Navigation Guide for SRMgr Locator Features Locate new suppliers or find suppliers that meet your selected criteria within your Supply Base, Private Folders or outward in the D&B D-U-N-S Universe. When searching for a new supplier, it’s important to ensure that the supplier has the least amount of risk possible. Locator can be helpful if you are working with an existing supplier who has become risky or even when issuing proposals (RFPs, RFXs, etc.). Geography: Select criteria in the geography window based on where you would like the vendors to be located. Industry Classification: Select criteria in the industry classification window based on the SIC codes, Commodity Codes and NAICS codes. Risk Scores: Select the level of risk you are looking for by sliding the bars from low risk to high risk to identify Supplier score ranges. Special Events: Select your criteria for suits, liens, and judgments. Data Depth: Select criteria based on the level of data you want to consider when making your decision. Socioeconomic Status: Set selection criteria based on suppliers that fall under specific diverse or socioeconomic categories. Company Characteristics: Set selection criteria based on specific demographic data including number of employees, year business was started, annual sales, and type of business location. Saved Locator Searches: Save Locator searches so you can always retrieve the most current information for the search. The Saved Locator Search drop-down displays the last five Locator Searches that were saved by the user. Search Criteria Results: The results limit of the search criteria entered is 1,000 suppliers. The search is conducted from your Supply Base, Private folders, and also the entire D&B D-U-N-S Universe for vendors that match. Each results folder displays the number of search results expected for that folder. D&B Supplier Risk Manager Part 1: SRMgr - Locator Features Locator Module Features Locating new suppliers or finding suppliers that meet the necessary criteria within your Supply Base, Private Folders or outward in the D&B D-U-N-S Universe can be handled through the Locator tab. When searching for a new supplier, it’s important to ensure that the supplier has the least amount of risk possible and falls within the right categories needed. The Locator tab is also the best way to find suppliers based on demographic and geographic criteria. Locator can be helpful if you are working with an existing supplier who has become risky or even when issuing proposals (RFPs, RFXs, etc.). Locator Rules Recommended Selections Geography or Industry Classification Note: The remaining categories are optional. Default Settings The search returns the most suppliers on the candidate list/results page. Maximums The maximum number of suppliers returned is 1,000. If the selection made will return more than 1,000 suppliers, a message will display and the search selections will need to be reviewed and modified. Once your selections identify fewer than 1000 suppliers, the link will turn green and you can click on it to drill into the list of matches. Search Criteria The locator layout consists of tiled windows of selection criteria which provide easy access to find new suppliers or find suppliers that meet your criteria within your Supply Base or Personal Folders. As you select filter criteria, in regard to Geographic location, Scores, Industries, etc., a running tally of vendors is identified on the far right side of your screen. D&B Supplier Risk Manager Part 1: SRMgr - Locator Features Leveraging the Geography Section A geography selection is recommended in Locator. Select criteria in the geography window based on where you would like the vendors to be located. When you choose Geography, you start at the Continent level, then drill down to a country or countries, and then drill into states/provinces and counties/cities. Geography criteria are based on the following: Continent Select one or more continents. Country Select countries. A best practice is to include no more than two countries or the candidate list returned may be too large of a territory to provide useful results. State/Province Select the State (in the US) or Province (in Canada) to provide more robust results – this is recommended in both the US and Canada, or the resulting candidate list may be too large. City or County Select a city or country for a more specific, local search. D&B Supplier Risk Manager Part 1: SRMgr - Locator Features Leveraging the Industry Classification Window Industry Classification is based on the SIC codes, Commodity Codes and NAICS codes. You can copy and paste the codes from an existing supplier record or use the Look Up Industry Classification Code link where you can enter a keyword to drill into and scroll through the codes. There is also an option to include secondary industry classifications. A selection of a specific industry or commodity is necessary in order to have a candidate list returned. Looking Up Industry Classification Codes Select from any of the following classifications: SIC Lookup The SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) allows a search based on what a company does; its line of business or operations (this is not a commodity code). With the SIC codes, you can drill as deep as an eight-digit industry code. UNSPSC Lookup The UNSPSC (United Nations Standard Products and Services Code) is a code managed for the UN. The UNSPSC is a commodity code. NAICS Lookup The NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) is an industry classification for companies in North America only. EClass Lookup The eClass is a commodity code, typically used to drill down even further than the UNSPSC. Click on the Look Up Industry Classification Codes link by entering a keyword or scrolling through the codes listed. D&B Supplier Risk Manager Part 1: SRMgr - Locator Features Enter a business keyword (e.g., electronics). Click SEARCH. Select the specific industry needed to reduce the size of the resulting candidate list. Click OK. The criteria are applied to your search results. Leveraging the Risk Score Window Select your Risk Score range by sliding the bars from low risk to high risk to identify score ranges. Candidates will be returned that fall within the Supplier Stability Indicator (SSI) or Supplier Evaluation Risk Score (SER). D&B Supplier Risk Manager Part 1: SRMgr - Locator Features Leveraging the Special Events Window Select N/A, Indicated, or Not Indicated for one or more special events. Your selection will influence your Search Criteria Results. Leveraging the Data Depth Window If your geographic location selection was the USA, you can filter on Data Depth. Varying levels of data are available for a company. You can select the level of data you want to consider when making your decision. Data Depth assists in the assessment of whether a company will no longer be viable and may include the following: Financial Attributes, Commercial Trading Activity, and Firmographics. The four levels of insight include: Select one of the four levels of insight. Within the four levels of insight, Robust Predictions reflects the greatest level of predictive data to make a highly reliable assessment of company viability; Basic reflects a minimal level of data which can be considered descriptive. The more comprehensive the data, the deeper the level of insight provided. D&B Supplier Risk Manager Part 1: SRMgr - Locator Features If a company has been placed in a Special Category, a letter ranging from H to M is assigned to identify the specific reason. Select one or more of the Special Categories. Reference the following table for details. H Out of Business Business is considered inactive due to Bankruptcy, Insolvency, Merger/Acquisition or absence of confirmed location. I Unable to Confirm Designation D&B is unable to confirm active operations at a specific location due to the business showing limited to no business activity and multiple signs of inactivity (e.g. disconnected phone, vacant address, no longer in a telephone directory etc.) J Bankruptcy Business has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the plan of reorganization is not yet confirmed. (Not applicable for Canadian businesses) K High Risk (Severe Risk) Business displays characteristics of misrepresentation. L Self Reported DUNS Support Record Business' request for a D-U-N-S Number requires an investigation or confirmation of information from D&B (Not applicable for Canadian businesses) M Business Deterioration (Severe Risk) Business displays characteristics of financial distress, including signs of current or imminent business failure or operating difficulty (Not applicable for Canadian businesses). N Insolvency D&B Supplier Risk Manager Part 1: SRMgr - Locator Features Leveraging the Socioeconomic Status Window If your geographic location selection was the USA, you can filter on Socioeconomic Status. Check a box to limit your search to suppliers that have the corresponding socioeconomic status. Leave a box unchecked if the status is unimportant for your search. Suppliers that fall under specific diverse or socioeconomic categories can be selected here. The primary Categories are: l l l l Small Business Woman Owned Minority Owned Veteran Owned You can expand three of the primary categories when you click the corresponding arrow. This provides a listing of secondary categories. If multiple primary categories are selected, namely, Small Business, Woman-Owned, Veteran-Owned and Minority-Owned, then the search results will consist of companies that have all of these socioeconomic characteristics. If a subset of the secondary categories are selected, the secondary categories will be treated with "OR" logic. For example, checking SBA Certified Hub Zone and Small Disadvantaged, the results will contain companies that are either SBA Certified HUB Zone OR Small Disadvantaged. To add Socioeconomic Status categories: Click to select one or more of the primary categories (e.g., small business). Click on the arrow next to one of the primary categories to expand the list of secondary categories. Then click to select one or more of the secondary categories. D&B Supplier Risk Manager Part 1: SRMgr - Locator Features Leveraging the Company Characteristics Window Select from the following criteria for specific demographic data. All four areas do not need to be filled in to receive a search response, however, the more specific you are, the more targeted your search results will be. Employees Select from employees at that location or total employees. Then enter the maximum and minumum number of employees. Annual Sales Enter the minimum and maximum amount of sales. Year Started Enter the four-digit year in the 'From' and 'To' fields. Business Location Select headquarters, single location, or branch. D&B Supplier Risk Manager Part 1: SRMgr - Locator Features Viewing Search Criteria Results Search criteria results entered from the Locator tab needs to be continuously adjusted until there are fewer than 1000 suppliers returned. The searches from the Locator tab go through your Supply Base, or Personal folders, and also the entire D&B D-U-N-S Universe for vendors that match. The results are displayed by folder. Each results folder displays the number of search results returned for that folder. Removing Criteria From a Search Revise your search by removing some of the criteria. Select one of the following options: l l Click the RED X next to one or more criteria under the Search Summary to remove it from the search. Click CLEAR ALL to remove all criteria from the search. In the search example to the right, the search results returned 1 supplier that can be found in your own Supply Base folder, and 334 suppliers that are not currently in your supply base, but are available from the D&B D-U-N-S Universe. Simply click on the green folder of your choice to be taken to the listing of search results. After clicking on one of the green folders you will be taken to a list of the results. On that page under the Search Criteria Results box on the left side of the screen you can click SAVE SEARCH CRITERIA to save this search. Visual: Locator – Search Criteria Results Accessing Saved Locator Searches Save Locator searches so you can always retrieve the most current information for the search. The SAVED LOCATOR SEARCHES drop-down displays the last five Locator Searches that were saved by the user. Simply click on one to access that search. To get to the ability to save a search, after clicking on the folder you wish to access from the Search Criteria Results you will be taken to a list page. The SAVE Locator Search options is located on that page under the Search Criteria on the left side of the screen. D&B Supplier Risk Manager Part 1: SRMgr - Locator Features Supplier Locator Results Understanding Search Criteria Results Search Criteria Results On the left side of the screen you will see a Search Results box similar to the one on the Locator page. When you are viewing the results of a specific folder (D&B D-U-N-S Universe in this case) it will turn blue. Other folders that contain results will remain green until you click on them to see their results. Review the criteria you selected for the search under the SEARCH SUMMARY. Click SAVE SEARCH CRITERIA if you want to be able to access this search again. You can save up to 5 searches that can be accessed from the Locator landing page. Company Name, D-U-N-S Numbers, Type of Location, and SIC Descriptions The search results will include four columns of information. There is a small triangle next to the category name that can be clicked to reorder the search by either an alphabetical listing or high/low value listing. Items Per Page and Page Scroll Options Select how many results you would like to see at one time 5 or 15 and scroll through the number of pages of results to review. Expand Link The Expand link accesses a summary of the information we have on the supplier that you can review prior to accessing the suppliers full record. By clicking on the Expand arrow you will be able to see demographic information, diversity information, and the SER, SSI, Paydex, Overall Rating, Viability Rating and Scorecard Risk category. Exporting From the Supplier Locator Results page you can export the results to a .csv or .pdf. Click the EXPORT button on the upper right corner of the results list. Part 1: SRMgr - Locator Features D&B Supplier Risk Manager Saving Locator Searches Save Locator searches so you can always retrieve the most current information for criteria you have selected as being important. The Saved Locator Search drop-down displays the last five Locator Searches that were saved by the user. Click on one of the SEARCH CRITERIA RESULTS folders to display the results of the search on the Supplier Locator Results page. Click SAVE SEARCH CRITERIA at the bottom of the Search Summary window on the Supplier Locator Results page. Visual: Locator – Saved Locator Searches Visual: Locator – Saved Locator Searches Click SAVED LOCATOR SEARCHES ontheSupplierLocatorlandingpagetoselectoneofyour savedsearches. D&B®, Dun & Bradstreet®, DUNSRight® Quality Process, D-U-N-S® Number,®, WorldBase® and the D&B logo are registered marks in the U.S., and in other countries, of Dun & Bradstreet, Incorporated. D&B Supplier Risk Manager is a trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of Dun and Bradstreet, Incorporated. Other trademarks used herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. This document is a work of authorship that belongs to Dun and Bradstreet, Incorporated and is protected by United States and foreign copyright laws and international copyright treaties. The use of the software and this Documentation is governed by the Dun and Bradstreet Incorporated software license agreement. © Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. 2015. All rights reserved. Dun & Bradstreet 103 JFK Parkway Short Hills, N. J. 07078
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