An Online Professional Certificate Program Graduate Studies in Student Learning Avenue, Holland, MI 49423. College by July 15, 2013 Mail Check & Registration to Dr. Leslie Wessman, Director, 6476 Castle Check #: School Email: School Phone: Home Email: Content Area: Amount Paid: The program in Graduate Studies in Student Learning will bring together a cohort of educators who will meet in innovative sessions during and after the 2013 and 2014 Brain Institutes. The remainder of the coursework through the two years will provide a warm, engaging online community. Position Held: Our Structure... School Address: Expert coaches will provide support online. REGISTRATION FORM Schedule of courses is brain-considerate of the demands of the school year on professional educators. School/District Name: The program’s curriculum is guided by the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPT). All of the courses will examine research and best practices in light of neuroscience findings. Home Address: From the beginning, the Midwest Brain & Learning Institute planned to offer graduate level courses tied to the neuroscience research on learning and teaching. This program for the Michigan “Advanced Teaching Certificate” includes 20 hours of graduate credit, earned over two years. Home Phone: Our Process… Name: Our vision is to create teaching professionals who use brain-compatible, constructivist approaches to increase quality teaching practices in the service of student learning. Please enroll me in the 2015 Cohort for Graduate Studies in Student Learning. Our Vision… Please make a deposit check for$50 (non-refundable, but applied to tuition) payment to Hope Registration Information “Joining the cohort was a trip to the health spa for my psyche! Spending time scrutinizing and reflecting upon my practices in the light of educational, brain compatible research and receiving objective feedback validating what I believed and practiced was exactly what I needed.” —Kim Fox, 2006 Cohort Graduate Studies in Student Learning Program Costs $175 for each Brain Institute (a reduction from the $475 registration fee) $275 per credit hour for all course work (Hope College Graduate Credit) Total Tuition costs each year: $2925 Summer Payment Schedule Program Deposit (non-refundable)$ 50 2 Institute Credits (July 1) $550 Summer Course (August 1) $550 Fall Course (October 1) $825 Winter Course (February 1) $825 Total Cost for 2 years $5850 Fall Contact InA Professional Certificate in Advanced Studies in Student Learning Hope College P.O. Box 90000 Holland, MI 49422-9000 Leslie Wessman, Program Director 616-335-8983, Linda Jordan First Year Second Year Course 1—EDUC 795A Midwest Brain & Learning Institute — 2 credits (June 22-25, 2015) Course 5-EDUC 795E Midwest Brain & Learning Institute — 2 credits (June 20-23, 2016) Summer Course 2– EDUC 795B Theory, Pedagogy, & Learning Community 2 credits (online July/ August) Course 6—EDUC 795F Action Research 2 credits (online July/ August) Course 3—EDUC 795C Introduction to BrainTargeted Instruction in the Content Areas/ Literacy Course 7-EDUC 795G Advanced Studies in Literacy Fall 3 credits (online) 3 credits (online) Spring Course 4—EDUC 795D Advanced Studies in Assessment in the Content Areas 3 credits (online) Spring Course 8-EDUC 795H Advanced Studies in Research-based Instructional Strategies 3 credits (online)
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