DARLING POINT SPECIAL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER – May 2015 Actual Address: Postal Address: Phone: Fax: Mobile: email: ABN: 368 Upper Esplanade Manly Q 4179 PO Box 5173 Manly Q 4179 (07) 3348 0111 (07) 3893 2713 0414 298 494 the.principal@darlpoinspecs.eq.edu.au 94 016 859 306 Principal: Charmaine Driver M. Ed., (Sp. Ed.), B. App. Sc., Dip. Ed., Cert IV (TAE) P.H.F. 11.05.2015 Dear Parents, Guardians, Carers, Friends of Darling Point Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mothers in our wider school community for yesterday. I certainly hope that each one enjoyed the day. Those of us who have lost mothers hold very special memories and this time of year brings both happy and bitter-sweet memories. It is also a time to think of those who are mothers to angel babies and angel children. So caring thoughts come to each mother from the school at this time. “This child was not born merely to extend my ego, nor even to give me unbroken pleasure, nor to provide me with a plaything to be fussed over, neglected, shown off, and then put away. She was born that I might give her a first foot in this world and might help per want to live in it … I don’t expect to live as I did without her. I am hers to be with and hope to be what she needs”. Laurie Lee, English author. “Motherhood brings as much joy as ever, but boredom, exhaustion and sorrow, too. Nothing else will make you as happy or sad, as proud or tired”. Marguerite Kelly and Ella S. Parsons. ‘The Mother’s Almanac, 1975. Thank you to our P and C Association, and particularly Katie Van den Broek and Danielle Gauld, for the most successful Mother’s Day staff last week, and for the high quality of items that the students and others could purchase. I must say that my own grandson, Sebastian, aged all of two years, was very excited about the gifts that he chose for his Mummy – particularly the little cupid ornament and the photo frame. Shopping is such a fun thing! Thank you ladies for your patience, good humour, and generosity. CHAPLAINCY FUND RAISING DINNER Attached to this newsletter is the flyer for the fund raising dinner to be held this coming Friday, 15th May, at the Wynnum Manly Leagues Club – 6 pm for 6.30 pm, and $30.00 per head. This amount covers the cost of the meal and there will be opportunity for Deputy Principal: Robert McDowall B. Teach., B.A. making donations and contribution to the cost of chaplaincy services at our school and others, through the dinner auction as well. Alternatively, several folk have asked whether they may make donations to specifically support the chaplaincy service at Darling Point Special School and of course this is possible, especially in the lead up to the end of the financial year. Donations to our school are tax deductible and can be made at any time through the school business office. Any parent, friend of the school, or staff member is welcome to contact Charmaine at any time with questions or queries. If you would like to come to the dinner this Friday, it would be wonderful way to show your support for our school and our chaplain Grant Lea. Please contact Charmaine by phone on 0414 298 494 or 3348 0111 or email cdriv4@eq.edu.au to reserve your seat/s. Thank you. (Payment can be made to the school office by close of business on Thursday, 14th May). SCHOOL SIGNAGE PETITION http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/work-ofassembly/petitions/e-petition?PetNum=2376 John Ludlow who is a member of the wider Wynnum Manly Community has commenced a project with the aim of enhancing the signage around our school to something similar to that around other local schools. Should you wish to provide feedback or information about this aim, please go to the link above to complete the petition. UPCOMING EVENTS FOR YOUR DIARY In addition to the events signalled in the school calendar, a few special events have been organised. Forthcoming events include QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY: Monday, 8th June TOUCH FOOTBALL CARNIVAL: Friday 19th June for some senior and middle students ANNUAL SCOUT MUSICAL: commencing at 10 am Friday 31st July END TERM 3: Friday 26th June at 2.45 pm EXCURSION TO THE GOLD COAST INCLUDING SAILING ON THE BROADWATER FOR SENIOR STUDENTS: Wednesday, 5th August – an all-day event for those attending, with an early start and a late return to campus ANNUAL FUN RUN: Wednesday, 19th August commencing at 10.30 am WEDDING CELEBRATIONS The School community sends our very best wishes to Rachael Reynolds and her fiancé Mitch for their forthcoming marriage on Saturday 16th May. We wish you both health, happiness and a long life together. Likewise, the School community congratulates Joel Wilson and his fiancée on their forthcoming marriage on Saturday 27th June. Every blessing to both couples! APPOINTMENT OF LIAISON OFFICER SCHOOL COMMUNITY We are delighted to announce the appointment of Cindy Corrie as School Community Liaison Officer. Cindy joins our team with extensive experience in the private sector and qualifications in marketing and communications. Her primary role is to support substantial fund raising efforts on behalf of the school and to assist in communications through the website and other publications. Cindy has thus far, in only two weeks since appointment, submitted three substantial grant applications and commenced extensive networking on behalf of our school, with the local business and philanthropic community. SCHOOL COUNCIL School council has been meeting regularly over the last several weeks to design the process for our quadrennial school review and strategic planning process. Letters were sent home to school families recently, requesting that families advise the Principal about the days of the week and times of day which will best suit them to attend to take part in the consultation process. These same events can be joined by staff and so staff have received the self-same letter. In addition, once the community meeting dates and times have been settled upon, there will be if more are needed, an additional time set for staff from 3 pm to 5.30 pm. Through this process, Council and the School Executive aim to identify those values that will drive the school for the forthcoming four years, receive feedback on those things that the school does well and which should be maintained, those things that should be improved, and also new initiatives that should be incorporated into practice. In addition to this consultation process, Council intends to consult with lead scholars in special education and positive behaviour support for advice around key strategic improvement points. Once the Draft Strategic Plan has been developed, it will be available for comment prior to being published. The goal is to complete the process and have the Plan ready for submission to the Director General of the Department of Education and Training before August 22nd. School Council comprises the Principal and P and C Association President, three staff and three parent representatives and up to appointed members. Currently the appointed members are Mrs Lyndall Hayes, Senior teacher, and Mrs Cindy Corrie, Parent. The staff representatives are Mr Robert McDowall, Deputy Principal, Mrs Kate Meagher, Senior Teacher, and Mrs Joanne Burgess, Teacher Aide and Administration Officer. The parent representatives are Mr Marco Rodella (also Council Chair), and Mrs Kathy Harris. Ms Rabecca Thurecht has resigned from council leaving a vacancy to be filled. Please see the attached nomination form for the vacant position of Parent Representative on Council and complete and return it should you wish to stand for election to this important position. Please return the form to the attention of the Principal by Monday 18th May. Thank you! STAFF INFORMATION Liz Patane, OSHC Coordinator will be on vacation travelling to Europe from Friday 22nd May, returning on 25th June. Tess Lawes will be on long service leave from 25th May to 12th June and Janette Walker will be on long service leave from 15th June to 26th June. Both teacher aides will be replaced by Sandra Banks. Russ Hadfield remains on leave. Russ will assume duties across the school on his return so as to not disrupt existing class teacher-student relationships and students’ learning. Ineke Ball, Science teacher, has indicated she will retire from teaching at the end of this term. Thank you, Ineke, for your longstanding contribution to Darling Point as class teacher and teacher of science. We wish you and David a very happy and exciting time as you transition from work to travel, exploration, volunteering and free time with family. Sol Fuentes has returned part-time from sick leave. Sol will take his class on Wednesdays and Thursdays and Lyndel Muller will continue teaching the class on the other days, and for part of Wednesdays to ensure a smooth transition period for the children. By all accounts the students’ enthusiasm and engagement with the lessons are positive indicators of a worthwhile and beneficial program. Thank you all! Yvie Gibbons will continue on sick leave for the remainder of this term and as a result, Yasmin Harper continues as the class teacher for that group of students. Yasmin has done an excellent job and we appreciate her positive contributions, enthusiasm and expertise. The school does not recommend particular equipment but we have been asked to mention the availability of a GPS Tracking device that can be used to ‘keep track’ of people who might otherwise become lost or end up in an unsafe situation. The website with details is www.viptracker.com.au and the phone number is 1300 760 054. Megan Currie, Health and Physical Education Teacher, will be acting as Guidance Officer at Cleveland District State High School for the remainder of this term, and as a result, flexible arrangements have been implemented to cover her absence during this time. Alex Quarente will teach the perceptual motor and physical education classes on Wednesdays during this time. Lyndall Hayes, Senior Teacher who managed the STEP UP to EMPLOYMENT program, will be on leave from Wednesday this week. As a result, her role will be assumed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays by Ben Smith, permanent teacher in the senior school at Darling Point. Ben will be replaced on Mondays and Fridays by Alex Quarente and on Wednesdays by Allison Paijmans. Rachael Reynolds will be on wedding leave from 15th May until 29th May, inclusive, and during this time her class will be taught by Katie Bentley-Gibbons. Thank you Katie for making yourself available. Lisa Lea has joined us as a part-time teacher aide in Michael’s class. HYDRO THERAPY VIP TRACKER SCHOOL PHOTOS Student photos – individual and class – will be taken as usual during term 4. However, as a special treat this year, we had the opportunity to have photographs taken of our school, complete with students and staff waving from the ground. A proofs sheet will be sent home shortly so families who wish to acquire a photograph for their own collection can order, should they wish. SWIMMING CARNIVAL On Tuesday 31st March, Megan Currie, Ben Smith and Michelle Short took a group of nine Super Swimmers to a swimming carnival at CJ’s Leagues Club in Carina. The students involved in the excursion were Chris Bowmen, Jarrad Clapper, Vidura Wrightson, Joseph Seiler, Jessica Sheehan, Zac Dewey, Caleb Condon, Conrad Lee, and Courtney White. Each participated in five races, many placing first, second or third in their race. They received ribbons for placing and participation, and also received a prize of a hat or a bag at the end of the carnival. Everyone displayed exceptional sportsmanship and determination. Congratulations to all involved! Hydrotherapy lessons have resumed this term for three groups of students on Thursdays. We are delighted to have contracted Gateway Physiotherapy to deliver the lessons in partnership with class teachers and teacher aides, as well as the school’s physiotherapist Louise. Thank you to Kate Meagher, Senior Teacher, for managing the hydrotherapy program and attending on Thursdays to provide oversight and liaison with the Gateway team. Charmaine and the Darling Point Team DARLING POINT SPECIAL SCHOOL An Independent Public School Actual Address: 368 Upper Esplanade Manly Q 4179 Postal Address: PO Box 5173 Manly Q 4179 Phone: 61 7 3348 0111 Fax: 61 7 3893 2713 Mobile: 61 414 298 494 E-mail: cdriv4@eq.edu.au ABN: 94 016 859 306 Tax Deductible Gift No:94 016 859 306 11.05.2015 DARLING POINT SPECIAL SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTION Parents, Guardians and Carers of Darling Point Special School students are invited to nominate for one (1) vacant position on School Council. Current parent/guardian/carer representative positions on Council are held by Mr Marco Rodella and Mrsa Kathy Harris. The third parent/guardian/carer parent representative position is vacant owing to the resignation of Rabecca Thurecht. Please consider the opportunity that now arises for parents/guardians/carers to nominate others or to selfnominate for this vacant position. Nominees should consider their availability and willingness to attend council meetings which typically occur either early in the morning or of an evening, and to bring to council a strategic view with a staff representation focus. To nominate please complete and return in a sealed envelope to Charmaine c/- the school office by close of business on Wednesday 20th May. Voting will subsequently occur through secret ballot with ballot papers provided to each parent/guardian/carer and votes counted by the BSM Evan Durdevic and Mrs Joanne Burgess, Administration Officer. With thanks. Charmaine Driver PRINCIPAL DARLING POINT SPECIAL SCHOOL COUNCIL NOMINATION 2015 – PARENT/GUARDIAN/CARER REPRESENTATIVE Nominee: ………………………………………… Signature: …………………………………… Date: …………….. Nominated by: …………………………………… Signature: …………………………………… Date: …………….. Key points to assist voters in considering the nominee’s credentials and expertise for the role of staff representative on the Darling Point Special School Council. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
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