CALPADS Vendor Capabilities Procedures - fcmat | csis

Vendor CALPADS Capabilities Procedures
California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System
CALPADS Capability Procedures 1.8
Procedures for listing vendors and their products in the CALPADS Vendor
and Products Capabilities Matrix.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Overview ......................................................................................................................3
1.1 Vendor CALPADS Capabilities Procedures Overview ........................................................3
Section 2: Requirements Documents ...........................................................................................6
2.1 CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) ...................................................................................6
2.2 CALPADS Code Sets ..........................................................................................................6
2.3 CALPADS Valid Code Combinations ..................................................................................7
2.4 CALPADS SSID and Enrollment Procedures ......................................................................7
2.5 CALPADS Data Guide ........................................................................................................8
2.6 CALPADS Extract Specifications ........................................................................................8
Section 3: Roles of the California Department of Education and the FCMAT/California School
Information Services .....................................................................................................................9
3.1 The Role of the California Department of Education ...........................................................9
3.2 The Role of the FCMAT/California School Information Services .........................................9
Section 4: Process for Including Vendors and Products in the Vendor CALPADS Capabilities
Matrix ..........................................................................................................................................10
4.1 Initiation .............................................................................................................................10
4.2 Training .............................................................................................................................11
4.3 Submission of Data ...........................................................................................................12
4.4 Verification ........................................................................................................................14
4.5 Notification ........................................................................................................................15
Section 5: Process for Maintaining Entries in the CALPADS Vendor and Products Capabilities
Matrix ..........................................................................................................................................16
5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................16
5.2 Procedures for Maintaining Entries in the Matrix ...............................................................16
5.3 Procedures for Removing Entries in the Matrix .................................................................17
Section 6: Process for Resolving Disputes .................................................................................18
6.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................18
6.1 Resolution Process ...........................................................................................................18
Section 7: Process for Communicating with Vendors .................................................................19
7.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................19
7.2 CDE Website.....................................................................................................................19
7.3 CDE CALPADS Vendor Listserv .......................................................................................20
7.4 FCMAT/CSIS Website ......................................................................................................20
7.5 Meetings and Conference Calls for Vendors .....................................................................21
7.6 CALPADS Information Meetings .......................................................................................21
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Section 1: Overview
This section should give readers an understanding of the:
• Purpose of the CALPADS Vendor Capabilities Procedures
• Contents of this document
This section contains the following topics:
CALPADS Vendor Capabilities Procedures
Purpose of this document
Content not included
Additional resources
Organization of this document
See Page
1.1 Vendor CALPADS Capabilities Procedures Overview
Purpose of
this document
The purpose of these procedures is to provide vendors with an understanding of what it
means for a student information system (SIS) to be included in the CALPADS Vendors and
Products Capabilities Matrix and the procedures used to determine which vendors and
products are included in this matrix. This document describes both the procedures for the
initial inclusion in the matrix and the procedures for maintaining inclusion over time. It also
describes the resources and communication mechanisms used to share CALPADS
information with vendors and receive their feedback. This document will provide vendors
with an understanding of:
• What documents contain the CALPADS requirements
• What roles of the California Department of Education and the California School
Information Services (CSIS) play in the process of determining which vendors and
products are included in the CALPADS Vendor and Products Capabilities Matrix
• What process vendors use to have their product(s) included in the CALPADS Vendor
and Products Capabilities Matrix
• What process vendors use to maintain their inclusion in the matrix
• What resources are available to vendors
• What the procedures are to resolve disputes related to these procedures and
• How CDE and FCMAT/CSIS communicate with vendors
Content not
This document does not contain:
• Instructions on how to use the CALPADS system (that information is located in the
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CALPADS User Manual)
• CALPADS file specifications or definitions of data elements (that information is located
in the CALPADS File Specifications document)
• CALPADS codes (that information is located in the CALPADS Code Set document)
• Procedures related to the acquisition and maintenance of Statewide Student Identifiers
(SSIDs) (that information is located in the CALPADS SSID Enrollment Procedures
• CALPADS Error List (that information is contained in the CALPADS Error List
See the additional resources for locations (URLs) of the above-referenced documents.
of this
Information not found in these procedures may be found in the following locations:
For this information…
• CALPADS File Specifications (CFS)
• CALPADS Code Sets
• CALPADS Valid Code Combinations
• CALPADS SSID Enrollment Procedures
• CALPADS Data Guide
• CALPADS User Manual
• CALPADS Error list
• CALPADS User Manual
• CALPADS Operations Manual
The CALPADS application
This document is organized in the following sections:
• Section 1: Overview
This section contains an overview of this document.
• Section 2: Requirements Documents
This section describes various documents that contain CALPADS requirements.
• Section 3: Role of the California Department of Education (CDE) and the Fiscal
Crisis & Management Assistance Team (FCMAT)/California School Information
Services (CSIS)
This section contains a description of the roles of the CDE and FCMAT/CSIS in the
process for determining which vendors and products are included in the Vendor
CALPADS Capabilities Matrix.
• Section 4: Process for Including Vendors and Products in the Vendor CALPADS
Capabilities Matrix
This section contains a description of the procedures used to determine which vendors
and products are included in the Vendor CALPADS Capabilities Matrix.
• Section 5: Process for Maintaining Inclusion in the Vendor CALPADS Capabilities
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This section contains a description of the procedures used to determine how vendors
maintain their inclusion in the Vendor CALPADS Capabilities Matrix.
• Section 6: Process for Resolving Disputes
This section contains a description of the process the CDE, FCMAT/CSIS, and vendors
use to resolve disputes related to the procedures described in this document.
• Section 7: Process for Communicating with Vendors
This section contains a description of the process CDE and FCMAT/CSIS use to
communicate with vendors.
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Section 2: Requirements Documents
This section contains information about various CALPADS documents vendors will find
useful. This section should give readers a good understanding of:
• The various documents used to define CALPADS requirements
• Where to find these documents
This section contains the following topics:
CALPADS File Specifications
CALPADS Valid Code Combinations
CALPADS SSID Enrollment Procedures
CALPADS Data Guide
CALPADS Extract Specifications
See Page
2.1 CALPADS File Specifications (CFS)
Where to find
the CFS
The CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) document is intended to assist LEA and vendor
staff in understanding the specific data population requirements for each of the California
Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) data submissions. The document
describes each of the CALPADS files and the layout for each file, including the fields to be
included and the population rules.
• The CFS may be downloaded from:
2.2 CALPADS Code Sets
Where to find
Code Sets
The CALPADS Code Sets document describes the CALPADS code sets, the code values,
code names, and definition of each code value.
• The CALPADS Code Sets may be downloaded from:
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2.3 CALPADS Valid Code Combinations
The CALPADS Valid Code Combinations is intended to provide local educational agency
(LEA) staff and vendors with an understanding of valid combinations of CALPADS codes,
State Province and Country codes
Exit Reason and Grade Level codes
Exit Category and School Completion Status codes
Completion Status and Grade Level
Education Program and Membership Category codes
Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment and Educational Job Classification codes
Student Offense and Offense Category codes
CTE Pathway and CTE Industry Sector codes
Course Group Master combinations
Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment and Content Area Category Assignment
• Offense Code and Weapon Category
• Current English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) and Submitted ELAS
Where to find
Valid Code
• The CALPADS Valid Code Combinations may be downloaded from:
2.4 CALPADS SSID and Enrollment Procedures
The CALPADS SSID and Enrollment Procedures includes information about the business
rules regarding:
Where to find
Statewide Student Identifiers (SSIDs)
Enrollment Types
Enrolling and Exiting Students
Dropouts – Adjustment to Counts
• The CALPADS SSID and Enrollment Procedures may be downloaded from:
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2.5 CALPADS Data Guide
The CALPADS Data Guide is intended to prepare LEA staff for submission of required data
into CALPADS. The Guide will also provide vendors with an understanding of:
What data must be maintained in local systems
When data should be available in local systems
When the data will be needed for submission to CALPADS
How to prepare for each submission
What type of data are expected to be submitted or updated during each submission
• How the submitted data will be used by the state
Where to find
Data Guide
• The CALPADS Data Guide may be downloaded from:
2.6 CALPADS Extract Specifications
The CALPADS Extract Specifications document is intended to assist local educational
agency (LEA) staff and vendors in understanding the file extract specification of each of the
California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) extracts. The following
extract types are described in detail:
• Operational Data Store (ODS) Extracts
• Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) Extract
• Candidate List Extract
• Replacement SSID Extract
• Rejected Records Extract
• Direct Certification Extract
• Suspense Resolution Extract
• Assessment Result Extracts
Where to find
Data Guide
• The CALPADS Extract Specifications may be downloaded from:
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Section 3: Roles of the California Department of Education and
the FCMAT/California School Information Services
This section describes the roles of the California Department of Education and
FCMAT/California School Information Services in determining which vendors and products
to include in the CALPADS Vendor and Products Capabilities Matrix.
This section contains the following topics:
Role of the California Department of Education
Role of the FCMAT/California School Information
See Page
3.1 The Role of the California Department of Education
Role of the
The CDE is responsible for working in collaboration with FCMAT/CSIS to define the process
for determining which vendors and products are included in the CALPADS Vendor
Capabilities Matrix.
3.2 The Role of the FCMAT/California School Information Services
Role of
FCMAT/CSIS is responsible for working in collaboration with CDE to define the process for
determining which vendors and products are included in the CALPADS Vendor Capabilities
Matrix. FCMAT/CSIS is also responsible for administering the process jointly approved by
CDE and FCMAT/CSIS to determine which vendors and products are included in the
CALPADS Vendor Capabilities Matrix. FCMAT/CSIS is responsible for publishing this
document and the Vendor Matrix on the FCMAT/CSIS website.
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Section 4: Process for Including Vendors and Products in the
Vendor CALPADS Capabilities Matrix
This section describes the procedures used to determine which vendors and products are
included in the Vendor CALPADS Capabilities Matrix.
This section contains the following topics:
Submission of Data
See Page
4.1 Initiation
The Initiation step is the step in which the vendor expresses interest in having a product
posted in the Vendor CALPADS Capabilities Matrix.
What the
vendor does
In this step, the vendor:
• Contacts to express interest in having one or more
products included in the Vendor CALPADS Capabilities Matrix
• Reviews the CALPADS documents referenced in section 2
• Emails if the vendor has questions about the
CALPADS requirements
• Makes any changes as necessary to bring the SIS into compliance with CALPADS
In this step, FCMAT/CSIS:
• Captures the contact information for the vendor
• Responds to any questions the vendor may have regarding CALPADS requirements
• If necessary, consults CDE prior to responding to requirements questions if a new
question has been raised and the answer is not found in CALPADS documentation
• Adds the vendor product to the vendor matrix
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4.2 Training
The Training step involves the vendor attending CALPADS trainings or self-paced trainings
and learning how various CALPADS utilities function.
utilities and
extracts need
to be
The vendor needs to be familiar with the following CALAPDS utilities and extracts:
• Translation tables to translate local SIS codes to CALPADS codes upon import. See
the CALPADS User Manual for details on this functionality; this manual is located at and within the CALPADS
ODS Extract File which may be used to compare and identify differences between
the CALPADS data and the data in the local student information system. The ODS
Extract File is described in the CALPADS Extract Specifications document, located
SSID Extract File which may be used to extract SSID information from the
CALPADS ODS through the CALPADS on-line system. The SSID Extract File is
described in the CALPADS Extract Specifications document, located at
Replacement SSID Extract file which may be used to obtain replacement SSIDs for
retired SSIDs. The replacement SSIDs must be uploaded into the SIS and used in
place of the retired SSIDs. The Replacement SSID Extract File is described in the
CALPADS Extract Specifications document, located at
Direct Certification Extract may be used to obtain results from the Direct Certification
match. The Direct Certification Extract File is described in the CALPADS Extract
Specifications document, located at
Assessments - Individual Student Profile Extract may be used to obtain an extract of
the historical assessment data contained in the CALPADS Assessment &
Accountability Data Store (AADS) for each student enrolled in the LEA as of the date
selected. This file will contain results for all students enrolled at the LEAs on the as
of date, even if the students were enrolled in another LEA when the testing occurred.
The Assessments - Individual Student Profile Extract is described in the CALPADS
Extract Specifications document, located at
Assessments - Student Results Extract may be used to obtain the details of each
assessment contained in the AADS for each student enrolled in the LEA as of a
select Academic Year. The Assessments - Student Results Extract is described in
the CALPADS Extract Specifications document, located at
Suspense Resolution Records Extract may be used to obtain student assessment
results records that were given a status of Suspense when vendor assessment data
was loaded. An LEA may use their local computing environment to analyze and
select an SSID enrollment to resolve the suspense. The LEA can then upload a file
of resolved student assessment suspense records to CALPADS for processing. The
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Suspense Resolution Records Extract is described in the CALPADS Extract
Specifications document, located at
What the
vendor does
In this step, the vendor:
• Assigns a person to be responsible for obtaining training on how to use CALPADS
• Creates an account on the FCMAT/CSIS website so that the vendor can register for
training by visiting, clicking the “Login” link at the top right-hand
corner of the page, and then following the online instructions
• Attends the “Essentials” CALPADS online training sessions or completes self-paced
trainings listed below to become more familiar with CALPADS requirements:
o Essential 1 (Overview of Objectives and Requirements),
o Essential 2 (Features, Code Mapping and User Access),
o Essential 3 (SSID requests, Enrollment and Maintanance),
o Essential 4 (SSID Anomalies)
See to register for trainings or to take self-paced trainings
• Attends other CALPADS training sessions specific to the submission(s) the vendor
will be testing to become familiar with the submission-specific requirements See the
FCMAT/CSIS Course Catalog at
and filter on CALPADS to view trainings for the various CALPADS submissions
In this step, FCMAT/CSIS:
• Helps the vendor register for CALPADS online trainings if the vendor needs
assistance or
• Helps the vendor access the CALPADS self-paced trainings
4.3 Submission of Data
The Submission of data step involves either:
a. The vendor working with one or more of its LEA clients to have the LEA submit data
to CALPADS using extracts created from the SIS so that the vendor can prove its
student information system is capable of producing extracts that satisfy the
requirements for a specific CALPADS file submission, or
b. If the vendor does not yet have California clients, the vendor can coordinate with
FCMAT/CSIS to provide FCMAT/CSIS staff with extracts generated from its SIS
using test data. FCMAT/CSIS will upload these extracts in a CALPADS test
environment on behalf of the vendor and provide the vendor feedback. Vendors
successfully completing this type of testing will be designated on the Matrix as
having met the CALPADS capable status through the use of only test data.
What the
vendor does if
the vendor
If the vendor is working with one or more of its LEA clients to help the LEA(s) submit data to
CALPADS, the vendor:
• Identifies LEA clients to represent the one or more of the following grade spans:
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has California
LEAs as
E = Elementary grades (K-6)
H = High School grades (7-12)
Alt = Ed Options (7-12, AD)
All = All grades (K-12, AD)
The vendor selects LEA client(s) they will work closely with to submit
data with the understanding that the grade level will be posted on the
matrix. Vendors are encouraged to work with LEAs representing all
grade spans whenever possible.
Works with one or more of its LEA client(s) to help reconcile all warning and error
messages to ensure that the vendor extract(s) will work successfully in future
CALPADS submissions. Vendors are not responsible for data quality issues related
to warning or error messages.
Works with the same LEA client(s) to verify the SIS is capable of uploading the
CALPADS-generated extracts.
Makes adjustments in the software as necessary.
Works with the LEA to help the LEA resubmit extracts in an iterative process until
extracts created by the software can pass all CALPADS validations.
What the
vendor does if
the vendor
does not have
If the vendor will submit test data to FCMAT/CSIS instead of working with an LEA, the
• Develops test data for one or more of the following grade spans:
E = Elementary grades (K-6)
H = High School grades (7-12)
Alt = Ed Options (7-12, AD)
All = All grades (K-12, AD)
The vendor selects grade spans with the understanding that the grade
level will be posted on the matrix. Vendors are encouraged to work with
all grade spans whenever possible.
• Uploads test data to the secure site designated by FCMAT/CSIS and notifies
FCMAT/CSIS that the file(s) have been uploaded.
• Receives the SSID extract file from FCMAT/CSIS generated for the test data and
uploads that file into their SIS. Creates other files needed for CALPADS (e.g. SINF),
uploads them to the secure site, and notifies FCMAT/CSIS that the file(s) have been
• Receives from FCMAT/CSIS and reconciles all warning and error messages to
ensure that the vendor extract(s) will work successfully in future CALPADS
• Receives other CALPADS-generated extracts and ensures the SIS is capable of
uploading the CALPADS-generated extracts.
• Makes adjustments in the software as necessary.
• Works with the FCMAT/CSIS to resubmit extracts in an iterative process until
extracts created by the software can pass all CALPADS validations.
What are the
for data
Data submitted must:
• Be a complete set of data selected to thoroughly test all possible conditions
contained in the reporting requirements for a specific submission.
• Adhere to the import and validation rules described in detail within the CALPADS
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CFS and Code Sets.
Be complete enough to allow an LEA to certify a submission.
Include at least the suggested number of records as described in the table below.
Column Legend –
1) LEA Type – Vendor must select a LEA type and use at least the number of
suggested records in that row.
2) Number and Type of Schools – Vendor must provide data for at least the specified
number of schools and school types. For example if Unified is selected then 3
schools must be submitted, one elementary school, one middle school and one high
3) Number of Records (by Submission) – For each submission, the specified file
types must be submitted with at least the specified record volume for that LEA Type.
A vendor can exceed these counts, but may not do less. Using fewer records will
not provide an adequate testing experience.
In this step, FCMAT/CSIS:
• Responds to any questions the vendor may have regarding warnings or errors
• Works with vendors that are using test data and processes those files in the
CALPADS test environment on the vendor’s behalf.
4.4 Verification
If the vendor submitted LEA data in step 4.3, the Verification step involves the vendor
sending FCMAT/CSIS verification that one of its LEA clients has certified the LEA’s
CALPADS data collection.
If the vendor submitted test data to FCMAT/CSIS for processing in step 4.3, then the vendor
skips this step and proceeds to 4.5 until such time that a California LEA has certified a
CALPADS submission that was completed using extracts generated from the vendor’s SIS.
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What the
vendor does
In this step, the vendor works with its LEA clients to help the LEAs submit and certify data
for one of the CALPADS data collections to the production site. Once LEAs have certified
and the submission certification deadline has passed, the vendor selects an LEA with the
largest grade span from each of the LEA types the vendor serves (e.g. elementary, high
school, charter, unified) and has the LEA(s) send proof of its certification to The vendor should have only one LEA per grade-level span submit
this proof for each of the CALPADS data collections (e.g. one for Fall 1, Fall 2, Spring, etc.)
for the grade-level spans the vendor wishes to have posted on the matrix. If the vendor
serves multiple LEA types (e.g. elementary, high school, charter, unified) the verification
process will expect each LEA type submission to be verified.
In this step, after the certification date for the specific CALPADS submission, FCMAT/CSIS
verifies with the LEA:
• The specific extracts generated by the vendor’s product used for the CALPADS data
• The fact that the LEA was able to certify the CALPADS data collection using the
vendor’s extracts without manipulation of the extracts,
• The grade span included in the extract, and
• The LEA was able to upload the following CALPADS extracts back into the SIS:
SSID, Replacement SSID, Direct Certification, and the Individual Student Profile
Assessment Results.
4.5 Notification
The Notification step involves FCMAT/CSIS notifying the vendor of the results of the
Verification step or, in the case of vendors working with test data, the results of the
Submission of Data step.
What the
vendor does
In this step, the vendor receives notification from FCMAT/CSIS and, after CDE has updated
the matrix, refers clients to the FCMAT/CSIS website to confirm the SIS Capability.
In this step, FCMAT/CSIS:
• Adds submission status to CALPADS Vendor and Product Capabilities Matrix on the
FCMAT/CSIS website. When the vendor has used test data to verify it is CALPADS
capable, the matrix will include “Test data only” to denote that the SIS has not yet
been used to complete a CALPADS certification.
• Indicates the grade level span of the data in the column(s) for the specific files
included in the vendor’s extracts. The Vendor and Product Capabilities Matrix will be
updated within one week of the CALPADS determination.
• Notifies vendors when the matrix has been updated of their inclusion in the matrix.
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Section 5: Process for Maintaining Entries in the CALPADS
Vendor and Products Capabilities Matrix
This section contains the following topics:
Procedures for Maintaining Entries in the Matrix
Procedures for Removing Entried in the Matrix
See Page
5.1 Introduction
The section describes what vendors must do to maintain their listing in the CALPADS
Vendor and Product Capabilities Matrix as well as what CDE and FCMAT/CSIS do to
support vendors in this process.
5.2 Procedures for Maintaining Entries in the Matrix
When a vendor and product are listed in the CALPADS Vendor and Product Capability
Matrix, the vendor must actively work with FCMAT/CSIS until the product is deemed
CALPADS capable. If a product has not yet been determined to be CALPADS capable and
the vendor has not been in contact with FCMAT/CSIS in three (3) months to make progress
toward completing the process of having its product evaluated for CALPADS capability,
FCMAT/CSIS will remove the product from the matrix.
When a major revision in CALPADS occurs, vendors must repeat the process for
determining if their product should be included in the CALPADS Vendor and Product
Capability Matrix.
What is a
A major revision has occurred in CALPADS when CDE, in consultation with FCMAT/CSIS,
major revision has implemented a significant change in one or more of the following areas:
• The CALPADS file formats
• The State reporting requirements
• New system functionality
What the
In this step, the vendor:
vendor does
• Follows directions provided by CDE or FCMAT/CSIS
following a
• Contacts if the vendor has questions
major revision
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What CDE
In this step, CDE or FCMAT/CSIS:
• Contact vendors to notify them:
o A major revision has occurred, such as a new federal or state requirement
do following a
has been imposed and new data elements have been added
major revision
o The data collection(s) or files impacted by the revision
o The need to repeat the procedure described in section 4 for the data
collection(s) or files impacted by the revision
• Provides assistance to vendors as needed to help them understand what they need
to do to maintain their listing in the Matrix
5.3 Procedures for Removing Entries in the Matrix
When a vendor no longer wants to be on the matrix or CDE and FCMAT/CSIS deem the
vendor product should be removed.
What the
vendor does
In this step, the vendor:
• Sends an email to that requests the vendor product to
be removed from the matrix
In this step, FCMAT/CSIS:
• Contacts vendors to notify them the vendor product has been removed
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Section 6: Process for Resolving Disputes
6.1 Introduction
This section describes methods CDE, FCMAT/CSIS, and vendors use in the event of a
dispute associated with the procedures described in this document.
This section contains the following topic:
Resolution Process
See Page
6.1 Resolution Process
If the dispute exists, the vendor will raise the issue with the FCMAT/CSIS staff involved in
the original action and attempt to resolve the dispute informally. If the vendor and staff are
not able to resolve the dispute and the vendor wishes to pursue it, the vendor will contact
the FCMAT/CSIS Chief Operations Officer (COO). If the vendor and the FCMAT/CSIS Chief
Operations Officer are not able to resolve the dispute, the vendor will submit a written
description of the dispute to the FCMAT/CSIS Chief Operations Officer and the CDE
CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office. The written description shall include all factual
information regarding the dispute. Once a written dispute is submitted, CDE and
FCMAT/CSIS will attempt to render a decision to resolve the dispute within ten (10)
business days. Once CDE and the FCMAT/CSIS COO reach a resolution on the dispute,
the FCMAT/CSIS COO will communicate the decision to the vendor. One the decision is
rendered, it is final.
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Section 7: Process for Communicating with Vendors
This section describes the communication methods CDE and FCMAT/CSIS use to
communicate with vendors.
This section contains the following topics:
CDE Website
CDE Vendor Listserv
Meetings and Conference Calls for Vendors
CALPADS Information Meetings
See Page
7.1 Overview
The Overview section details the communication methods used by CDE and FCMAT/CSIS
to share information with and gather input from vendors.
The primary methods for CDE and FCMAT/CSIS to communicate with vendors are:
• The CDE website
• The CDE vendor listserv
• The FCMAT/CSIS website
• Meetings and conference calls for vendors
• CALPADS Information meetings
7.2 CDE Website
The CDE website section lists CALPADS requirements documents that are resources for
vendors as well as links to those documents.
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The primary documents posted on the CDE website at that vendors use are:
• CALPADS File Specifications
• CALPADS Code Sets
• CALPADS Valid Code Combinations
• CALPADS SSID and Enrollment Procedures
• CALPADS Data Guide
• CALPADS Error List
• CALPADS Extract Specifications
7.3 CDE CALPADS Vendor Listserv
The CDE CALPADS Vendor Listserv section describes how vendors may register for the
CDE CALPADS vendor listserv, the primary communication vehicle to vendors on
How to
Vendors may register for the CDE CALPADS vendor listserv by visiting the CALPADS
Listserv page
7.4 FCMAT/CSIS Website
The FCMAT/CSIS website section lists resources for vendors maintained on the
FCMAT/CSIS website and links to those documents and registration site used to register for
CALPADS trainings.
The primary items posted on the FCMAT/CSIS website for use by vendors are the:
• Course catalog,, which includes a
description of all CALPADS trainings
• Training page,, which provides links to
specific course pages that include registration and materials for each specific course
• Self-paced training page,,
which includes links to all self-paced trainings and explains the hardware and
software requirements to run self-paced trainings
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7.5 Meetings and Conference Calls for Vendors
This section explains how meetings and conference calls are used for communications with
Purpose of the The CDE and FCMAT/CSIS regularly arrange and conduct various meeting(s) and/or
calls/meetings conference calls to provide a venue for discussion of pending change requests and
technical/data implications for upcoming CALPADS requirements.
What CDE or
1. Arrange and conduct meetings/calls with user groups and stakeholders of
CALPADS to gather and exchange technical information necessary to understand
the requirements and be able to make informed decisions about maintaining and
implementing software changes related to CALPADS.
2. Arrange and conduct meetings for vendors to provide and exchange information
related to software requirements.
3. Arrange and conduct meetings with individual vendors to help with specific
requirements related to any one particular SIS product.
What vendors
The vendors will:
1. Participate in the meetings or calls if the vendors’ schedule permits.
7.6 CALPADS Information Meetings
This section explains how CALPADS Information Meetings (CIM) are used for
communications with vendors.
Purpose of
the CIM
The CDE and FCMAT/CSIS host advisory meetings approximately two times per year via
video conference to provide a venue for discussion of CALPDS implementation, pending
change requests and technical/data implications for upcoming CALPADS requirements.
What CDE
CDE and FCMAT/CSIS will:
1. Set the annual schedule for CIM and arrange meeting locations.
2. Host the registration pages for the CIM on the FCMAT/CSIS website.
3. Send out invitations and encourage those interested in attending to register for
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the event.
4. Conduct the meetings.
5. Gather suggested agenda items for future CALPADS Information Meetings.
What vendors
The vendors will:
1. Participate in the CIM if the vendors’ schedule permits.
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