Entry - South Dakota 4H Rodeo

2015 Burke 4H Rodeo
Friday Start time 9:00am Roughstock/12:30 pm other events/Saturday 9:00 am
June 19 & 20, 2015
Burke Riding Arena, Burke SD
Kasey Hanson cell (605)831-9854 or kahanson@goldenwest.net
**This year there is only 1 entry form
**Rodeo grounds are located at South West corner of town off Hwy 18 near golf course.
**Lunch Stand will be available
**Rough Stock Events take place on Friday morning ONLY beginning at 9:00 am. Both
Friday and Saturday rough stock events only take place on Friday morning. Even if you
only enter Friday rodeo, you can still do both go's of rough stock on Friday morning if
you would like.
**Friday rodeo events (excluding rough stock) will start at approx 12:30 pm and
Saturday events will start promptly at 9:00 am. You need to check in prior to 12:30 pm
on Friday & 9 am on Saturday to compete. Please bring your assigned 4H rodeo back
numbers with you.
**No alcohol permitted on grounds
**Any harassment by parents or contestants to judges, office staff, rodeo volunteers, or
other rodeo participants before, during or after rodeo will result in disqualification of
contestant. Contestants who exhibit poor sportsmanship with cursing or animal cruelty
will be disqualified for entire rodeo and awards will be forfeited.
**Camping is permitted on grounds, there are no electrical hook ups but bathroom
shower facilities open 24 hours.
**Horses may be stalled in make shift pens or by trailers but pens must be torn down by
8:00 am on Saturday - this will be enforced.
**Ambassador Contestants: Must be entered in Both Fri and Sat Rodeos to enter contest
*Fill out the Ambassador entry form and include with rodeo entry
* Horsemanship will be Thursday evening at 7:00 pm . Interviews and Speech will be Friday
morning 9:30 am. Crowning will be Friday around 12:30 pm
*Coordinator is Cheryl Schmitt cell (605)830-1457. You cannot scratch events to
leave early if you are an ambassador contestant, this will result in disqualification
and forfeit of any awards/prizes.
**Buckles for 1st place and All Around for each day. The 10 point system will be used to
determine all around. Prizes will also be awarded to 2-4th place.
2015 Burke 4H Rodeo
***There is only 1 entry form -- includes rough stock***
Order of Events Thurs- 7 pm Ambassador horsemanship and meeting
Fri - 9:00 a.m.
***Rough stock events - Both Go's will be held. No rough stock on Saturday.
Chute draw.
Sr. Saddle Bronc/Bareback - 1st go
Sr. Bullriding - 1st go
Jr. Bullriding- 1st go
Sr. Bullriding-2nd go
Jr. Bullriding - 2nd go
Sr. Saddle Bronc/Bareback - 2nd go
Fri - 12:30 p.m Arena Events - check in prior to this time
Sat- 9:00 a.m. No rough stock (done on Friday), Saturday contestants check in prior to
9 a.m.
Jr. Boys Goat Tying
Jr. Girls Goat Tying
Sr. Girls Goat Tying
Sr. Girls Pole Bending
Split Arena___________________________________________________________
Sr. Girls Ribbon Roping
Sr. Girls Breakaway Roping
Sr. Boys Tie Down Roping
Jr. Boys Breakaway
Jr. Girls Breakaway
Jr. Girls Pole Bending
Fence is taken down:
Sr. Boys Steer Wrestling
Jr. Boys Flag Race
Team Roping
Sr. Girls Barrel Racing
Jr. Girls Barrel Racing
4H Member
Back #
2015 Burke 4H Rodeo
Friday Start time 12:30 pm/Saturday Start time 9:00 am
June 19 & 20, 2015
Burke Riding Arena, Burke SD
Mail entries to Kasey Hanson 28188 348th Ave Burke SD 57523. If questions call (605)831-9854. Entries
must be postmarked by June 13th, 2015.
Junior Events
Flag Race - boys
Goat Tying - boys
Breakaway - boys
Jr. Bullriding - boys
Barrel Racing - girls
Pole Bending - girls
Goat Tying - girls
Breakaway - girls
Ambassador Contest
Guardian Signature
Total Fee
Guardian Signature
Total Fee
Senior Events
Calf Roping - boys
Steer Wrestling - boys
Bullriding - boys
Saddle Bronc - boys
Bare Back - boys
Barrel Racing - girls
Pole bending - girls
Goat Tying - girls
Breakaway - girls
Ribbon Roping - girls
Team Roping
Ambassador Contest
Office Surcharge $5.00/day ($10.00 for both days)
Total Fees Due Make checks payable to Burke 4H Rodeo
“We the parents or guardians, and 4H member, have read the letter accompany thing this entry and the 4H rules and hereby consent to the 4H members
participation in the Burke 4H rodeo in Burke, SD, and hereby release the Burke 4H rodeo committee, 4H Leaders Assn, the Burke Riding Club, and the
Stock contractor and/or agents from any and all liability for damages whatsoever that may occur to our child or child’s mount in connection with the said
event. The 4H member has proof of insurance on file at their county extension office.”
Parent/Guardian Signature
4H members signature