Sir Charles Tupper School

Sir Charles Tupper School
1930 Cambridge Street, Halifax, N. S. B3H 4S5
Tel: (902) 421-6775, Fax: (902) 421-3049
Principal: Paula Hoyt
Vice Principal: Tom Cleary
APRIL 2015
April 7, 14, 21 and 28
“Refundables” Tuesday
April 7, 21 and May 5
Intramurals – Grades 3/4
Permission slip required
12:20 pm – 12:50 pm
April 1, 8, 15 and 29
Pizza Lunch – New Session!
Are you expecting pizza? Did you submit a
new order?
April 13 and 15
YOGA for students in grades 5 Trussler, 6 Cleary and
6 Fader who pre-registered 12:30 pm – 1:15 pm
April 14, 28 and May 12
Intramurals – Grades 5/6
Permission slip required
12:20 pm – 12:50 pm
April 19 - 25
Education Week
April 20 – April 23
Scholastic Book Fair sponsored by the PTA.
Further information regarding the Book Fair is
included in this newsletter
April 29 and 30
Spring Musical “The Sound of Music” performances
at 7:00 pm. Tickets are required. Please see
ticket information included in this newsletter.
April 1
Out-of-Area Transfer Requests will be accepted
beginning at 8:00 am. Please enter through the
Cambridge Street (north) doors and form a line.
April 1
YOGA for students in grades 4 vanderMolen and
5 Black who pre-registered 12:30 pm – 1:15 pm
April 2
2/3 Boyd/Layton and 3 Kennedy visit the Halifax
Central Library 9:00 am – 12 Noon
April 2
Primary Disney celebrates the “Arts”
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
April 3
Good Friday – No Classes
April 6
Easter Monday – No Classes
April 7
Maritime Marionettes conduct “Introduction to
Puppetry” workshops for grades Primary – 6
April 8
International “Day of Pink” – Students are encouraged
to wear pink. Further information is included in
this newsletter.
April 8
Maritime Marionettes conduct “Introduction to
Puppetry” workshops for grades Primary – 6
April 8
Maritime Marionettes perform
“Molly and the Oak Island Treasure – 1:30 pm
April 8
Gaelic presentation to grades 3 Boyd/Layton and
3 Kennedy
April 10
Ms. Ogaa and grade 4 vanderMolen visit the Art
Gallery of Nova Scotia
April 13
5 Black and 5 Trussler visit the Nova Scotia Museum
of Natural History 9:00 am – 12 Noon
April 13
Report Cards go home today!
April 13
Tickets sales for “The Sound of Music” go on sale
today! Beginning at 6:00 pm, you may preview the
seating plan and select your seats for the night you
wish to attend. See attached ticket information.
April 13
School Advisory Council Meeting
6:00 pm in the library
April 13
PTA Meeting
7:00 pm in the library
April 14
Ticket sales for “The Sound of Music” go on sale
today! If you are not able to “select your seats” by
visiting the school on April 13 at 6:00 pm, you must
submit your order using the ticket request form
included in this newsletter.
April 15
Electricity presentation by Nova Scotia Power for
grades 6 Cleary/Szeto and 6 Fader
9:00 am – 12 Noon
April 15
Meeting for those interested in volunteering at
“Spring Fling” - 7:00 pm in the school library.
April 20
“Spirit of Africa” drumming sessions for grades
Primary – 6
9:00 am – 3:30 pm
April 22
Professional Development Morning
No classes for students
April 22
Parent/Teacher conferences by appointment
(afternoon and evening) No classes for students
May 1, 8 and 22
IWK Days at Sir Charles Tupper School….
Students can support the IWK by donating a loonie or
twoonie to wear a hat to school on May 1, pajamas on
May 8 and their favourite sports jersey on May 22.
Donations are collected each morning and forwarded
to the IWK.
May 9
“Spring Fling” fundraiser sponsored by
the PTA 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
May 15
Professional Development Day
No classes for students
May 18
Victoria Day Holiday - No Classes
May 21
Primary Parent Orientation – 7:00 pm
School Library
May 28
Primary Orientation morning – by invitation only
Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, April 22 (afternoon
and evening appointments). Beginning Wednesday, April 15 you can book your
appointment(s) using the Online Parent Teacher Interview Scheduler.
Instructions on how to access the scheduler have been included in this
newsletter. As noted on the calendar, there will be no classes for students on
Wednesday, April 22.
Families who are interested in registering their children in the 2015/2016 EXCEL
program are encouraged to mark the following important dates on your
April 27th - Beginning at 8:00 a.m. on April 27th current participants of the
2014/2015 EXCEL program may submit an application for the coming school
year via the online application system, by email, or by fax. Current
participants will receive a letter in mid-April identifying a user name and
password providing them exclusive access to the online application system.
Current participant families that have additional siblings that will be
registering for the first time with EXCEL may register all eligible children in
their family during this early registration period.
May 4th - General Registration begins for all EXCEL Before & After school
programs at 8:00 a.m. on May 4th. Applications may be submitted via the
online system or the EXCEL office at 25 Alfred Street, Dartmouth. Individuals
paying by Pre-Authorized Payment, MasterCard or Visa ONLY may register
on-line. Go to to access.
We encourage parents to submit their applications in a timely manner to ensure
the greatest opportunity for entry into the program as demand often exceeds
capacity. Notifications for acceptance into the program will be forwarded to
applicants as per the following schedule:
Before & After
5 days/week
After Only
5 days/week
Before & After
< 5 days/week
Notifications for BA-FT applications to be processed beginning
April 28th, 2015
Notifications for A-FT applications to be processed beginning
June 1st, 2015
Notifications for Part-Time applications to be processed
beginning June 29th, 2015
DAY OF PINK – What is the Day of Pink?
April 8th, 2015 marks the International Day of Pink. It is a day where communities
across the country, and across the world, can unite in celebrating diversity and
raising awareness to stop homophobia, transphobia, transmisogyny, and all
forms of bullying.
The International Day of Pink was started in Nova Scotia when 2 straight high
school students saw a gay student wearing a pink shirt being bullied. The 2
students intervened, but wanted to do more to prevent homophobic &
transphobic bullying. They decided to purchase pink shirts, and a few days later
got everyone at school to arrive wearing pink, standing in solidarity. The result
was that an entire school took a stand and began working together to prevent
homophobic & transphobic bullying.
The message was clear: anyone can bully, any can be victimized by
bullying, but together we can stop it.
Each year on the second Wednesday of April, millions of people wear pink and
take a stand. The Day of Pink is a symbol, a spark, that empowers and inspires
youth across Canada to create amazing social change!
Monday, April 20th
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Tuesday, April 21st
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Wednesday, April 22nd
1:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Thursday, April 23rd
8:30 am – 1:30 pm
There will be lots of great books to buy and fun & fishy things happening at
this Spring's Book Fair: Under the Sea
Please support this very worthwhile fundraiser sponsored by the PTA and stock
up for your spring & summer reading!
If you are able to volunteer at this fun event please contact Kim Connolly at
429-4502 or
Mark Saturday May 9th: 10am-1pm on your calendar!
Planning is well underway for this fantastic day of fun at Tupper that features
bouncy castles, games, yummy treats, and more! We hope to see you and your
family there! Please pass on the invitation to your neighbours, especially those
who have children who plan to attend Tupper in the future.
There are still plenty of opportunities to help out with this great fundraiser! All
current volunteers and anyone interested in volunteering are encouraged to join
us on Wednesday, April 15th at 7pm in the school library for a Spring Fling
information session. If you are unable to join the meeting but want to participate,
please contact Nancy Delaney at!
Sir Charles Tupper School
Online Parent-Teacher Interview Scheduler
Parent Instructions
First, open http:// in your web browser
How do I register a new account so I can start making appointments?
• At the User Login screen (the first page you see). Click the link which reads
New Parents: Start By Clicking Here
• You should now see a registration form. Fill in the required information and
click the Continue link located at the bottom of the form.
* Note: Ensure to enter your correct e-mail address as information you need
to activate your account will be e-mailed to that address.
• Please check your email and follow the instructions to confirm your e-mail
address and activate your account.
I already have an account but I can't remember my password. What do I
If you have lost your password it can e-mailed to you.
• At the OPTIS login screen (the first page you see). Click the link Lost your
password? Click here.
You should now see a form with an E-Mail Address field. Enter your e-mail
address here and click the Continue link.
Your password will now be e-mailed to you.
Check your e-mail to retrieve your password.
You may now go back to the login screen and login with your e-mail address
and password.
* Note: If you receive an error saying that your e-mail address is not
registered then your account may have been removed by an administrator.
How do I schedule appointments?
• Click the Make Appointments link from the menu.
• Next you will need to enter some information about your children, when done
click the Continue link.
• * If you have more than 1 child attending this school check the I want to add
another child checkbox to add another child.
• When you are done adding your children you will see a list of the students you
have added to your account. Select which children you would like to make
appointments for and click the Continue link.
• On the next screen you will see a list of available dates. Select the date on
which to schedule appointments.
• Now select from the list of teachers which teachers to make appointments
with. Click the Continue link.
• On the next screen each teacher will have a drop-down box with a list of their
available times listed. Select a time to reserve for each teacher, then click the
Continue link.
How do I add my children to my account?
• Locate the My Account link from the Menu.
• A drop-down menu will appear. Click the My Children link.
• Enter your child's first and last name into the form.
• Click the Continue link at the bottom of the form.
How do change the time and/or date of an appointment I have already
• Click the My Schedule link from the menu.
• You should now see a list of appointments you have made.
• Click the Edit Appointment link next to an appointment.
• Choose a new time and/or date from the options available and then click the
Continue link below.
How do cancel an appointment that I have scheduled?
• Click the My Schedule link from the menu.
• You should now see a list of appointments you have made.
• Click the Cancel Appointment icon next to an appointment.
How do I print my interview schedule?
• Click the My Schedule link from the menu.
• You should now see a list of appointments you have made.
• You will now see a list of the appointments you have scheduled. Click the
Printer-Friendly Schedule link
• Your browser's print dialog will open. Select a printer and click the Print or OK
Sir Charles Tupper School
Grades 4 – 6 Students present
“The Sound of Music”
Wednesday, April 29 and Thursday, April 30
Evening Performances at 7:00 pm
The students and staff of Sir Charles Tupper School are very excited to
present “The Sound of Music”. We have been working very hard and look
forward to sharing this great show with you. In an effort to accommodate
everyone who would like to attend, we are holding two public performances:
Wednesday, April 29 and Thursday, April 30.
All tickets are assigned seating and tickets are $2.00 each. We want to
provide you with a true theatre experience by having seating arranged ahead
of time. We are offering two convenient ways to purchase your tickets:
Monday, April 13, 2015
Ticket sales will be held at the school on Monday, April 13 from 6:00
pm to 7:30 pm. At this time, you may preview the seating plan and
select your seats for the night you wish to attend. The benefit of
coming to the school on April 13 to “select your seats” is that there is
no limit as to how many tickets you can purchase per performance.
If you cannot attend the ticket sales evening, you may use the ticket
request portion of this information to order tickets.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Tickets requested using the ticket request form will begin to be
processed on Tuesday, April 14, 2015. Please complete the ticket
request portion of this information, enclose payment and have your
child return it to his/her classroom teacher. You can purchase 4
tickets per family per performance.
If you are ordering your tickets using the ticket request form, you
will not be able to select your seat. Seats will be assigned on a first
come, first served basis and we will give you the best available seat at
the time we receive your order.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ticket Request Form
“The Sound of Music”
Wednesday, April 29 and Thursday, April 30
Evening Performances at 7:00 pm
Name: _____________________________________________
Please indicate which performance you would like to attend and the
number of tickets (limit 4 tickets per family per performance):
7:00 pm
# of tickets:____
7:00 pm
# of tickets:____
Tickets are $2.00 each. Please include payment with your ticket request
and send along to your child’s classroom teacher. Ticket orders will begin
to be processed on April 14th.