FIRST QUARTER 2015 Do you understand your DC 401(a) Retirement Plan? The DC 401(a) Retirement Plan is a defined contribution plan that allows assets to accumulate for your retirement on a tax-deferred basis. It is one part of a total retirement program that includes Social Security and the voluntary District of Columbia 457 Deferred Compensation Plan (DCPLUS). You were automatically enrolled in the DC 401(a) Retirement Plan after one year of creditable service if you were hired for the first time on or after October 1, 1987 (except police officers, firefighters, teachers and Civil Service Retirement System employees). The Plan does not accept contributions by participants. The District contributes 5% of your base salary (5.5% for detention officers) into your participant account under the DC 401(a) Retirement Plan at Voya Financial®. You may choose how to invest your account in any combination of the Plan’s investment options. If you do not make an investment election before the District makes the first contribution to your account, the contributions are automatically invested in the target retirement date fund for the year you are anticipated to retire, based on your age. A target retirement date fund offers a diversified investment mix that gradually shifts its emphasis from more aggressive investments to more conservative ones based the fund’s target retirement date. The year in the fund name refers to the approximate year (the target date) when a Plan participant in the fund might retire and leave the workforce. Investments in target retirement date funds are subject to the risks of their underlying funds. An investment in the target retirement date fund is not guaranteed at any time, including on or after the target date. While this default option may be a good choice for you, it’s important to know that you have the opportunity to select your own mix of options for your account at any time. Your right to access the amount in your account is based on a vesting schedule of creditable service years. The entire amount belongs to you once it is fully vested. The D.C. Department of Human Resources (DCHR) reviews your employment history to determine your account’s vesting percentage. If you see an error in the vesting information on your account statements, call DCHR at (202) 442-7627. Generally, you receive your vested account balance when you retire. You have many distribution choices: payment in installments, specific dollar amounts or a lump sum; rollovers into another eligible retirement plan in which you are a participant or your individual retirement accounts that accept rollovers; the purchase of an annuity to provide guaranteed monthly income; or a combination of these payout options. Keep in mind that IRS rules provide that you must begin taking your first required minimum distribution from your account by April 1st following the year in which you reach age 70½ or the year in which you retire, whichever is later. Amounts distributed to you will be subject to applicable federal, state and DC income tax withholding. Consider all of your options before making a financial or investment decision. The Plan Summary contains complete details to help you understand the DC 401(a) Retirement Plan. Go to or call (866) 772-4012 for the Plan Summary and fund fact sheets. Prior to investing, be sure to read the fund fact sheets and review all fund information, including investment objectives, risks, fees and fund pricing information. Plan Information Line: (866) 772-4012 Plan website: Live seminars to sharpen your investing skills As a DC 401(a) Retirement Plan participant, you have access to live and online financial education seminars at no additional charge. For details or to register, go to and select Retirement Education Seminars on the login page. All of this quarter’s live seminars are designed to help you feel more comfortable with investing for your retirement. Two of the seminars are brand new! Asset Allocation explains how Plan participants can take advantage of two strategies investment professionals use to guide their investment choices and help manage risk. April 10 1-2 p.m. Room 838 441 4th Street NW, 8th Floor Northside May 8 1-2 p.m. Room 844 441 4th Street NW, 8th Floor Northside NEW! Investor Behavior looks at common pitfalls to be avoided when investing for a long-term goal such as retirement. April 23 12-1 p.m. Martin Luther King Jr. DC Public Library, Room 419 901 G Street NW May 28 12-1 p.m. Martin Luther King Jr. DC Public Library, Room 419 901 G Street NW NEW! Retirement Planning for Women addresses what women can do at every stage of their careers to make the most of their money. April 28 12-1 p.m. Department of Public Works Reeves Center, 6th Floor Conference Room 2000 14th Street NW May 26 12-1 p.m. Department of Public Works Reeves Center, 6th Floor Conference Room 2000 14th Street NW Target Retirement 2010 Fund change The State Street Global Advisors (SSgA) target retirement date funds in the DC 401(a) Retirement Plan investment lineup are professionally managed to gradually change the underlying investment mix from aggressive to conservative as the target year approaches. Five years after reaching the target year, the fund is absorbed into the SSgA Target Retirement Income Fund, which is managed for investors in or ready for retirement. On April 1, the assets in the SSgA Target Retirement 2010 Fund were transferred into the SSgA Target Retirement Income Fund. Participants with assets in the fund were notified by mail in advance of the change, and no action was required. For the fund fact sheet, go to or call (866) 772-4012. You should carefully read and review all information prior to making any investment decisions. Contact Information: (866) 772-4012 DC Local Office: 441 4th Street NW Room 340 North Information from registered Plan Service Representatives is for educational purposes only and is not legal, tax or investment advice. Local Plan Service Representatives are registered representatives of Voya Retirement Advisors, LLC (member SIPC). This newsletter is not intended to provide legal, tax or investment advice. For such advice, participants should contact their legal, tax or investment advisers. © 2015 Voya Services Company. All rights reserved. * quarterly calendar Transactions made on these dates when the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is closed will be processed the following business day that the NYSE is open. • Monday, May 25, 2015 • Friday, July 3, 2015 CN-0215-11895-0317 SKU#DC 1Q15
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