Daniel O. Jackson Department of English Kanda University of International Studies 1-4-1 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi Chiba 261-0014 Japan Phone: 043-273-2941 Fax: 043-273-2588 E-mail: jackson-d@kanda.kuis.ac.jp Website: http://danielojackson.wordpress.com/ EDUCATION Ph.D. in Second Language Studies, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Honolulu, Hawai‘i Degree received May 17th, 2014 Dissertation title: The relative contribution of input modification, learner awareness, and individual differences to second language construction learning Dissertation committee: Dr. Richard Schmidt (chair), Dr. John Norris, Dr. Luca Onnis, Dr. Lourdes Ortega, Dr. Peter Robinson, and Dr. Amy J. Schafer M.S. in Education/TESOL, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Degree received May 22nd, 2000 B.A. in English, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Villanova University Villanova, Pennsylvania Degree received May 31st, 1996 RESEARCH INTERESTS • • • • • • • Cognitive-interactionist approaches to second language acquisition Individual differences in second language learning Second language teacher cognition Task-based language teaching (TBLT) Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) Second language writing pedagogy Second language research methods LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY English (native), Japanese (intermediate-advanced), German (beginner), Hawaiian (beginner) Daniel O. Jackson TEACHING EXPERIENCE Associate professor, Department of English Kanda University of International Studies Chiba, Japan Spring 2015-Present Instructor, Hawaii English Language Program University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Honolulu, Hawai‘i Summer 2014-Fall 2014 Lecturer, Department of Second Language Studies University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Honolulu, Hawai‘i Summer 2012, Summer 2013, Spring 2014 Part-time lecturer, Summer Programs The Center for Asia-Pacific Exchange Honolulu, Hawai‘i Summer 2011 Part-time instructor, English Language Institute University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Honolulu, Hawai‘i Spring 2010-Fall 2010 Assistant professor, English Language Program J. F. Oberlin University Tokyo, Japan Spring 2001-Spring 2009 Part-time lecturer, Integrated English Program Aoyama Gakuin University Sagamihara, Japan Spring 2003-Spring 2009 Lecturer, English Language Programs University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Summer 2000-Winter 2000 Adjunct instructor, English Language Center Drexel University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Summer 1998-Spring 2000 2 of 10 Daniel O. Jackson 3 of 10 GRADUATE ASSISTANT POSITIONS Managing Editor, Language Learning & Technology National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa) Spring 2011-Summer 2012 Research Assistant for Dr. Luca Onnis Department of Second Language Studies/NFLRC, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Project title: Individual differences in statistical learning ability as a possible predictor of successful language learning Summer 2010-Fall 2010 Research Assistant for Dr. Dongping Zheng Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Project title: Pilot investigation of educational games for language learning Fall 2009 Graduate Assistant for Dr. Teresa Pica Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania Spring 1998-Fall 2000 PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER CERTIFICATION Monmouth County Substitute Teacher’s Certificate, State of New Jersey January 23rd, 1997 through July 1st, 2000 EDITORIAL SERVICE Manuscript reviewer, Noticing and second language acquisition: Studies in Honor of Richard Schmidt (2012), Language Learning (2012, 2014), Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching (2009), The Proceedings of JALTCALL 2008 (2008), The Proceedings of JALTCALL 2005 (2005) Abstract reviewer, American Association for Applied Linguistics 2015 conference Copy editor, Language Learning & Technology (2009-2012) VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES Fundraising Vice-President (co-elected with Marissa Hanada) Second Language Studies Student Association, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Fall 2012-Spring 2013 Assistant in the Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Laboratory Language Analysis and Experimentation Laboratories, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Spring 2010-Summer 2011 Second Language Studies Graduate Student Representative (co-elected with Bal Sharma) Graduate Student Organization, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Spring 2010-Spring 2011 Daniel O. Jackson 4 of 10 VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES (CONTINUED) Staff at Cultura/Language Learning in computer-mediated communication conference National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC), University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Fall 2009 English as a Second Language Composition Teacher Nationalities Services Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Winter 1998 English as a Second Language Tutor Literacy Volunteers of America, Ocean County, New Jersey 1996-1997 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS • • • • American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) AILA Research Network - Complexity and Second Language Learning AILA Research Network - Research Synthesis and Meta-analysis AILA Research Network - Tasks and Second Language Acquisition PUBLICATIONS Edited Volumes Granena, G., Jackson, D. O., & Yilmaz, Y. (contracted). Cognitive individual differences in second language acquisition and processing. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Articles and Book Chapters Jackson, D. O. (submitted-a). Cognitive abilities, personality traits, and second language construction learning. Jackson, D. O. (submitted-b). Variation sets, learner awareness, and individual differences in second language construction learning. Jackson, D. O. (submitted-c). Task-based assessment and pre-service teacher development in TESOL methods courses. Jackson, D. O. (2013). Implicit second language learning and individual differences. In J. M. Bergsleithner, S. N. Frota, & J. K. Yoshioka, (Eds.). Noticing and second language acquisition: Studies in honor of Richard Schmidt (pp. 277–293). Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i, National Foreign Language Resource Center. Jackson, D., & Suethanapornkul, S. (2013). The Cognition Hypothesis: A synthesis and metaanalysis of research on second language task complexity. Language Learning, 63(2), 330–367. Jackson, D. O. (2012). Task-based language teacher education in an undergraduate program in Japan. In Shehadeh, A. & Coombe, C. (Eds.), Researching and implementing taskbased language learning and teaching in EFL contexts (pp. 267–286). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Jackson, D. O. (2011). Convergent and divergent computer-mediated communication tasks in an English for academic purposes course. TESL-EJ, 15, 1–18. Daniel O. Jackson 5 of 10 Articles and Book Chapters (Continued) Jackson, D. O. (2001). Key concepts in ELT: Language-related episodes. English Language Teaching Journal, 55, 298–299. Papers in Conference Proceedings Jackson, D. O. (2014). Learner differences in metalinguistic awareness: Exploring the influence of cognitive abilities and language experience. In R. T. Miller, K. I. Martin, C. M. Eddington, A. Henery, N. Marcos Miguel, A. Tseng, A. Tuninetti, & D. Walter (Eds.). Selected Proceedings of the 2012 Second Language Research Forum: Building Bridges Between Disciplines. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 211– 226. Onnis, L., Jackson, D., & Spivey, M. (2010). Perceptual simulations of temporal uses of in and on in first and second language processing. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Portland, 889–894. Jackson, D. O. (2009). Task design and vocabulary recall in computer-mediated communication. Proceedings of the 2009 Applied Linguistics Colloquium, Temple University, Japan, 74–85. Jackson, D. O. (2006). EFL student writers’ attitudes toward teacher and computer-generated feedback. Earth, Man, and Culture: The 2006 International Conference of the Modern English Society of Korea, 381–393. Cookson, S., Hunter, S., Jackson, D., & Sick, J. (2006). Using Criterion in an English for academic purposes course. The Proceedings of JALTCALL 2005, 147–151. Jackson, D. O. (2005). Implementing web-based instruction in EFL courses. Proceedings of the 12th Annual KOTESOL International Conference, 41–47. Encyclopedia Entries Jackson, D. O. (submitted). Teacher autonomy. In Liontas, J. & DelliCarpini, M. (Eds.), TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. Wiley/TESOL. Jackson, D. O. (2013a). Cross-sectional research. In Robinson, P. (Ed.), Routledge encyclopedia of second language acquisition (pp. 155–156). New York, NY: Routledge. Jackson, D. O. (2013b). Longitudinal research. In Robinson, P. (Ed.), Routledge encyclopedia of second language acquisition (pp. 404–405). New York, NY: Routledge. Newsletter Articles Jackson, D. O. (February, 2012). Some trends in measuring and understanding attention in second language research. Applied Linguistics Forum, 1–4. Cookson, S., Hunter, S., Jackson, D., & Sick, J. (March, 2005). Using online writing software in an ELP writing course. ILE Newsletter, 2, 3. Lesson Plans and Course Descriptions Jackson, D. O. (2013). From writing conferences to writing conversations. In D. C. Mussman (Ed.), New ways in teaching writing, revised (pp. 302–304). Alexandria, VA: TESOL International Association. Jackson, D. O. (2009). A corpus-informed approach to peer response tasks. The Language Teacher, 33, 21–22. [Special issue: Task-based Language Teaching in Japan]. Daniel O. Jackson 6 of 10 Lesson Plans and Course Descriptions (Continued) Cookson, S., Fryer, C., Hunter, S., Jackson, D., Olson, C., & Sick, J. (2005). Introduction to the EAP writing course. The Obirin Review, 29, 17–18. Jackson, D. O. (2005). Planning a comparison essay in small groups. The Language Teacher, 29, 20–22. Jackson, D. O. (2002). Integrating reading and speaking: Jigsaw newspaper reading. The Language Teacher, 26, 15–16. Book Reviews and Notices Jackson, D. O. (2013). [Review of the book Implicit and explicit language learning: Conditions, processes, and knowledge in SLA and bilingualism, edited by C. Sanz & R. P. Leow]. Language Awareness, 22, 194–196. Jackson, D. O. (2012). [Review of the book Second language task complexity: Researching the cognition hypothesis of language learning and performance, edited by P. Robinson]. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34, 688–690. Jackson, D. O. (2007). [Review of the book Language testing: The social dimension, by T. McNamara & C. Roever]. TESL-EJ, 11, 1–3. Jackson, D. O. (2002a). [Book notice for Text and context in functional linguistics, edited by M. Ghadessy]. Language, 78, 208–209. Jackson, D. O. (2002b). [Book notice for Coherence in spoken and written discourse, edited by W. Bublitz, U. Lenk & E. Ventola]. Language, 78, 209. Jackson, D. O. (2001a). [Review of the book Japanese children abroad: Cultural, educational and language issues, edited by A. Yamada-Yamamoto & B. J. Richards]. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 22, 175–176. Jackson, D. O. (2001b). [Book notice for Language: A right and a resource, edited by M. Kontra, R. Phillipson, T. Skutnabb-Kangas & T. Várady]. Language, 77, 640–641. Jackson, D. O. (2001c). [Book notice for Second language attrition in Japanese contexts, edited by L. Hansen]. Language, 77, 641–642. Jackson, D. O. (2000). [Book notice for Second language acquisition and the critical period hypothesis, edited by D. Birdsong]. Language, 76, 478. PRESENTATIONS Academic Conference Presentations Jackson, D. O., & Burch, A. R. (2015, March). TBLT through different lenses: New theoretical perspectives on task-based classroom realities. Colloquium presented at the AAAL Conference, Toronto, Canada. Jackson, D. O., & Cho, M. (2015, March). Second language teacher noticing: A sociocognitive window on task-in-process realities. Paper presented at the AAAL Conference, Toronto, Canada. Jackson, D. O. (2014, March). Input, awareness, and individual differences in L2 construction learning. Poster presented at the AAAL Conference, Portland, OR. Jackson, D. O. (2013, May). Input optimization in artificial language learning: Implications for CALL. Paper presented at the CALICO Conference, Honolulu, HI. Jackson, D. O. (2012, October). Individual differences in second language aptitude, working memory, and awareness. Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum, Pittsburgh, PA. Daniel O. Jackson 7 of 10 Academic Conference Presentations (Continued) Jackson, D., & Suethanapornkul, S. (2011, November). The cognition hypothesis: A synthesis and meta-analysis. Paper presented at the Task-based Language Teaching Conference, Auckland, New Zealand. Jackson, D., & Onnis, L. (2011, April). Situating cross-situational learning in second language acquisition research. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Student Conference of the College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Onnis, L., Spivey, M., & Jackson, D. (2010, October). Perceptual simulations of idiomatic prepositional uses in L1 and L2. Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum, College Park, MD. Onnis, L., Spivey, M., & Jackson, D. (2010, September). Perceptual simulations of idiomatic prepositions in first and second language speakers. Poster presented at CSDL/ESLP, La Jolla, CA. Onnis, L., Spivey, M., & Jackson, D. (2010, August). Perceptual simulations of temporal uses of in and on in first and second language processing. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Portland, OR. Jackson, D., Onnis, L., & Spivey, M. (2010, July). L2 learners’ perceptual simulations: Towards embodied language learning and teaching. Paper presented at the BAAL Language Learning & Teaching SIG 6th Annual Conference, London, UK. Onnis, L., Spivey, M., & Jackson, D. (2010, July). Perceptual simulations of prepositions in first and second language speakers. Paper presented at the 3rd UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Hatfield, UK. Onnis, L., Spivey, M., & Jackson, D. (2010, June). Idiomatic uses of spatial prepositions activate perceptual simulations in a first but not a second language. Poster presented at Psycholinguistics Across the Borders, Rovereto, Italy. Jackson, D. O. (2009, September). Early starters: Task-based teacher education in an undergraduate course. Paper presented at the Task-based Language Teaching Conference, Lancaster, UK. Jackson, D. O. (2009, January). Task design and vocabulary recall in computer-mediated communication. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Temple University Applied Linguistics Colloquium, Tokyo, Japan. Jackson, D. O. (2007, September). Another look at convergent and divergent tasks: Evidence from synchronous computer-mediated communication. Poster presented at the Taskbased Language Teaching Conference, Honolulu, HI. Jackson, D. O. (2007, June). Japanese EFL Learners’ negotiated interaction during convergent and divergent tasks in SCMC. Paper presented at the JALTCALL 2007 Conference, Tokyo, Japan. Sick, J., & Jackson, D. (2006, September). Task-supported CALL in an English for academic purposes course. Paper presented at the EUROCALL 2006 Conference, Granada, Spain. Cookson, S., Hunter, S., & Jackson, D. (2006, June). Task-supported CALL in an English for academic purposes course. Paper presented at the JALTCALL 2006 Conference, Sapporo, Japan. Jackson, D. O. (2006, May). EFL student writers’ attitudes toward teacher and computergenerated feedback. Paper presented at the Modern English Society of Korea 2006 Conference, Daejeon, Korea. Cookson, S., Hunter, S., & Jackson, D. (2005, June). Using criterion in an English for academic purposes course. Paper presented at the JALTCALL 2005 Conference, Minami-Kusatsu, Japan. Daniel O. Jackson 8 of 10 Academic Conference Presentations (Continued) Jackson, D. O. (2004, October). Connecting EFL courses to the web. Paper presented at the 12th Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, Korea. Jackson, D. O. (2003, November). Reading and speaking about current events. Paper presented at the 29th JALT International Conference, Shizuoka, Japan. Jackson, D. O. (2000, April). Language-related episodes in second language classrooms. Poster presented at the Penn-TESOL East Spring Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Guest Lectures, Workshops, and Panel Presentations Jackson, D. O. (2014, February). Task-based language teaching: Alternative or mainstream? Guest lecture for SLS 612, taught by Dr. Richard Day, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Jackson, D., & Tsai, A. (2012, September). PsyScope workshop. Workshop organized by the Second Language Studies Student Association, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Jackson, D. O. (2012, April). Seven dualities and one anomaly in L2 learning. Guest lecture for SLS 600, taught by Dr. John Norris, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Jackson, D. O. (2012, February). Approaches to feedback in L2 writing instruction. Workshop for the Language Teacher Development Group, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Jackson, D. O. with Hudson, T., Butler, K. L., & Ortega, L. (2012, January). Getting published in journals. Panel talk organized by the Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Jackson, D. O. (2010, December). Response strategies for L2 writing instruction: Primum non nocere. Paper presented at the English Language Institute Writing Workshop, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Jackson, D. O. (2010, December). Migrating to PsyScope: An artificial grammar learning task for L1 Korean speakers. Paper presented at PsyScope: A Practical Introduction, Center for Second Language Research/Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Jackson, D., Uchida, Y., & Jones, H. (2010, December). PsyScope: A practical introduction. Workshop organized by the Center for Second Language Research/Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Jackson, D. O. with Sharma, B. (2010, November). SLSSA workshop: Money, money, money! Workshop organized by the Second Language Studies Student Association, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Jackson, D. O. (2008, February). Rethinking program evaluation. Paper presented at the J. F. Oberlin University English Language Program Annual Retreat, Tokyo, Japan. Jackson, D. O. with Reyes, A., & Chen, C. (2000, December). Comp prep panel. Panel talk organized by the TESOL program and Student Affairs Office, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania. Brown Bag Lectures Jackson, D. O., & Cho, M. (2015, February). TBLT through different lenses, Part 1: Second language teacher noticing. Paper presented at the Department of Second Language Studies Brownbag Lecture Series, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Daniel O. Jackson 9 of 10 Brown Bag Lectures (Continued) Jackson, D. O. with Malicka, A., & Sasayama, S. (2011, September). Researching the cognition hypothesis: Preview of three student presentations from the upcoming TBLT 2011 conference. Paper presented at the Department of Second Language Studies Brownbag Lecture Series, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Onnis, L., & Jackson, D. (2010, April). Toward embodied language learning. Paper presented at the Department of Second Language Studies Brownbag Lecture Series, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Jackson, D. O. with Youn, S. (2009, August). Two task-based language teaching studies. Paper presented at the Department of Second Language Studies Brownbag Lecture Series, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Board Meeting Presentations Onnis, L., Edelman, S., Jackson, D., & Jones, H. (2011, January). Individual differences in statistical learning ability as a possible predictor of successful second language learning. Presentation at the National Foreign Language Resource Center Advisory Board Meeting, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI. Chun, D., Thompson, I., Jackson, D., & Wilson-Duffy, C. (2011, May). LLT board meeting. Presentation at the Language Learning & Technology Board Meeting, University of Victoria, B.C., Canada. AWARDS John Benjamins Publishers Award for Best Student Abstract at TBLT 2011 RESEARCH FUNDING 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 2010 2010 2009 Earlier Bilinski Dissertation Fellowship, Bilinski Educational Foundation ($25,000) Bilinski Dissertation Fellowship, Bilinski Educational Foundation ($12,500) Language Learning Dissertation Grant, Language Learning ($2,000) Holmes-Carr Scholarship Fund, SLS Department ($140) Student Bursary Award, International Consortium on TBLT ($663) Grants & Awards Committee Grant, UHM Graduate Student Organization ($930) Student Travel Award, CSDL/ESLP Conference Committee ($250) Ruth Crymes Scholarship Fund, SLS Department ($1,442) Research allowance, J. F. Oberlin University (approx. $5,876 yearly) ADDITIONAL TRAINING 2012 The Use of Eye Movements to Study L2 Comprehension Taught by Dr. Erik D. Reichle and Dr. Tessa Warren SLRF Pre-Conference Research Methodology Workshop, Carnegie Mellon University 2012 Basic Conversation Analysis Workshop Taught by Alfred Rue Burch Summer Session, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Daniel O. Jackson 10 of 10 ADDITIONAL TRAINING (CONTINUED) 2010 Eye-Tracking using Eyelink and ASL Remote Eye Trackers Taught by Dr. Jared Novick, Susan Teubner-Rhodes, Alan Mishler, and Shayne Sloggett 2009 Predicting and Measuring the Effects of L2 Task Demands on Learning and Performance: Theory, Research, and Practice Taught by Dr. Peter Robinson Distinguished Lecturer Series Seminar, Temple University Japan 2008 Practical Rasch Measurement Taught by Dr. John Michael Linacre Online course, Statistics.com COMPUTER SKILLS Experiment design software (E-Prime, PsyScope), statistical analysis tools (R statistical computing environment, SPSS, SAS, Winsteps), online course management systems (Moodle, Laulima, CourseSites), automated writing evaluation software (Criterion), language corpus tools (COCA, AntConc), online peer review systems (ScholarOne), webpage design (Wordpress), and other applications (Apple iWork, Google Apps, and Microsoft Office) Updated: 4/3/2015
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