and value. These luxury apartments are ideally located just steps away from shopping, entertainment and other fabulous amenities. The apartments vary in size and are all appointed with high ceilings and sweeping views. At Crystal Properties, we believe in superior customer service. Service and experience makes us, and Grand Lyon Terrace, your perfect next move. Call Patricia at 204-475-1423 or visit FEHR-WAY TOURS Fehr-Way Tours is a motor coach tour operator, located in East Kildonan. Celebrating 35 years in business in 2014, it was founded by John and Mary Fehr in 1979. Fehr-Way Tours provides escorted motor coach holidays and other tour packages. Destinations include day trips within Manitoba and to Grand Forks, as well as longer tours to the Maritimes, Arizona, Texas, California, Branson, Nashville, Alaska, Yellowstone, Carolinas, Amish Country, Europe and more. For more details, call 204.989.7011 or visit 36 THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE W W W. C R M . M B . C A marketPLUS+ FOOT CARE FOR SENIORS Foot Care For Seniors was started in 2001 by Lori Wuerch, winner of 2007 Woman Entrepreneur of the Year. This mobile foot care company, accredited by Blue Cross, Veterans Affairs and insurance companies, provides service to everyone from children to seniors in the privacy of your home, apartment, personal care room or hospital room. We pride ourselves in having gentle, kind, experienced nurse specialists on staff using sterilized instruments. Call our office at 204-837-6629 for more information or to book an appointment. FRED DOUGLAS PLACE Join us at Fred Douglas Place where great living, great friendships and a great reputation continue to be cause for celebration! Our 55 plus Life Lease community offers comfortable independent living, coupled with the peace of mind one gets from in-house security plus large, bright apartments, 5 Appliances, in-suite laundry and storage, balconies and climate controlled walkways to downtown. Our Waiting List is a great place to be. Are you on the list? Visit our website at GREEN CREST PHARMACY We are your neighbourhood pharmacy – warm, friendly and trustworthy. We pride ourselves on our old-fashioned service in today’s fast-paced world with our home visits for seniors. Locally owned and managed, we provide all of the services you and your family need and expect from your pharmacy including prescription pick-up and delivery, clinic days and medications reviews. Visit our website to sign up for your free monthly newsletter Greencrest Pharmacy, B-2750 Pembina Highway, 204.415.3404 KIWANIS CHATEAU Life lease living has never been so good with fully refundable entrance fees starting at $26,900. Kiwanis Chateau was developed and is owned by the Kiwanis Club of Winnipeg. Kiwanis Chateau condos offer Winnipeggers 55 and better a comfortable and affordable living alternative in a beautiful building in downtown Winnipeg. Backed by the property management experience of Shelter Canadian Properties, Kiwanis Chateau is guaranteed to provide an outstanding living experience. Visit to find out more. RIVERWOOD SQUARE Riverwood Square presents venues like the Riverview Dining Room, and the Fireside Lounge. The Landing also features a Hair Salon, Exercise Room, a Movie Theatre and a Library with internet access. Suites are available with one or two bedrooms, floor-to ceiling windows in the living room, a spacious bathroom with huge soaker tub and an adjacent shower stall and a galley kitchen. We provide weekly light housekeeping and complimentary washer and dryer. Call Linda at 204-594-1267 for your personal tour. W W W. C R M . M B . C A THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE 37 marketPLUS+ ROYAL CANADIAN MINT - MONNAIE ROYALE CANADIENNE Change is always good at the Royal Canadian Mint, where over the years they’ve brought into being more than 55 billion coins, and created currency for 75 countries around the world. Visit for more information Le changement est toujours synonyme de bonne nouvelle à la Monnaie royale canadienne, qui a fabriqué, au fil des ans, plus de 55 milliards de pièces monnaie pour plus de 75 pays dans le monde. Visitez pour en savoir plus. THE BOULTON RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Imagine living an active, healthy and care-free lifestyle in a home-like environment where you are always treated like family. Where friendly and courteous staff handle chores such as housekeeping and meal preparation and where you are surrounded by friendly neighbours who enjoy similar interests. Now stop imagining and plan for the retirement lifestyle you deserve at The Boulton Retirement Community in River Heights, designed for those seeking independent living with support services. Visit Will & Estate Lawyers of Winnipeg WILL & ESTATE LAWYERS OF WINNIPEG At Will & Estate Lawyers of Winnipeg, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service possible. We understand that creating a will can be a confusing process and, with more than 40 years of combined legal experience, we are confident in our ability to answer any question you may have. We take the time to listen to your needs and ensure that you are comfortable with every step. For more information, call (204) 989-4236. ADVERTISERS’ INDEX 13 Assiniboine Credit Union IBC Kiwanis Chateau IFC Canadian Footwear 204-944-7460 20 Manitoba Government Adoption Records OBC Casinos of Winnipeg 38 14 Crystal Properties 25 Prairie Theatre Exchange 15 Fehr-Way Tours 33 Riverwood Square 204-594-1267 17 Foot Care for Seniors 204-837-6629 30 Royal Canadian Mint 28 Fred Douglas Place 21 The Boulton Retirement Community 29 Greencrest Pharmacy 35 Will & Estate Lawyers of Winnipeg 204-989-4236 THE 55+ LEARNING GUIDE W W W. C R M . M B . C A
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