CAMHS PMHW Twilight Training Programme April ‐ July 2015 Twilight Training Introduction Welcome to the CAMHS Primary Mental Health Worker (PMHW) Twilight Training and Workshop Programme. Below you will find all the flyers and information for the next terms sessions. If you wish to book on a session the booking forms are found at: Twilight Training is provided by CAMHS Primary Mental Health Workers throughout the academic year. A rolling programme of introductory sessions provides information and strategies on issues relating to the emotional and mental health of children and young people. The sessions are FREE, informal and participative and also provide an excellent networking opportunity for participants. Directions to venues can be found by typing in the postcode at: Clare Meredith and Lisa Tafft are currently coordinating the organisation of the Twilight Training programme. The team are always happy to hear from partner agencies who wish to host a Twilight Training or Workshop or who have an idea of a topic. Bookings can be made by emailing: Refreshments will be available at all sessions but a small donation will be required. Primary Mental Health Workers, CAMHS, Highmore, Western Road, Hailsham, BN27 3DY. Tel – 01323 446075 Fax – 01323 446074 Email ‐ Twilight Training Introduction to Bereavement The session aims to address the theory of grief and aspects of bereavement that should be useful to anybody working with young people and their families regardless of their role or the ages of their client group. A component of the session is devoted to bereaved teenagers and their needs for support pertinent to their developmental stage. We will look at what can help young people in their bereavement, and what can get in the way of their processing of their grief. The session will be interactive, and attendees will be encouraged to bring reflections and examples from their own work. Date Time Venue Monday, 20th April 2015 14:00 – 17:00 Hillcrest Centre (Room 7) Hill Crest Rd, Newhaven, East Sussex BN9 9EA Click link for location map‐gb:IE‐ SearchBox&oe&gws_rd=ssl&safe=active&um=1&ie=UTF‐ 8&fb=1&gl=uk&cid=16030716959488314040&q=hillcrest+centre&sa=X&ei=ygmUVOiJFIaf7gbvxIDYDg&ved=0CBUQt QMwAA&output=classic&dg=brw Refreshments will be available at all sessions but a small donation will be required. Primary Mental Health Workers, CAMHS, Highmore, Western Road, Hailsham, BN27 3DY. Tel – 01323 446075 Fax – 01323 446074 Email ‐ Twilight Training Working with Families; a Systemic Approach A key task of working with children can be to engage with the wider system around the child in order to effect change. This twilight presentation will introduce ideas and techniques from the field of family and systemic theory to support practitioners in their work. A brief account of the ideas and concepts that underpin systemic work will be presented with a range of practical ideas and creative approaches to work with and engage families. Wednesday, 13th May 2015 14:00 – 17:00 Hillcrest Centre (Room 7) Hill Crest Rd, Newhaven, East Sussex BN9 9EA Date Time Venue Click link for location map‐gb:IE‐ SearchBox&oe&gws_rd=ssl&safe=active&um=1&ie=UTF‐ 8&fb=1&gl=uk&cid=16030716959488314040&q=hillcrest+centre&sa=X&ei=ygmUVOiJFIaf7gbvxIDYDg&ved=0CBUQt QMwAA&output=classic&dg=brw Refreshments will be available at all sessions but a small donation will be required. Primary Mental Health Workers, CAMHS, Highmore, Western Road, Hailsham, BN27 3DY. Tel – 01323 446075 Fax – 01323 446074 Email ‐ Twilight Training Positive Behaviour Support: Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviour This session is an opportunity to think about challenging behaviour in a different way. It will encourage participants to take a ‘step back’ from behaviour and to think about how we can understand it in terms of what it achieves for a young person (its ‘function’). The session will give practical tips on how to measure and record behaviour and how to analyse it to best understand the individual needs it meets for a young person. The session will be based on the eight‐week Positive Behaviour Support group that CAMHS LD‐FISS currently offer to parents on their caseload. Date Time Venue Wednesday, 21st May 2015 14:00 – 17:00 Willingdon Community School Broad Road Lower Willingdon, BN20 9QX Click link for location map‐gb:IE‐ SearchBox&oe&gfe_rd=cr&gws_rd=ssl&um=1&ie=UTF‐ 8&fb=1&gl=uk&cid=3224685785911690797&q=willingdon+community+school&sa=X&ei=51wZVfnhM4LOPdfagaAM &ved=0CBUQtQMwAA&output=classic&dg=brw Refreshments will be available at all sessions but a small donation will be required. Primary Mental Health Workers, CAMHS, Highmore, Western Road, Hailsham, BN27 3DY. Tel – 01323 446075 Fax – 01323 446074 Email ‐ Twilight Training Children Beyond Parental Control Currently there are more and more referrals to CAMHS for children that are violent and aggressive towards their family members and or school staff. We will look at the dynamics when there is a reversal in power relations and review methods that have been shown to work with parents and schools. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the complexity of working with child on parent violence and will be pointed in directions to get more information on strategies and support. Please note: this short session is an overview and not training in specific interventions. Thursday, 25th June 2015 14:00 – 17:00 Hillcrest Centre (Room 4) Hill Crest Rd, Newhaven, East Sussex BN9 9EA Date Time Venue Click link for location map‐gb:IE‐ SearchBox&oe&gws_rd=ssl&safe=active&um=1&ie=UTF‐ 8&fb=1&gl=uk&cid=16030716959488314040&q=hillcrest+centre&sa=X&ei=ygmUVOiJFIaf7gbvxIDYDg&ved=0CBUQt QMwAA&output=classic&dg=brw Refreshments will be available at all sessions but a small donation will be required. Primary Mental Health Workers, CAMHS, Highmore, Western Road, Hailsham, BN27 3DY. Tel – 01323 446075 Fax – 01323 446074 Email ‐ Twilight Training Introduction to Mental Health in Children and Young People and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) This is an introductory session aimed at all staff supporting the well‐being of children, young people and their families. The session will include the following: What is mental health and why might children develop mental health problems? Risk and protective factors What children and young people say about mental health? What is CAMHS? How to make a referral to CAMHS How to promote good mental health for children and young people Date Time Venue Tuesday, 29th June 2015 14:00 – 17:00 St Anne’s Centre 729 The Ridge St Leonards On Sea East Sussex Click link for location map's%20Centre%20‐ %20Conquest%20Hospital%20site/361892/locmap/portal‐information.aspx Refreshments will be available at all sessions but a small donation will be required. Primary Mental Health Workers, CAMHS, Highmore, Western Road, Hailsham, BN27 3DY. Tel – 01323 446075 Fax – 01323 446074 Email ‐ Twilight Training Supporting Siblings of Disabled Children This session will be an opportunity to learn more about the emotional & psychological needs of siblings of children with a disability and hear about some practical ways of addressing these. We will be exploring some of the common issues and themes including: ‐ What do siblings say about their experiences? Is it all difficult or are there any good bits? What might they share or not share with others? What kinds of support might siblings need? We will also be sharing information about some therapeutic approaches and practical resources for you to work with siblings as well as ways you can support parents to think about these issues with their children. A future workshop session could be offered if requested focusing in more depth on specific case studies and therapeutic and creative ways to support siblings and parents. Our team works with families with a child/young person with moderate to severe learning disabilities. Date Time Venue Wednesday, 1st July 2015 14:00 – 17:00 The Roebuck Suite, Woodside Annexe The Drive, Hellingly, Nr Hailsham BN27 4ER Click link for location map‐gb:IE‐SearchBox&oe&gfe_rd=cr&gws_rd=ssl&um=1&ie=UTF‐ 8&fb=1&ftid=0x47df6e8717102a59:0xa9cb536fd3424747&q=Hailsham+BN27+4ER,+UK&sa=X&ei=614ZVfmRKM_W 7Qa4n4HYCw&ved=0CBUQ8gEoATAA&output=classic&dg=brw Refreshments will be available at all sessions but a small donation will be required. Primary Mental Health Workers, CAMHS, Highmore, Western Road, Hailsham, BN27 3DY. Tel – 01323 446075 Fax – 01323 446074 Email ‐
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