04-30-1 5 Edition - Lincolnwood SD74

April 30, 2015
News from Lincolnwood School District 74
The District Highlights
Dear Families, It has been a very busy couple of weeks, musically, in District 74. On Thursday, April 23rd, the 3rd graders hosted the annual ukulele concert, fondly referred to as, “Ukulepalooza,” at Rutledge Hall. This week, the 4th thru 8th grade band and orchestra students performed their annual Honors Concerts. In every case, the performances were delightful. Again, the District would like to give a huge “thank you,” to all of the parents who continually support the District’s children and staff to make these concerts possible. Below, please see the Re­Registration information. May 1st, tomorrow, is the last day to re­register and be eligible for the $50 family discount on the school registration fee! ​
If you have submitted and have not yet handed in necessary residency paperwork or medical forms, please bring them to your student’s school office as soon as possible. Have a very nice weekend and enjoy (hopefully) the beautiful weather that is forecast from the Lincolnwood area. As always, please give your child’s school a call or drop them an email if you have any concerns and/or questions! Lincolnwood School District 74 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Please note dates for the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL PER GRADE LEVEL: (​
regular school hours on the last day​
) ● 8th
Tuesday, June 2nd (this is also Graduation Night) ● PreK­K
Friday, June 5th ● 1st­7th
Tuesday, June 9th April 30, 2015
MAY 1st ­ DEADLINE FOR $50 FAMILY DISCOUNT! Remember to re­register on or before May 1st ­ TOMORROW for the $50 family discount on the school registration fee!​
On May 2nd and after, this discount can no longer be applied. Click here for ​
Online Registration Help and Registration Information which can be found on the District’s website; or you can click on this ​
Re­Registration LINK​
. I​
f you have any questions about Re­Registration, you can call your student’s school office or the Administration Building at 847­675­8234. We do have computers and help available at the Admin Building, so please stop in. We are happy to help! Bus Service will be FREE for the 2015­16 School Year As you re­register your students for school next year, please remember to sign­up for Bus service. This service will again be free to ALL students due to the continuing construction on Crawford Avenue. GOOD NEWS ­ we will have a NEW bus company (First Student, Inc.) servicing our District in the fall! If your students have been using the bus service this year, please continue till the end of this school year ­ Crawford Avenue construction has resumed and this helps the traffic around the District’s campus. Thank you. MyON ­ Read, Everywhere, Anytime All students in the district have received their own usernames and passwords for MyOn, the digital personalized library. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about the experience. READ, READ, READ! School Calendars District 74 calendars for the 2015­16, 2016­17, and 2017­18 school years can be viewed and printed here by clicking on ​
. School starts on ​
AUGUST 12, 2015 for the 2015­16 school year. Special Board Meeting There will be a Special Board Meeting on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at the Village Hall. It will begin at 7:00 p.m. The main purpose of this meeting is to review information for the Master Plan of Lincoln Hall. Please join us. April 30, 2015
Summer School Registration Registration is open for Summer School at District 74. Registration closes on May 29th. Classes fill up quickly, so sign up soon! Summer School dates are Monday, June 15th through July 10th and classes will be held at Rutledge Hall. Summer School will be closed on Friday, July 3rd. Click here to ​
download the Summer School brochure and to sign up​
! You can also find this information under “Announcements” on the front page of our websites. Community Members “Can Join Online Now” for School News This week, all Lincolnwood residents and businesses have received a postcard advertising to “Join Online Now” for the District’s School News. Interested folks in our Lincolnwood Community that currently do not have children attending school in District 74, can go to this link: ​
or the front page of District 74’s website. GREASE​
is the Word! Get ready for a wonderful production of ​
Grease ​
being presented at Lincoln Hall on May 15th and 16th at 7:00pm and May 17 at 3:00pm. Get your tickets now ­ ​
click here for ticket order form​
! Virtual Bulletin Board Be sure to check out the District’s ​
Virtual Bulletin Board​
as new flyers have been added. Cable Channel 6 Watch Lincolnwood’s local cable station Channel 6 for videos and advertisements from District 74. PTA - Parent Teacher Association
Thank You​
to all the volunteers who helped make the carnival a success! The district 74 children and families had a great time. Teacher Appreciation​
­ PTA is collecting treats to be distributed to ALL District staff on Friday, May 8th. Items can include homemade or store bought goodies such as: cookies, cake, fruit, etc. Please drop off any items at Rutledge or Todd Hall office on Thursday, May 7th from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Questions? Email the PTA at ​
. April 30, 2015
Alumni News If you have Alumni News to share at District 74, please send an email to ​
rshalzi@sd74.org Follow us on ​
! Important Dates To Remember... DISTRICT 74 05/04 Teacher Appreciation Week 05/05 Art Show at Village Hall, 6:00­7:00 p.m. 05/07 Special School Board Meeting, at the Village Hall, 7:00 p.m. LINCOLN HALL DATES 05/06­07
8th Grade­ Algebra Proficiency Exam 05/08 Benchmark Day 05/11 MAP testing begins th​
05/12 7​
grade Constitution Test 05/15­17 School Musical Production ­ ​
Last day for ELL after school homework club 05/11
MAP testing begins 05/13
Third Grade Orientation, 6:30 p.m. 05/21
5th Grade Music Concerts 05/27
Field Day 05/28
Science Night­ 6 p.m. TODD HALL DATES 05/06
Reading Benchmark Day 05/08
Pre­kindergarten Spring Sing ­ 10:15 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. 05/11
MAP testing begins 05/13
3rd Grade Orientation ­ 6:30 p.m. at Rutledge Hall 05/22
Wellness Day 05/28
Science Night ­ 6:00 p.m. at Rutledge Hall April 30, 2015
Lincoln Hall ​
6th Grade ⇢7th Grade ⇢8th Grade Girls Engaged in Math and Science (GEMS) Camp Please see the information here about an opportunity for girls this summer. Free summer camp for girls entering or leaving 7th grade. Registration is now open for three different camp tracks: Wearable Computing: June 15­19 or June 22­26 computing and the Arts: July 6­10 or July 13­17 Game Design: July 20­24 or July 27­31. All camps are a week long and run from 9 a.m.­4 p.m. in the Siebel Center. Registration is due May 1st and you can register ​
. Band and Orchestra Concerts The concerts this week were amazing. The students have really grown over the course of the year. We hope that you were able to join us for these final performances. If your students will be at Lincoln Hall next year, please consider having them join band or orchestra. These are wonderful opportunities. Sports at Lincoln Hall We continue to play hard, and our teams are doing well. The girls have had success on the soccer field, and the boys are doing well in volleyball. Come join us for a home game and see our Lincolnwood talent!! Reminders As the year is winding down, please be reminded that every day continues to be an instructional day. We want students to be at school every day on time and prepared. It is important that students successfully complete their classes for the year. Please help by reminding students to complete all work and projects, and stay on the PATH of appropriate school behavior. We are looking forward to a successful end of the year. Assessments Students are completing the end­of­year PARCC testing this week and next. This is the state test that helps monitor how schools are doing. If you would like information about the test, please go to isbe.net. In the next few weeks, students will be taking the MAP tests. The MAP tests help us to monitor individual student progress. We encourage students to do their best on all assessments. Grease We are looking forward to presenting ​
the weekend of May 15th. There are shows scheduled on Friday and Saturday nights, and Sunday afternoon. Please plan on joining us. It should be a great show! Tickets are now on sale. April 30, 2015
Wellness Day Planning We are busy planning for next year’s student wellness day. If you are interested in helping, donating your time, or donating items for that day, please let us know. ========================
Rutledge Hall ​
3rd Grade ⇢4th Grade ⇢5th Grade Skokie Valley Symphony Orchestra Our third and fourth grade students attended a special children’s performance at the Skokie Valley Symphony Orchestra. They heard music of Mozart, Verdi, Puccini, Berstein, Sondheim, and Rogers and Hammerstein. While the music was incredible, the highlight of the event was seeing third grade teacher Emily Saltz perform as a percussionist in the orchestra. Thank you to all of our parent chaperones! My Kind of Town Our fifth graders attended a play entitled “My Kind of Town,” at the Irish American Heritage Center. The theme of the play was growth in Chicago from a prairie trading post to a major metropolis. The story contains many narrative voices representing different cultural experiences. Earth Day For Earth Day our students made seed paper. This entailed dyeing recycled paper, adding seeds, and forming in the shape and colors of the earth. Congratulations Ms. Ryan’s 3rd grade math class placed first in our region on a computer science contest sponsored by the Continental Math League. Congratulations to: Jad D., Lillian F., Sheldon H., Christopher K., Patrick K., Jonathan L., Kirstin P., Asma P., Ryan P., Preston P., and Max S. A special congratulations to Jonathan L. for having the highest individual score in our region. Early Morning Clubs We have our Rubik’s Cube and Origami clubs in full swing.These take place in the Rutledge Hall library from 7:30­8:00 a.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. We need some help with supervision so if you would like to kick your day off with some fun, please call the office and volunteer! April 30, 2015
Reminders It is beginning to feel like spring. Please make sure that your child is out at their bus stops, not waiting inside the house, at their designated time. We want to keep those busses rolling! Thank you for your support in this matter. ========================
Todd Hall ​
Pre-K ⇢Kindergarten ⇢1st Grade ⇢2nd Grade
Celebrations The students enjoyed the karaoke sing along last week. As we continue to have celebrations and special events to praise safe, responsible, respectful behavior. Pre­Kindergarten Game Night Our pre­kindergarten families enjoyed an evening of playing games together with classmates and their families. It was fantastic to see everyone enjoying game time together. Assessments As the month of May rapidly approaches students will take the MAP assessment. Teachers, parents and students will be able to see the growth they have made over this school year. Students will take the test in their classrooms during reading and math. Reading benchmark day and math concept and applications testing will also take place during May. Rutledge Hall Visit nd​
The 2​
graders attended the 3​
grade dress rehearsal. Our students enjoyed getting a preview of rd​
what will be coming up for them next year. The 3​
graders did an outstanding job! Special Donation Todd Hall students will benefit for years to come because of the generous donations made by friends and family members of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Anne Govostis’ parents. After the passing of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, the family decided to make the Todd Hall Library a place friends and family could make a donation because of the love and appreciation Mr. and Mrs. Bennett had for learning and reading. We are thrilled that new books have been purchased and are ready for student check out. In this time of loss, great joy will come as students love reading these special books. Visiting Artist We are grateful to have nationally known artist, author and speaker, Matthew Hoffman, collaborating th​
with us during art classes, May 4​
– 8​
. We will be creating a painted mural that reads, “anything is possible” which will be hung along the East Prairie Street fence! This is a community effort and a April 30, 2015
lesson in the power behind words of affirmation. Spirit Day May 1st is Beach Day. Dress is beach attire, but remember that we will be going outside for recess. Wellness Day The wellness committee is busy making plans for our wellness day. Mark your calendar for May 22nd as we will need volunteers ­ more details will be coming soon. ========================