REMINDER ...It’s Time Again To Beat The Peak! Save Energy and Expense Don’t Use From 4:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M. When Peak Usage Is Highest Please help Beat Our Peak. Save energy, save money-it’s a win-win! PEAK DEMAND. HILCO is billed for power from October of one year through September of the following year, based on an average of the highest peak usage in the months of June, July, August, and September. This is the time during each month when HILCO’s demand for energy is the highest during a 15 minute interval. HILCO’s PEAK DEMAND. HILCO’s highest demand is usually between the hours of 4-8 p.m., with the most crucial time between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The lower our demand, the lower our rate is set for the whole year. LOWERING OUR RATE. Taking steps to conserve energy during these hours can result in big savings. Even small adjustments can help ..... try not using the dishwasher, washing machine, clothes dryer, or other high energy-using appliances during this time. Setting your thermostat to the highest comfortable setting is a great way to save. When possible, try grilling meats and vegetables outside instead of heating up your kitchen with the oven. Together We Save! Find more energy saving ideas at or Frequently Asked Questions About Peak Demand SAVE ENERGY AND EXPENSE Don’t use from 4 to 8 p.m when peak usage is highest Question: What is a peak demand? Answer: HILCO is billed for wholesale power from October of one year through September of the following year based on an average of the highest peak usage in June, July, August and September. This is the time during each month when HILCO’s demand for energy is highest during a 15-minute interval. Question: When does HILCO usually set their peak? Answer: HILCO usually has their highest demand between 4 and 8 p.m. Question: What can I do to help keep HILCO’s demand billing at a minimum? Answer: Avoid discrestionary use of electricity or utilize energy-efficient settings when possible. Discretionary items may include the dishwasher, the electric range and the clothes dryer. In summer months choose to cook on the outside grill rather than electric range. Members can also reduce peak period demand by raising the air-conditioner settings by 2 to 3 degrees in the summer. Question: If the cost of fuel goes down during the year, will the demand charge be lowered? Answer: No. Once the demand is set, HILCO will pay that amount for the next 12 months regardless of what the cost of fuel does on the market. Together We Can Save!
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