Offer Incentive Redemption Form Congratulations on your recent purchase of a Daniel Defense firearm or Ambush Firearms hunting rifle. Complete and submit this form to redeem your qualifying credit at This redemption form is valid only for any new Daniel Defense or Ambush Firearms complete rifle or pistol, purchased from a stocking dealer or at between May 4, 2015, and June 8, 2015. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING AND RETURN WITH PROOFS OF PURCHASE Please Print Clearly: Name ______________________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________ State ________________ Zip __________________________ Phone ( Rifle ) ___________________________ E-Mail ______________________________________________ Daniel Defense Ambush Firearms Model _____________________________________ Dealer where rifle was purchased_____________________________________________________________ HOW TO REDEEM YOUR CREDIT GOOD FOR PURCHASES AT To successfully receive your incentive, please provide completed form and proof of purchase. You may call us, fax, e-mail, or mail the form and proof of purchase. CALL / FAX / E-MAIL Phone: 1.866.554.4867 Fax: 1.912.851.3248 E-Mail: MAIL Mail to: Daniel Defense Attn: Redemption Offer 101 Warfighter Way Black Creek, GA 31308 Terms and Conditions: Offer Good for Daniel Defense or Ambush Firearms complete rifles or pistols purchased between May 4, 2015, and June 8, 2015, from Daniel Defense or Ambush Firearms Stocking Dealers or and Request must be received by August 31, 2015. Purchase date is determined by an invoice or sales receipt. Products cannot be returned for refund once the rebate has been submitted. By submission of this rebate form, all documents and information contained therein become property of Daniel Defense, Inc. and are non-returnable. Daniel Defense reserves the right to modify and/or withdraw this offer at any time for any reason whatsoever. Daniel Defense is not responsible for any late, lost, misdirected or postage due mail. This offer is limited to a maximum of one (1) incentive claim per person. US Sales Only.
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