Applicatio_ns_ are innit"U !"J^'JJ',.3fJ,*,"f ijodlfr :tsJlniG;ry'rr#il;-#iliilil;ilYtilli;"""rlitlfi l'l{ Passed 1 0+2 examiiratioii-ii , English, History, equivalent Science, FubliC or lion, Sociology Passed BPP with pSS B.,.....r..,. Passed 10+2 examinatic:: or equivalent or Passed BPP with pCO (i) & (ii) passed.l0-f Minimum 3 i< 2200/(i) Physics, {Subsidiarv examination or pquivalent with ydars and - J{Candida Subieet Math(non-tab)i 40% marks in resirective maximum 6ltes optrnq (ii) Chemistrv,{Subsidiarv subject and pass marks in Years: I for lah- . Subject Maih. (non-rab)i Math€matics (iii) Mathematics. (iii)'Passed'1 0+2 examination {Subsidiarv Subiect or equiv€lentwith 40%. marks , : .i. Physics (tab), poi.sci in Mathematies, (non-lab)) ,. should pay (iv) & (v) Passod 10+2 (iv) Zoology, {Subsidiary examinahon or equivalent wtrh subject Botany (lab)) 40% marks in Bidlogy (v) Botany, {Subsidiarv {vi) Passed 10+2 examinalion Subject Zootogy (tabi) or equivalentwith S0% marks yi) Geography, r 2500^ as course fee in place of in Geography. ? 2200t-). subsrdiary Subiect English & Bengali (nonN.B. Application Oriented Course (AOCj f B.A. Students can only opt for AOC _ 2 (Food processing) Students can onty opl for AOC _ 1 (Basic Accountancy) ! 9.9"1.Stude.nts cah onty opt for AOC _ 3 (Household Chemistry) .?.a. course tee. an amount oft 490/-_(t 100/- for Registration. ? 100/- for rdentitv 'esroes cum Resisrrarion card. T 1s0/_ a-s.An"t;i d;66;;;;ii.E'i"i'ti.sil_ 6-,:p;;$;t,.j;i is to be paid at the time of admission to eacli couisu.'Annr'l 6evetopment fee of T 130,is to be paid in subsecuent i,d.aiiriii iiile? the 2nd year and 3rd year along with course fee. ".ais: l- ;;il;;:. to theJea-s_payab-le to Universtty, each students wiil [.lqqition be required to pay an amount of ? 3st extra as cqilectioi'crrird branches of Allahabad Bank. Names of the $tudy Gentres: Available in the Universrty Website p;t;ir"'i;'ft';lil;iiJ; stgp (i) The appricant need frlJl.:ll to jiil-up and fll'iifli{ifff#:3*l"t"J:3 oor"flllpprication form and rake "rnrit ttriee-iu't pav-in-".iip'i,.o' ;;,;;;G"t;'" applicant then n^e-eds to visil any branch Pl:p,lrji)Jh9 DanKrnq nours to deoosit his/her of Ailahabad Bank durino admission and appticaiion te;. ;;i;tithfi;;;ilx chalran.coilected at the time of on-rine.submission ano siam-ped by the co-ordinator on verification. After due oavment..he/she ft-j.di;i;;rlr tne bant< two copies :::*,"j*::to.lecor;,vforhi.s7h",;fi ;;;;ilL',i!';;-pvr"iiiil.ffi ,"".!fi/: :iffi f ,:J, l:3:l"l'J;,?!*,'S,:ff ll#:'g$lt:'9f,.,"iil"1*,**",t' gl mg*l; copv of the charan obtbined rromfr'e oan-r<-toit" stiiil'b1frtr". ri"llri" *'irrl"iril"iZ j:F.Hil.:",'gJri?pectus-Jrom'tn" ttuiv oiiti6'.'r'i ffJ,f: ,..i'ui"o?i,,.!rni;iffi ffi ;liiit##-l##ffi ;lni,f *Tt"itj,*iii: the applicant may tike ro carry a nnomcopf'fi-irlffi! lii:ii]i,i rormlAreislnri'ntiliii"li irii l*i,mentsfri1[e sIJ;t d;;#;;%3;:T1ff1ffi'.'#: 3"?:3)i:i.BIrTf may preserve dy'filicalion f; r-'ii uni ;ti;;;i"b;it; ,fi?fiT..'jl"[n?"!"rateaCentre. This signed"iin"u ;.C at"tp"J.,ipy u. u proot of .unrltudy f]iJii; lmportant Datesi I B.D,P, on-line Wtl,ffi 3i9!1i!glo-l syqlem.-ryi.r_] Ati B.D'P. Adrnission fees coilection by the Bank: (Office hours of the Bank) I : {3ro6l2uil through thb I office houis) [B': , l"li",il r3/06/2015 ro oTto?12015 of Application F9|".m UV the Study rur5{uuring office hours of the rdspeoive StirdvCentres: Ce;il] are at liberty to give service to th" d-ppti;;;ib;;,;;"i;jel; ;-' Admission eligibility and will be as regards thdir,i i.n a use ar !e 3avaitabte liJ#"it. for iiii" _ gEbr sfudy centre cenfres,lb I gtEityatthe su bject ?!,gt,y!l1s t o determi nation numhei. if aiy "lllotment will rest on the applicait no claim for refuni!'of fees q adyised to satis& themje/ves course before taking admission strar
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