Freebrough Flyer Academy News Vol 13 March 2015 “THIS IS A GOOD SCHOOL” S OFSTED 2015 taff and students at Freebrough Academy are celebrating after a hugely positive inspection. The Academy has been graded “good” by Ofsted following their inspection in early January. Freebrough Academy, which is sponsored by Teesside University, Prior Pursglove College and Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, was commended for its high expectations, positive behaviour of students and engagement with parents. It also received praise for the determination and high ambitions of Principal, Linda Halbert, as well as the strength of teaching and the progression of students to employment, training or further education. The Ofsted report states: “The Principal’s clarity of vision and drive to secure the highest levels of achievement has been fundamental i n t h e A c a d e m y ’s u n r e l e n t i n g improvement since opening. Her strong sense of purpose permeates the Academy from top to bottom. All staff and students have subscribed to the Academy ethos and vision.” Mrs Halbert was delighted with the results of the latest inspection, she said: “The report really reflects the hard work and determination of A staff, students, parents, governors and partner agencies. It is a great testament to the hard work and dedication of everybody associated with the Academy and reflects our ambition to continuously improve. “We are committed to providing high quality teaching that supports high quality learning and want our students to enjoy coming to the Academy and have the skills to play a full and active role in its development. “The support and guidance from our sponsors and partnership agencies has been incredible and has enabled us to create a vibrant learning community in which young people are inspired and motivated to achieve excellence.” Teesside University is the lead sponsor of Freebrough Academy and has developed a strong working partnership to raise standards and aspirations. The University has provided mentoring, guidance and bespoke activities to support the Academy, and has also created roles for student ambassadors to work within the school setting and support both staff and students. Professor Liz Holey, Pro ViceChancellor (Quality) at Teesside University, said: “We value our role as lead sponsor of Freebrough Academy and are delighted, but not entirely surprised, with the results of the Ofsted inspection. “We have seen first-hand the incredible amount of hard work and dedication that has been put in to improving the Academy and it really is going from strength to strength.” “In Linda, the Academy has an inspirational leader with an infectious enthusiasm and vision which filters through to staff and students.” “I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to the Academy and we look forward to working closely together for many years to come.” The report praises the strength of relationships between staff and students and the behaviour of the students themselves, it states: “Relationships are a significant strength in the Academy. This helps students to work diligently, and to ensure that students are kept safe and behave well both in classrooms and at social times.” It goes on to say, “Students are friendly, polite and very positive about the quality of experiences that they receive in the Academy.” Ofsted also recognised the huge improvement in results, reporting that: “Since the Academy opened, students’ achievement and attainment has improved a great deal year on year, because senior leaders have maintained a relentless focus upon improving the quality and e ff e c t i v e n e s s o f t e a c h i n g a n d learning.” If you would like to read the full report for yourself please visit www. where you will find a link to the OFSTED website. Freebrough’s Debut on the National Stage group of Freebrough students and staff fronted a presentation to colleagues from up and down the country at the SSAT (Specialist Schools and Academies Trust) National Conference in Manchester about the success of the Teaching Effectiveness Enhancement P ro g r a m m e ( T E E P ) i n t h e Academy. Students designed and created an inspirational workshop for teachers based on leading Educationalist, Carol Dweck’s theories on the ‘Growth Mindset’. Using the TEEP framework, students as young as 11 led groups of teachers and education dignitaries through a series of thought-provoking activities on Dweck’s work. It gave students the opportunity to provide teachers with a flavour of what it is like in the Freebrough classroom. The workshop culminated in teachers reviewing what they had learned and explaining this to their colleagues in much the same way as Freebrough students would in a lesson. Freebrough Academy Principal, Linda Halbert, who opened the presentation at the National Conference said, “we are immensely proud of our Academy and our young people. The six students here today have demonstrated what we have achieved as a school in front of national audience. It is down to the hard work, determination and team ethos of all our teachers and Inside this issue Post 16 2 Our Primaries.............................pages 6-9 Superstar Students 12 learners that have led to year-onyear improvements and the national recognition we have received for our successes.” SSAT lead, Andy Williams described Freebrough’s contribution to the National Conference as “astounding”. SSAT’s invitation to take part in the National Conference arrived shortly after Freebrough were awarded TEEP Ambassador status for being a centre of excellence for continuous improvements in teaching and learning. Share, Like and Follow /FreebroughAcademy @FreebroughAcad 2 Freebrough Flyer Vol 13 March 2015 Post 16 students inspired by The All in One Company S tudents studying Enterprise and Entrepreneurship at the Post 16@Freebrough enterprise centre were given a fabulous insight P into what it takes to develop a successful business when they visited the All in One Company in Ashington. Students were able to Post 16 on ice learn about the business and how it had started from an idea which came about when owner Kate Brown was not able to find a onesie for her baby. The company are now the world leader in personalised onesies, with the only website where you can customise your own onesie. They have supplied their products to lots of celebrities and have had to adapt and develop their business over the last seven years. In 2012 their turnover was an impressive £1.2 million! All students thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the factory and gained valuable knowledge on how to build and grow their business as well as understanding the manufacturing process. I t isn’t all work and no play at Post 16@Freebrough! Our students get to enjoy regular trips and activities to relax, get to know each other and let off steam after working hard towards their qualifications. Post 16 students support local primary school ost 16 health and social care students accompanied the Freebrough Business and Enterprise department to Skelton Primary School to assist with the running of the Trading Places Enterprise Challenge. Students worked with small groups of Year 5 children to undertake the enterprise challenge. They are able to use the visit as part of their coursework for their M Doing the moonwalk ission X a global initiative that is designed to excite young people about all aspects of space and becoming an astronaut. This year is very special for the UK as it will be the first time a British citizen, Tim Peake, will take the journey up to the International Space Station. As part of this a select number of Freebrough students will be training as astronauts in a series of after school sessions covering three subject areas: P.E. – to demonstrate the level of physical fitness all astronauts must have qualification. Post 16 student Charlotte said, “It was really good fun and I feel I developed my communication skills whilst enjoying myself!” George added, “I enjoyed myself very much and feel I developed a multitude of skills including building relationships and communication skills. The younger students were very polite.” These pictures show some of our students having fun on a recent trip to Billingham Forum where they were by accompanied by Mrs Dillon, Director of Post 16 and Miss Greenwood from the admin team. F o o d Te c h n o l o g y – t o g i v e t h e m a n understanding of the nutritional requirements of an astronaut and also a taste of real space food! Science – to give them an understanding of the stresses astronauts undergo during life in space In addition to this, from Monday 9 February 2015 the whole Academy will be “walking to the moon”. Five members of each tutor group will be given pedometers in an effort to generate enough steps while walking around the Academy to reach the moon - a staggering 478 MILLION steps which is 238,857 miles! APPLY NOW FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 Post 16@ Freebrough STUDY... BTEC CREATIVE A LEVEL MEDIA PRODUCTION HUMAN BTECBIOLOGYBTEC HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE A LEVEL MATHS A LEVEL PRODUCT ENGINEERING BTEC ENTERPRISE DESIGN AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT POST16@FREEBROUGH INSPIRING SUCCESS AND EXCELLENCE Linden Road, Brotton, Saltburn-by-the-Sea, TS12 2SJ t: 01287 676305 Freebrough Flyer Vol 13 March 2015 A word from our Principal I am delighted to be able to share with you some of the amazing work being done by staff and students at Freebrough Academy in the spring edition of the Freebrough Flyer. A major achievement for us was to be graded as a Good School by Ofsted in January 2015. I am delighted that all of the work we have done over the last four years has had such a positive impact on the quality of provision and quality of outcomes for our A students. We are now planning our route to Outstanding to secure the best possible experiences and opportunities for our students to support them to be the best they can be. We have welcomed a lot of visitors this term who are keen to see what we do at Freebrough and learn from our journey so far. We have been overwhelmed by the positive feedback from our visitors who, without exception, comment on the calm and quiet learning environment, hardworking, polite and friendly students, supportive 3 and approachable staff and the obviously positive climate we have created for learning. We are delighted to see that even more parents have made Freebrough the first choice for their children in Year 7 2015. Numbers have increased considerably this year and demonstrates the confidence parents have in us to provide the best for their children. We are beginning our transition programme with a meeting for the parents of Year 6 children who are coming to us in September on Thursday the 19 March 2015 at 5 pm at Freebrough Academy. Parents and children will find out all about the early transition into Year 7 which this year will begin on Monday 29 June 2015. At the same time we are working with Year 11 to ensure they are fully prepared for their forthcoming GCSE examinations. They are taking every opportunity staff offer in lessons, after school, during holiday time and even on Saturdays to ensure they are as prepared as they can be. I hope you enjoy seeing a flavour of our work. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to know more. Best wishes Linda Halbert Principal Teesside University Forensic Science Visit group of 26 lucky students in Year 9 recently had the privilege of attending the forensic science department at Teesside University for a series of taster sessions on the subject. Teesside University is the main sponsor of Freebrough Academy and as such provides many exciting opportunities for our students to use their state of the art facilities. The students took part in four different sessions which included; looking at microscopy techniques, studying a crime scene for different types of evidence, recovering fingerprints from cars, taking their own fingerprints and blood analysis from a suspect’s clothing. Stuart Walton, Assistant Director of Science, who supervised the trip said, “This was a fantastic opportunity for students to broaden their scientific knowledge and improve their practical skills in a realistic environment. Everyone who attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves becoming fully fledged CSIs for the day!” O Sharing our success n Friday 6 February 2015 we hosted our first TEEP (Teaching Effectiveness Enhancement Programme) Ambassador event for colleagues from other schools across the region. The event provided an opportunity for us to share with others the improvements we have made in teaching and learning since the introduction of TEEP in October 2012. As part of the programme, delegates were able to visit lessons, talk to staff and meet with students. TEEP has supported us in securing a judgement of good in our recent OFSTED inspection. Linda Halbert, Academy Principal, explains why; “During the inspection the lead inspector commented upon how much he could see the positive impact of TEEP on the quality of teaching across all subjects within the Academy. The inspection report comments on the leadership of teaching as a ‘clear strength’ and on how ‘training is well thought out and targeted to match Academy priorities’. “TEEP has been the main focus of training for our staff over the last two years. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a direct result of TEEP training for all teachers and the way in which this has facilitated a shared approach to teaching and a common language across all subject areas. As a result teachers share strategies that are effective and have increasingly high expectations of what our students can achieve.” If you have any feedback, questions or comments on our newspaper we would be delighted hear from you using the contact details below. Call: 01287 676305 Email: 4 Freebrough Flyer Vol 13 March 2015 Let the championships begin! I n November 2014, Freebrough Academy once again catapulted themselves into the international language learning scene by participating in the first ever Language Perfect, Northern (Hemisphere) Language championships. The ten day, online language learning competition is the second largest in the world, second only to the Language Perfect World Championships which takes place in May Girls go extreme! A group of four Year 10 girls have been given the opportunity to participate in a fabulously exciting residential event during the Easter holidays. The event, taking place at the Barnard Castle School, is called Extreme Physics and will pit the brilliance of the Freebrough ladies against a number of schools from across the country. every year. Competing against schools in Europe, Northern America, Asia (including the United Arab Emirates), Freebrough exceeded their previous success of their first ever World Championships in May 2014, where we placed fifth in the country by placing second in England, second in Europe and eighth in the Northern Hemisphere, not only an outstanding achievement but also an exciting one. Freebrough students are literally showing the world that they CAN do languages as approximately 60% of the students who entered achieved either a credit, bronze, silver or gold award based on the amount of words they translated over the ten day competition. You can see our full results for this competition in the table accompanying this article. We are now looking at how we can now develop ‘Elite’ competitors for the upcoming World Championships. Extreme Physics was originally set up in 2009 and aims to inspire Year 10 students to study physics beyond GCSE level by attending a three day residential course. Due to popular demand, it has expanded over the years and next year there will be five courses taking place around the country at Rugby School, Barnard Castle School in County Durham and for the first time, Wycombe Abbey School in High Wycombe. The students are given opportunities to listen to short lectures by exciting speakers on various Extreme Physics topics as well as undertake practical activities such as making and launching paper rockets, building a ‘one minute timer’ from a limited selection of items, trying rock climbing and experiencing sky diving in a wind tunnel! The students will lock horns in ferocious competition with a number of private schools and then be rewarded with a day trip to Manchester to participate in the Airkix indoor skydiving arena. As a school, we also secured some special awards; First in the Northern Hemisphere for Italian Third in the Northern Hemisphere for Japanese Students who deserve a special mention; First Place in Freebrough: Jade Hopper Year 9 - 6866 points – 18079 words translated Second Place in Freebrough: Anna Kennedy Year 10 – 5556 points – 13572 words translated Third Place in Freebrough: Lucie Maguire Year 8 –4313 points – 14526 words translated Students who won special prizes from the organisers; Jamie Stelling in Year 9 won a pizza party for his class and a Penny™ Skateboard which he will be able to customise himself Gabrielle Reid in Y7 won a pizza party for her class We didn’t want to keep the success of the Language P e r f e c t Wo r l d S e r i e s t o ourselves this year so Mr Greaves held a training session to demonstrate the success that local primary schools, secondary schools and Further Education providers could also have in the championships. Subsequently we were pleased to welcome Prior Pursglove on board to this coveted competition. Mr Greaves also arranged an inter-primary competition between Badger Hill Primary, St Peters Church of England Primary and Lockwood Primary. St Peters came in first place translating almost 75,000 words! Supporting primary school sport T he Freebrough Academy student sports leaders have once again had a busy term helping to support our local primary schools to engage in sporting events. Working alongside Ailsa Bell, School Sports Coordinator who is based at Freebrough, the students have organised and helped with several activities held both in the Academy and in other venues. Following the cluster competition for basketball, St Peter’s C of E Primary School were successful in getting to the second round of the competition which was held at Outwood Academy Bydales. The competition was a culmination of training and matches held at Freebrough Academy throughout the winter season. Swimming galas have now been held at Loftus and Saltburn Leisure Centres. St Peter’s C of E Primary, St Joseph’s Primary, Badger Hill Primary and Lockwood Primary all attended and we eagerly await the results! The annual inter-school cross country competition is currently ongoing, with the next event now due to take place in March following a snow cancellation. Next half term will also see the return of the Tony Blair Tennis Tournament. This competition involves schools from all over the North East competing for the title and will be supported by our sports leaders. Open Events Wednesday 25th March 5.30-7.30pm Saturday 18th April 10am-12.30pm 99% A-level pass rate 99% BTEC pass rate 100% pass rate in 28 subjects Apply now We have a variety of rooms and spaces available for hire to meet the needs of a wide range of users. ur building is fully accessible to those with disabilies and there is ample free paring available on site. Most of our spaces are available wee days from 4.30 pm onwards and all day during school holiday periods. So, whether you are looing for a home for your regular 5-a-side football sessions, a beauful venue for an awards evening or somewhere to deliver adult learning courses, Freebrough could be the answer. o mae a booing, discuss your reuirements or arrange a visit to view our facilies please contact David Powley (Site Manager) reerog adey inden oad roon S-Y-HE-SE elepone 01287 670000 Freeborough Flyer - March v5.indd 1 11/02/2015 08:11:50 Eail: S12 2SJ Freebrough Flyer Vol 13 March 2015 Enterprising students aim to make it to London again! 5 Our enterprising stars shine across the curriculum T he first round of faculty enterprise awards have been handed out to students this term. As part of our Business and Enterprise Specialism, the Academy encourages students to consider how they are using their enterprise skills not just in Business and Enterprise but across all subjects and activities. Each faculty has awarded a student who has shown dedication to enterprise in lessons. Awards will take place every term and students will receive their enterprising student award badge to wear on their blazer, recognising their hard work. Well done to the winning students this Business and Enterprise/Modern Foreign Languages – Charlotte Jones. Charlotte is excellent at evaluating her enterprising skills in lessons. She identifies which skills she has used and describes in detail how she has demonstrated it. She also uses her creative thinking to find new ways to extend her learning. DICE (Incorporating technology and ICT subjects) - John Hawkins John has consistently demonstrated good organisation skills in the kitchen, making positive decisions about behaviour for learning and using his initiative to suggest a poster for the food rooms T his year a group of five Freebrough students are aiming to repeat our success in the Premier League Enterprise Challenge. Our 2014 entrants reached the finals of the competition, one of only six schools out of over 500 to do so. The challenge is delivered by the local Enterprise Academies which are a part of the Premier League and Championship Football League’s community projects. Middlesbrough Football Club’s Enterprise Academy is a strong supporter of Freebrough and is again working with us on this year’s challenge. The 2015 challenge is to ‘develop a range of initiatives and services that would increase the attendance of families at football games at your local club’. The team must consider the financial implications of their ideas, how their success would be measured by the board at the football club and pitch their case for why it is important for football clubs to engage with families. The team travelled to the Riverside Stadium in December 2014 to meet staff and discuss the upcoming challenge. The girls took part in an in-depth question and answer session, grilling the football club on their current provision and how it could be improved. They then took part in a tour of the stadium, to see first-hand what the facilities for families are like. The team then travelled to the Riverside Stadium once again on 10 February 2015 to compete in the first round of the competition. The winning team from that round will go onto compete in the regional heat later on in the year. Good luck to the girls! Zenny hands out his first hooves Humanities – Tommy Scott Tommy shows leadership skills and the ability to think creatively in geography on a consistent basis. He is very well organised for lessons and able to work as part of a team. His ability to stand up and communicate his ideas to the whole group shines. He is showing great enterprise skills in Humanities! Creative and Performing Arts – Erika Stephenson When rehearsing for Nanny McPhee Erika showed fantastic decision making skills by swapping roles with another performer as she recognised that the other student would have been more comfortable playing her part. Sport and Health - Sophie Ward Sophie is a brilliant leader in the PE department. She demonstrates her ability to lead a group in both netball and gymnastics. Post 16 – Keren Gullon Keren demonstrated fantastic organisation skills and creativity when she organised the Christmas party for Post 16@Freebrough. Maths – James Craven James is a lead learner in maths and as such consistently helps others within the group. Additionally, he has also taken on the responsibility (without being asked) for putting out and taking in maths equipment necessary for each lesson. D uring tutorial sessions students have been working hard to record evidence of their enterprise skills in action at school. As part of the tutorial programme every student has their own personal enterprise tracker where they can record examples of how they have demonstrated an enterprise skill in action across the curriculum. Students are working towards achieving a bronze, silver and ultimately gold award in each of Zenny Zeebrough’s enterprise skills. For a bronze award six examples of a skill in action are needed, 12 for a silver award and 20 to achieve gold. Each term students will be able to apply for new awards and will be awarded with their ‘Hooves of Enterprise’ badge to wear on their blazer. In total 82 awards have been achieved by students in the first term. This is a fantastic achievement! The enterprise awards are an integral part of our learner qualities programme. To achieve Expert Learner status students should have achieved awards in many of the enterprise skills. This demonstrates our commitment to ensuring all students are able to show an entrepreneurial mind-set, which is vital in further education and employment. English – Daniel Bland Dan demonstrated initiative and personal organisation over the Christmas holidays. He set his own exam style questions and asked for more when he needed them to be prepared for his exams. Science – Michael Algie Michael is constantly showing his enterprising skills through his contributions to charitable organisations. He is an entrepreneur of the future. 6 Freebrough Flyer Vol 13 March 2015 Our Primaries W Hummersea News ell we really did have some o u t s t a n d i n g n e w s j u s t b e f o re Christmas. The Government have placed Hummersea in the top 300 schools in the country for ‘closing the gap’ in our academic results. As there are over 18,000 primary schools in England, this is an amazing achievement. They have awarded these primary schools a qualifier prize of £1,000.00. Following on from the initial judging and prize money, we have applied for the top award of £100,000.00. The judging process will be in February and the final awards will be presented in late March. This came as a complete surprise to me but I am ‘over the moon’ with the award! To be recognised in the top 300 schools takes dedication and determination by all the staff, children and parents and I would like to take this opportunity to offer my thanks to everyone who has supported Hummersea Primary School. Well that’s my news. I will now leave the rest of the article for the children to write. Mr Tyreman Key Stage 2 visited Darlington Civic Theatre to watch the musical Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dream-coat. It was fantastic, funny and exciting! From our front row seats we all enjoyed it immensely; clapping and singing along, we had an amazing time. As part of their literacy topic, Reception and Key Stage 1 went to Billingham Forum C Theatre to see Room on the Broom, a play adapted from the book by the fantastic children’s author, Julia Donaldson. All of the children loved it because the performance was a mixture of puppets, songs and dancing. December was a very busy month (as usual) in Hummersea. We held our annual paper chain competition, Mrs Spencer’s group won yet again! Also families were invited in to create a Christmas card to enter into our yearly competition. Although we were almost spilling out into the playground, it was lovely to see so many families working together. We’d like to say thank you to all for coming along. We had fantastic school performances; Key Stage 1 and Reception performed The Grumpy Sheep, Nursery performed Our First Nativity and Jack and the Beanstalk was performed by Key Stage 2. Again thank you to everyone who came and supported the children. There was standing room only at our Carol service. We sang traditional carols while Year 5 played their recorders beautifully and we listened to three stunning singers: Aaliyah Iwakan, Dani Jemson and Alivia Bonas. Our Christmas dinner was again a huge success. Mandy (our spectacular cook) and her amazing team cooked over 400 Christmas dinners! With the help of every member of staff everything ran smoothly. Well done to Olivia Jemson Year 6, Lewis Hewitt Year 5, Cassie Anderson Year 4, Oakland Anderson Year 3, Poppy Dunnin Year 2 and Destony Taylor Biggin Year 1 who were our Spelling Bee winners for this half term. St Peter’s: Language Perfect Northern Championships hildren across Years 5 and 6 have been involved in a competition to test their Foreign Language learning supported by Freebrough Academy. Although they have been building on their French knowledge at school, they were able to try many new languages including Japanese, Malay and Maori! The children completed translation and understanding based questions online and via an app on school iPods. The children were also very eager to carry on the good work at home and accessed the programme after school and at weekends! Their hard work paid off with St Peter’s achieving seventh place for schools of our size. This is quite an achievement considering the competition was open to all schools in the Northern Hemisphere! In the 10 day competition St Peter’s pupils answered an amazing 113,187 questions! Two of our students were awarded ‘Silver’ placing them in the top 5% of 25,000 competitors from around the world. Ten were awarded Bronze, placing them in the top 10% and 4 received a ‘Credit’ for being in the top 20%. The most important thing is that all children were able to participate at their own level and contributed to our school’s score. Handale News A s I look out of my Headteacher’s office window I cannot help but get excited with the progress of the new build. Today the roof is going on, the porch is fitted and brick work has begun. We are only 25 weeks away from completion, and what a busy time it is going to be. As you will see from another article which one of our governors has written to the Town Crier, preparations are well underway for celebrating the two sites which will become one. We hope that many of you will pop in for a coffee and chat and enjoy the displays of old photographs, I look forward to hearing all your tales about the two schools. The children continue to enjoy their weekly visits to the site and the contractors have been really encouraging and explained things about the new build to the children. We are really glad that so far we have had very little disruption to the build because of snow and ice. As I write, preparations are also nearing completion for our annual Rights, Respecting, Responsibilities (RRR) week, which this year is to be held in the week commencing 9 February 2015. The theme this year is ‘Respecting our Community’. There are lots of activities around Loftus and the surrounding areas that the children are getting involved with so please watch out for them and watch this space for our report! Alongside the excellent results we have had in Key Stage One and Two, including some excellent level 6 maths results, the Early Years Foundation stage at Handale continues to go from strength to strength. The provision has been recognised by the Department of T Education as a centre of excellence and on Wednesday 14 January 2015 we had an HMI (Her Majesty’s Inspectorate) inspector visiting our Early Years Provision. The visit was not an inspection, but an Ofsted survey on teaching and play in two year old and nursery provision. It was a very thorough visit and will form part of a larger study, the results of which will be published in April. Whilst keen to emphasise that the visit was not an inspection the inspector did give feedback to senior staff at the end of the day and it was very favourable outlining that our provision in the Early Years is highly positive. I would like to say a big thank you to our Early Years staff, children and parents. When I next write to you I hope you have managed to visit the school for some of our exciting activities and seen for yourselves the progress of the new building. I look forward to seeing you soon. Helen Blakeley KTS Academy News his year ‘Friends of KTS’ have raised over £18,000. Every penny of this money is used for the benefit of the children and young adults at KTS Academy. It is also used to develop specialist resources and equipment such as the new sensory outdoor area. We have a lot of fun raising this money! For example; staff recently put on a pantomime production of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ that included some Disney characters! They raised over £950. If anyone would like more details regarding ‘Friends’ please contact the school. Freebrough Flyer Vol 13 March 2015 7 Our Primaries St Peter’s C of E Primary News Kitemark Gold Award for St. Peter’s S t. Peter’s has been awarded the Gold standard by the Youth Sport Trust for its commitment to PE and School Sport. As one of only two schools in the Cleveland Sports Partnership to be awarded Kitemark Gold it is a great achievement and rewards the time and effort offered by staff and pupils not only during lesson time but at lunchtimes, evenings and weekends to the delivery of sporting activities. During the last year alone St. Peter’s pupils have participated in 16 different sports. We believe that there is a sport for every child to enjoy and be proficient in. In the year ahead we continue to be committed to offering a wide range of coaching sessions for all our children and signpost them towards local clubs if they show an interest. The hard work is also paying off on the sports pitches; St. Peter’s are currently East Cleveland Champions at Football, Basketball and Tag Rugby! Vestments for Children Lego League National Finals F ollowing the success at Redcar & Cleveland Lego Finals for Primary and Secondary Schools before Christmas. A group of Year 6 pupils from St. Peter’s competed in the National Finals at Loughborough University in Leicestershire against 9-16 year old pupils from across the country. Although we are not one of the two winning schools travelling to America to compete in the International Finals we received the Judges’ Award in recognition of the way the children conducting themselves during the interviews and presentations linked to our topic on Healthy Eating. They also impressed on the competition board, programming a robot to complete tasks. After round 1 they were fifth but unfortunately they couldn’t keep up the pressure on the leaders. Before the national finals the school welcomed the support of Mr Stuart Nimmo, the local organiser of the Lego League. He stated St Peter’s are the first Redcar & Cleveland School to win a prize at the National Finals. This is a magnificent achievement for Science and Technology Subject Leader Anthony Ormerod, School Governor Neil Selley and the team of children after only four years of competing in the league. U11s Football Team T hrough the funding efforts of St. Peter’s Parents and Friends Association we have been able to purchase 6 vestments from the company Croft Design based in Shropshire. Children from across school will be able to try on the specially made Chasuble, Stoles, a Prayer Scarf, Cope and Mitre during their visits to St. Margaret’s Church to work with Father Jonathan. The vestments will help the children understand which colours should be worn during the Christian Calendar and why. T he Redcar & Cleveland District Team consisting of boys from across the Local Authority are having a great season and are currently third in the North East League. Managed by Richard Unthank and coached by Cliffy Wright, the team play their fixtures at St. Peter’s C of E Primary School on Saturday mornings. For the first time in the sixteen years Richard Unthank has managed the team there are currently 4 boys that attend St. Peter’s. 8 Freebrough Flyer Vol 13 March 2015 At Freebrough Academy we value parent feedback. Knowing what we do well and what we can improve on helps us to provide the best provision for our students. These results are based on our feedback on the Ofsted Parent View website. 97% of parents believe that their child is well taught at Freebrough Academy 97% of parents would recommend us to another parent 9 out of 10 parents think the Academy is well led and managed 98% of parents say that their child makes good progress at Freebrough Academy 95% of parents say that their child is well looked aer at this school 9 out of 10 parents believe that the school ensures students behave well 98% of parents say that their child is happy at this school 97% of parents say that their child feels safe at Freebrough 97% of parents say that they receive valuable informaon about their child’s progress 92% of parents say that the Academy responds well to any concerns they raise Freebrough Flyer Vol 13 March 2015 9 Our Primaries Badger Hill News Outdoor Adventures! Y ear 6 enjoyed from an exciting three days at Robinwood Outdoor Activity Centre where they learned many skills and conquered many fears. Here is one of their diary entry reports: Dear Diary, Today is Day One. After impressing Robin Hood in archery, we walked into a building that looked quite new from across the courtyard. Inside, there was a wash of white everywhere! Also, there was a small cupboard white three sections on it. Owen (our leader) quickly unlocked the combination lock and grabbed a piece of paper. Then, we skipped down the stairs, excited for the next activity. We quickly opened the door and we saw a huge pillar, which looked like a giant child’s building block, with artificial rocks to climb up to the summit. A sudden draft cuts through me from miles above. Owen told us to walk over to the harnesses so we bounced on the spongy surface towards our destination. Owen told us to stand in a line and put on our harnesses and I bravely stepped forward to go first. After a while, our team was ready, and I got clipped in. Then, I began to go higher, and higher, and higher towards the top. When I finally reached the summit, I realised how high I was. I looked down. My leg began to shake and I nearly fell off! Ten seconds later, I jumped and there I was: hanging on the trapeze. I DID IT DIARY! Gingerly, I let go and was lowered by Owen. Soon, I reached the ground, ready for another go (but with less drama). By Joseph Brown Year 1 Balloon Dance Y ear 1 performed their dance at the School Games Awards evening. They were brilliant and very brave to perform in front of such a large audience. Here is their account: We went to do a balloon dance at Saltburn Learning Campus. Mrs Foster blew us up and we got bigger and bigger until Miss Madden popped us. She made a big bang on the tambourine. We whizzed around and then floated down softly onto the stage floor. It was great fun and everyone watching us clapped and cheered. Children who danced were: Summer Allison, Emily Blackham, Jessica Jo Craven-Carless, Erin Davies, William Davies, Eva Allison, Zara Sleight, Henry Duck, Oliver Sowerby Owen Ellerby–Wharton, Maya Hood, Nieve Scott, Layla Stabler and Elliot Winter. We received our Silver School Games Mark Award at the event. Thank you to Amy Atkinson and Ryan Allison from Y6 who received the award on behalf of the school and to the Cleveland Schools Sports Partnership for organising the event. Primary students join us to play with fire O n the 5 February 2 0 1 5 t h e Freebrough Academy science department welcomed 67 students from Skelton Primary School, along with their teachers. The group joined us to take part in an exciting afternoon of science activities to give them a taste of what they can look forward to when they become Freebrough students. The sessions focused on getting ‘hands on’ with science and included: Observing and carrying out colour changing chemical reactions Exothermic and Endothermic reactions (reactions that give out heat and take in heat) Producing sodium hydrogen carbonate and acid volcanoes. Making their own sparklers from raw ingredients (and getting to light them using the Bunsen burner to test them out!) Setting “fire” to their own hand and to their teacher! S t u a r t Wa l t o n , Assistant Director of Science, was very impressed with the Skelton Primary students. He said; “All the pupils were fantastic and really showed their scientific skills across the afternoon. “I was incredibly proud of their engagement and level of knowledge shown. Massive thanks to Miss Branch, Miss Barnes and Mr Cameron for running the other two sessions. “Also a massive thanks to our expert science technician, Don Clark, who set up all of the practical experiments and helped to assist in one of the sessions.” 10 Freebrough Flyer Vol 13 March 2015 Children’s Takeover Day Freebrough’s Got Talent returns! L C hildren’s Commissioner’s Takeover Day is a national event that gives children and young people the chance to work with adults for the day and be involved in decisionmaking. Children benefit from the opportunity to experience the world of work and make their voices heard, while adults and organisations gain a fresh perspective on what they do. The aim is that this will help break down barriers between generations and encourage children’s active involvement in their communities. Freebrough Academy had around 30 young people and 25 adults directly involved on the day which took the form of job sharing; young people worked alongside teachers and school support staff. Amy Holinshead, Pastoral Leader at the Academy, explains why we decided to get involved in Children’s Commissioner’s Takeover Day: “We are always looking for new ways to engage with our young people and to allow them to share their opinions and ideas. “By working alongside a range of staff members, students were able to get a real feel for the work that goes in to running the Academy and were able to give us their feedback on the way things are done. “Four of the students who were involved have since delivered a workshop on their experience to a Borough wide ‘Student Council Development Day’ and the students will now share their experiences with other student councils, from the planning of the day to future steps, which we hope will encourage them to take this forward in their own schools in future. ” a s t t e r m s a w F re e b ro u g h s t a f f showcasing their talent in our version of Stars in their Eyes. This term it was turn of our students! Mrs Parker, Director of Learning for Creative and Performing Arts, held live auditions where students had to showcase a short extract of their piece. Some students sang solos, some played instruments and we even had solo dance pieces. The final of Freebrough’s Got Talent was held at the Academy on Thursday 24 February 2015 and was a fantastic night of showcasing students’ amazing skills and passionate enthusiasm. Winners will be revealed in our next paper! Army Cadet Force make their mark T he Freebrough Academy Detachment of the Cleveland Army Cadet Force meets twice per week at the Academy to participate in a variety of activities including: Military activities such as field craft, map and compass, shooting, drill, first aid and tactical exercises Sporting activities such as football, hockey, netball, athletics, climbing, swimming, mountain biking, canoeing, camping, hill walking and archery Community service such as poppy selling and attending charity events If you would like to make new friends, learn new skills and gain nationally recognised qualifications which will look great on your CV then visit us on a Tuesday or Thursday between 7 pm and 9 pm to find out more. Teesside University Proud to sponsor Freebrough Academy Freebrough Flyer Vol 13 March 2015 11 Performing and Creative Arts enrichment - Something for everyone! I n the Performing and Creative Arts faculty we focus on linking our enrichment to real life career paths, both in the spotlight and backstage. For students who enjoy performing and want to be in the limelight we have many opportunities to shine. Drama Youth Theatre meets weekly so that students can rehearse and act out scripts, culminating in performances in front of live audiences. Dance club is fantastic for students who want to learn to choreograph their own dance routines and showcase these dances at various performing and creative arts events. Students can also join singing club where they are able to work with a specialist singing teacher and perform their work at various events including the Christmas Concert which is performed in front of the whole Academy. Cross country success S e v e r a l F re e b ro u g h Academy students took part in an individual cross country event held at Saltburn Learning Campus. Ellie Ward, Chloe Walker and Kian Wildmore were successful in qualifying for the second round which was held at Stewarts Park, Middlesbrough. Kian will now progress to the next round which will be held in South Shields. Trampolining Triumph! A number of our students recently took part in a trampolining competition held at Nunthorpe Academy. The competition was attended by many schools from the Redcar and Cleveland area, with the Freebrough Academy team scooping first place overall! The following students took part in the competition: Harry Thompson, Ellie Lewis, Shona Atkinson, Matty Morrish, Callum Brundle, Marcus Earl, Bradley Money, Lewis Pennock, Macey Wright, Chelsea Franks, Nathan Everington, Tyler Cowdell, Tia Hetherington, Ellie Roper & Beth Smith A special mention should go to Ben Marshall and Rya Johnson who shone in their age and difficulty categories because of their skill and passion. We also see the importance of the backstage work that careers in performing and creative arts can offer, which is why we set up prosthetics club, art and pottery club. At prosthetics club students learn how to create and apply special effects make up and face paint. They use professional industry standard equipment and work with two members of T staff who have been trained by an award winning make up and prosthetics design company to produce wounds and scars. Art and pottery club gives students who love to design things the opportunity to sit back in a relaxed atmosphere and put their creative minds into developing pieces of art using a variety of different materials and resources. Time 4 You i m e 4 Yo u P s y c h o l o g i c a l S c h o o l Counselling Service, which has one of its bases here at Freebrough Academy, has had success in getting a further training course accredited. The Level 3 course aims to enhance counselling skills for those working with children and young people who have already achieved accreditation at Level 2. This course is suitable for professional people such as counsellors in training and non-counsellors who work with children and young people in the school environment. The Time 4 You community interest company, Counselling in Schools North East, has also been successful in securing funding from Awards 4 All to run the level 2 training course in order to fund student counsellors in training to supplement the service. On completion of the training the students will be equipped to apply for a placement within the community of Redcar and East Cleveland where we have a well-established counselling service. This will help the students to gain the required hours for their counselling qualification and will also benefit the schools who will gain extra support for their students. All students will be managed and clinically supervised by Time 4 You. To help to ensure that Time 4 You select the right candidates for the student counsellor roles Freebrough students have been asked to help with the interview process. Sandra Bell, Managing Director at Time 4 You (pictured with this article) said: “Having a group of Freebrough Academy student ambassadors on our interview panel has proved invaluable in the past as they are able to offer a young person’s perspective. Indeed they have often surprised us and surpassed our expectations by coming up with their own interview questions and showing a level of maturity and observation skills that are quite exceptional.” Freebrough Flyer Vol 13 March 2015 Freebrough Flyer Superstar Students Maths – Zoey Wills, Chloe Snowdon and Megan McConnell All three girls consistently have a positive attitude to learning and a willingness to go that extra mile. Drama - Key Stage 4 - Anna Kennedy For her fantastic detailed responses to questions in drama and for her excellent portrayal of her characters. She also puts continuous effort in to her work at drama youth theatre. Post 16 - Vicki Thorpe Sophie is fantastic both in dance lessons and after school dance club. She has superb movement memory, always has a positive attitude and gives everything 100%. Geography – Luke Holmes Luke works consistently hard in lessons and is producing work of a very high standard. He completed a piece of homework on Rivers which was brilliant; full of detail and a pleasure to read! A lovely young man who shows that working hard brings the rewards of success. History - Katie Greenwood Katie is making outstanding progress in History. She is always willing to contribute positively to lessons and has pushed herself and has surpassed her target – now working at grade A! PE - Hannah Hurn Hannah has been selected to play for the District Hockey Team and is playing as Goal Keeper. French - Thomas Howard Thomas shows superb use of tenses and connectives. He produces some outstanding work! Félicitations!!! Business and Enterprise - Laura Smithies Laura is a dedicated and motivated BTEC student. She is already showing Distinction level writing! Drama -Key Stage 3 - Kieran Sulley For his continuous effort to succeed in drama. He is always a pleasure to have in drama and he strives to improve his confidence every lessons. Art - Key stage 4 - Becky Kidd For always working hard to produce excellent work. Art - Key Stage 3 – Ollie Taberner For consistent hard work and effort. Dance - Key Stage 3 - Rosie Enticknap Rosie always shows a high level of energy and positive attitude to learning. Dance - Key Stage 4 - Ellie Roper Ellie is a very hard worker who shows dedication and motivation in everything she does. Computer Science - Kennedy Simpson Outstanding work – gives 100% effort all of the time. Kennedy is an absolute delight to teach. ICT - Samantha Clarke Samantha is the most improved student in ICT, working exceptionally well and now producing A/A* work in the ECDL examinations. Food - Chelsea Franks Chelsea produces excellent classwork and always puts in a great deal of effort. PBL - Luke Dunning Health and Social Care- Danni Allison Luke is always fantastic in discussions; mature and passionate about any topic he speaks about. He is an SMSC superstar Danni has shown a massive improvement in attitude to learning and puts in a great deal of effort in lessons, trying to improve her grade and aiming for the highest level every lesson. Psychology - Kate Husband Textiles - Sophie Ferguson Kate achieved the highest mark in her year group on the PPE exam. Well done Kate! Sophie always tries her best, works through problems, is a positive role model to others and a great helper in lessons. She challenges herself and does not take the easy option and always completes homework on time. English - Craig Graham Engineering - Alex Hodgson Craig has been a revelation in lessons and is extremely focused and determined to succeed in the subject. Alex takes a real interest in the wider subject area and always looks to further develop his understanding. Congratulations to all our superstar students
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