newsletter-2015-04-28 - Darling Heights State School

Note the following
dates in your Diary:
Edition No. 12.15
Cooee online at
28th April 2015
School Administration:- Ph. 46368333 Fax: 46368300
Mother’s Day Stall
7th and 8th May
12th, 13th and 14th
School Photos
Thursday 4th and Friday 5th June
Thankyou to all those involved in our ANZAC Day Service last Friday. Mr Thompson has provided an article further detailing this great event later in the Cooee.
Late last term I received an invitation to be part of a Toowoomba delegation to attend the
UNESCO International Vesak Celebration in Paris; May 27th-29th. This delegation is the third to
be organised by the Multi Faith, Multi Cultural Centre - Pure Land Learning College Association
as it works towards having UNESCO visit Toowoomba and endorse Toowoomba as a model city
of peace and harmony.
The delegation will provide a three hour presentation as part of the Vesak Celebration where it
will be my role to highlight the work of our school in combining so many different cultural and religious groups into a place that promotes and features the understanding of difference, harmony,
strong co-operation, inclusivity and welcome.
I find this a wonderful opportunity to highlight the work and successes of our school and to seek
opportunities to further understand how we can continue to promote peace and harmony within
our school and the wider community.
I look forward to sharing with our community the experiences that our Toowoomba Delegation
encounters while we are away.
This week I will be joining a team from the Department of Education’s School Review Unit. This
team will look at and report on the operations of two schools in Central Queensland.
The Department of Education has recently set up the School Improvement Unit which has been
charged with designing and delivering a process by which schools receive a report by a team of
reviewers. Each school in Queensland will have a team visit and undertake a review which highlights how the School is going and makes recommendations as to where improvement can occur.
Principals are being provided with the opportunity to be part of these review teams. Involvement
will allow for a greater understanding of just what is required to ensure quality school operations.
I’m trusting that my involvement will allow us to learn more as we continue to deliver quality operations in this school.
The DHSS School Improvement Unit Review is scheduled for late 2016 or early 2017.
Last week, I enrolled a student whose family had chosen our school based on the information
they had gained about schools from a post they had made on Facebook. The mother had
“posted” a question seeking opinion as to whether our school or another Toowoomba school
would be the best fit for her child.
Amazingly, she received in excess of 100 responses in 3 days and, although both schools
received extremely positive comments, those posted about Darling Heights weighed more
favourably with her.
As Principal, I am amazed at how technology now allows parents to access information in such a
way but, more importantly, I am so proud that members of our community are willing to provide
such positive comments about our school. As a School, we like to think that we are travelling
exceptionally well so, receiving such feedback is very reassuring.
Thank you to all of those within our community who perceive our school in such a positive way.
SEP Parent Support
Group Meeting
Wednesday 27/5/15 - 2
Wednesday 24/6/15 - 2
Athletics Carnival
Wednesday and Thursday 24th and 25th June
Every Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday.
Open Tuesday from
8.30am - 9.30am and
Thursday from 2.30pm
- 3.30pm.
0455 088 401 Or
Cruisin’ Cappucino every
Wednesday afternoon.
A date has yet to be set for our next Forum. Once a decision has been made, it will be published
in the Cooee.
Until next week
Thank you for your support.
Cooee Edition 12.15
28th April 2015
The Value for this week is “Safety” with a focus on “I stay and play in the correct area”. This week students will be reminded
about where their “designated play areas” are – this helps ensure a safe playing environment for all students.
At Darling Heights State School, students have many options when it comes to playtime. Not only do students have specific play
areas on the oval, there are activities for students to access in the library (UNO Club and computers), EALD (craft, ipads, chess,
drama, drumming, skipping, homework help and language fun), Hall (futsal, skipping, dancing, games) and homework club. Furthermore, students can also borrow sports equipment to play their own games and access toys and digging equipment to play in
the sandpits. We now have playgrounds installed and accessible to most year levels – we are currently in the process of looking
at installing a new playground specifically for our Year 3 and 4 students.
Playing games with others helps children to learn about rules, fair play, right and wrong. There is often a lot of talk between children about what is fair. ‘Fair’ is about children learning that in games you can’t just do what you feel like, when you feel like it, as
this is not likely to help you do well, or be liked by others, or win. During the primary school years, children do a lot of learning
about the difference between right and wrong. Part of this learning takes place during their games. They make up rules and they
learn about winning and losing and being fair.
Games help with learning about self-control and getting on with others, and also offer a way to safely get rid of ‘angry’ feelings and use up lots of energy. Learning to lose is a hard lesson and takes much longer than learning to win! Some children need
extra support as they learn to manage their feelings in games.
Tips to help your child learn about winning and losing:
 Practise playing, winning and losing.
Play games of chance such as ‘snakes and ladders’ where you can assist your child to understand that despite your best
efforts, ‘luck’ can decide whether you win or lose.
 Gradually move onto games of skill, making sure that your child still has a good share of winning.
Provide times for your child to play games that are for one person only, such as computer games or card games like, Patience. These games help them to learn to improve their skills when there is no-one to compete against.
 Children need lots of time to play at making up their own games with rules.
If your child wants to play a particular game, learn some of the skills together. Practise in the backyard or in the park. Remember that too much practice losing will not teach children to be good sports.
Think about how your actions and what you say, as it affects your child. Show your child how to be a ‘good sport’ by the way you
cope with losing yourself, and by what you say to them if they lose. If they think winning matters too much to you they will find it
harder to lose.
A special thanks to all parents who take the time each week to sit down and talk to their child/ren about the week’s Value and
focus. If any parents have any queries or concerns or wish to discuss anything, please feel free to contact Mr James Leach
(Deputy Principal) on 46 368 333.
Sleep research shows that children who develop good sleep patterns usually carry these into adolescence, and beyond. If you
are a parent of young children struggling to get them to sleep or battling kids who want to stay up longer, then a proper working
knowledge of good sleep habits and sleep hygiene is a must.
Great sleep habits include:
1. Regular bedtimes. Kids may fight this, but be regular during the week and let kids stay up a little later on weekends.
2. A wind-down time of up to 45 minutes prior to bed. This includes, removing TV and other stimuli (video games/ipads/
computers), calming children down, and limiting food intake (and caffeine for teens).
3. Bedtime routine such as story, teeth-cleaning that signal psychologically that it is time for sleep.
4. Keeping bedrooms for sleep and not for TV or devices. Bedrooms that resemble caves seem to be recommended.
5. Maximising the 3 sleep cues of: darkness (cave-like bedroom), lowering body temperature (baths can be good for this) and
melatonin (work within their cycle).
It seems that sleep is one thing that we can all become educated about. We take it for granted and often view poor sleepers
through a behavioural lens. Better knowledge of the biology of sleep and also sleep patterns will go a long way to helping kids
and teens get a good night’s sleep. I believe it's an absolute essential for good modern parenting.
For a more detailed guide on sleep including the latest research join the Parentingideas Club and download
our essential Sleep Guide
2015 2005
ANZAC Biscuits
Leader Maarten Dekeyser
100 YEARS OF ANZAC, The Spirit Lives: ANZAC DAY SERVICE 2015
Drew Petersen
(Prep T)
Jaina Fisher, 4N
As you would be aware, ANZAC Day was recognised in The Hall last Friday.
One of the largest parent groups in recent years was in attendance to support
the Service, so capably conducted by the School Leaders. Special Guests,
Parents and Staff were MOST complimentary with regard to the behaviour of
all students and the confidence displayed by the 14 Year Level students who
read well-rehearsed reports telling the story of Gallipoli and the history of ANZAC Day.
Congratulations to the Choir who, conducted by Miss Rackemann, performed,
“In Flanders Fields.” The Ex-Servicemen guests, who clearly knew the words,
were seen ‘joining in’. For the first year a PowerPoint Slide Show (made
possible due to The Hall’s new Projector and Screen) supported the
programme and assisted with the success of The Service.
I would like to sincerely thank all who supported and contributed to The
Service in any way. Special thanks go to our Returned Servicemen Guests,
Shelley Ward and the P&C for arranging the Wreath / Cross and those who
donated flowers. Finally, thanks to staff who made ANZAC biscuits to
accompany the ‘Cuppa’ for Parents and Guests after the Service.
………………………………………………………...……………………………......K. L. Thompson
Guests, L to R: Bernie Martin
and Bernie Watkinson
Prep Classes
‘Listening Intently’
Cooee Edition 12.15
28th April 2015
This term, on Thursday 4th June, our Year 4 Choir and 5/6 Singers will have the opportunity to participate in Choral
Fanfare. Choral Fanfare is a biannual Choral Festival that is run by Education Queensland. It is a fantastic opportunity for our students to perform and to listen to other school choirs. For this festival, our choir students will be required
to wear our choir uniform which consists of long black pants and a long sleeved white shirt.
Concert Band rehearsals will begin Week 2 of this term. The rehearsals will be every Wednesday and Thursday
morning from 8.00-8.45am.
Our Mother's Day stall is coming up soon, on the 7th and 8th of May. We are looking for volunteers to help the children pick their presents on the days, and/or wrap presents for them. Even an hour or a couple of hours would be helpful.
The P&C would like to thank everyone who collected sponsor money for the fun run. Your well-deserved prizes will be
handed out in your classrooms by the end of the week.
There are some used individual Student Desks and Chairs available. These are located in the vicinity of the two
industrial bins in the cul-de-sac. They are available, first come, first served but please avoid the congested times as
school begins and concludes.
Year Prep/ 1 Stars
Prep M
Eesa Hameed
Prep N
Imogen Czaran
Prep W
Finley Hernon
Prep T
Drew Petersen
Luke Lodge
Maddison Carroll
Eesa Hameed
Charles Oaeke
3H Star Student
Elisabeth Briggs
3B 100% Club
Lien Dekeyser, Zahraa Wannas, Lewis
3B Most improved
Sitav Faraj
3B Special improvement Award
Kristi-Lee Widderick
Year 2 Stars
2M Elijah Lomas
Zakk Broksch
Haozhen Tu
Om Patel
Student of the Week
4N Premice Ngoie Musongo Kalenga
3/4B Blake Williams
4R Tayleah Broksch
Jaina Fisher
3/4B Harmony Taylor
Maedy Castillo
Year 3/4 Awards
3G Student of the Week
Luke Poteri
3G Star of the Week
Merna Gorges
3H Star Box
Patrick Boland
3H Most Improved Speller
Mawj Al-Azzawi
Star Award
4N Bethany Bryde
Star on Assembly
3/4B Mariam Nafie
4R Shafaq Attiya
SEP M Stars of the
Lena-May Smith
Evan Jack-Sandrey
Merit Awards
Philip Lane-Gessiri
William Turner
William Thorley
Cody Elliot
Rosie Callagher
Levi McClelland
Greg Simmons
Nikki Glozier
Ryan Barlow
STAR Student
Riley Barlow
6/7 Stars of the Week
5/6 A Muhummed Abduirahmin
5/6 B Sabaoth Freelagus
5/6 C Dylan Moore
5/6 D Daniel Koh
5/6 E Noah Englebert
5/6 F Mohammed Anas
YMCA’s Monthly Newsletters are available on our school’s website.